223 research outputs found

    Actualidad de la neurosis de angustia

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    ABSTRACT: The anguish neurosis, as a concept and clinical nosological category, is strictly Freudian, and was born in the field of psychoanalysis. It surges in opposition to the concept of psychoneurosis, and for that reason, their symptoms are not interpretable and to that extent, they are not affordable by psychoanalysis. But despite that, the anguish neurosis retains all its value, while its symptoms are particular applications of libido and require a revision of this notion in light of new psychoanalytical research. It also contributes to an understanding of the formation of symptoms in hysteria and obsession, as a reflection on the relationship of sexuality with the real. The problem of the anguish and the two theories of Freud on this: as a result of repression and as a result, warrants a reflection on this paradox. Lacan refers to the real anguish, to define it as its sole subjective translation and therefore, as an affection that does not fool, and can tackle it from the logical consistency of the object, while retaining the Freudian perspective in which the anguish is not interpretable, and if it is not interpretable, we have to pass through in the analysis.RESUMEN: La neurosis de angustia, como concepto nosológico y categoría clínica, es estrictamente freudiana y nace en el terreno del psicoanálisis. Surge en oposición al concepto de psiconeurosis, y por esa razón, sus síntomas no son interpretables y en esa medida, no son abordables por el psicoanálisis. Pero a pesar de eso, la neurosis de angustia conserva todo su valor, en tanto sus síntomas constituyen aplicaciones particulares de la libido y exigen una revisión de esta noción a la luz de nuevas investigaciones psicoanalíticas. Además, contribuye al conocimiento de la formación de síntomas en la histeria y la obsesión, y a una reflexión sobre las relaciones de la sexualidad con lo real. El problema de la angustia y las dos teorías de Freud sobre ésta: como consecuencia de la represión y como causa, amerita una reflexión sobre esa paradoja. Lacan remite la angustia a lo real, al definirla como su única traducción subjetiva y por eso, como un afecto que no engaña. Y puede abordarla a partir de la consistencia lógica del objeto a, conservando la perspectiva freudiana por la cual la angustia no es interpretable, y si no es interpretable, hay que atravesarla en el análisis

    Toward a psycho-dynamic clinical perspective of addiction intervention

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    The work presented below introduces the results of research on drug consumption intervention from one of the perspectives of psychology; known as dynamic psychology that takes both from Freud and the post-Freudian, and which are taken up by many of the authors about the present writing; which aims to also contribute to the construction of a clinical guide for the intervention of addictions.El trabajo que se presenta a continuación muestra resultados de investigación sobre intervención del consumo de drogas desde una de las perspectivas de la psicología; nombrada como psicología dinámica que toma tanto de Freud como de post freudianos y que son retomados por muchos de los autores de que trata el presente escrito; el cual pretende también contribuir en la construcción de una guía clínica para la intervención de las adiccione

    Perfil cognitivo asociado al trastorno por estrés postraumático en víctimas de violencia armada

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    ABSTRACT: to determine the cognitiveprofile associated to the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in victims of armed violence in the state of Chocó - Colombia. Participants: 40 adults (70% women and 30% men). The instruments used were: M.I.N.I, CCE-TP and EEC-M. Procedure: A comparative analysis between groups was made, distributed as follows: group 1: exposed to violence with PTSD, n=15, and group 2: exposed to violence without PTSD n=25. Findings: 37% of participants presented PTSD. Significant differences were found between groups, with higher punctuations in the mean in group 1 in schizoid beliefs (p=.007; means 11.5 vs. 7.83) and professional support (p=.003; means 20.5 vs. 12.7), and lower punctuations in narcissistic beliefs (p=.001; means 7.8 vs. 10.46), religion (p=.002; means 28.12 vs. 35.8) and expression coping difficulty (p=.034; means 13.6 vs. 15.5). Conclusions: the cognitive profile associated to PTSD was characterized by affective distancing from others, search for professional support, low self-esteem, minor strategies related with religion and inhibition in expressing coping difficulties.RESUMEN: establecer el perfil cognitivo asociado al trastorno por estrés postraumático (TEPT) en víctimas de violencia armada en el departamento del Chocó - Colombia. Participantes: 40 adultos (70% mujeres y 30% hombres). Instrumentos: M.I.N.I., CCE-TP y EEC-M. Procedimiento: análisis comparativo entre grupos: grupo 1: expuestos con TEPT, n=15 y grupo 2: expuestos sin TEPT, n=25. Resultados: se encontraron diferencias significativas con puntuaciones mayores en la media estadística en el G1 en los esquemas referentes al trastorno de la personalidad esquizoide (p=.007; medias 11.5 vs. 7.83) y en la estrategia de afrontamiento Apoyo profesional (p=.003; medias 20.5 vs. 12.7), y puntuaciones inferiores en esquemas referentes al trastorno de la personalidad narcisistas (p=.001; medias 7.8 vs. 10.46), y las estrategias de afrontamiento del estrés Religión (p=.002; medias 28.12 vs. 35.8) y Expresión de la dificultad de afrontamiento (p=.034; medias 13.6 vs. 15.5). Conclusiones: el perfil cognitivo asociado al TEPT se caracterizó por distanciamiento afectivo hacia los otros, búsqueda del apoyo profesional, baja autoestima, menores estrategias relacionadas con la religión e inhibición para la expresión de las dificultades de afrontamiento

    Salud mental en víctimas de la violencia armada en Bojayá (Chocó, Colombia)

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    ABSTRACT: Purpose: To describe the mental health status of victims of an armed combat in the state of Chocó (Colombia). Method: A description of the mental disorders associated with a traumatic experience lived on May 2nd 2002 (Bojayá township- Colombia), as a consequence of an armed confrontation, resulting in 119 persons dead and 98 injured. Analytic level methodology, with case control design, was used. A non random sample of 40 civilian adults, mean age 35 years, was studied. Of these, 19 persons returned to their place of origin and 21 persons remained in Quibdó (state capital) were evaluated. The case group consisted of a total of 15 persons with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the control group included 25 persons without PTSD diagnosis. The instrument used for evaluation was the structured interview pro– tocol M.I.N.I applied one year after the tragic event. Results: Disorders that showed greater association with PTSD were: Social Phobia (p=0.001, OR 26.29), Actual Panic Disorder (p=0.008, OR 15.33), Occasional Panic Disorder (p=0.019, OR 8.25), and Agoraphobia without Panic History (p=0.024, OR=11.50). The prevalence of was high for the following disorders, without significant differences between groups: Major Depression (MD) (37% cases and 38% controls), Suicide Risk (37% y 62% respectively), Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (47% and 38% respectively). Conclusions: Victims of armed violence who suffer PTSD are at high risk of presenting other anxiety disorders such as social phobias, GAD, and panic attacks.RESUMEN: Establecer el estado de salud mental de las víctimas de la violencia armada en Bojayá. Método: Descripción de trastornos mentales asociados con la experiencia vivida el 2 de mayo de 2002 en Bojayá, donde en un enfrentamiento armado murieron 119 personas y 98 resultaron heridas. Estudio de tipo analítico de casos y controles. Muestra no aleatoria de 40 civiles adultos, promedio de 35 años; 21 permanecían desplazados en Quibdó (Chocó) y 19 retornaron a Bojayá. Grupo casos conformado por 15 personas expuestas con trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT), y grupo control con 25 sin TEPT. Se empleó la mini international neuropsychiatric interview (MINI) un año después de los hechos. Resultados: 37% de los participantes presentó TEPT (todos retornaron a Bojayá). Los trastornos que mostraron mayor asociación con el TEPT (grupo casos) fueron la fobia social (p=0,001, RD 26,29) y trastornos por angustia (TA): TA actual (p=0,008, RD 15,33), TA alguna vez (p=0,019, RD 8,25) y agorafobia sin historia de angustia (p=0,024, RD 11,50). Sin diferencias significativas entre los grupos, el porcentaje fue alto en depresión mayor (DM) (37% casos y 38% controles), riesgo de suicidio (37% y 62%, respectivamente), trastorno de ansiedad generalizada (TAG) (47% y 38%, respectivamente). Conclusiones: Son frecuentes el TEPT, el TAG, el DM y el riesgo suicidio en las víctimas de violencia armada. Los trastornos por angustia y la fobia social pueden considerarse factores de riesgo al TEP

