131 research outputs found

    Gold amides as anticancer drugs: synthesis and activity studies

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    Modular gold amide chemotherapeutics: Access to modern chemotherapeutics with robust and flexible synthetic routes that are amenable to extensive customisation is a key requirement in drug synthesis and discovery. A class of chiral gold amide complexes featuring amino acid derived ligands is reported herein. They all exhibit in vitro cytotoxicity against two slow growing breast cancer cell lines with limited toxicity towards normal epithelial cells

    Finite element analysis of different fixation methods of screws on absorbable plate for rib fractures

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    Multiple rib fractures caused by trauma are common injuries and the internal fixation methods of these injuries have been paid more and more attention by surgeons. Absorbable plates and screws are the effective way to treat rib fractures, but there are no reports on which type of screw fixation method is most effective. In this study, finite element analysis was used to study the effects of five different types of screw fixation methods on anterior rib, lateral rib and posterior rib. The finite element model of the ribs was reconstructed from CT images, and the internal pressure (40 kPa) and intercostal force (30 N) on the surfaces of the ribs were simulated accordingly. An intercostal force of 30 N was applied to the upper and lower surfaces of the ribs to simulate the effect of intercostal muscle force. The pressure of 40 kPa was applied to the inner surface of the ribs, and the normal direction was applied to the inner surface of the ribs. The positive direction was considered inspiratory pressure, and the negative direction was considered expiratory pressure. The results indicate the optimal type of screw fixation on the absorbable plate for rib fractures, and provide a basis and reference for clinical application

    Performance of scintillation materials at cryogenic temperatures

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    An increasing number of applications of scintillators at low temperatures, particularly in cryogenic experiments searching for rare events, has motivated the investigation of scintillation properties of materials over a wide temperature range. This paper provides an overview of the latest results on the study of luminescence, absorption and scintillation properties of materials selected for rare event searches so far. These include CaWO4, ZnWO4, CdWO4, MgWO4, CaMoO4, CdMoO4, Bi4Ge3O12, CaF2, MgF2, ZnSe and AL2O3-Ti. We discuss the progress achieved in research and development of these scintillators, both in material preparation and in the understanding of scintillation mechanisms, as well as the underlying physics. To understand the origin of the performance limitation of self-activated scintillators we employed a semi-empirical model of conversion of high energy radiation into light and made appropriate provision for effects of temperature and energy transfer. We conclude that the low-temperature value of the light yield of some modern scintillators, namely CaWO4, CdWO4 and Bi4Ge3O12, is close to the theoretical limit. Finally, we discuss the advantages and limitations of different materials with emphasis on their application as cryogenic phonon-scintillation detectors (CPSD) in rare event search experiments

