1,479 research outputs found

    Intelligent systems in manufacturing: current developments and future prospects

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    Global competition and rapidly changing customer requirements are demanding increasing changes in manufacturing environments. Enterprises are required to constantly redesign their products and continuously reconfigure their manufacturing systems. Traditional approaches to manufacturing systems do not fully satisfy this new situation. Many authors have proposed that artificial intelligence will bring the flexibility and efficiency needed by manufacturing systems. This paper is a review of artificial intelligence techniques used in manufacturing systems. The paper first defines the components of a simplified intelligent manufacturing systems (IMS), the different Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to be considered and then shows how these AI techniques are used for the components of IMS

    Operational Research in Education

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    Operational Research (OR) techniques have been applied, from the early stages of the discipline, to a wide variety of issues in education. At the government level, these include questions of what resources should be allocated to education as a whole and how these should be divided amongst the individual sectors of education and the institutions within the sectors. Another pertinent issue concerns the efficient operation of institutions, how to measure it, and whether resource allocation can be used to incentivise efficiency savings. Local governments, as well as being concerned with issues of resource allocation, may also need to make decisions regarding, for example, the creation and location of new institutions or closure of existing ones, as well as the day-to-day logistics of getting pupils to schools. Issues of concern for managers within schools and colleges include allocating the budgets, scheduling lessons and the assignment of students to courses. This survey provides an overview of the diverse problems faced by government, managers and consumers of education, and the OR techniques which have typically been applied in an effort to improve operations and provide solutions

    MPS - Decision Support System for Multiobjective Project Scheduling

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    The report presents a decision support system (DSS) for multiobjective project scheduling under multiple-category resource constraints. It handles quite a general class of nonpreemptive scheduling problems with renewable, nonrenewable and doubly-constrained resources, multiple performing modes of activities, precedence constraints in the form of an activity network and multiple project performance criteria of time and cost type. The DSS has been implemented on a microcomputer compatible with IBM PC, and called MPS. It is based on three kinds of heuristics: parallel priority rules, simulated annealing and branch-and-bound. The last algorithm can even yield exact solutions when sufficient processing time is available. Some parts of the MPS are interactive, in particular, the search for a best compromise schedule. Graphical facilities enable a thorough evaluation of feasible schedules. The report starts with a methodological guide presenting the problem formulation and the three heuristics. Then, the general scheme of the MPS is given together with an executive guide. An expanding menu and all its options are described and illustrated with a simple example. The last part presents a real problem solving consisting in scheduling 40 farm activities

    An interactive decision support method for real estate management in a multi-criteria framework – REMIND

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    Managing a housing stock involves complex decision making such as the design of a multiyear action plan pertaining to the maintenance and upgrading of the properties. In order to address this problem, we developed a novel interactive decision support method (REMIND) to assist a housing stock manager in the progressive design and choice of a multiyear action plan based on multiple criteria. It uses a filtering approach both at the individual action level and at the global scenario level where the housing stock manager can gradually express preferences and conduct what-if analyses. An optimization component based on Tabu search allows the decision-maker to obtain a set of good plans from which he can choose the one to implement. The quality of a plan is defined in terms of how well it meets the goals on each criterion. The application of the method was tested in a leading French property management company

    Applying multiobjective evolutionary algorithms in industrial projects

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    During the recent years, multiobjective evolutionary algorithms have matured as a flexible optimization tool which can be used in various areas of reallife applications. Practical experiences showed that typically the algorithms need an essential adaptation to the specific problem for a successful application. Considering these requirements, we discuss various issues of the design and application of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms to real-life optimization problems. In particular, questions on problem-specific data structures and evolutionary operators and the determination of method parameters are treated. As a major issue, the handling of infeasible intermediate solutions is pointed out. Three application examples in the areas of constrained global optimization (electronic circuit design), semi-infinite programming (design centering problems), and discrete optimization (project scheduling) are discussed

