Revistas Universidad del Bío-Bío
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    Imaginarios del poemario Cipango de Thomas Harris. Espacios baldíos, represión y violencia en la calle Orompello de Concepción

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    En este estudio se busca presentar los imaginarios de la calle Orompello de Concepción, Chile, descritos en el poemario Cipango (1992) de Thomas Harris. Para ello, se realizó un análisis cualitativo interpretativo del poemario por medio de fichas de lectura, se comparó con los hechos históricos acaecidos en el lugar y una entrevista semiestructurada con el autor para ahondar en ciertos significados presentes en el texto. Los resultados arrojaron que el espacio urbano y el habitar presentes en el relato, conforman una heterotopía transformada en distopía, situada en un contexto atemporal producto de una violencia primigenia que data de la época del descubrimiento de América y que es reproducida no solamente por la dictadura de Pinochet, sino también por el Estado en democracia. Los habitantes de este lugar se ven sumergidos en una atmósfera marginal de represión y devastación, transformando el lugar en un baldío. Estas características y sucesos hacen de calle Orompello un lugar inhabitable, pero lleno de significado.This study seeks to present the imaginaries of Orompello Street in Concepción, Chile, described in the poetry book Cipango (1992) by Thomas Harris. To do this, a qualitative interpretive analysis of the collection of poems was carried out through reading cards. It was compared with the historical events that occurred in the place and a semi-structured interview with the author to delve into certain meanings present in the text. The results showed that the urban space and the living present in the story make up a heterotopia transformed into dystopia, located in a timeless context, the product of primordial violence that dates back to the time of the discovery of America and that is reproduced not only by the dictatorship of Pinochet but also by the State in democracy. The inhabitants of this place are immersed in a marginal atmosphere of repression and devastation, transforming the place into a wasteland. These characteristics and events make Orompello Street an uninhabitable place but full of meaning.Este estudo se propõe a apresentar os imaginários da rua Orompello, em Concepción, Chile, descritos no livro de poesias Cipango (1992), de Thomas Harris. Para tanto, foi realizada uma análise qualitativa interpretativa do livro de poemas por meio de fichas de leitura, uma comparação com fatos históricos ocorridos no local e uma entrevista semiestruturada com o autor, de forma a penetrar em determinados significados presentes no texto. Os resultados mostraram que o espaço urbano e o habitat presentes no relato compõem uma heterotopia transformada em distopia, situada em um contexto atemporal, fruto de uma violência primordial que data da época do descobrimento da América e é reproduzida não só pela ditadura de Pinochet, mas também pelo Estado na democracia. Os habitantes desse lugar estão submersos em uma atmosfera marginal de repressão e devastação, transformando o local em um terreno baldio. Essas características e eventos fazem da Rua Orompello um lugar inabitável, mas cheio de significado

