1,901 research outputs found

    Multibody dynamics in robotics with focus on contact events

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    Multibody dynamics methodologies have been fundamental tools utilized to model and simulate robotic systems that experience contact conditions with the surrounding environment, such as in the case of feet and ground interactions. In addressing such problems, it is of paramount importance to accurately and efficiently handle the large body displacement associated with locomotion of robots, as well as the dynamic response related to contact-impact events. Thus, a generic computational approach, based on the Newton-Euler formulation, to represent the gross motion of robotic systems, is revisited in this work. The main kinematic and dynamic features, necessary to obtain the equations of motion, are discussed. A numerical procedure suitable to solve the equations of motion is also presented. The problem of modeling contacts in dynamical systems involves two main tasks, namely the contact detection and the contact resolution, which take into account for the kinematics and dynamics of the contacting bodies, constituting the general framework for the process of modeling and simulating complex contact scenarios. In order to properly model the contact interactions, the contact kinematic properties are established based on the geometry of contacting bodies, which allow to perform the contact detection task. The contact dynamics is represented by continuous contact force models, both in terms of normal and tangential contact directions. Finally, the presented formulations are demonstrated by the application to several robotics systems that involve contact and impact events with surrounding environment. Special emphasis is put on the systems’ dynamic behavior, in terms of performance and stability

    A randomized kinodynamic planner for closed-chain robotic systems

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    Kinodynamic RRT planners are effective tools for finding feasible trajectories in many classes of robotic systems. However, they are hard to apply to systems with closed-kinematic chains, like parallel robots, cooperating arms manipulating an object, or legged robots keeping their feet in contact with the environ- ment. The state space of such systems is an implicitly-defined manifold, which complicates the design of the sampling and steering procedures, and leads to trajectories that drift away from the manifold when standard integration methods are used. To address these issues, this report presents a kinodynamic RRT planner that constructs an atlas of the state space incrementally, and uses this atlas to both generate ran- dom states, and to dynamically steer the system towards such states. The steering method is based on computing linear quadratic regulators from the atlas charts, which greatly increases the planner efficiency in comparison to the standard method that simulates random actions. The atlas also allows the integration of the equations of motion as a differential equation on the state space manifold, which eliminates any drift from such manifold and thus results in accurate trajectories. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first kinodynamic planner that explicitly takes closed kinematic chains into account. We illustrate the performance of the approach in significantly complex tasks, including planar and spatial robots that have to lift or throw a load at a given velocity using torque-limited actuators.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    On the design of multi-platform parallel mechanisms

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    Parallel mechanisms have been examined in more and more detail over the past two decades. Parallel mechanisms are essentially the same design layout, a base, multiple legs/limbs, and a moving platform with a single end-effector to allow the mechanism to complete its desired function. Recently, several research groups have begun looking into multiple-platform parallel mechanisms and/or multiple end-effectors for parallel mechanisms. The reason for the research in this new form of parallel mechanism stems from multiple sources, such as applications that would require multiple handling points being accessed simultaneously, a more controlled gripper motion by having the jaws of the gripper being attached at different platforms, or to increasing the workload of the mechanism. The aim of the thesis is to modify the design process of parallel mechanisms so that it will support the development of a new parallel mechanism with multiple platforms capable of moving relative to each other in at least 1-DOF and to analyse the improvements made on the traditional single platform mechanism through a comparison of the power requirements for each mechanism. Throughout the thesis, a modified approach to the type synthesis of a parallel mechanism with multiple moving platforms is proposed and used to create several case study mechanisms. Additionally, this thesis presents a new series of methods for determining the workspace, inverse kinematic and dynamic models, and the integration of these systems into the design of a control system. All methods are vetted through case studies where they are judged based on the results gained from existing published data. Lastly, the concepts in this thesis are combined to produce a physical multi-platform parallel mechanism case study with the process being developed at each stage. Finally, a series of proposed topics of future research are listed along with the limitations and contributions of this work

