77 research outputs found

    Student Presentations

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    Four students presented their semester-long research projects. Alexa Foggia addressed the importance of visual merchandising to sales of fashion merchandise; Megan Spindell surveyed the history of what is known as New York Fashion Week, raising the question Is New York Fashion Week broken ? Elaine Feola discussed the new career of fashion blogging as a business. Sierra Herrmann reviewed the history of American department stores, offering some reasons why these once-great retail establishments are in decline

    Aneurisma subvalvar mitral: actualizando lo que sabemos en el jubileo de diamante de la enfermedad

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    The SMA is part of an entity related to an innate weakness of the ventricular wall, specifically in the area of ​​implantation of the posterior mitral cusp, resulting in loss of valve architecture and, consequently, regurgitation and ventricular aneurysmal dilatation. To complete its diagnosis, the presence of the aneurysm is not enough, it is necessary to exclude that its aetiology is ischemic. The main hypothesis is that of congenital origin added, sometimes, to the presence of inflammatory processes that function as triggers, in predisposed patients. Imaging methods play a fundamental role in diagnosis and anatomical definition, to decide the best form of surgical approach. With improved techniques for aneurysm exclusion, plasty, and mitral valve replacement, patients have a favorable prognosis. Today it is a documented disease in America, Europe and Asia, predominantly in the young, African or Afro-descendant population, however with documented cases in young individuals of all races and it is due to this geographical expansion that it should be considered as a cause of mitral regurgitation in young patients.El ASM forma parte de una entidad relacionada con una debilidad innata de la pared ventricular, específicamente en el área de implantación de la cúspide mitral posterior, resultando en la pérdida de la arquitectura valvar y, en consecuencia, regurgitación y dilatación aneurismática ventricular. Para completar su diagnóstico no es suficiente la presencia del aneurisma, es necesario excluir que su etiología sea isquémica. La principal hipótesis es la de origen congénito sumado en ocasiones, a la presencia de procesos inflamatorios que funcionan como gatillos, en pacientes con predisposición. Los métodos de imagen tienen un papel fundamental en el diagnóstico y la definición anatómica, para decidir la mejor forma de abordaje quirúrgico. Con mejora de las técnicas de exclusión del aneurisma, plastia y recambio valvular mitral, los pacientes tienen un pronóstico favorable. Hoy es una enfermedad documentada en América, Europa y Asia, con predominio en población joven, africana o afrodescendiente, sin embargo, con casos documentados en individuos jóvenes de todas las razas y es por esta expansión geográfica que debe ser considerada como una causa de insuficiencia mitral en pacientes jóvenes

    Grafiti, imaginarios y marcos de sentido en Ciudad Bolívar, "El Rostro del Grafiti"

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    Es importante reconocer que el papel que juega la interpretación de los significados de las piezas, de cierta forma quiere que lo entiendan hasta un punto claro, para que de pronto no hagan visibles problemas relacionados con su vida íntima. Los sentidos de los que hablamos es probable que no sean planeados conscientemente, pero de alguna forma se relacionan para poder enlazar el grafiti con la misma subjetividad. Igualmente el joven se interesa por llamar la atención a partir de una práctica diferente, que no es comprendida por los estilos utilizados, a pesar de que se alberguen en un contexto común. Así también lo explica Alex Camargo Silva en su texto El grafiti: una manifestación urbana que se legitima

    Grafiti, imaginarios y marcos de sentido en Ciudad Bolívar, "El Rostro del Grafiti"

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    Es importante reconocer que el papel que juega la interpretación de los significados de las piezas, de cierta forma quiere que lo entiendan hasta un punto claro, para que de pronto no hagan visibles problemas relacionados con su vida íntima. Los sentidos de los que hablamos es probable que no sean planeados conscientemente, pero de alguna forma se relacionan para poder enlazar el grafiti con la misma subjetividad. Igualmente el joven se interesa por llamar la atención a partir de una práctica diferente, que no es comprendida por los estilos utilizados, a pesar de que se alberguen en un contexto común. Así también lo explica Alex Camargo Silva en su texto El grafiti: una manifestación urbana que se legitima

    Forensic taphonomic experimental design matters: a study assessing clothing and carrion biomass load on scavenging in Cape Town, South Africa

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    The identification of unknown human remains is a significant and ongoing challenge in South Africa, worsened by the country's high murder rate. The rate of decomposition in South Africa is significantly influenced by vertebrate scavenging, which, if not considered, can impede the accurate estimation of the post-mortem interval. Scavenging patterns vary greatly depending on the environment and ecological region, and there is limited data for the Western Cape province. To address this gap, two clothed and uncaged pig carcasses weighing 60 kg each were placed in the field in July 2021 and January 2022, respectively. Motion-activated infrared-capable trail cameras were used to observe decomposition, scavenger species, and their activities. Additionally, a comparative sample of 16 unclothed carcasses deployed between 2014 and 2016 in the same habitat were analyzed to assess the impact of clothing and biomass load. The study found three main results: (1) Regardless of habitat or biomass load, it took significantly less time to reach decomposition milestones (25%, 50%, and 75%) during the summer season; (2) the presence of mongoose scavengers had a greater impact on the time required to reach milestones during winter compared to summer; and (3) single carcass deployments reached the milestones faster than multi-carcass deployments in both seasons. This research highlights the potential inaccuracy of current methods for estimating the post-mortem interval when scavenging activity is not considered or documented in the underlying experimental data, particularly for environments or ecological biomes where scavengers actively impact decomposition rates

    Computer simulation of glioma growth and morphology

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    Despite major advances in the study of glioma, the quantitative links between intra-tumor molecular/cellular properties, clinically observable properties such as morphology, and critical tumor behaviors such as growth and invasiveness remain unclear, hampering more effective coupling of tumor physical characteristics with implications for prognosis and therapy. Although molecular biology, histopathology, and radiological imaging are employed in this endeavor, studies are severely challenged by the multitude of different physical scales involved in tumor growth, i.e., from molecular nanoscale to cell microscale and finally to tissue centimeter scale. Consequently, it is often difficult to determine the underlying dynamics across dimensions. New techniques are needed to tackle these issues. Here, we address this multi-scalar problem by employing a novel predictive three-dimensional mathematical and computational model based on first-principle equations (conservation laws of physics) that describe mathematically the diffusion of cell substrates and other processes determining tumor mass growth and invasion. The model uses conserved variables to represent known determinants of glioma behavior, e.g., cell density and oxygen concentration, as well as biological functional relationships and parameters linking phenomena at different scales whose specific forms and values are hypothesized and calculated based on in vitro and in vivo experiments and from histopathology of tissue specimens from human gliomas. This model enables correlation of glioma morphology to tumor growth by quantifying interdependence of tumor mass on the microenvironment (e.g., hypoxia, tissue disruption) and on the cellular phenotypes (e.g., mitosis and apoptosis rates, cell adhesion strength). Once functional relationships between variables and associated parameter values have been informed, e.g., from histopathology or intra-operative analysis, this model can be used for disease diagnosis/prognosis, hypothesis testing, and to guide surgery and therapy. In particular, this tool identifies and quantifies the effects of vascularization and other cell-scale glioma morphological characteristics as predictors of tumor-scale growth and invasion

    Climate changes in mangrove forests and salt marshes

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    This synthesis is framed within the scope of the Brazilian Benthic Coastal Habitat Monitoring Network (ReBentos WG 4: Mangroves and Salt Marshes), focusing on papers that examine biodiversity-climate interactions as well as human-induced factors including those that decrease systemic resilience. The goal is to assess difficulties related to the detection of climate and early warning signals from monitoring data. We also explored ways to circumvent some of the obstacles identified. Exposure and sensitivity of mangrove and salt marsh species and ecosystems make them extremely vulnerable to environmental impacts and potential indicators of sea level and climate-driven environmental change. However, the interpretation of shifts in mangroves and salt marsh species and systemic attributes must be scrutinized considering local and setting-level energy signature changes; including disturbance regime and local stressors, since these vary widely on a regional scale. The potential for adaptation and survival in response to climate change depends, in addition to the inherent properties of species, on contextual processes at the local, landscape, and regional levels that support resilience. Regardless of stressor type, because of the convergence of social and ecological processes, coastal zones should be targeted for anticipatory action to reduce risks and to integrate these ecosystems into adaptation strategies. Management must be grounded on proactive mitigation and collaborative action based on long-term ecosystem-based studies and well-designed monitoring programs that can 1) provide real-time early warning and 2) close the gap between simple correlations that provide weak inferences and process-based approaches that can yield increasingly reliable attribution and improved levels of anticipation.Esta é uma síntese enquadrada na Rede de Monitoramento de Habitats Bentônicos Costeiros (ReBentos, GT4: Manguezais e Marismas), embasada em literatura científica que examina interações entre clima e biodiversidade, assim como fatores antrópicos, incluindo aqueles responsáveis pela diminuição da resiliência sistêmica. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar as dificuldades quanto à detecção de sinais precoces e alertas de mudanças climáticas com dados de monitoramento. No presente trabalho, também foram exploradas formas de contornar os diversos obstáculos identificados. A exposição e a sensitividade de espécies de mangue e de marisma, bem como dos ecossistemas dos quais fazem parte, os tornam extremamente vulneráveis e potenciais indicadores ambientais de mudanças de nível do mar e outras respostas às variações do clima. Entretanto, a interpretação de mudanças em manguezais e marismas e em seus atributos sistêmicos deve ser meticulosa, considerando assinatura energética, regime de distúrbios e pressões ambientais em cada local de estudo. Os potenciais de adaptação e de sobrevivência, em resposta a tais mudanças, dependem da fisiologia de cada espécie e dos processos contextuais onde reside a resiliência e a capacidade de persistir (em níveis local, de paisagem e regionais). A zona costeira deve ser alvo de medidas antecipatórias para redução de riscos por quaisquer impactos, uma vez que nela há intensa convergência de processos sociais e ecológicos. Os ecossistemas dessa zona devem ser integrados em estratégias de adaptação. O manejo costeiro deve ser embasado em mitigação pró-ativa e colaborativa de longo-termo, sempre com base em estudos ecossistêmicos e em programas de monitoramento que possam 1) prover sistema de alerta precoce; 2) preencher lacunas entre correlações simplistas que proveem inferências fracas, e abordagens baseadas em processos que levem a atribuições mais confiáveis e a melhores níveis de antecipação