    O habitar indígena e sua relação com a paisagem

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    O presente artigo busca tecer relações entre o habitar, a paisagem e os povos originários, em especial os Mbyá Guarani[1] que vivem no Sul do Brasil. Buscamos relacionar os seres e elementos que compõem a paisagem e estão presentes em suas narrativas de origem e nas formas construtivas que elaboram para habitar esta paisagem, ao transformarem seus componentes em arquitetura e lugares de convívio. Utilizamos uma abordagem etnográfica que inclui observações, diálogos e percursos pelas paisagens. Publicações de autoria indígena e não-indígena são referenciais teóricos interdisciplinares que auxiliam nossas reflexões. Compreendemos que a relação dos povos indígenas com a paisagem é ancestral, vinculando-se às suas memórias, narrativas e cosmologias. As formas construtivas por meio das quais habitam a paisagem revelam afeto e sentimento de pertencimento e parentesco com os elementos que dela fazem parte. Como conclusão, percebemos que a sabedoria vivenciada dos povos indígenas com relação à paisagem, desde tempos imemoriais, oferece ensinamentos para repensarmos nossa relação com o planeta como um todo.   [1] Nota sobre a grafia dos termos indígenas: as palavras em línguas indígenas não possuem plural, portanto ao nos referirmos a um povo utilizamos maiúscula no singular (ex.: os Guarani); enquanto a utilização como adjetivo é em minúscula (ex.: escola guarani). Os demais termos têm como base o Léxico Guarani, de Dooley (2013). São respeitadas as formas utilizadas pelos autores guarani e, no caso de citações de outros autores, é mantida a forma utilizada por eles.Este artículo busca tejer relaciones entre el habitar, el paisaje y los pueblos originarios, especialmente los Mbyá Guaraní[1] del Sur de Brasil. Buscamos relacionar a los seres con los elementos que componen el paisaje y están presentes en sus narrativas de origen y en las formas constructivas que crean para habitar este paisaje, transformando sus componentes en arquitectura y lugares de convivencia. Se utilizó un enfoque etnográfico que incluye observaciones, diálogos y recorridos por los paisajes. Las publicaciones de autores indígenas y no indígenas son referentes teóricos interdisciplinarios que ayudan a estas reflexiones. Entendemos que la relación entre los pueblos indígenas y el paisaje es ancestral, ligada a sus memorias, narrativas y cosmologías. Las formas constructivas a través de las cuales habitan el paisaje revelan afecto y sentimiento de pertenencia y parentesco con los elementos que forman parte del mismo. En conclusión, nos damos cuenta de que la sabiduría experimentada de los pueblos indígenas con relación al paisaje, desde tiempos inmemoriales, ofrece lecciones para repensar nuestra relación con el planeta en su conjunto.   [1] Nota sobre la ortografía de los términos indígenas: las palabras en lenguas indígenas no tienen plural, por lo que cuando nos referimos a un pueblo utilizamos mayúsculas en singular (por ejemplo, los guaraníes); mientras que cuando se utiliza como adjetivo va en minúsculas (por ejemplo, escuela guaraní). Los demás términos se basan en el Léxico Guaraní de Dooley (2013). Se respetan las formas utilizadas por los autores guaraníes y, en el caso de citas de otros autores, se mantiene la forma utilizada por ellos.This article seeks to weave relationships between living, the landscape, and the original peoples, especially the Mbyá Guarani[1] from Southern Brazil. We seek to relate the beings and elements that make up the landscape and are present in their narratives of origin and in the constructive forms they create to inhabit this landscape by transforming its components into architecture and places of conviviality. An ethnographic approach was used, including observations, dialogs, and journeys through the landscapes. Publications by indigenous and non-indigenous authors are interdisciplinary theoretical references that help these reflections. It is understood that the relationship between indigenous peoples and the landscape is ancestral, linked to their memories, narratives, and cosmologies. The constructive forms through which they inhabit the landscape reveal affection and a feeling of belonging and kinship with the elements that are part of it. In conclusion, it is perceived that the experienced wisdom of indigenous peoples about the landscape since time immemorial offers lessons to rethink our relationship with the planet as a whole.   [1] Note on the spelling of indigenous terms: words in indigenous languages do not have a plural, so when referring to a people we use a capital letter in the singular (e.g.: the Guarani); while the use as an adjective is in lower case (e.g.: Guarani school). The other terms are based on the Guarani Lexicon by Dooley (2013). The forms used by the Guarani authors are respected and, in the case of quotations from other authors, the form used by them is maintained

    The effect of adding graphene oxide to urea formaldehyde resin and its efficacy on three layered particleboard

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    The research for improving adhesives and the properties of wood composites is always important for industry. The aim of this study is investigating the effect of adding graphene oxide in the UF resin on the functional properties of particleboard panels with an average thickness of 16 mm. The influence of graphene oxide content (0; 0,25 %; 0,5 % and 0,75 % based on the dry weight of the UF resin) and pressing time (4 and 5 minutes) on the internal bonding, bending strength, modulus of elasticity and dimensional stability were studied. The results showed that the use of graphene oxide in the UF resin caused an improvement of the mechanical and physical properties of the particleboards. Also, comparing two different pressing times, the boards made by 4 minutes with graphene oxide is preferred without negative effect on the functional properties of particleboards

    Anatomy based papermaking potential of some woody plants under different ecological conditions

