38 research outputs found

    Ética y política en la filosofía política: clasica, medieval, renacentista y moderna

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    Ética y política son conceptos oídos normalmente por cualquiera, sin embargo, pocas veces son asociados sino es para reprochar, respectivamente, su falta de una a la otra. En general en ciencia política se suelen separar, aludiendo que cada una tiene menesteres que resolver. A pesar de que el tema ha dado mucho de qué hablar, no todo está dicho, es decir, subsisten muchas interrogantes aún pendientes de resolver, así como muchos temas sobre los cuales discurrir; de tal suerte esta situación incita e invita a querer conocer más entorno a la relación entre ética y política, con el objetivo de comprender qué correspondencia tienen en realidad. El por qué de la investigación está asociado a las vivencias comunes, ellas generan creencias, creencias que se transforman en prejuicios de cómo se configura la realidad, dando por sentado, en especificó, que la ética y la política no se relacionan profundamente. Puesto así, la finalidad de este estudio es analizar y valorar la injerencia de la ética en la política en sentido ontológico, epistemológico y axiológico. Saber qué ideas hay de ética y de política es por tanto imprescindible para la investigación, sin embargo, tal pretensión no es nada pequeña y requiere la generación de marco teórico consistente que sirva como basamento de la investigación; en este sentido, la orientación adoptada hace eco de lo planteado por Giovanni Sartori: ―una ciencia en sus primeros pasos, debe volver a los comienzos de la ciencia que adoptó como modelo‖ (Sartori, 2011, p. 9). Por tanto, partiendo de la creencia sustentada de que la política y la ética debían estar separadas

    Proyecto E-Academy

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    El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo fomentar la interacción entre ciertos jugadores de videojuegos interesados en aprender más sobre el mundo de los e-sports y profesionales del área, también conocidos como coaches, quiénes se encargarán de entrenar a los alumnos según las metas planteadas por cada uno de ellos. Para ello, se propuso la creación de una plataforma virtual, la cual cumple con el objetivo principal del proyecto, esta podrá ser usada como medio principal de inscripción, conocimiento y fidelización del usuario. Asimismo, la idea de iniciar un proyecto de plataforma virtual gamer, nace de la urgencia y estrés que muchos jugadores presentan al no saber cómo manejar ciertos videojuegos de alto nivel de complejidad, además; debido a la coyuntura actual la demanda de videojuegos y uso de programas gamer ha incrementado considerablemente, hasta el punto de ampliar el panorama de los usuarios para llegar a competir internacionalmente. En ese sentido, el presente proyecto de investigación abordará temas relacionados al marketing, viabilidad del negocio, rentabilidad, y será posible validar la solución y el modelo de negocio a partir de las herramientas a usar. Finalmente, se analizará cada estrategia de negocio, comercial y operativa para determinar los puntos clave de venta que permitirán obtener ingresos elevados tanto en corto como en largo plazo.This research project aims to promote interaction between videogame players interested in learning more about the world of esports and professionals in the area, also known as coaches, who will be responsible for training students according to the goals set by each of them. For this, the creation of a virtual platform was proposed, which meets the main objective of the project, this can be used as the main means of registration, knowledge and user loyalty. Likewise, the idea of starting a virtual gamer platform project was born from the urgency and stress that many players present when they do not know how to handle certain video games of high level of complexity, in addition; due to the current situation the demand for video games and the use of gamer programs has increased considerably, to the point of expanding the panorama of users to compete internationally. In that sense, this research project will address issues related to marketing, business viability, profitability, and it will be possible to validate the solution and the business model from the tools to be used. Finally, each business, commercial and operational strategy will be analyzed to determine the key selling points that will allow obtaining high revenues in both the short and long term.Trabajo de investigació

    Compromising between European and US allergen immunotherapy schools: Discussions from GUIMIT, the Mexican immunotherapy guidelines

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    Background: Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) has a longstanding history and still remains the only disease-changing treatment for allergic rhinitis and asthma. Over the years 2 different schools have developed their strategies: the United States (US) and the European. Allergen extracts available in these regions are adapted to local practice. In other parts of the world, extracts from both regions and local ones are commercialized, as in Mexico. Here, local experts developed a national AIT guideline (GUIMIT 2019) searching for compromises between both schools. Methods: Using ADAPTE methodology for transculturizing guidelines and AGREE-II for evaluating guideline quality, GUIMIT selected 3 high-quality Main Reference Guidelines (MRGs): the European Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (EAACI) guideines, the S2k guideline of various German-speaking medical societies (2014), and the US Practice Parameters on Allergen Immunotherapy 2011. We formulated clinical questions and based responses on the fused evidence available in the MRGs, combined with local possibilities, patient's preference, and costs. We came across several issues on which the MRGs disagreed. These are presented here along with arguments of GUIMIT members to resolve them. GUIMIT (for a complete English version, see Supplementary data) concluded the following: Results: Related to the diagnosis of IgE-mediated respiratory allergy, apart from skin prick testing complementary tests (challenges, in vitro testing and molecular such as species-specific allergens) might be useful in selected cases to inform AIT composition. AIT is indicated in allergic rhinitis and suggested in allergic asthma (once controlled) and IgE-mediated atopic dermatitis. Concerning the correct subcutaneous AIT dose for compounding vials according to the US school: dosing tables and formula are given; up to 4 non-related allergens can be mixed, refraining from mixing high with low protease extracts. When using European extracts: the manufacturer's indications should be followed; in multi-allergic patients 2 simultaneous injections can be given (100% consensus); mixing is discouraged. In Mexico only allergoid tablets are available; based on doses used in all sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) publications referenced in MRGs, GUIMIT suggests a probable effective dose related to subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) might be: 50–200% of the monthly SCIT dose given daily, maximum mixing 4 allergens. Also, a table with practical suggestions on non-evidence-existing issues, developed with a simplified Delphi method, is added. Finally, dissemination and implementation of guidelines is briefly discussed, explaining how we used online tools for this in Mexico. Conclusions: Countries where European and American AIT extracts are available should adjust AIT according to which school is followed

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements

    GUIMIT 2019, Guía mexicana de inmunoterapia. Guía de diagnóstico de alergia mediada por IgE e inmunoterapia aplicando el método ADAPTE

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    Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Measurements of top-quark pair differential cross-sections in the eμe\mu channel in pppp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s} = 13 TeV using the ATLAS detector

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    Measurement of the W boson polarisation in ttˉt\bar{t} events from pp collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV in the lepton + jets channel with ATLAS

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    ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct pair production of third-generation squarks at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collision data at s=8TeV\sqrt{s}=8\,\mathrm TeV{} with the ATLAS detector

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