60 research outputs found

    Las dimensiones sociales de los riesgos en torno a conflictos socioambientales por energía en Chile. La confianza en el conflicto de la Termoeléctrica Castilla

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    Els riscos ambientals relacionats amb projectes termoelèctrics a Xile s’han expandit i complicat en els últims anys, la qual cosa ha generat conflictes socials i ha minat la capacitat privada i institucional per prevenir-los, administrar-los i resoldre’ls. La confiança, entesa com una disposició configurativa de relacions socials, apareix com un factor clau per als desafiaments de la governança de riscos i la conflictivitat socioambiental. L’article presenta els resultats d’una enquesta, específicament, l’anàlisi de la dimensió confiança, amb el propòsit d’establir una relació entre individus i variables a través d’una anàlisi biplot simètrica. Es van distingir tres grups d’individus, la qual cosa va permetre caracteritzar un perfil específic per a cada cas davant el paper que van exercir les institucions públiques i privades durant la gestació, el desenvolupament i el conflicte que es va generar entorn del projecte Termoeléctrica Castilla a la regió d’Atacama (Xile). Entre els resultats, destaca que les dimensions basades en la competència, l’habilitat i la benevolència són les que aporten una variabilitat més gran per explicar la percepció de confiança en el conflicte Castilla. Per la seva banda, el nivell d’acceptabilitat de la termoelèctrica també està relacionat amb la disposició a participar en organitzacions socials i en accions col·lectives contencioses.Environmental risks related to thermoelectric projects in Chile have expanded and become more complex in recent years, giving rise to new social conflicts and dismissing the public and private institutional capacity to prevent, administrate and resolve them. Trust, understood as a configurative disposition of social relations, appears as a key factor for the challenges faced by the governance of risks and socio-environmental conflict. This article presents part of the results of a survey, specifically the analysis of the dimension of trust, with the purpose of establishing a relationship between individuals and variables through a symmetric biplot analysis. Three groups of individuals are identified, thus permitting us to characterize a specific profile for each case according to the role played by public and private institutions during the gestation, development, and conflict that arose around the Castilla Thermoelectric project in the Atacama Region of Chile. We highlight that the competence-ability and benevolent dimensions offer a greater variability for explaining the perception of trust in the Castilla conflict. In addition, the level of acceptability of the thermoelectric project is also related to the disposition to participate in social organizations and contentious collective actions.Los riesgos ambientales relacionados con proyectos termoeléctricos en Chile se han expandido y complejizado en los últimos años, lo cual ha generado conflictos sociales y ha minado la capacidad privada e institucional para prevenirlos, administrarlos y resolverlos. La confianza, entendida como una disposición configurativa de relaciones sociales, aparece como un factor clave para los desafíos de la gobernanza de riesgos y la conflictividad socioambiental. El artículo presenta los resultados de una encuesta, específicamente, el análisis de la dimensión confianza, con el propósito de establecer una relación entre individuos y variables a través de un análisis biplot simétrico. Se distinguieron tres grupos de individuos, lo cual permitió caracterizar un perfil específico para cada caso frente al papel que desempeñaron las instituciones públicas y privadas durante la gestación, el desarrollo y el conflicto que se generó en torno al proyecto Termoeléctrica Castilla en la región de Atacama (Chile). Entre los resultados, destaca que las dimensiones basadas en la competencia, la habilidad y la benevolencia son las que aportan mayor variabilidad para explicar la percepción de confianza en el conflicto Castilla. Por su parte, el nivel de aceptabilidad de la termoeléctrica también está relacionado con la disposición a participar en organizaciones sociales y en acciones colectivas contenciosas

    Adolescentes no consultantes en riesgo: una evaluación a través del MACI.

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    This study measures and describes characteristics of adolescents' psychological functioning which, at more intense levels, may become developmental or psychopatological disorders. The Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI; Millon, 1993) was administered to a group of 561 Chilean adolescents, from 14 to 18 years old, non-consulting and with normal school attainment. In this group, increased scores on the MACI scales identified 150 at-risk adolescents who dis not present evident emotional or behavioral problems. In this group the score's clinical significance were assessed by means of a cluster analysis that found three types of profiles on the basis of the MACI scores

    Evaluación de la percepción de calidad del servicio de alimentación en casinos concesionados

