12,283 research outputs found

    Global Microscope on the Microfinance Business Environment 2010: An Index and Study by the Economist Intelligence Unit

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    This report outlines the findings of the Economist Intelligence UnitÂżs in-depth analysis of the microfi nance business environment in 54 countries. The index that underlies this report allows countries and regions to be compared across three broad categories: regulatory framework, institutional development and investment climate. The study uses a methodology which was originally developed for Latin America and the Caribbean in 2007 and was employed for the fi rst time on a global basis in 2009. Most of the research for this report was conducted prior to May 2010, although some later developments (up to July) were included where they were particularly signifi cant.Microbusinesses & Microfinance

    BoĂŽte Ă  outils du travailleur du Web 2012 (La)

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    Ce document rassemble et commente brièvement une sÊrie d\u27outils très pratiques susceptibles de faciliter la production de contenus sur le web

    Dimensionality Reduction Mappings

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    A wealth of powerful dimensionality reduction methods has been established which can be used for data visualization and preprocessing. These are accompanied by formal evaluation schemes, which allow a quantitative evaluation along general principles and which even lead to further visualization schemes based on these objectives. Most methods, however, provide a mapping of a priorly given finite set of points only, requiring additional steps for out-of-sample extensions. We propose a general view on dimensionality reduction based on the concept of cost functions, and, based on this general principle, extend dimensionality reduction to explicit mappings of the data manifold. This offers simple out-of-sample extensions. Further, it opens a way towards a theory of data visualization taking the perspective of its generalization ability to new data points. We demonstrate the approach based on a simple global linear mapping as well as prototype-based local linear mappings.

    Resensi Buku Kecerdasan Ruhaniyah (Transcendental Intelligence)

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    Untuk¡ kebangkitan kembaljIndonesia secara terhormat di panggungsejarah dunia, bangsa ini perlu Merendakembali pendidikan, wiraswasta, hukum,dan peningkatan pelayanan dan mutukesehatan bagi siapa saja yangmemerlukan. Hal ini sejalan denganamanat Proklamasi dan Pembukaan UUD1945 yang antara lain menekankan: ". . .untuk membentuk.suatu pemerintah negaraIndonesia yang melindungi segenap bangsaIndonesia dan seluruh tumpah darahIndonesia dan untuk memajukankesejahteraan umUffi., mencerdaskankehidupan bangsa, dan ikut melaksanakan .ketertiban dunia yang berdasarkankemerdekaan, perdamaian abadi dankeadilan sosial."Setelah lans beredar QuantumLearning dan Revolusi Be/ajar diIndonesia, upaya Toto Tasmara denganbukunya Kecerdasan Rul7aniah(Transcendental Intelligence) me-mpakansuatu terobosan untuk mengikis dominasi.¡pemikiran Bamt dalam bidang pendidikan.Apalagi pendidikan Barat sarna 'sekalimenegasikan peranan wahyu, pendidikanyang bennakna hams memadukan perananwahyu dan ilmu sebagai teras utarna aktivitasnya. Penekanan ilm~ ~um, danmengabaikan agama, dapat melahirkansikap nyleneh. Salah satu contohnyadilakukan gadis cerdas dengan IQ 170.Dialah Melissa, gadis cantik dan berbakat.Dia telah pandai menulis serta membacasejak berusia 18 bulan. Sayangnya bakatalami ini membuahkan malapetaka karenaMelissa dididik tanpa mengenal sentuhanagama yang bennakna.Dalam usia 14 tahun dia masukHarlow College, dan ketika berusia I7 tahundia telah belajar di Oxford College. Dilembaga bergengsi ini Melissa belajarekonomi, filsafat serta politik. Semuakejayaan ini diperolehnya karena mudahnyadia mendapatkan niJai A. Ibu.nya, Jane, dannenek Melissa sendiri sangat mernbantunya,walaupun dia termasuk kuper, kurangpergaulan, dan kurang aktif berolah ragaserta hal-hal sejenis l~innya. Melissa benarbenarhidup terasing dari masyarakatsekitarnya. Dia asyik belajar

    Poland Country Report. A mismatch between policy and reality

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    Evaluating the environment for public-private partnerships in Asia-Pacific

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    Costs and benefits related to the use of tax incentives for energy-efficient appliances

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    The study examines four products with high energy-saving potential: refrigerators, washing machines, boilers and compact fluorescent lamps. The cost-benefit analysis is done in a comparative perspective so that the costs and benefits of energy taxation and a regulatory measure are calculated for the same products. The data from four different Member States (Denmark, France, Italy and Poland) are used in the analysis.European Union, taxation
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