    Socialno varstvo starejših ljudi v Upravni enoti Slovenska Bistrica

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    La profundización de la crisis mexicana desde la década de los ochenta, y su peligrosa prolongación en los noventa tras la frustrada esperanza de la modernización integral de los primeros años, ha estado íntimante asociada al brutal impacto del endeudamiento externo y "políticas de ajuste" sobre los niveles de bienestar social, es decir, fomentando un mayor deterioro en aquellos sectores ya de por sí empobrecidos, lo que ha incidido de manera notable en los años que pertenecen a este enorme contingente. Niños abandonados, marginados, maltratados y explotados, generalmente carentes de techo y alimentación, "niños de la calle" sujetos a la peor suerte, incluido el exterminio. Esta problemática ha sido el estímulo para que un grupo de estudios de diferentes ámbitos profesionales emprendiéramos este esfuerzo interdisciplinario, asumiendo que el mismo tiene limitaciones, es decir, que está lejos de ser exhaustivo, sin embargo, cada autor ha abordado un aspecto de esta amplísima problemática con responsabilidad, conscientes de los daños a la infancia, analizando, planteando delaciones y críticas e intentando algunas propuestas específicas, mediante las cuales se pueda dar a los niños de hoy la dignidad y la estatura histórica que requieren los hombres del México futuro

    Antimicrobial resistance among migrants in Europe: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Rates of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are rising globally and there is concern that increased migration is contributing to the burden of antibiotic resistance in Europe. However, the effect of migration on the burden of AMR in Europe has not yet been comprehensively examined. Therefore, we did a systematic review and meta-analysis to identify and synthesise data for AMR carriage or infection in migrants to Europe to examine differences in patterns of AMR across migrant groups and in different settings. METHODS: For this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched MEDLINE, Embase, PubMed, and Scopus with no language restrictions from Jan 1, 2000, to Jan 18, 2017, for primary data from observational studies reporting antibacterial resistance in common bacterial pathogens among migrants to 21 European Union-15 and European Economic Area countries. To be eligible for inclusion, studies had to report data on carriage or infection with laboratory-confirmed antibiotic-resistant organisms in migrant populations. We extracted data from eligible studies and assessed quality using piloted, standardised forms. We did not examine drug resistance in tuberculosis and excluded articles solely reporting on this parameter. We also excluded articles in which migrant status was determined by ethnicity, country of birth of participants' parents, or was not defined, and articles in which data were not disaggregated by migrant status. Outcomes were carriage of or infection with antibiotic-resistant organisms. We used random-effects models to calculate the pooled prevalence of each outcome. The study protocol is registered with PROSPERO, number CRD42016043681. FINDINGS: We identified 2274 articles, of which 23 observational studies reporting on antibiotic resistance in 2319 migrants were included. The pooled prevalence of any AMR carriage or AMR infection in migrants was 25·4% (95% CI 19·1-31·8; I2 =98%), including meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (7·8%, 4·8-10·7; I2 =92%) and antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (27·2%, 17·6-36·8; I2 =94%). The pooled prevalence of any AMR carriage or infection was higher in refugees and asylum seekers (33·0%, 18·3-47·6; I2 =98%) than in other migrant groups (6·6%, 1·8-11·3; I2 =92%). The pooled prevalence of antibiotic-resistant organisms was slightly higher in high-migrant community settings (33·1%, 11·1-55·1; I2 =96%) than in migrants in hospitals (24·3%, 16·1-32·6; I2 =98%). We did not find evidence of high rates of transmission of AMR from migrant to host populations. INTERPRETATION: Migrants are exposed to conditions favouring the emergence of drug resistance during transit and in host countries in Europe. Increased antibiotic resistance among refugees and asylum seekers and in high-migrant community settings (such as refugee camps and detention facilities) highlights the need for improved living conditions, access to health care, and initiatives to facilitate detection of and appropriate high-quality treatment for antibiotic-resistant infections during transit and in host countries. Protocols for the prevention and control of infection and for antibiotic surveillance need to be integrated in all aspects of health care, which should be accessible for all migrant groups, and should target determinants of AMR before, during, and after migration. FUNDING: UK National Institute for Health Research Imperial Biomedical Research Centre, Imperial College Healthcare Charity, the Wellcome Trust, and UK National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit in Healthcare-associated Infections and Antimictobial Resistance at Imperial College London