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    Cualquier organización que desea incorporar la mejora continua como parte de su cultura, debe realizar evaluaciones periódicas de la percepción de la calidad del servicio. Esto provee retroalimentación valiosa sobre las expectativas de los clientes, permitiendo realizar los ajustes necesarios que satisfagan las necesidades detectadas. Este estudio descriptivo es el primero en su tipo a nivel nacional en valorar la percepción de los comensales sobre el servicio brindado por casinos concesionados de alimentación. Actualmente se encuentra en fase de desarrollo. El proceso de investigación emplea una encuesta previamente validada como fuente primaria de recopilación de datos. Tal encuesta se aplica a los comensales que almuerzan diariamente en 12 casinos localizados en la octava región. Se evalúa la importancia de varias dimensiones de la calidad del servicio: sabor, presentación y tamaño de la ración servida, atención del personal e infraestructura, entre otros. Posteriormente, se realiza un Análisis de Componentes Principales, por ser la percepción una variable latente -no observable- con el fin de identificar la estructura subyacente de las relaciones entre las variables. Los resultados de esta investigación esperan identificar los atributos que tienen mayor impacto en la percepción de la calidad del servicio. Además, proveerán información sobre los efectos de interacciones significativas entre los atributos valorados. Sobre la base de los resultados alcanzados en el estudio de percepción de calidad, se elaborarán planes de mejora para coadyuvar a la gerencia en la formulación de estrategias más efectivas relacionadas con la mejora del servicio, incorporando proactivamente las percepciones del cliente identificadas.Any organization willing to incorporate a continuous improvement process as part of its culture must perform periodic evaluations of the quality of the service perceived by its customers. This activity provides valuable feedback regarding the expectations of the clients, allowing to realize the necessary adjustments to satisfy detected needs. This descriptive study is the first of its  type in Chile, evaluating the perception of the customers on the service offered by casinos. The study is currently being developed. The research uses a survey previously validated as primary source of information. This survey is applied to the customers who have lunch in 12 casinos located in the Bio-Bio region. Among others, we evaluate the importance of several dimensions of the quality of service: flavour, look and size of the served dish, service of the personnel and infrastructure. Then, as being the perception a latent variable - not observable - we perform a Principal Component Analysis in order to identify the underlying structure of the relations among the variables. The results of this research expect to identify the attributes that have major impact in the perception of the quality of the service. In addition, they will provide information of significant interactions between the valued attributes. Based on the results reached in the study of quality perception we propose an improvement plan to contribute to the management in the formulation of the most effective strategies related to the improvement of the service, proactively incorporating the identified perceptions of the client

    Evaluación de la percepción de calidad del servicio de alimentación en casinos concesionados

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    Cualquier organización que desea incorporar la mejora continua como parte de su cultura, debe realizar evaluaciones periódicas de la percepción de la calidad del servicio. Esto provee retroalimentación valiosa sobre las expectativas de los clientes, permitiendo realizar los ajustes necesarios que satisfagan las necesidades detectadas. Este estudio descriptivo es el primero en su tipo a nivel nacional en valorar la percepción de los comensales sobre el servicio brindado por casinos concesionados de alimentación. Actualmente se encuentra en fase de desarrollo. El proceso de investigación emplea una encuesta previamente validada como fuente primaria de recopilación de datos. Tal encuesta se aplica a los comensales que almuerzan diariamente en 12 casinos localizados en la octava región. Se evalúa la importancia de varias dimensiones de la calidad del servicio: sabor, presentación y tamaño de la ración servida, atención del personal e infraestructura, entre otros. Posteriormente, se realiza un Análisis de Componentes Principales, por ser la percepción una variable latente -no observable- con el fin de identificar la estructura subyacente de las relaciones entre las variables. Los resultados de esta investigación esperan identificar los atributos que tienen mayor impacto en la percepción de la calidad del servicio. Además, proveerán información sobre los efectos de interacciones significativas entre los atributos valorados. Sobre la base de los resultados alcanzados en el estudio de percepción de calidad, se elaborarán planes de mejora para coadyuvar a la gerencia en la formulación de estrategias más efectivas relacionadas con la mejora del servicio, incorporando proactivamente las percepciones del cliente identificadas.Any organization willing to incorporate a continuous improvement process as part of its culture must perform periodic evaluations of the quality of the service perceived by its customers. This activity provides valuable feedback regarding the expectations of the clients, allowing to realize the necessary adjustments to satisfy detected needs. This descriptive study is the first of its  type in Chile, evaluating the perception of the customers on the service offered by casinos. The study is currently being developed. The research uses a survey previously validated as primary source of information. This survey is applied to the customers who have lunch in 12 casinos located in the Bio-Bio region. Among others, we evaluate the importance of several dimensions of the quality of service: flavour, look and size of the served dish, service of the personnel and infrastructure. Then, as being the perception a latent variable - not observable - we perform a Principal Component Analysis in order to identify the underlying structure of the relations among the variables. The results of this research expect to identify the attributes that have major impact in the perception of the quality of the service. In addition, they will provide information of significant interactions between the valued attributes. Based on the results reached in the study of quality perception we propose an improvement plan to contribute to the management in the formulation of the most effective strategies related to the improvement of the service, proactively incorporating the identified perceptions of the client

    Inestabilidad de la leche asociada a componentes lácteos y estacionalidad en vacas a pastoreo

