330 research outputs found

    Synchronization of Coupled and Periodically Forced Chemical Oscillators

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    Physiological rhythms are essential in all living organisms. Such rhythms are regulated through the interactions of many cells. Deviation of a biological system from its normal rhythms can lead to physiological maladies. The tremor and symptoms associated with Parkinson\u27s disease are thought to emerge from abnormal synchrony of neuronal activity within the neural network of the brain. Deep brain stimulation is a therapeutic technique that can remove this pathological synchronization by the application of a periodic desynchronizing signal. Herein, we used the photosensitive Belousov--Zhabotinsky (BZ) chemical reaction to test the mechanism of deep brain stimulation. A collection of oscillators are initially synchronized using a regular light signal. Desynchronization is then attempted using an appropriately chosen desynchronizing signal based on information found in the phase response curve.;Coupled oscillators in various network topologies form the most common prototypical systems for studying networks of dynamical elements. In the present study, we couple discrete BZ photochemical oscillators in a network configuration. Different behaviors are observed on varying the coupling strength and the frequency heterogeneity, including incoherent oscillations to partial and full frequency entrainment. Phase clusters are organized symmetrically or non-symmetrically in phase-lag synchronization structures, a novel phase wave entrainment behavior in non-continuous media. The behavior is observed over a range of moderate coupling strengths and a broad frequency distribution of the oscillators

    Stochastic and complex dynamics in mesoscopic brain networks

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    The aim of this thesis is to deepen into the understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the generation of complex and stochastic dynamics, as well as emerging phenomena, in the human brain. We study typical features from the mesoscopic scale, i.e., the scale in which the dynamics is given by the activity of thousands or even millions of neurons. At this scale the synchronous activity of large neuronal populations gives rise to collective oscillations of the average voltage potential. These oscillations can easily be recorded using electroencephalography devices (EEG) or measuring the Local Field Potentials (LFPs). In Chapter 5 we show how the communication between two cortical columns (mesoscopic structures) can be mediated efficiently by a microscopic neural network. We use the synchronization of both cortical columns as a probe to ensure that an effective communication is established between the three neural structures. Our results indicate that there are certain dynamical regimes from the microscopic neural network that favor the correct communication between the cortical columns: therefore, if the LFP frequency of the neural network is of around 40Hz, the synchronization between the cortical columns is more robust compared to the situation in which the neural network oscillates at a lower frequency (10Hz). However, microscopic topological characteristics of the network also influence communication, being a small-world structure the one that best promotes the synchronization of the cortical columns. Finally, this Chapter shows how the mediation exerted by the neural network cannot be substituted by the average of its activity, that is, the dynamic properties of the microscopic neural network are essential for the proper transmission of information between all neural structures. The oscillatory brain electrical activity is largely dependent on the interplay between excitation and inhibition. In Chapter 6 we study how groups of cortical columns show complex patterns of cortical excitation and inhibition taking into account their topological features and the strength of their couplings. These cortical columns segregate between those dominated by excitation and those dominated by inhibition, affecting the synchronization properties of networks of cortical columns. In Chapter 7 we study a dynamic regime by which complex patterns of synchronization between chaotic oscillators appear spontaneously in a network. We show what conditions must a set of coupled dynamical systems fulfill in order to display heterogeneity in synchronization. Therefore, our results are related to the complex phenomenon of synchronization in the brain, which is a focus of study nowadays. Finally, in Chapter 8 we study the ability of the brain to compute and process information. The novelty here is our use of complex synchronization in the brain in order to implement basic elements of Boolean computation. In this way, we show that the partial synchronization of the oscillations in the brain establishes a code in terms of synchronization / non-synchronization (1/0, respectively), and thus all simple Boolean functions can be implemented (AND, OR, XOR, etc.). We also show that complex Boolean functions, such as a flip-flop memory, can be constructed in terms of states of dynamic synchronization of brain oscillations.L'objectiu d'aquesta Tesi és aprofundir en la comprensió dels mecanismes responsables de la generació de dinàmica complexa i estocàstica, així com de fenòmens emergents, en el cervell humà. Estudiem la fenomenologia característica de l'escala mesoscòpica, és a dir, aquella en la que la dinàmica característica ve donada per l'activitat de milers de neurones. En aquesta escala l'activitat síncrona de grans poblacions neuronals dóna lloc a un fenomen col·lectiu pel qual es produeixen oscil·lacions del seu potencial mitjà. Aquestes oscil·lacions poden ser fàcilment enregistrades mitjançant aparells d'electroencefalograma (EEG) o enregistradors de Potencials de Camp Local (LFP). En el Capítol 5 mostrem com la comunicació entre dos columnes corticals (estructures mesoscòpiques) pot ser conduïda de forma eficient per una xarxa neuronal microscòpica. De fet, emprem la sincronització de les dues columnes corticals per comprovar que s'ha establert una comunicació efectiva entre les tres estructures neuronals. Els resultats indiquen que hi ha règims dinàmics de la xarxa neuronal microscòpica que afavoreixen la correcta comunicació entre les columnes corticals: si la freqüència típica de LFP a la xarxa neuronal està al voltant dels 40Hz la sincronització entre les columnes corticals és més robusta que a una menor freqüència (10Hz). La topologia de la xarxa microscòpica també influeix en la comunicació, essent una estructura de tipus món petit (small-world) la que més afavoreix la sincronització. Finalment, la mediació de xarxa neuronal no pot ser substituïda per la mitjana de la seva activitat, és a dir, les propietats dinàmiques microscòpiques són imprescindibles per a la correcta transmissió d'informació entre totes les escales cerebrals. L'activitat elèctrica oscil·latòria cerebral ve donada en gran mesura per la interacció entre excitació i inhibició neuronal. En el Capítol 6 estudiem com grups de columnes corticals mostren patrons complexos d'excitació i inhibició segons quina sigui la seva topologia i d'acoblament. D'aquesta manera les columnes corticals se segreguen entre aquelles dominades per l'excitació i aquelles dominades per la inhibició, influint en les capacitats de sincronització de xarxes de columnes corticals. En el Capítol 7 estudiem un règim dinàmic segons el qual patrons complexos de sincronització apareixen espontàniament en xarxes d'oscil·ladors caòtics. Mostrem quines condicions s'han de donar en un conjunt de sistemes dinàmics acoblats per tal de mostrar heterogeneïtat en la sincronització, és a dir, coexistència de sincronitzacions. D'aquesta manera relacionem els nostres resultats amb el fenomen de sincronització complexa en el cervell. Finalment, en el Capítol 8 estudiem com el cervell computa i processa informació. La novetat aquí és l'ús que fem de la sincronització complexa de columnes corticals per tal d'implementar elements bàsics de computació Booleana. Mostrem com la sincronització parcial de les oscil·lacions cerebrals estableix un codi neuronal en termes de sincronització/no sincronització (1/0, respectivament) amb el qual totes les funcions Booleanes simples poden ésser implementades (AND, OR, XOR, etc). Mostrem, també, com emprant xarxes mesoscòpiques extenses les capacitats de computació creixen proporcionalment. Així funcions Booleanes complexes, com una memòria del tipus flip-flop, pot ésser construïda en termes d'estats de sincronització dinàmica d'oscil·lacions cerebrals.Postprint (published version

    Modeling phase synchronization of interacting neuronal populations:from phase reductions to collective behavior of oscillatory neural networks

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    Synchronous, coherent interaction is key for the functioning of our brain. The coordinated interplay between neurons and neural circuits allows to perceive, process and transmit information in the brain. As such, synchronization phenomena occur across all scales. The coordination of oscillatory activity between cortical regions is hypothesized to underlie the concept of phase synchronization. Accordingly, phase models have found their way into neuroscience. The concepts of neural synchrony and oscillations are introduced in Chapter 1 and linked to phase synchronization phenomena in oscillatory neural networks. Chapter 2 provides the necessary mathematical theory upon which a sound phase description builds. I outline phase reduction techniques to distill the phase dynamics from complex oscillatory networks. In Chapter 3 I apply them to networks of weakly coupled Brusselators and of Wilson-Cowan neural masses. Numerical and analytical approaches are compared against each other and their sensitivity to parameter regions and nonlinear coupling schemes is analysed. In Chapters 4 and 5 I investigate synchronization phenomena of complex phase oscillator networks. First, I study the effects of network-network interactions on the macroscopic dynamics when coupling two symmetric populations of phase oscillators. This setup is compared against a single network of oscillators whose frequencies are distributed according to a symmetric bimodal Lorentzian. Subsequently, I extend the applicability of the Ott-Antonsen ansatz to parameterdependent oscillatory systems. This allows for capturing the collective dynamics of coupled oscillators when additional parameters influence the individual dynamics. Chapter 6 draws the line to experimental data. The phase time series of resting state MEG data display large-scale brain activity at the edge of criticality. After reducing neurophysiological phase models from the underlying dynamics of Wilson-Cowan and Freeman neural masses, they are analyzed with respect to two complementary notions of critical dynamics. A general discussion and an outlook of future work are provided in the final Chapter 7

    Investigating the role of fast-spiking interneurons in neocortical dynamics

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    PhD ThesisFast-spiking interneurons are the largest interneuronal population in neocortex. It is well documented that this population is crucial in many functions of the neocortex by subserving all aspects of neural computation, like gain control, and by enabling dynamic phenomena, like the generation of high frequency oscillations. Fast-spiking interneurons, which represent mainly the parvalbumin-expressing, soma-targeting basket cells, are also implicated in pathological dynamics, like the propagation of seizures or the impaired coordination of activity in schizophrenia. In the present thesis, I investigate the role of fast-spiking interneurons in such dynamic phenomena by using computational and experimental techniques. First, I introduce a neural mass model of the neocortical microcircuit featuring divisive inhibition, a gain control mechanism, which is thought to be delivered mainly by the soma-targeting interneurons. Its dynamics were analysed at the onset of chaos and during the phenomena of entrainment and long-range synchronization. It is demonstrated that the mechanism of divisive inhibition reduces the sensitivity of the network to parameter changes and enhances the stability and exibility of oscillations. Next, in vitro electrophysiology was used to investigate the propagation of activity in the network of electrically coupled fast-spiking interneurons. Experimental evidence suggests that these interneurons and their gap junctions are involved in the propagation of seizures. Using multi-electrode array recordings and optogenetics, I investigated the possibility of such propagating activity under the conditions of raised extracellular K+ concentration which applies during seizures. Propagated activity was recorded and the involvement of gap junctions was con rmed by pharmacological manipulations. Finally, the interaction between two oscillations was investigated. Two oscillations with di erent frequencies were induced in cortical slices by directly activating the pyramidal cells using optogenetics. Their interaction suggested the possibility of a coincidence detection mechanism at the circuit level. Pharmacological manipulations were used to explore the role of the inhibitory interneurons during this phenomenon. The results, however, showed that the observed phenomenon was not a result of synaptic activity. Nevertheless, the experiments provided some insights about the excitability of the tissue through scattered light while using optogenetics. This investigation provides new insights into the role of fast-spiking interneurons in the neocortex. In particular, it is suggested that the gain control mechanism is important for the physiological oscillatory dynamics of the network and that the gap junctions between these interneurons can potentially contribute to the inhibitory restraint during a seizure.Wellcome Trust

    The Kuramoto model in complex networks

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    181 pages, 48 figures. In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Physics Reports 2015 Acknowledgments We are indebted with B. Sonnenschein, E. R. dos Santos, P. Schultz, C. Grabow, M. Ha and C. Choi for insightful and helpful discussions. T.P. acknowledges FAPESP (No. 2012/22160-7 and No. 2015/02486-3) and IRTG 1740. P.J. thanks founding from the China Scholarship Council (CSC). F.A.R. acknowledges CNPq (Grant No. 305940/2010-4) and FAPESP (Grants No. 2011/50761-2 and No. 2013/26416-9) for financial support. J.K. would like to acknowledge IRTG 1740 (DFG and FAPESP).Peer reviewedPreprin

    Computational Study of the Mechanisms Underlying Oscillation in Neuronal Locomotor Circuits

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    In this thesis we model two very different movement-related neuronal circuits, both of which produce oscillatory patterns of activity. In one case we study oscillatory activity in the basal ganglia under both normal and Parkinsonian conditions. First, we used a detailed Hodgkin-Huxley type spiking model to investigate the activity patterns that arise when oscillatory cortical input is transmitted to the globus pallidus via the subthalamic nucleus. Our model reproduced a result from rodent studies which shows that two anti-phase oscillatory groups of pallidal neurons appear under Parkinsonian conditions. Secondly, we used a population model of the basal ganglia to study whether oscillations could be locally generated. The basal ganglia are thought to be organised into multiple parallel channels. In our model, isolated channels could not generate oscillations, but if the lateral inhibition between channels is sufficiently strong then the network can act as a rhythm-generating ``pacemaker'' circuit. This was particularly true when we used a set of connection strength parameters that represent the basal ganglia under Parkinsonian conditions. Since many things are not known about the anatomy and electrophysiology of the basal ganglia, we also studied oscillatory activity in another, much simpler, movement-related neuronal system: the spinal cord of the Xenopus tadpole. We built a computational model of the spinal cord containing approximately 1,500 biologically realistic Hodgkin-Huxley neurons, with synaptic connectivity derived from a computational model of axon growth. The model produced physiological swimming behaviour and was used to investigate which aspects of axon growth and neuron dynamics are behaviourally important. We found that the oscillatory attractor associated with swimming was remarkably stable, which suggests that, surprisingly, many features of axonal growth and synapse formation are not necessary for swimming to emerge. We also studied how the same spinal cord network can generate a different oscillatory pattern in which neurons on both sides of the body fire synchronously. Our results here suggest that under normal conditions the synchronous state is unstable or weakly stable, but that even small increases in spike transmission delays act to stabilise it. Finally, we found that although the basal ganglia and the tadpole spinal cord are very different systems, the underlying mechanism by which they can produce oscillations may be remarkably similar. Insights from the tadpole model allow us to predict how the basal ganglia model may be capable of producing multiple patterns of oscillatory activity

    One and two photon absorption of atoms and ions

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    One and two-photon photoabsorption of atoms and ions is the primary focus of this study, with special emphasis on photoabsorption in a laser-produced strontium plasma. The dual laser plasma (DLP) technique has been employed to carry out these studies and adapted to include an optical parametric oscillator (OPO), tuneable in the visible wavelength range (410-700 nm), to permit two-photon and two-colour photoabsorption investigations. The OPO was tuned to one and two photon resonances in Sr0 and Sr+ and the XUV photoabsorption spectrum was studied for various laser intensities and detunings from resonance. Fluorescence measurements were also made to elucidate the underlying excitation dynamics in the atom/ion after laser irradiation. Absolute photoionization cross-section measurements of the Kr-isoelectronic sequence (Rb+, Sr2+) were made at the ASTRID storage ring at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. These results were complemented by measurements made with the DLP technique. Inner-shell excitation studies in Pb2+, Bi3+ and Sr+ were also undertaken with the DLP technique. Detailed atomic structure calculations using the Cowan suite of codes, based on Hartree-Fock configuration interaction methods, were performed to generate synthetic spectra for comparison with experimental results

    NASA Tech Briefs Index, 1976

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    Abstracts of new technology derived from the research and development activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration are presented. Emphasis is placed on information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines. Subject matter covered includes: electronic components and circuits; electronic systems; physical sciences; materials; life sciences; mechanics; machinery; fabrication technology; and mathematics and information sciences

    XUV and VUV photoabsorption and emission studies in thorium and other high-z laser plasmas

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    Fundamental investigations into the atomic structure of actinide atoms and ions provide a wealth of information on the physical and chemical behaviour of these elements. In this work, thorium, the second actinide element is investigated. Inner shell photoabsorption features in the 6p and 5d spectra of the free thorium atom and thorium ions produced in a laser plasma plume have been recorded using the space and time resolved Dual Laser Plasma (DLP) spectroscopic technique. Studies focus, in particular, on the investigation of the 6p —» 6d and the 5d —> 5, si' giant dipole resonance features residing in the VUV (15 to 40eV) and XUV (80 to 150eV) inner shell photoabsorption spectra of atomic and ionic thorium. The evolution of both giant dipole resonance profiles with increasing ionisation along the thorium isonuclear sequence Th to Th6+ has been studied. Results indicate that the 6d wavefunction is collapsed in neutral thorium, whereas the 5f wavefunction is to a large extent un-collapsed in neutral thorium but collapses with increasing ionisation along the thorium isonuclear sequence. A picosecond XUV continuum laser plasma light source has been developed in this work and is characterised both spectrally and temporally using time integrated flat field spectroscopy and time resolved streak camera detection. XUV continuum emission pulsewidths of less than 200ps in the 100 to 200eV energy region were recorded from the high-Z metal plasmas of tungsten, gold, lead and samarium. When incorporated into the DLP technique, the picosecond XUV continuum source permits probing of the absorbing plasma plume with superior temporal resolution than previously achieved using XUV laser plasma sources produced using nanosecond laser pulses. The newly developed source was used to the study the collapse of the broad asymmetric 5d -» 5, rf giant dipole resonance feature to discrete Rydberg-like structure along the thorium isonuclear sequence