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    The increasing use of wood in the forest industry and reduction of forest resources have prompted the paper industry to look for new materials. To this end, this study examined the biometric coefficients of the seven woody stems grown in different regions and investigated suitability for papermaking as an alternative to the use of wood. Wood samples of each species were collected from two different regions in Türkiye: the Kozan region, which has a Mediterranean climate, and the Yuvacık region, which has a mostly oceanic climate.  The species included in the study were Phillyrea latifolia (mock privet), Arbutus andrachne (greek strawberry tree), Erica arborea (tree heath), Spartium junceum (spanish broom), Laurus nobilis (bay tree), Pistacia turpentine (cyprus turpentine tree), and Rhus coriaria (elm-leaved sumac). All fibers were classified as short. The longest fiber was observed for Spartium junceum (spanish broom) in Kozan. The fiber diameter was highest for Arbutus andrachne (greek strawberry tree) from Kozan, followed by Rhus coriaria (elm-leaved sumac) from Yuvacık and Laurus nobilis (bay tree) from Kozan. The fiber dimensions and the relationship between them were statistically analyzed. These included the slenderness ratio, flexibility coefficient, Runkel ratio, rigidity coefficient, Luce’s shape factor, F-factor, and Muhlsteph ratio. Although differences in fiber properties were detected between the two regions, it was determined that these were not enough to affect the desired properties for paper production. It was concluded that the fibers could be used in pulp, paperboard, and corrugated board production when mixed with long fibers. &nbsp


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    Las artesanías mexicanas son admiradas y valoradas en todo el mundo siendo algunas de ellas patrimonio cultural de la humanidad. Uno de los problemas que tienen los artesanos mexicanos es el empaque y embalaje, ya que no han profesionalizado este proceso fundamental para la exportación, pues evitan que las mercancías se dañen. El envase, empaque y embalaje de las artesanías presentan un reto debido a la delicadeza de las figuras, la fragilidad de los materiales y el bajo margen de ganancia, por lo que se deben optimizar a fin de no incrementar el precio. Para el desarrollo del envase, empaque y embalaje se utilizó el QFD con el fin de proponer un sistema eficiente partiendo de las necesidades de los artesanos. El diseño de envases y empaques para la artesanía “Catrina” de Capula, Michoacán; se plantea como una necesidad para mejorar la presentación, facilitar su manejo, transporte, almacenaje, manipulación y distribución. Actualmente, la industria cultural es del interés de muchas personas, organismos y gobiernos, ya que existe preocupación de que se pierdan los conocimientos ancestrales; siendo México un país con basta riqueza cultural existe el interés del gobierno por su conservación, así como del impacto que genera en la región.Mexican handicrafts are admired and valued all around the world, some of them being as Cultural Heritage of Humanity. One of the problems that Mexican artisans have is the secondary and tertiary packaging, since they have not professionalized this fundamental process for export, because they prevent the goods from being damaged. The handicrafts present a challenge in terms of primary, secondary or tertiary packaging, due to the figures fragility, the used materials and low profit margin, so they must be optimized in order not to increase the price. Currently, the cultural industry or craft trade has become interesting to many people, organizations and governments, since there is a real concern that the ancestral knowledge will be lost. Being Mexico a country with a vast cultural wealth there is the government's interest in its conservation, as well as the impact it generates in the region. The design of containers and packaging for the crafts of the Catrina in Capula, Michoacán is considered as a necessity to improve the presentation, facilitating its handling, transport, storage, manipulation and distribution. For the developing the packaging, the QFD was used in order to propose an efficient packaging system based on the needs of the artisans

    Characterization of nanocellulose/pyrolysis oil nanocomposite films

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    In this study, the sustainable recycling of tire waste, which is frequently formed in the automotive industry, and the transformation of this recycling into valuable materials are in question. Waste tire pyrolysis oil obtained as a result of the pyrolysis of tire wastes was evaluated for the first time as a reinforcement element in nanocellulose-based nanocomposite films. Nanocellulose was produced using the TEMPO method (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl radical). 5 %, 10 % and 20 % pyrolysis oil were added to the nanocomposite films. Thermal (thermal gravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, thermomechanical (dynamic mechanical thermal analysis and morphological (scanning electron microscopy) characterization of the produced nanocomposite films were performed. The highest thermal stability was observed in the nanocellulose/pyrolysis oil-20 sample with 20% pyrolysis oil additive. The pyrolysis oil-reinforced nanocomposites resulted in an excellent increase in storage and loss modulus. The storage modulus of the 20 % pyrolysis oil added sample at 100 °C was exactly 18 times that of pure nanocellulose.  Nanocellulose-based nanocomposite films with superior thermal properties and structural compatibility demonstrated by characterized results have been shown to be pioneers in future industrial applications such as pharmacy, coating, green packaging