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    The aim of this work was to characterize dairy herds which presented positive result for alcohol test in milk showing no acidity; and to compare them to a dairy herd with negative result for same test, considering the seasonal effect. Four dairy milk herds were studied (three positives to alcohol test and one with negative result). Milk samples were collected during 3 months in winter season (season 1) and 3 months in summer lactation (season 2) for 2 years. A subsample of the diets were prepared and submitted to proximal analysis for ME content, Ca, P, Mg and K. Milk subsamples were analyzed for protein, lactose, Ca, Mg, P, pH, alcohol test, titratable acidity and proteasic activity. In cases negative to alcohol test, a high correlation index with milk crude protein, diet crude protein, milk phosphorus and lactose were observed. Dairy herds positive to alcohol test were highly correlated with lower dry matter content and a high content of crude fiber, besides these herds presented lower milk protein concentration. It was possible to notice an effect of feeding management in the instability of the milk. Summer's lactations under feeding stress condition would present milk instability.The aim of this work was to characterize dairy herds which presented positive result for alcohol test in milk showing no acidity; and to compare them to a dairy herd with negative result for same test, considering the seasonal effect. Four dairy milk herds were studied (three positives to alcohol test and one with negative result). Milk samples were collected during 3 months in winter season (season 1) and 3 months in summer lactation (season 2) for 2 years. A subsample of the diets were prepared and submitted to proximal analysis for ME content, Ca, P, Mg and K. Milk subsamples were analyzed for protein, lactose, Ca, Mg, P, pH, alcohol test, titratable acidity and proteasic activity. In cases negative to alcohol test, a high correlation index with milk crude protein, diet crude protein, milk phosphorus and lactose were observed. Dairy herds positive to alcohol test were highly correlated with lower dry matter content and a high content of crude fiber, besides these herds presented lower milk protein concentration. It was possible to notice an effect of feeding management in the instability of the milk. Summer's lactations under feeding stress condition would present milk instability.El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar rebaños lecheros que presentaban muestras de leche positivas a la prueba de alcohol sin estar ácidas, y compararlos con predios negativos a esta prueba, considerándose el efecto de la estacionalidad. Se estudiaron cuatro rebaños (tres positivos a la prueba de alcohol y uno negativo). En dos años, se muestreó leche durante tres meses en lactancias de invierno (época 1) y tres meses en lactancias de verano (época 2). En la dieta, se realizó análisis proximal relativo a EM, Ca, P, Mg y K. En leche, se determinó proteína, lactosa, Ca, P, Mg, K, pH, prueba de alcohol, acidez titulable y actividad proteásica. En casos negativos a la prueba de alcohol, se observó alta correlación entre proteína cruda láctea, proteína cruda en alimento, fósforo lácteo y lactosa. Los predios positivos a la prueba de alcohol se correlacionaron fuertemente con la menor concentración de materia seca y el alto contenido de fibra cruda, además presentaron menor concentración de proteína láctea. Ello indicaría que existió un efecto del manejo alimentario sobre la inestabilidad de la leche. Las lactancias desarrolladas durante la sequía estival sufren de un stress alimenticio, por lo cual podrían presentar inestabilidad láctea

