1,160 research outputs found

    Dickey-Lincoln School Project : Financial Feasibility Study for Electric Power

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    Analysis of the power feature of the proposed Dickey-Lincoln School Project finds that sufficient power revenues can be obtained from the sale of power under marketing arrangements consistent with Section 5 of the Flood Control Act of 1944 to repay all costs associated with the production and distribution of the power produced

    Summary Utah/Western Colo, 1992 System Study

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    The Utah/western Colorado area of the Rocky Mountain Region has adequate coal and water resources to support additional thermal generation plants beyond those already in service. Also within the region are several sites suitable for large-sized hydroelectric pumped-storage projects for purposes of supplying peaking power. The close proximity of these types of electric generating facilities is desirable in providing offpeak energy during the pumping cycle for the pumped-storage units. Considering that the potential capacity of each type of generation is in the 500 to 1,000 (two units) MW range per site and would require major extra-high-voltage (EHV) transmission developments, it was logical to initiate a coordinated long-range transmission planning study. Although much of the projected new generation is planned to serve local area load growth, it still would be necessary to construct an EHV grid to interconnect with other existing systems for system stability and reliability. The EHV grid would also provide transfer capability to allow efficient use of surplus energy, provide emergency assistance among utilities, transmit installed reserves, and accommodate the loopflows that circulate within the Western Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC) system

    A qualitative exploration of stakeholder perspectives on a school-based multi-component health promotion nutrition programme

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    Background:  Food for Fitness is an on-going multi-component health promotion programme, delivered in primary and secondary schools by community nutrition assistants. The programme uses nutritional interventions aimed at promoting healthier eating practices for children. This service evaluation investigated the receipt and delivery of the programme, as perceived by local stakeholders who had experienced and administered the service. Methods:  Semi-structured interviews and focus groups were carried out with three key stakeholder groups: health professionals (n = 9), school teachers (n = 10) and senior health officials (n = 3). Qualitative data were transcribed verbatim and received thematic analysis with deductive and inductive processes. Results:  Stakeholders reported that the programme contributed to the development of food education and healthy-eating practices of children in the local area. Stakeholders considered that the main concern was the limited capacity and size of the service. They described problems with long-term sustainability in supporting schools with maintaining nutritional interventions, highlighting issues regarding contact, planning and organisation of several interventions. Conclusions:  The findings of the service evaluation inform service management, organisation and ground-level delivery. The use of stakeholder opinion provided contextualised information on the factors that impact on the implementation of the programme. The richness of the qualitative results can guide future planning and provision for similar health promotion nutrition programmes delivered in the school environment

    Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Tool to Enhance Sustainable Groundwater Management in California

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    A growing population and an increased demand for water resources have resulted in a global trend of groundwater depletion. Arid and semi-arid climates are particularly susceptible, often relying on groundwater to support large population centers or irrigated agriculture in the absence of sufficient surface water resources. In an effort to increase the security of groundwater resources, managed aquifer recharge (MAR) programs have been developed and implemented globally. MAR is the approach of intentionally harvesting and infiltrating water to recharge depleted aquifer storage. California is a prime example of this growing problem, with three cities that have over a million residents and an agricultural industry that was valued at 47 billion dollars in 2015. The present-day groundwater overdraft of over 100 km3 (since 1962) indicates a clear disparity between surface water supply and water demand within the state. In the face of groundwater overdraft and the anticipated effects of climate change, many new MAR projects are being constructed or investigated throughout California, adding to those that have existed for decades. Some common MAR types utilized in California include injection wells, infiltration basins (also known as spreading basins, percolation basins, or recharge basins), and low-impact development. An emerging MAR type that is actively being investigated is the winter flooding of agricultural fields using existing irrigation infrastructure and excess surface water resources, known as agricultural MAR. California therefore provides an excellent case study to look at the historical use and performance of MAR, ongoing and emerging challenges, novel MAR applications, and the potential for expansion of MAR. Effective MAR projects are an essential tool for increasing groundwater security, both in California and on a global scale. This chapter aims to provide an overview of the most common MAR types and applications within the State of California and neighboring semi-arid regions

    The role of the reactor size for an investment in the nuclear sector: an evaluation of not-financial parameters

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    The literature presents many studies about the economics of new Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). Such studies are based on Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) methods encompassing the accounts related to Construction, Operation & Maintenance, Fuel and Decommissioning. However the investment evaluation of a nuclear reactor should also include not-financial factors such as siting and grid constraints, impact on the national industrial system, etc. The Integrated model for the Competitiveness Assessment of SMRs (INCAS), developed by Politecnico di Milano cooperating with the IAEA, is designed to analyze the choice of the better Nuclear Power Plant size as a multidimensional problem. In particular the INCAS’s module “External Factors” evaluates the impact of the factors that are not considered in the traditional DCF methods. This paper presents a list of these factors, providing, for each one, the rationale and the quantification procedure; then each factor is quantified for the Italian case. The IRIS reactor has been chosen as SMR representative. The approach and the framework of the model can be applied to worldwide countries while the specific results apply to most of the European countries. The results show that SMRs have better performances than LRs with respect to the external factors, in general and in the Italian scenario in particular
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