    The Euscaphis japonica genome and the evolution of malvids

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    Malvids is one of the largest clades of rosids, includes 58 families and exhibits remarkable morphological and ecological diversity. Here, we report a high-quality chromosome-level genome assembly for Euscaphis japonica, an early-diverging species within malvids. Genome-based phylogenetic analysis suggests that the unstable phylogenetic position of E. japonica may result from incomplete lineage sorting and hybridization event during the diversification of the ancestral population of malvids. Euscaphis japonica experienced two polyploidization events: the ancient whole genome triplication event shared with most eudicots (commonly known as the c event) and a more recent whole genome duplication event, unique to E. japonica. By resequencing 101 samples from 11 populations, we speculate that the temperature has led to the differentiation of the evergreen and deciduous of E. japonica and the completely different population histories of these two groups. In total, 1012 candidate positively selected genes in the evergreen were detected, some of which are involved in flower and fruit development. We found that reddening and dehiscence of the E. japonica pericarp and long fruit-hanging time promoted the reproduction of E. japonica populations, and revealed the expression patterns of genes related to fruit reddening, dehiscence and abscission. The key genes involved in pentacyclic triterpene synthesis in E. japonica were identified, and different expression patterns of these genes may contribute to pentacyclic triterpene diversification. Our work sheds light on the evolution of E. japonica and malvids, particularly on the diversification of E. japonica and the genetic basis for their fruit dehiscence and abscission.DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : All sequences described in this manuscript have been submitted to the National Genomics Data Center (NGDC). The raw whole-genome data of E. japonica have been deposited in BioProject/GSA (https://bigd.big.ac.cn/gsa.) under the accession codes PRJCA005268/CRA004271, and the assembly and annotation data have been deposited at BioProject/GWH (https://bigd.big.ac.cn/gwh) under the accession codes PRJCA005268/GWHBCHS00000000. The raw transcriptomes data of E. japonica have been deposited in BioProject/GSA (https://bigd.big.ac.cn/gsa.) under the accession codes PRJCA005298/CRA004272.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 1: Supplementary Note 1. Chromosome number assessment. Supplementary Note 2. Whole-genome duplication identification and dating. Supplementary Note 3. Observation of E. japonica seed dispersal. Supplementary Note 4. Determination of pentacyclic triterpene substances. Figure S1. Cytogenetic analysis of E. japonica. Figure S2. Genome size and heterozygosity of E. japonica estimation using 17 k-mer distribution. Figure S3. Interchromosomal of Hi-C chromosome contact map of E. japonica genome. Figure S4. Gene structure prediction results of E. japonica and other species. Figure S5. Venn diagram shows gene families of malvids. Figure S6. Phylogenetic tree constructed by chloroplast genomes from 17 species. Figure S7. Concatenated- and ASTRAL-based phylogenetic trees. Figure S8. Ks distribution in E. japonica. Figure S9. Distributions of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site (Ks) of one-to-one orthologs identified between E. japonica and P. trichocarpa and V. vinifera. Figure S10. Population structure plot. Figure S11. Fixation index (FST) heat map among E. japonica populations. Figure S12. Phylogenetic analysis of MADS-box genes from O. sativa, A. thaliana, E. japonica, and T. cacao. Figure S13. Observation the fruit development. Figure S14. Animal seed dispersal. Figure S15. Anthocyanin biosynthesis in E. japonica fruits. Figure S16. Carotenoid accumulation and the chlorophyll degradation in E. japonica fruits. Figure S17. Expression profile of fruit dehiscence-related genes. Figure S18. Phylogenetic tree of DELLA genes obtained from six malvids species. Figure S19. Phylogenetic tree of CAD genes obtained from seven malvids species. Figure S20. Expression pattern of fruit abscission-related genes. Figure S21. Structure of pentacyclic triterpene compounds separated from Euscaphis. Figure S22. Phylogenetic tree of HMGR gene in plants. Figure S23. Phylogenetic tree of P450s gene family obtained from A. thaliana and E. japonica.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 2: Table S1. Assembled statistics of E. japonica genome. Table S2. Evaluation of E. japonica genome assembly. Table S3. Chromosome length of E. japonica. Table S4. Prediction of gene structures of the E. japonica genome. Table S5. Statistics on the function annotation of the E. japonica genome. Table S6. Non-coding RNA annotation results of E. japonica genome. Table S7. BUSCO assessment of the E. japonica annotated genome. Table S8. Statistic of repeat sequence in E. japonica genome. Table S9. Gene-clustering statistics for 17 species. Table S10. KEGG enrichment result of unique genes families of E. japonica. Table S11. Gene Ontology (GO) and KEGG enrichment result of significant shared by malvids species gene families. Table S12. Gene Ontology (GO) and KEGG enrichment result of significant expansion of E. japonica gene families. Table S13. Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment result of significant contraction of E. japonica gene families. Table S14. Statistical sampling population information. Table S15. Statistics population resequencing information. Table S16. Statistical nucleotide polymorphisms in the populations. Table S17. Candidate positive selection genes (PSGs) in the evergreen population. Table S18. Candidate positive selection genes (PSGs) in the deciduous population. Table S19. Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment result of significant PSGs in the evergreen population. Table S20. List of MADS-box genes identified in E. japonica. Table S21. Genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis, carotenoid biosynthesis, and chlorophyll degradation. Table S22. Identification fruit dehiscence-related genes in E. japonica. Table S23. Genes related to lignin synthesis that are highly expressed during pericarp dehiscence. Table S24. Gene expression levels (FPKMs) of fruit abscission-related genes in pericarp. Table S25. Triterpene compounds separated from Euscaphis. Table S26. Number of putative pentacyclic triterpene-related genes in the malvids species. Table S27. Identified pentacyclic triterpene synthesis-related genes in E. japonica genome. Table S28. Statistical simple sequence repeat.Fund for Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China; Fujian Provincial Department of Science E. japonica Evolution and Selection of Ornamental Medicinal Resources, China; the Project of Forestry Peak Discipline at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China; the Collection, Development and Utilization of Eascaphis konlshli Germplasm Resources; the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and from Ghent University.https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/1365313xam2022BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog

    Arrhythmogenic Mechanisms in Heart Failure: Linking β-Adrenergic Stimulation, Stretch, and Calcium