    Resiliência acadêmica: Compreender as relações familiares que a promovem

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    The study of academic resilience is relevant to the educational environment because of its positive role in the educational and socio-emotional development of children and adolescents. The objective of the article was to understand the family relationships that favor academic resilience in elementary school students, first to fourth year, from vulnerable contexts. The methodology used to respond to the objectives considered a grounded theory design, since it sought to describe and understand the meanings constructed intersubjectively by the participants. The participants were selected through a guided theoretical sampling, in which data collection and analysis were carried out in parallel, with the main theoretical guide being the emerging theoretical model. The data collection strategy considered the application of 27 semi-structured interviews to vulnerable families, for which a thematic guide was prepared containing the main topics to be addressed with the participants, and without a standard scheme of response categories. Data analysis protocols and procedures were based on coding paradigm and included open, axial and selective coding levels. The results suggest that family relationships based on communication, trust, and strict academic standards combined with parental emotional support, favor academic resilience. Likewise, high academic expectations and school commitment, characterized by a component of parents affection towards school, contribute to promoting academic resilience. Finally, results are discussed from national and international theoretical evidence available, highlighting those healthy family relationships that promote academic resilience.El estudio de la resiliencia académica resulta relevante, por el rol positivo que ejerce sobre el desarrollo educativo y socioemocional de niños, niñas y adolescentes. El objetivo del artículo fue comprender las relaciones familiares que favorecen la resiliencia académica en estudiantes de enseñanza básica, primero a cuarto año, provenientes de contextos vulnerables. La metodología utilizada para dar respuesta a los objetivos, consideró un diseño de teoría fundamentada, ya que se buscó describir y comprender los significados construidos intersubjetivamente por las personas participantes. La selección de quienes participaron se realizó mediante un muestreo teoréticamente guiado, en donde recolección y análisis de datos se realizaron de manera paralela, y la guía principal fue el modelo teórico emergente. La estrategia de recogida de datos consideró la aplicación de 27 entrevistas semiestructuradas a familias vulnerables; para ello se elaboró una guía temática, que contenía los principales tópicos a abordar con las personas participantes, sin un esquema estándar de categorías de respuesta. Los protocolos y procedimientos de análisis de datos se basaron en el paradigma de codificación e incluyó los niveles de codificación abierta, axial y selectiva. Los resultados sugieren que las relaciones familiares basadas en la comunicación, confianza, normas académicas estrictas combinadas con apoyo emocional parental favorecen la resiliencia académica. De la misma forma, altas expectativas académicas y compromiso escolar, caracterizado por un componente de afectividad de los padres y madres hacia el colegio, contribuyen a promover la resiliencia académica. Finalmente, se discuten los resultados a partir de la evidencia teórica nacional e internacional disponible, destacando aquellas relaciones familiares saludables que estimulan la resiliencia académica.O estudo da resiliência acadêmica é relevante para o meio educacional pelo papel positivo que desempenha no desenvolvimento educacional e socioemocional nas crianças e nos adolescentes. O objetivo do artigo foi compreender as relações familiares que favorecem a resiliência acadêmica em alunos do ensino fundamental, do primeiro ao quarto ano, de contextos vulneráveis. A metodologia utilizada para responder aos objetivos foi baseada em um desenho teórico, uma vez que buscou descrever e comprrender os significados construídos intersubjetivamente pelos participantes. A seleção dos participantes foi realizada através de uma amostra guiada teoricamente, onde a recolha e análise dos dados foram realizada em paralelo, sendo o principal guia o modelo teórico emergente. A estratégia de coleta de dados considerou a aplicação de 27 entrevistas semiestruturadas às famílias vulneráveis, para as quais foi elaborado um guia temático, que continha os principais temas a serem discutidos com os participantes, sem um esquema padrão de categorias de resposta. Os protocoloos e procedimentos de análise de dados foram baseados no paradigma de codificação e incluíram níveis de codificação abertos, axiais e seletivos. Os resultados sugerem que as relações familiares baseadas na comunicação, confiança, padrões académicos rigorosos combinados com o apoio emocional dos pais fomentam a resiliência académica. Da mesma forma, as elevadas expectativas académicas e o compromisso da escola, caracterizado por uma componente de afeto parental pela escola, contribuem para promover a resiliência académica. Finalmente, os resultados são discutidos com base nas evidências teóricas nacionais e internacionais disponíveis, destacando-se as relações familiares saudáveis que estimulam a resiliência académica

    Psychometric properties of the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale in a sample of Chilean public school teachers

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    The Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) has demonstrated suitable levels of reliability and validity for its use on the teacher population in several countries, and it is the most used scale to assess teachers’ beliefs in their efficacy. However, few psychometric studies exist on its applicability to elementary teachers in public schools. This study analyzed the psychometric properties of the TSES in teachers who work in elementary education. The sample comprised 1,406 Chilean teachers, mainly women (77.2%), from various Chilean public and subsidized schools. The results obtained from three confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated that the model that best fit the data was bifactor exploratory structural equation modeling (B-ESEM) for 24 items, one general factor, and three residual factors. The results of the factorial invariance analysis indicate that the TSES remains stable up to the strict level of invariance for the variable sex. These results imply that the TSES can be used on Chilean teachers. The results are discussed based on the theoretical and empirical evidence available

    Fuzzy Logic in Genetic Regulatory Network Models

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    Interactions between genes and the proteins they synthesize shape genetic regulatory networks (GRN). Several models have been proposed to describe these interactions, been the most commonly used those based on ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Some approximations using piecewise linear differential equations (PLDEs), have been proposed to simplify the model non linearities. However they not allways give good results. In this context, it has been developed a model capable of representing small GRN, combining characteristics from the ODE’s models and fuzzy inference systems (FIS). The FIS is trained through an artificial neural network, which forms an Adaptive Nertwork-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). This network allows to adapt the membership and output functions from the FIS according to the training data, thus, reducing the previous knowledge needed to model the specific phenomenon. In addition, Fuzzy Logic allows to express their rules through linguistic labels, which also allows to incorporate expert knowledge in a friendly way. The proposed model has been used to describe the Lac Operon in E. Coli and it has been compared with the models already mentioned. The outcome errors due to the training process of the ANFIS network are comparable with those of the models based on ODEs. Additionally, the fuzzy logic approach provides modeling flexibility and knowledge acquisition advantages

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements