897 research outputs found


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    Keberhasilan pelaksanaan sistem tata pamong yang baik dipengaruhi oleh pemimpin yang mampu memprediksi masa depan, merumuskan dan mengartikulasi visi yang realistik, kredibel, serta mengkomunikasikan visi ke depan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi kepemimpinan kepala madrasah dalam meningkatkan mutu lembaga melalui pengelolaan tata pamong di MIN 1 Kendal. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah informan dan dokumen. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model interaktif. Hasil penelitia menunjukka bahwa tata pamong MIN 1 Kendal diarahkan untuk menjaga efektifitas, efisiensi, dan produktivitas pewujudan visi, pelaksanaan misi, dan pencapaian tujuan madrasah. Selain itu, juga berprinsip pada 5 nilai budaya kerja Kementerian Agama yaitu integritas, profesionalitas, inovasi, tanggung jawab, dan keteladan. Kepala MIN 1 Kendal dalam melaksanakan kepeimpinannya harus mampu untuk melakukan penilaian atau evaluasi, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian rencana dengan realitas melalui eksplorasi pertanyaan-pertanyaan

    KERANGKA EPISTEMOLOGI (Metode Rekonstruksi Pendidikan Agama Islam)

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    ABSTRACTThe epistemology of Islamic education study is an attempt to dismantle the studies that are in it, both essentially, methods, foundation, source, and validity of this Islamic education. Islamic education is a conscious effort in forming perfect individuals, namely individuals who are able to live their lives in an Islamic way. Discussion in Islamic education has three aspects, namely, aspects of faith, creed, and worship. With such a realm of morality, ethics and morals will become a major thing in Islamic education. Therefore the scope of the discussion of Islamic education is more likely to develop in accordance with the era, to make education as a balance against the development of the era by originating in faith and piety as a fundamental mentality in Islam itself. ABSTRAKKajian epistemologi pendidikan Islam merupakan sebuah usaha dalam membongkar kajian-kajian yang ada didalamnya, baik secara hakekat, metode, landasan, sumber, dan validitas pendidikan agama Islam ini. Pendidikan Islam merupakan usaha sadar dalam membentuk individu yang sempurna, yaitu individu yang mampu menjalani kehidupannya secara Islami. Bahasan dalam pendidikan Islam mempunyai tiga aspek. yaitu, aspek keimanan, akidah, dan ibadah. Dengan seperti itu ranah akhlak, etika dan moral akan menjadi suatu hal yang utama dalam pendidikan Islam. Jadi, ruang lingkup bahasan pendidikan Islam lebih dimungkinkan berkembang sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman, hingga menjadikan pendidikan sebagai pengeimbangan terhadap perkembangan zaman tersebut dengan bersumber pada iman dan takwa sebagai mental fundamental dalam Islam sendiri

    Pengaruh Dosis Pupuk Urea Terhadap Pertumbuhan Kangkung Darat (Ipomoea reptans poir.)

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    Penelitian tentang pengaruh dosis pupuk urea terhadap pertumbuhan kangkung darat sudah dilakukan di Desa Bajur Kecamatan Labuapi Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 ulangan. Dosis pupuk urea terdiri atas 5 level yaitu U0 = 0 gram pupuk urea per 10 kg tanah (kontrol), U1 = 0,5 gram pupuk urea per 10 kg tanah, U2 = 1 gram pupuk urea per 10 kg tanah, U3 = 1,5 gram pupuk urea per 10 kg tanah dan U4 = 2 gram pupuk urea per10 kg tanah. Parameter pertumbuhan yang diukur adalah tinggi batang, diameter batang, panjang helaian daun dan lebar helaian daun. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan analisis sidik ragam dan uji lanjut dengan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Perbedaan dosis pupuk urea berpengaruh  nyata terhadap tinggi batang, panjang helaian daun dan lebar helaian daun tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap diameter batang kangkung darat, (1) Dosis optimum pupuk urea untuk tanaman kangkung darat adalah 1,5 gram per 10 kg tana

    Analysis of Educational Policy in the Framework of Learning Efficiency and Effectiveness

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    This study aims to reveal how the policy-making process carried out by SMPS-IT and SMAS-IT Muslimah Sejati Bekasi, starting from the formulation, and implementation, to policy evaluation, which will end in the value of effectiveness and efficiency as a form of institution existence. This study uses qualitative research through descriptive analysis methods with data collection models using interviews, documentation, observations, and triangulation of sources, techniques, and theories. Through this method, researchers get a finding containing policy cases from two institutions related to the similarities and differences between the formulation process and effectiveness and efficiency. In the formulation process, both have different policies between online and offline, but in the formulation, each has weaknesses consisting of flaws in analysis and alternatives. Meanwhile, in terms of implementation, there are obstacles, individually and institutionally, composed of weak motivation and the disintegration of some teachers and staff. The evaluation has similarities in the implementation system, namely, using a formative, summative model. In terms of effectiveness and efficiency, both achieved the same value. Namely, they were both able to graduate students of 30 Juz Qur'an, while inefficiency there were shortcomings in financing and dependence on electricity in the teaching and learning process


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    Faktor utama yang menjadi penentu kelayakan kondisi suatu jalan yaitu kerusakan pada aspal sehingga pemeliharaan jalan perlu dilakukan secara berkala. Pemeriksaan kondisi jalan dilakukan oleh petugas survey dengan melakukan pengamatan langsung pada jalan yang akan diberikan penilaian secara manual. Aktifitas pemeriksaan dapat mengganggu kelancaran arus lalu lintas pada jalan yang padat kendaraan terlebih lagi dapat membahayakan keselamatan petugas survey. Diperlukan alternative pemeriksaan jalan untuk menghindari ancaman yang tidak diinginkan dan dapat membiat biaya lebih efektif. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan suatu system deteksi jalan berlubang menggunakan data video, dengan menerapkan metode Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) dan klasifikasi menggunakan Neural Network. Deteksi terdiri atas 2 tahapan, dimulai dengan mengekstraksi ciri citra jalan kemudian ditraining dengan pemberian label manual. Kemudian dilakukan uji data citra berdasarkan nilai pada data training. Dari pengujian Confusion Matrix menunjukkan hasil Recall sebesar 0,80 hasil Precission sebesar 0,06 hasil Accuracy sebesar 0,79 dan hasil Error Rate sebesar 0,20

    Estrogenic Effects of Tapak Dara (Catharantus roseus) Leaf Methanol Extract on The Estrus Cycle of Adult Female Mice (Mus musculus) Balb/C Strain

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    Tapak dara plant is a plant that contains several active compounds, such as phenolic acids, flavonoids and alkaloids. The tapak dara plant can act as a sedative, urinary laxative, stop bleeding, and neutralize toxins. In addition, tapak dara leaf extract contains ingredients that can act as antifertilization. This study aimed to determine the effect of methanol extract of tapak dara leaf on the estrus cycle of adult female mice (Mus musculus) Balb/C strain. This research is an experimental research by testing cause and effect. The hypothesis test used in this study was one-way ANOVA and BNT test. The significance value of giving tapak dara leaf methanol extract to female mice showed a significant value so that it can be said that the administration of tapak dara leaf methanol extract caused the estrus cycle of female mice to be longer. The significance value of estrogenic activity in mice shows a significant value of 0.047, so it can be said that estrogen activity also affects the length of the estrus cycle. The results of hypothesis testing using the one-way ANOVA test were significant, so it can be concluded that the methanol extract of tapak dara leaves can cause the estrus cycle of female mice to be longer

    Reproductive Aspects of Lemuru Fish (Sardinella Lemuru) Landed at PPI Tanjung Luar East Lombok as Enrichment Material for Zoology Subjects

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    Sardinella lemur is a pelagic fish with the most population in Indonesia, precisely in the Bali Strait. This study aims to determine the reproductive lemurs of lemurs fish (S. lemur) that landed at PPI Tanjung Luar East Lombok as enrichment material for zoology subjects. This research was conducted in January-March 2023, taking place in Tanjung Luar, East Lombok. This study used lemurs fish (S. lemurs) with a total sample of 188 individuals, 56 females, and 132 males. This research is included in the quantitative descriptive research with PCAS sampling. Data was collected by measuring body length, weighing body weight, calculating sex, classifying TKG, and analyzing GMI. It is estimated that the lemurs spawn in April-June with reference to TKG and IKG. TKG analysis by observing the morphology and weighing the gonad weight of the fish while the IKG compares the gonad weight and body weight multiplied by 100%. The TKG found ranged from TKG I to TKG V with the dominant sex being male. The highest TKG was found in March for females who were pregnant while TKG for males with developed gonads. From the results of the data analysis, the highest female sex index was obtained in February 3.5% and the lowest was in March 0.3% male. The results of observations of the highest average body length of lemurs fish were in February at 15.75 cm and the lowest in March at 15.04 cm. Based on the body weight of lemurs fish, the highest was in February at 33.03 gr and the lowest was in Marat ch 30.63 gr. Based on the results of the research and discussion it can be concluded that lemurs fish in the waters of Tanjung Luar, gonads mature for lemurs fish in March and are expected to spawn from April to June

    Isolation of endophytic bacteria from cashew root and its ability as phosphate solubilizing and IAA-producing bacteria

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    This study aimed to isolate endophytic bacteria from cashew plant roots, and to determine their ability to dissolve phosphate and produce IAA. This research was conducted at the Microbiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram. This research was conducted by isolating the endophytic bacteria of cashew nut root and then testing the phosphate solubilizing ablity and testing the potential for IAA-producing bacteria. Based on the results of the study, there were 7 isolates of endophytic bacteria, all of which were able to solubilize inorganc phosphate with a low phosphate solubility index, ranging from 1 to 1.7. Of the 7 isolates, there were 2 isolates that were able to produce IAA, namely AJM 7 and AJM8 isolates with IAA concentrations ranging from 16 to 18 ppm. Based on the results above, it can be concluded that the endophytic bacterial isolates from the roots of the cashew plant have the potential to be a candidates for biofertilizer formulation
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