    Redundant Unilaterally Actuated Kinematic Chains: Modeling and Analysis

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    Unilaterally Actuated Robots (UAR)s are a class of robots defined by an actuation that is constrained to a single sign. Cable robots, grasping, fixturing and tensegrity systems are certain applications of UARs. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in robotic and other mechanical systems actuated or constrained by cables. In such systems, an individual constraint is applied to a body of the mechanism in the form of a pure force which can change its magnitude but cannot reverse its direction. This uni-directional actuation complicates the design of cable-driven robots and can result in limited performance. Cable Driven Parallel Robot (CDPR)s are a class of parallel mechanisms where the actuating legs are replaced by cables. CDPRs benefit from the higher payload to weight ratio and increased rigidity. There is growing interest in the cable actuation of multibody systems. There are potential applications for such mechanisms where low moving inertia is required. Cable-driven serial kinematic chain (CDSKC) are mechanisms where the rigid links form a serial kinematic chain and the cables are arranged in a parallel configuration. CDSKC benefits from the dexterity of the serial mechanisms and the actuation advantages of cable-driven manipulators. Firstly, the kinematic modeling of CDSKC is presented, with a focus on different types of cable routings. A geometric approach based on convex cones is utilized to develop novel cable actuation schemes. The cable routing scheme and architecture have a significant effect on the performance of the robot resulting in a limited workspace and high cable forces required to perform a desired task. A novel cable routing scheme is proposed to reduce the number of actuating cables. The internal routing scheme is where, in addition to being externally routed, the cable can be re-routed internally within the link. This type of routing can be considered as the most generalized form of the multi-segment pass-through routing scheme where a cable segment can be attached within the same link. Secondly, the analysis for CDSKCs require extensions from single link CDPRs to consider different routings. The conditions to satisfy wrench-closure and the workspace analysis of different multi-link unilateral manipulators are investigated. Due to redundant and constrained actuation, it is possible for a motion to be either infeasible or the desired motion can be produced by an infinite number of different actuation profiles. The motion generation of the CDSKCs with a minimal number of actuating cables is studied. The static stiffness evaluation of CDSKCs with different routing topologies and isotropic stiffness conditions were investigated. The dexterity and wrench-based metrics were evaluated throughout the mechanism's workspace. Through this thesis, the fundamental tools required in studying cable-driven serial kinematic chains have been presented. The results of this work highlight the potential of using CDSKCs in bio-inspired systems and tensegrity robots

    Design and Prototyping of a Shape-changing Rigid-body Human Foot in Gait

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    Traditional ankle-foot prostheses often replicate the physiological change in shape of the foot during gait via compliant mechanisms. In comparison, rigid-body feet tend to be simplistic and largely incapable of accurately representing the geometry of the human foot. Multi-segment rigid-body devices offer certain advantages over compliant mechanisms which may be desirable in the design of ankle-foot devices, including the ability to withstand greater loading, the ability to achieve more drastic shape-change, and the ability to be synthesized from their kinematics, allowing for realistic functionality without prior accounting of the complex internal kinetics of the foot. This work focuses on applying methodology of shape-changing kinematic synthesis to design and prototype a multi-segment rigid-body foot device capable of matching the dynamic change in shape of a human foot in gait. Included are discussions of an actuation strategy, mechanical design considerations, limitations, and potential prosthetic design implications of such a foot

    Variational collision integrator for polymer chains

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    The numerical simulation of many-particle systems (e.g., in molecular dynamics) often involves constraints of various forms. We present a symplectic integrator for mechanical systems with holonomic (bilateral) and unilateral contact constraints, the latter being in the form of a nonpenetration condition. The scheme is based on a discrete variant of Hamilton’s principle in which both the discrete trajectory and the unknown collision time are varied (cf. [Fetecau et al., 2003, SIAM J. Applied Dynamical Systems, 2, pp. 381–416]). As a consequence, the collision event enters the discrete equations of motion as an unknown that has to be computed on-the-fly whenever a collision is imminent. The additional bilateral constraints are e ciently dealt with employing a discrete null space reduction (including a projection and a local reparametrisation step) which considerably reduces the number of unknowns and improves the condition number during each time-step as compared to a standard treatment with Lagrange multipliers. We illustrate the numerical scheme with a simple example from polymer dynamics, a linear chain of beads, and test it against other standard numerical schemes for collision problems

