54 research outputs found

    Automatic detection and removal of ineffective mutants for the mutation analysis of relational database schemas

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    Data is one of an organization’s most valuable and strategic assets. Testing the relational database schema, which protects the integrity of this data, is of paramount importance. Mutation analysis is a means of estimating the fault-finding “strength” of a test suite. As with program mutation, however, relational database schema mutation results in many “ineffective” mutants that both degrade test suite quality estimates and make mutation analysis more time consuming. This paper presents a taxonomy of ineffective mutants for relational database schemas, summarizing the root causes of ineffectiveness with a series of key patterns evident in database schemas. On the basis of these, we introduce algorithms that automatically detect and remove ineffective mutants. In an experimental study involving the mutation analysis of 34 schemas used with three popular relational database management systems—HyperSQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite—the results show that our algorithms can identify and discard large numbers of ineffective mutants that can account for up to 24% of mutants, leading to a change in mutation score for 33 out of 34 schemas. The tests for seven schemas were found to achieve 100% scores, indicating that they were capable of detecting and killing all non-equivalent mutants. The results also reveal that the execution cost of mutation analysis may be significantly reduced, especially with “heavyweight” DBMSs like PostgreSQL

    Mutation Analysis of Relational Database Schemas

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    The schema is the key artefact used to describe the structure of a relational database, specifying how data will be stored and the integrity constraints used to ensure it is valid. It is therefore surprising that to date little work has addressed the problem of schema testing, which aims to identify mistakes in the schema early in software development. Failure to do so may lead to critical faults, which may cause data loss or degradation of data quality, remaining undetected until later when they will prove much more costly to fix. This thesis explores how mutation analysis – a technique commonly used in software testing to evaluate test suite quality – can be applied to evaluate data generated to exercise the integrity constraints of a relational database schema. By injecting faults into the constraints, modelling both faults of omission and commission, this enables the fault-finding capability of test suites generated by different techniques to be compared. This is essential to empirically evaluate further schema testing research, providing a means of assessing the effectiveness of proposed techniques. To mutate the integrity constraints of a schema, a collection of novel mutation operators are proposed and implementation described. These allow an empirical evaluation of an existing data generation approach, demonstrating the effectiveness of the mutation analysis technique and identifying a configuration that killed 94% of mutants on average. Cost-effective algorithms for automatically removing equivalent mutants and other ineffective mutants are then proposed and evaluated, revealing a third of mutation scores to be mutation adequate and reducing time taken by an average of 7%. Finally, the execution cost problem is confronted, with a range of optimisation strategies being applied that consistently improve efficiency, reducing the time taken by several hours in the best case and as high as 99% on average for one DBMS

    Automated Software Testing of Relational Database Schemas

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    Relational databases are critical for many software systems, holding the most valuable data for organisations. Data engineers build relational databases using schemas to specify the structure of the data within a database and defining integrity constraints. These constraints protect the data's consistency and coherency, leading industry experts to recommend testing them. Since manual schema testing is labour-intensive and error-prone, automated techniques enable the generation of test data. Although these generators are well-established and effective, they use default values and often produce many, long, and similar tests --- this results in decreasing fault detection and increasing regression testing time and testers inspection efforts. It raises the following questions: How effective is the optimised random generator at generating tests and its fault detection compared to prior methods? What factors make tests understandable for testers? How to reduce tests while maintaining effectiveness? How effectively do testers inspect differently reduced tests? To answer these questions, the first contribution of this thesis is to evaluate a new optimised random generator against well-established methods empirically. Secondly, identifying understandability factors of schema tests using a human study. Thirdly, evaluating a novel approach that reduces and merge tests against traditional reduction methods. Finally, studying testers' inspection efforts with differently reduced tests using a human study. The results show that the optimised random method efficiently generates effective tests compared to well-established methods. Testers reported that many NULLs and negative numbers are confusing, and they prefer simple repetition of unimportant values and readable strings. The reduction technique with merging is the most effective at minimising tests and producing efficient tests while maintaining effectiveness compared to traditional methods. The merged tests showed an increase in inspection efficiency with a slight accuracy decrease compared to only reduced tests. Therefore, these techniques and investigations can help practitioners adopt these generators in practice

    Ontology based negative selection approach for mutation testing

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    Mutation testing is used to design new software tests and evaluate the quality of existing software tests. It works by seeding faults in the software program, which are called mutants. Test cases are executed on these mutants to determine if they are killed or remain alive. They remain alive because some of the mutants are syntactically different from the original, but are semantically the same. This makes it difficult for them to be identified by the test suites. Such mutants are called equivalent mutants. Many approaches have been developed by researchers to discover equivalent mutant but the results are not satisfactory. This research developed an ontology based negative selection algorithm (NSA), designed for anomalies detection and similar pattern recognition with two-class classification problem domains, either self (normal) or non-self (anomaly). In this research, an ontology was used to remove redundancies in test suites before undergoing detection process. During the process, NSA was used to detect the equivalent mutant among the test suites. Those who passed the condition set would be added to the equivalent coverage. The results were compared with previous works, and showed that the implementation of NSA in equivalent mutation testing had minimized local optimization problem in detector convergence (number of detectors) and time complexity (execution time). The findings had more equivalent mutants with average of 91.84% and scored higher mutation score (MS) with average of 80% for all the tested programs. Furthermore, the NSA had used a minimum number of detectors for higher detection of equivalent mutants with the average of 78% for all the tested programs. These results proved that the ontology based negative selection algorithm had achieved its goals to minimize local optimization problem

    What factors make SQL test cases understandable for testers? A human study of automated test data generation techniques

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    Since relational databases are a key component of software systems ranging from small mobile to large enterprise applications, there are well-studied methods that automatically generate test cases for database-related functionality. Yet, there has been no research to analyze how well testers - who must often serve as an "oracle" - both understand tests involving SQL and decide if they reveal flaws. This paper reports on a human study of test comprehension in the context of automatically generated tests that assess the correct specification of the integrity constraints in a relational database schema. In this domain, a tool generates INSERT statements with data values designed to either satisfy (i.e., be accepted into the database) or violate the schema (i.e., be rejected from the database). The study reveals two key findings. First, the choice of data values in INSERTs influences human understandability: the use of default values for elements not involved in the test (but necessary for adhering to SQL's syntax rules) aided participants, allowing them to easily identify and understand the important test values. Yet, negative numbers and "garbage" strings hindered this process. The second finding is more far reaching: humans found the outcome of test cases very difficult to predict when NULL was used in conjunction with foreign keys and CHECK constraints. This suggests that, while including NULLs can surface the confusing semantics of database schemas, their use makes tests less understandable for humans

    Mutation Testing Advances: An Analysis and Survey

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    Combining SOA and BPM Technologies for Cross-System Process Automation

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    This paper summarizes the results of an industry case study that introduced a cross-system business process automation solution based on a combination of SOA and BPM standard technologies (i.e., BPMN, BPEL, WSDL). Besides discussing major weaknesses of the existing, custom-built, solution and comparing them against experiences with the developed prototype, the paper presents a course of action for transforming the current solution into the proposed solution. This includes a general approach, consisting of four distinct steps, as well as specific action items that are to be performed for every step. The discussion also covers language and tool support and challenges arising from the transformation

    Deep Neural Architectures for End-to-End Relation Extraction

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    The rapid pace of scientific and technological advancements has led to a meteoric growth in knowledge, as evidenced by a sharp increase in the number of scholarly publications in recent years. PubMed, for example, archives more than 30 million biomedical articles across various domains and covers a wide range of topics including medicine, pharmacy, biology, and healthcare. Social media and digital journalism have similarly experienced their own accelerated growth in the age of big data. Hence, there is a compelling need for ways to organize and distill the vast, fragmented body of information (often unstructured in the form of natural human language) so that it can be assimilated, reasoned about, and ultimately harnessed. Relation extraction is an important natural language task toward that end. In relation extraction, semantic relationships are extracted from natural human language in the form of (subject, object, predicate) triples such that subject and object are mentions of discrete concepts and predicate indicates the type of relation between them. The difficulty of relation extraction becomes clear when we consider the myriad of ways the same relation can be expressed in natural language. Much of the current works in relation extraction assume that entities are known at extraction time, thus treating entity recognition as an entirely separate and independent task. However, recent studies have shown that entity recognition and relation extraction, when modeled together as interdependent tasks, can lead to overall improvements in extraction accuracy. When modeled in such a manner, the task is referred to as end-to-end relation extraction. In this work, we present four studies that introduce incrementally sophisticated architectures designed to tackle the task of end-to-end relation extraction. In the first study, we present a pipeline approach for extracting protein-protein interactions as affected by particular mutations. The pipeline system makes use of recurrent neural networks for protein detection, lexicons for gene normalization, and convolutional neural networks for relation extraction. In the second study, we show that a multi-task learning framework, with parameter sharing, can achieve state-of-the-art results for drug-drug interaction extraction. At its core, the model uses graph convolutions, with a novel attention-gating mechanism, over dependency parse trees. In the third study, we present a more efficient and general-purpose end-to-end neural architecture designed around the idea of the table-filling paradigm; for an input sentence of length n, all entities and relations are extracted in a single pass of the network in an indirect fashion by populating the cells of a corresponding n by n table using metric-based features. We show that this approach excels in both the general English and biomedical domains with extraction times that are up to an order of magnitude faster compared to the prior best. In the fourth and last study, we present an architecture for relation extraction that, in addition to being end-to-end, is able to handle cross-sentence and N-ary relations. Overall, our work contributes to the advancement of modern information extraction by exploring end-to-end solutions that are fast, accurate, and generalizable to many high-value domains
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