    The Efficacy of Utility Functions for Multicriteria Hospital Case-Mix Planning

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    A new approach to perform hospital case-mix planning (CMP) is introduced in this article. Our multi-criteria approach utilises utility functions (UF) to articulate the preferences and standpoint of independent decision makers regarding outputs. The primary aim of this article is to test whether a utility functions method (UFM) based upon the scalarization of aforesaid UF is an appropriate quantitative technique to, i) distribute hospital resources to different operating units, and ii) provide a better capacity allocation and case mix. Our approach is motivated by the need to provide a method able to evaluate the trade-off between different stakeholders and objectives of hospitals. To the best of our knowledge, no such approach has been considered before in the literature. As we will later show, this idea addresses various technical limitations, weaknesses, and flaws in current CMP. The efficacy of the aforesaid approach is tested on a case study of a large tertiary hospital. Currently UF are not used by hospital managers, and real functions are unavailable, hence, 14 rational options are tested. Our exploratory analysis has provided important guidelines for the application of these UF. It indicates that these UF provide a valuable starting point for planners, managers, and executives of hospitals to impose their goals and aspirations. In conclusion, our approach may be better at identifying case mix that users want to treat and seems more capable of modelling the varying importance of different levels of output. Apart from finding desirable case mixes to consider, the approach can provide important insights via a sensitivity analysis of the parameters of each UF.Comment: 35 pages, 6 tables, 29 figure

    Decision modelling tools for utilities in the deregulated energy market

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    This thesis examines the impact of the deregulation of the energy market on decision making and optimisation in utilities and demonstrates how decision support applications can solve specific encountered tasks in this context. The themes of the thesis are presented in different frameworks in order to clarify the complex decision making and optimisation environment where new sources of uncertainties arise due to the convergence of energy markets, globalisation of energy business and increasing competition. This thesis reflects the changes in the decision making and planning environment of European energy companies during the period from 1995 to 2004. It also follows the development of computational performance and evolution of energy information systems during the same period. Specifically, this thesis consists of studies at several levels of the decision making hierarchy ranging from top-level strategic decision problems to specific optimisation algorithms. On the other hand, the studies also follow the progress of the liberalised energy market from the monopolistic era to the fully competitive market with new trading instruments and issues like emissions trading. This thesis suggests that there is an increasing need for optimisation and multiple criteria decision making methods, and that new approaches based on the use of operations research are welcome as the deregulation proceeds and uncertainties increase. Technically, the optimisation applications presented are based on Lagrangian relaxation techniques and the dedicated Power Simplex algorithm supplemented with stochastic scenario analysis for decision support, a heuristic method to allocate common benefits and potential losses of coalitions of power companies, and an advanced Branch-and-Bound algorithm to solve efficiently non-convex optimisation problems. The optimisation problems are part of the operational and tactical decision making process that has become very complex in the recent years. Similarly, strategic decision support has also faced new challenges. This thesis introduces two applications involving multiple criteria decision making methods. The first application explores the decision making problem caused by the introduction of 'green' electricity that creates additional value for renewable energy. In this problem the stochastic multi-criteria acceptability analysis method (SMAA) is applied. The second strategic multi-criteria decision making study discusses two different energy-related operations research problems: the elements of risk analysis in the energy field and the evaluation of different choices with a decision support tool accommodating incomplete preference information to help energy companies to select a proper risk management system. The application is based on the rank inclusion in criteria hierarchies (RICH) method.reviewe

    Parallel software tool for decomposing and meshing of 3d structures

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    An algorithm for automatic parallel generation of three-dimensional unstructured computational meshes based on geometrical domain decomposition is proposed in this paper. Software package build upon proposed algorithm is described. Several practical examples of mesh generation on multiprocessor computational systems are given. It is shown that developed parallel algorithm enables us to reduce mesh generation time significantly (dozens of times). Moreover, it easily produces meshes with number of elements of order 5 · 107, construction of those on a single CPU is problematic. Questions of time consumption, efficiency of computations and quality of generated meshes are also considered