    Perspectivas de innovación en gestión, educación ambiental para la adaptación y la mitigación

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    Esta publicación del libro-foro sobre ciudad y cambio climático responde al aporte de los diferentes profesionales de las entidades públicas y privadas que participaron en calidad de conferencistas, ponentes, panelistas y expositores y compartieron sus experiencias en la ciudad como una contribución al conocimiento de las comunidades acerca de la creciente importancia y consideración de la adaptación y mitigación. Se consideraron acciones de políticas públicas por parte de las administraciones públicas, los sectores económicos y la sociedad, grupos ecológicos y fundaciones ecológicas y de igual forma las acciones y grandes esfuerzos realizados por el Ministerio del Ambiente, el IDEAM, la CAR, la Secretaría de Ambiente, el Jardín Botánico, la Red RAUS y de los grupos de investigación de las universidades

    Measurement of the top quark mass using charged particles in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV

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    Measurement of the Splitting Function in &ITpp &ITand Pb-Pb Collisions at root&ITsNN&IT=5.02 TeV

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    Data from heavy ion collisions suggest that the evolution of a parton shower is modified by interactions with the color charges in the dense partonic medium created in these collisions, but it is not known where in the shower evolution the modifications occur. The momentum ratio of the two leading partons, resolved as subjets, provides information about the parton shower evolution. This substructure observable, known as the splitting function, reflects the process of a parton splitting into two other partons and has been measured for jets with transverse momentum between 140 and 500 GeV, in pp and PbPb collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair. In central PbPb collisions, the splitting function indicates a more unbalanced momentum ratio, compared to peripheral PbPb and pp collisions.. The measurements are compared to various predictions from event generators and analytical calculations.Peer reviewe

    Bose-Einstein correlations of charged hadrons in proton-proton collisions at s\sqrt s = 13 TeV

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    Bose-Einstein correlations of charged hadrons are measured over a broad multiplicity range, from a few particles up to about 250 reconstructed charged hadrons in proton-proton collisions at s \sqrt{s} = 13 TeV. The results are based on data collected using the CMS detector at the LHC during runs with a special low-pileup configuration. Three analysis techniques with different degrees of dependence on simulations are used to remove the non-Bose-Einstein background from the correlation functions. All three methods give consistent results. The measured lengths of homogeneity are studied as functions of particle multiplicity as well as average pair transverse momentum and mass. The results are compared with data from both CMS and ATLAS at s \sqrt{s} = 7 TeV, as well as with theoretical predictions.[graphic not available: see fulltext]Bose-Einstein correlations of charged hadrons are measured over a broad multiplicity range, from a few particles up to about 250 reconstructed charged hadrons in proton-proton collisions at s=\sqrt{s} = 13 TeV. The results are based on data collected using the CMS detector at the LHC during runs with a special low-pileup configuration. Three analysis techniques with different degrees of dependence on simulations are used to remove the non-Bose-Einstein background from the correlation functions. All three methods give consistent results. The measured lengths of homogeneity are studied as functions of particle multiplicity as well as average pair transverse momentum and mass. The results are compared with data from both CMS and ATLAS at s=\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV, as well as with theoretical predictions

    Search for dark matter in events with a leptoquark and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV

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    A search is presented for dark matter in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of root s= 13 TeV using events with at least one high transverse momentum (p(T)) muon, at least one high-p(T) jet, and large missing transverse momentum. The data were collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC in 2016 and 2017, and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 77.4 fb(-1). In the examined scenario, a pair of scalar leptoquarks is assumed to be produced. One leptoquark decays to a muon and a jet while the other decays to dark matter and low-p(T) standard model particles. The signature for signal events would be significant missing transverse momentum from the dark matter in conjunction with a peak at the leptoquark mass in the invariant mass distribution of the highest p(T) muon and jet. The data are observed to be consistent with the background predicted by the standard model. For the first benchmark scenario considered, dark matter masses up to 500 GeV are excluded for leptoquark masses m(LQ) approximate to 1400 GeV, and up to 300 GeV for m(LQ) approximate to 1500 GeV. For the second benchmark scenario, dark matter masses up to 600 GeV are excluded for m(LQ) approximate to 1400 GeV. (C) 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe