361 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Gastropod Larval Development and Performance: A Systematic Review

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    The goal of this article was to use a systematic review of studies on the larval stages of gastropods reared to metamorphosis to determine whether there are general patterns for the effects of temperature, rearing density, and food availability on larval development and performance among species, major taxa, and modes of development. Most studies did not include sufficient metadata to be included in many of the analyses. For all analyses, there were differences among major groups of taxa in terms of response to the considered variables. Increased temperature was frequently correlated with decreased development time and increased growth but often not for the same taxa. Increased larval density was generally correlated with increased development time, but again, the patterns were not consistent across taxa. The most consistent pattern was the positive correlation between per capita food availability and larval growth. In all but two cases, patterns for the most studied species, Crepidula fornicata, were opposite those of other caenogastropods. This indicates that caution should be used when drawing general patterns among species based on studies of C. fornicata. Among lecithotrophs, the vetigastropod Haliotis rufescens was the most studied. In this case, patterns found for this species were similar to those for all other vetigastropods; however, few species outside the genus Haliotis have been studied. Increased temperature was associated with reduced survivorship and, in the most studied clade, the Vetigastropoda, reduced time to metamorphosis, which suggests that there may be an energetic cost to more rapid development or physiological mechanisms for coping with heat stress. Curiously, increased larval density was associated with increased survivorship for lecithotrophs. In several cases, however, there were too few studies, or the studies that were found did not provide enough metadata to be included in analyses. Although some patterns emerged from existing research on gastropod larvae, studies on a more diverse set of species that report all metadata are required for cross-study comparisons, which are crucial for drawing robust general conclusions

    Expression and characterization of human factor IX. Factor IXthr-397 and factor IXval-397.

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    Factor IXLong Beach has a single amino acid substitution at 397 (Ile to Thr) in the catalytic domain which results in severe hemophilia B. Recent investigations have shown that the substitution of threonine for isoleucine at 397 may affect a part of the macromolecular substrate binding site. Because threonine has a hydroxyl group in its side chain, it is possible that this hydroxyl group makes new hydrogen bonds and disturbs the substrate binding site. We used three techniques: molecular biology, which includes site-directed mutagenesis and recombinant protein expression in tissue culture; computer-aided kinetic data analysis; and molecular modeling to study this mutation site. We have produced two mutant factor IX molecules that have isoleucine 397 replaced by valine or threonine. Factor IXwild type and the two mutants (factor IXVal and factor IXThr) were expressed in human kidney cells and purified using a conformation-specific monoclonal antibody column. After the activation by factor XIa, these three molecules were able to bind p-aminobenzamidine and increase its fluorescence intensity in a similar manner. Factor IXVal and factor IXwild type had indistinguishable activities in an activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay and similar kinetic parameters with factor X as a substrate. Factor IXThr had only 5% clotting activity compared with normal factor IX, a slightly lower Km and significantly reduced kcat, using factor X as a substrate. We developed energy-refined (AMBER v.3.1) computer models of the three factor IX molecules based on previous work. Three factor IXa models (Ile, Val, or Thr at 397) with a fragment of the factor X activation site were used to predict the effect of the mutation at 397 and evaluate the significance of the new hydrogen bond thought to form between the side chain hydroxyl group of threonine 397 and the carbonyl oxygen of tryptophan 385. This new hydrogen bond would affect the position of an amide proton of adjacent glycine 386 which has been proposed to make a hydrogen bond with a backbone carbonyl oxygen of the P3 residue of factor X. In addition to the new hydrogen bond, there is significant movement in the side chain of tryptophan 385 between the factor IXawild type-factor X model and the factor IXaThr-factor X model that could interfere with substrate binding. This movement could be caused by the change in the molecular volume, the orientation of the side chain at 397, and the new hydrogen bond