    Influences of oak utilization on the medium density fiberboard properties

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    Softwoods are the basic and traditional raw materials for medium-density fiberboard production. However, sustainable consumption of wood material in the production of wood-based products requires material variety. Therefore, the usability of hardwood species in the production and its effects on the board properties should be of interest. Considering this, the influence of oak utilization percentages (30 %, 50 %, 70 %, and 100 %) on the physical (density, thickness swelling-TS 2 and 24 h) and mechanical (modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, internal bonding, screw holding resistance, and Janka hardness) properties of medium density fiberboard was evaluated in this study. Boards were factory-made instead of laboratory-made using Quercus petraea (oak), Fagus orientalis (beech), and Pinus sylvester (Scots pine) fibers. According to the results, the modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, and Janka hardness values were increased when medium-density fiberboard was produced using only oak fiber. On the contrary, thickness swelling, screw-holding resistance, and internal bonding properties were decreased

    Los recubrimientos exteriores en la arquitectura alemana de Valdivia. Una metáfora de refinamiento y distinción social

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    As a result of the colonization process that began in the mid-19th century in southern Chile and, with it, the systematic arrival of European immigrants, an informal discourse has been favored over time to sustain the transcendent contribution of foreigners in the area, as well as the architectures accrued, thus emerging a widely spread valuation and cataloging discourse; the «German architecture of southern Chile.» Notwithstanding the widely publicized colonizing agenda and its overall impact, economic progress and better material conditions are not transversal issues within this migrant colony. Within this scenario, the Typical Zone of General Pedro Lagos Street, located in the city of Valdivia, constitutes a highly representative sector in terms of its social recognition and the valuation given to the properties located there as exponents of a prolific colonization process. In a specific group of buildings in this area, this article will review and present detailed background information that will allow building a situated and complex architectural scene, revealing the mechanisms used to exhibit prosperity and social climbing as an expiatory vehicle to cover production conditions alien to the neatness of capitalist German entrepreneurship and the European sophistication that was so desired to be transmitted in the cities undergoing fledgling immigration processes.Como consequência do processo de colonização promovido desde meados do século XIX no sul do Chile e, com ele, a chegada sistemática de imigrantes europeus, desenvolveu-se ao longo do tempo um discurso não oficial para sustentar a contribuição transcendente dos estrangeiros na região, bem como das arquiteturas que dela resultaram, dando origem a um discurso de valorização e catalogação amplamente difundido: a "arquitetura alemã do sul do Chile". A despeito da agenda colonizadora e de seu impacto geral amplamente disseminado, o progresso econômico e as melhores condições materiais não são questões transversais a essa colônia de migrantes. Dentro desse cenário, a Zona Típica da Rua General Pedro Lagos, localizada na cidade de Valdivia, constitui um setor altamente representativo em termos de seu reconhecimento social, bem como da valorização dos imóveis nela situados como expoentes de um prolífico processo de colonização. Em um grupo específico de imóveis dessa área, revisaremos e exporemos informações detalhadas de antecedentes que nos permitirão erigir um cenário arquitetônico situado e complexo, revelando os mecanismos utilizados para exibir prosperidade e ascensão social como veículo expiatório para cobrir condições de produção alheias ao asseio primoroso da iniciativa capitalista alemã e à sofisticação europeia que tanto se desejava transmitir nas cidades submetidas aos primeiros processos de imigração.A consecuencia del proceso de colonización impulsado desde mediados del siglo XIX en el Sur de Chile y con ello, el arribo sistemático de inmigrantes europeos, se ha favorecido con el tiempo un discurso oficioso para sostener el aporte trascendente de extranjeros en la zona, así como también de las arquitecturas devengadas del mismo, emergiendo con ello un discurso de valoración y catalogación ampliamente difundido; la «arquitectura alemana del sur de Chile». Sin perjuicio de la agenda colonizadora y su impacto general ampliamente difundidos, los progresos económicos y las mejores condiciones materiales no son asuntos transversales dentro de esta colonia migrante. Dentro de este escenario, la Zona Típica de la calle General Pedro Lagos ubicada en la ciudad de Valdivia constituye un sector altamente representativo en cuanto a su reconocimiento social, así como de la asignación de valoración de los inmuebles situados ahí como exponentes de un prolífico proceso de colonización. En un grupo específicos de inmuebles en esta zona, revisaremos y expondremos antecedentes pormenorizados que permitirán erigir una escena arquitectural situada y compleja, revelando los mecanismos empleados para exhibir prosperidad y ascenso social como vehículo expiatorio para recubrir condiciones de producción ajenas a la pulcritud del emprendimiento capitalista alemán y la sofisticación europea que tanto se deseaba transmitir en las ciudades bajo procesos de inmigración temprana