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    Heart failure (HF) is associated with elevated sympathetic tone and mechanical load. Both systems activate signaling transduction pathways that increase cardiac output, but eventually become part of the disease process itself leading to further worsening of cardiac function. These alterations can adversely contribute to electrical instability, at least in part due to the modulation of Ca2+ handling at the level of the single cardiac myocyte. The major aim of this review is to provide a definitive overview of the links and cross talk between β-adrenergic stimulation, mechanical load, and arrhythmogenesis in the setting of HF. We will initially review the role of Ca2+ in the induction of both early and delayed afterdepolarizations, the role that β-adrenergic stimulation plays in the initiation of these and how the propensity for these may be altered in HF. We will then go onto reviewing the current data with regards to the link between mechanical load and afterdepolarizations, the associated mechano-sensitivity of the ryanodine receptor and other stretch activated channels that may be associated with HF-associated arrhythmias. Furthermore, we will discuss how alterations in local Ca2+ microdomains during the remodeling process associated the HF may contribute to the increased disposition for β-adrenergic or stretch induced arrhythmogenic triggers. Finally, the potential mechanisms linking β-adrenergic stimulation and mechanical stretch will be clarified, with the aim of finding common modalities of arrhythmogenesis that could be targeted by novel therapeutic agents in the setting of HF

    Planck 2013 results. XX. Cosmology from Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster counts

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    We present constraints on cosmological parameters using number counts as a function of redshift for a sub-sample of 189 galaxy clusters from the Planck SZ (PSZ) catalogue. The PSZ is selected through the signature of the Sunyaev--Zeldovich (SZ) effect, and the sub-sample used here has a signal-to-noise threshold of seven, with each object confirmed as a cluster and all but one with a redshift estimate. We discuss the completeness of the sample and our construction of a likelihood analysis. Using a relation between mass MM and SZ signal YY calibrated to X-ray measurements, we derive constraints on the power spectrum amplitude σ8\sigma_8 and matter density parameter Ωm\Omega_{\mathrm{m}} in a flat Λ\LambdaCDM model. We test the robustness of our estimates and find that possible biases in the YY--MM relation and the halo mass function are larger than the statistical uncertainties from the cluster sample. Assuming the X-ray determined mass to be biased low relative to the true mass by between zero and 30%, motivated by comparison of the observed mass scaling relations to those from a set of numerical simulations, we find that σ8=0.75±0.03\sigma_8=0.75\pm 0.03, Ωm=0.29±0.02\Omega_{\mathrm{m}}=0.29\pm 0.02, and σ8(Ωm/0.27)0.3=0.764±0.025\sigma_8(\Omega_{\mathrm{m}}/0.27)^{0.3} = 0.764 \pm 0.025. The value of σ8\sigma_8 is degenerate with the mass bias; if the latter is fixed to a value of 20% we find σ8(Ωm/0.27)0.3=0.78±0.01\sigma_8(\Omega_{\mathrm{m}}/0.27)^{0.3}=0.78\pm 0.01 and a tighter one-dimensional range σ8=0.77±0.02\sigma_8=0.77\pm 0.02. We find that the larger values of σ8\sigma_8 and Ωm\Omega_{\mathrm{m}} preferred by Planck's measurements of the primary CMB anisotropies can be accommodated by a mass bias of about 40%. Alternatively, consistency with the primary CMB constraints can be achieved by inclusion of processes that suppress power on small scales relative to the Λ\LambdaCDM model, such as a component of massive neutrinos (abridged).Comment: 20 pages, accepted for publication by A&

    Evolutionary Divergence of Duplicated <i>Hsf</i> Genes in <i>Populus</i>

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    Heat shock transcription factors (Hsfs), which function as the activator of heat shock proteins (Hsps), play multiple roles in response to environmental stress and the development of plants. The Hsf family had experienced gene expansion via whole-genome duplication from a single cell algae to higher plants. However, how the Hsf gene family went through evolutionary divergence after genome duplication is unknown. As a model wood species, Populus trichocarpa is widely distributed in North America with various ecological and climatic environments. In this study, we used P. trichocarpa as materials and identified the expression divergence of the PtHsf gene family in developmental processes, such as dormant bud formation and opening, catkins development, and in response to environments. Through the co-expression network, we further discovered the divergent co-expressed genes that related to the functional divergence of PtHsfs. Then, we studied the alternative splicing events, single nucleotide polymorphism distribution and tertiary structures of members of the PtHsf gene family. In addition to expression divergence, we uncovered the evolutionary divergence in the protein level which may be important to new function formations and for survival in changing environments. This study comprehensively analyzed the evolutionary divergence of a member of the PtHsf gene family after genome duplication, paving the way for further gene function analysis and genetic engineering