    Similarity-based virtual screening using 2D fingerprints

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    This paper summarises recent work at the University of Sheffield on virtual screening methods that use 2D fingerprint measures of structural similarity. A detailed comparison of a large number of similarity coefficients demonstrates that the well-known Tanimoto coefficient remains the method of choice for the computation of fingerprint-based similarity, despite possessing some inherent biases related to the sizes of the molecules that are being sought. Group fusion involves combining the results of similarity searches based on multiple reference structures and a single similarity measure. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach to screening, and also describe an approximate form of group fusion, turbo similarity searching, that can be used when just a single reference structure is available

    Structure based inhibitor design targeting glycogen phosphorylase b. Virtual screening, synthesis, biochemical and biological assessment of novel N-acyl-β-d-glucopyranosylamines

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    Glycogen phosphorylase (GP) is a validated target for the development of new type 2 diabetes treatments. Exploiting the Zinc docking database, we report the in silico screening of 1888 β- D-glucopyranose-NH-CO-R putative GP inhibitors differing only in their R groups. CombiGlide and GOLD docking programs with different scoring functions were employed with the best performing methods combined in a “consensus scoring” approach to ranking of ligand binding affinities for the active site. Six selected candidates from the screening were then synthesized and their inhibitory potency was assessed both in vitro and ex vivo. Their inhibition constants’ values, in vitro, ranged from 5 to 377 µM while two of them were effective at causing inactivation of GP in rat hepatocytes at low µM concentrations. The crystal structures of GP in complex with the inhibitors were defined and provided the structural basis for their inhibitory potency and data for further structure based design of more potent inhibitors

    Synthesis and Evaluation of N-Phenylpyrrolamides as DNA Gyrase B Inhibitors

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    ATP-competitive inhibitors of DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV are among the most interesting classes of antibacterial drugs that are unrepresented in the antibacterial pipeline. We developed 32 new N-phenylpyrrolamides and evaluated them against DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV from E.coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Antibacterial activities were studied against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial strains. The most potent compound displayed an IC50 of 47 nm against E.coli DNA gyrase, and a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 12.5 mu m against the Gram-positive Enterococcus faecalis. Some compounds displayed good antibacterial activities against an efflux-pump-deficient E.coli strain (MIC=6.25 mu m) and against wild-type E.coli in the presence of efflux pump inhibitor PA beta N (MIC=3.13 mu m). Here we describe new findings regarding the structure-activity relationships of N-phenylpyrrolamide DNA gyrase B inhibitors and investigate the factors that are important for the antibacterial activity of this class of compounds.Peer reviewe

    Apolipoprotein-ε4 is Associated with Higher Fecundity in a Natural Fertility Population

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    In many populations, the apolipoprotein-ε4 (APOE-ε4) allele increases the risk for several chronic diseases of aging, including dementia and cardiovascular disease; despite these harmful effects at later ages, the APOE-ε4 allele remains prevalent. We assess the impact of APOE-ε4 on fertility and its proximate determinants (age at first reproduction, interbirth interval) among the Tsimane, a natural fertility population of forager-horticulturalists. Among 795 women aged 13 to 90 (20% APOE-ε4 carriers), those with at least one APOE-ε4 allele had 0.3 to 0.5 more children than (ε3/ε3) homozygotes, while those with two APOE-ε4 alleles gave birth to 1.4 to 2.1 more children. APOE-ε4 carriers achieve higher fertility by beginning reproduction 0.8 years earlier and having a 0.23-year shorter interbirth interval. Our findings add to a growing body of literature suggesting a need for studies of populations living in ancestrally relevant environments to assess how alleles that are deleterious in sedentary urban environments may have been maintained by selection throughout human evolutionary history

    QSPR Studies on Aqueous Solubilities of Drug-Like Compounds

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    A rapidly growing area of modern pharmaceutical research is the prediction of aqueous solubility of drug-sized compounds from their molecular structures. There exist many different reasons for considering this physico-chemical property as a key parameter: the design of novel entities with adequate aqueous solubility brings many advantages to preclinical and clinical research and development, allowing improvement of the Absorption, Distribution, Metabolization, and Elimination/Toxicity profile and “screenability” of drug candidates in High Throughput Screening techniques. This work compiles recent QSPR linear models established by our research group devoted to the quantification of aqueous solubilities and their comparison to previous research on the topic