    Relationship between acoustic wave velocity and mechanical properties in Acacia mangium wood

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    There is a strong interest in developing and using acoustic technology to evaluate the mechanical properties of wood in situations where a static bending test is not feasible to undertake. In this study, the mechanical properties of Acacia mangium (black wattle) wood were predicted by using stress wave and ultrasonic wave methods. The values of dynamic modulus of elasticity based on stress wave and ultrasonic wave were 9,29 % and 4,75 % higher than those obtained from static modulus of elasticity, respectively. There was no statistically significant correlation between acoustic velocity and mechanical properties measured by destructive tests. The strong experimental correlation coefficients were found between stress wave and modulus of elasticity (r = 0,94; P < 0,001), and ultrasonic wave and modulus of elasticity (r = 0,83; P < 0,001). This result indicates that stress wave and ultrasonic wave techniques are suitable for predicting the static modulus of elasticity of Acacia mangium (black wattle) wood if the density of the measured elements is known. There was no dependence of wood density and acoustic propagation velocity measured in this study, whereas statistically significant correlations were found between the fiber length with stress wave velocity (r = 0,44; P < 0,05) and ultrasonic velocity (r = 0,48; P < 0,05)

    Total phenolics, tannin contents, antioxidant properties, protein and sensory analysis of Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus citrinopileatus and Pleurotus djamor cultivated on different sawdusts

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    In mushroom cultivation, it is important to be aware of the impact of the growing substrate. This study investigated the cultivation of various oyster mushrooms, including Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus citrinopileatus, and Pleurotus djamor, on different types of wood sawdust. Total phenolic content, condensed tannins, antioxidant activity by ferric reducing antioxidant power assay, protein and sensory evaluations were performed in cultivated oyster mushrooms. Wood sawdust of Fagus orientalis (oriental beech), Alnus glutinosa (alder), Castanea sativa (chestnut), and Juglans regia (walnut) were used as substrate for studied mushroom type, separately. Because champignon (Agaricus bisporus) was the most consumed mushroom, it was used as control sample. Methanolic extracts of dried mushrooms were used to measure bioactive characteristics. Pleurotus ostreatus samples cultivated in Alnus glutinosa (alder) sawdust substrate had the highest antioxidant activity. The lowest antioxidant activity values were found in Pleurotus djamor cultivated in Juglans regia (walnut) wood sawdust substrate. The highest protein content was measured in Agaricus bisporus as 13,84 %. The other highest protein concentration was found in Pleurotus ostreatus cultivated in Alnus glutinosa (alder) sawdust substrate, at 13,75 %. The lowest protein concentration belonged to Pleurotus citrinopileatus cultivated in Fagus orientalis (oriental beech) sawdust substrate as 9,86 %. While Agaricus bisporus and Pleurotus ostreatus had the highest overall appreciation score, Pleurotus citrinopileatus had the lowest. It has been observed that the substrate content has an important impact on chemical and sensory properties of the oyster mushrooms.  This study provides knowledge on the chemical and sensory characteristics of three different Pleurotus mushroom species cultivated on different composts


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