128 research outputs found

    Eclipse and Eye Safety

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    Lead Toxicity and Flint, Michigan

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    In light of the recent events in Flint, Michigan this poster will review lead poisoning and its long term effects. We will be covering the multitude of sources of lead poisoning, the mechanisms by which lead does its damage, detection methods, treatment options, and limitations therein. The issues in Flint have highlighted the flaws in current acceptable detection procedures as well as brought to light the dangers of lead. Public concerns about clean drinking water have brought these issues to the forefront

    A limited role for unforced internal variability in 20th century warming.

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    The early twentieth-century warming (EW; 1910–45) and the mid-twentieth-century cooling (MC; 1950–80) have been linked to both internal variability of the climate system and changes in external radiative forcing. The degree to which either of the two factors contributed to EW and MC, or both, is still debated. Using a two-box impulse response model, we demonstrate that multidecadal ocean variability was unlikely to be the driver of observed changes in global mean surface temperature (GMST) after AD 1850. Instead, virtually all (97%–98%) of the global low-frequency variability (.30 years) can be explained by external forcing. We find similarly high percentages of explained variance for interhemispheric and land–ocean temperature evolution. Three key aspects are identified that underpin the conclusion of this new study: inhomogeneous anthropogenic aerosol forcing (AER), biases in the instrumental sea surface temperature (SST) datasets, and inadequate representation of the response to varying forcing factors. Once the spatially heterogeneous nature of AER is accounted for, the MC period is reconcilable with external drivers. SST biases and imprecise forcing responses explain the putative disagreement between models and observations during the EW period. As a consequence, Atlantic multidecadal variability (AMV) is found to be primarily controlled by external forcing too. Future attribution studies should account for these important factors when discriminating between externally forced and internally generated influences on climate. We argue that AMV must not be used as a regressor and suggest a revised AMV index instead [the North Atlantic Variability Index (NAVI)]. Our associated best estimate for the transient climate response (TCR) is 1.57 K (60.70 at the 5%–95% confidence level)

    Neural correlates of verbal working memory: an fMRI meta-analysis

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    Verbal Working memory (vWM) capacity measures the ability to maintain and manipulate verbal information for a short period of time. The specific neural correlates of this construct are still a matter of debate. The aim of this study was to conduct a coordinate-based meta-analysis of 42 fMRI studies on visual vWM in healthy subjects (n=795, males=459, females=325, unknown=11; age range: 18-75). The studies were obtained after an exhaustive literature search on PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Brainmap database. We analyzed regional activation differences during fMRI tasks with the anisotropic effect-size version of seed-based d mapping software (ES-SDM). The results were further validated by performing jackknife sensitivity analyses and heterogeneity analyses. We investigated the effect of numerous relevant influencing factors by fitting corresponding linear regression models. We isolated consistent activation in a network containing fronto-parietal areas, right cerebellum, and basal ganglia structures. Regarding lateralization, the results pointed towards a bilateral frontal activation, a left-lateralization of parietal regions and a right-lateralization of the cerebellum, indicating that the left-hemisphere concept of vWM should be reconsidered. We also isolated activation in regions important for response inhibition, emphasizing the role of attentional control in vWM. Moreover, we found a significant influence of mean reaction time, load and age on activation associated with vWM. Activation in left medial frontal gyrus, left precentral gyrus and left precentral gyrus turned out to be positively associated with mean reaction time whereas load was associated with activation across the PFC, fusiform gyrus, parietal cortex and parts of the cerebellum. In the latter case activation was mainly detectable in both hemispheres whereas the influence of age became manifest predominantly in the left hemisphere. This led us to conclude that future vWM studies should take these factors into consideration

    Eclipse and Eye Safety

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    The purpose of this presentation is to inform the general public about the dangers of viewing the sun during a solar eclipse and preventive measures taken to protect the eyes from permanent damage. Even though one cannot feel the pain of the damage from the sun, direct viewing can cause irreparable damage in mere seconds. There are several ways that an eclipse can be viewed safely without the possibility of short-term or long-term eye damage. Additionally, the lessons for safe sun-viewing provided here apply at all times not just during eclipses
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