    Offline and Online Planning and Control Strategies for the Multi-Contact and Biped Locomotion of Humanoid Robots

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    In the past decades, the Research on humanoid robots made progress forward accomplishing exceptionally dynamic and agile motions. Starting from the DARPA Robotic Challenge in 2015, humanoid platforms have been successfully employed to perform more and more challenging tasks with the eventual aim of assisting or replacing humans in hazardous and stressful working situations. However, the deployment of these complex machines in realistic domestic and working environments still represents a high-level challenge for robotics. Such environments are characterized by unstructured and cluttered settings with continuously varying conditions due to the dynamic presence of humans and other mobile entities, which cannot only compromise the operation of the robotic system but can also pose severe risks both to the people and the robot itself due to unexpected interactions and impacts. The ability to react to these unexpected interactions is therefore a paramount requirement for enabling the robot to adapt its behavior to the task needs and the characteristics of the environment. Further, the capability to move in a complex and varying environment is an essential skill for a humanoid robot for the execution of any task. Indeed, human instructions may often require the robot to move and reach a desired location, e.g., for bringing an object or for inspecting a specific place of an infrastructure. In this context, a flexible and autonomous walking behavior is an essential skill, study of which represents one of the main topics of this Thesis, considering disturbances and unfeasibilities coming both from the environment and dynamic obstacles that populate realistic scenarios.  Locomotion planning strategies are still an open theme in the humanoids and legged robots research and can be classified in sample-based and optimization-based planning algorithms. The first, explore the configuration space, finding a feasible path between the start and goal robot’s configuration with different logic depending on the algorithm. They suffer of a high computational cost that often makes difficult, if not impossible, their online implementations but, compared to their counterparts, they do not need any environment or robot simplification to find a solution and they are probabilistic complete, meaning that a feasible solution can be certainly found if at least one exists. The goal of this thesis is to merge the two algorithms in a coupled offline-online planning framework to generate an offline global trajectory with a sample-based approach to cope with any kind of cluttered and complex environment, and online locally refine it during the execution, using a faster optimization-based algorithm that more suits an online implementation. The offline planner performances are improved by planning in the robot contact space instead of the whole-body robot configuration space, requiring an algorithm that maps the two state spaces.   The framework proposes a methodology to generate whole-body trajectories for the motion of humanoid and legged robots in realistic and dynamically changing environments.  This thesis focuses on the design and test of each component of this planning framework, whose validation is carried out on the real robotic platforms CENTAURO and COMAN+ in various loco-manipulation tasks scenarios. &nbsp

    A comprehensive survey of the analytical, numerical and experimental methodologies for dynamics of multibody mechanical systems with clearance or imperfect joints

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    "Available online 19 December 2017"A comprehensive survey of the literature of the most relevant analytical, numerical, and experimental approaches for the kinematic and dynamic analyses of multibody mechanical systems with clearance joints is presented in this review. Both dry and lubricated clearance joints are addressed here, and an effort is made to include a large number of research works in this particular field, which have been published since the 1960′s. First, the most frequently utilized methods for modeling planar and spatial multibody mechanical systems with clearance joints are analyzed, and compared. Other important phenomena commonly associated with clearance joint models, such as wear, non-smooth behavior, optimization and control, chaos, and uncertainty and links’ flexibility, are then discussed. The main assumptions procedures and conclusions for the different methodologies are also examined and compared. Finally, future developments and new applications of clearance joint modeling and analysis are highlighted.This research was supported in part by the China 111 Project (B16003) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 11290151, 11472042 and 11221202. The work was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) with the reference project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio