117 research outputs found

    Self-directed growth of AlGaAs core-shell nanowires for visible light applications

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    Al(0.37)Ga(0.63)As nanowires (NWs) were grown in a molecular beam epitaxy system on GaAs(111)B substrates. Micro-photoluminescence measurements and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy indicated a core-shell structure and Al composition gradient along the NW axis, producing a potential minimum for carrier confinement. The core-shell structure formed during the growth as a consequence of the different Al and Ga adatom diffusion lengths.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Сравнительная оценка методов анестезии, используемых при реконструктивных операциях на сонных артериях

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    The objective: to assess the impact of total intravenous and combined anesthesia (consisting of regional block and inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane) on higher mental functions, frequency and nature of postoperative complications in carotid endarterectomy.Subjects and methods. A total of 190 patients with ipsilateral carotid stenosis exceeding 70%, or with the unstable atheromatous plaque were examined. CE was performed in 140 (73.6%) patients, while 50 (26.4%) patients underwent plasty with the autovenous patch. 60 patients had total intravenous anesthesia. The other 60 patients had combination anesthesia (cervical plexus block as per A. Yu. Paschuk + non-inhalation anesthesia with thiopental sodium). In 70 patients, low-flow inhalation anesthesia with sevoran and potentiation of the analgesic effect by bolus administration of fentanyl was performed. The parameters of central hemodynamics, cerebral blood flow, markers of cerebral damage, and state of higher mental functions were assessed.Results. Inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane was characterized by decrease of total peripheral resistance index by 20% (p = 0.002) and SBP by 13% (p = 0.004) compared to baseline values. Moderate reduction of afterload was accompanied by normalization of cardiac and stroke indices. Optimization of the central hemodynamic parameters led to high levels of the linear velocity of cerebral blood flow and cerebral perfusion pressure which at the main stages of the operation did not differ from the control values. At the end of the operation, a statistically significant insignificant increase in intracranial pressure was noted (on average, by 4 mm Hg exceeded values at the previous stages, p = 0.014) and levels of markers of ischemic neuronal damage: the levels of antibodies to protein S-100 increased by 14% (p = 0.043), and NSE – by 2.8 μg/L. During inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane, the lowest number of postoperative neurological and cardiac complications was recorded; they developed only in 6 (8.6%) patients and distributed equally. However, more pronounced postoperative cognitive dysfunction was noted when this method of anesthesia was used.Conclusion. Each method of anesthesia provided an unequal level of cerebral protection from ischemic damage which was manifested by a difference in the severity of disorders of higher mental functions, the number and nature of postoperative neurological complications.Цель: оценить влияние тотальной внутривенной и комбинированной (на основе регионарной блокады и ингаляционной анестезии севофлураном) анестезии на состояние высших психических функций, число и характер послеоперационных осложнений при каротидной эндартерэктомии.Материалы и методы. Обследовано 190 пациентов с ипсилатеральным стенозом сонной артерии, большим чем 70%, либо с нестабильной атероматозной бляшкой. КЭ выполнили 140 (73,6%) больным, 50 (26,4%) – пластику сонной артерии с наложением заплаты аутовеной. Провели тотальную внутривенную анестезию 60 пациентам. Еще в 60 случаях операцию выполнили с использованием «комбинированной» анестезии (блокада шейного сплетения по А. Ю. Пащуку + неигаляционная анестезия тиопенталом натрия). У 70 больных проводили низкопоточную ингаляционную анестезию севораном с потенцированием анальгетического эффекта болюсным введением фентанила. Исследовали параметры центральной гемодинамики, мозгового кровотока, маркеры мозгового повреждения, состояние высших психических функций.Результаты. Ингаляционная анестезия севофлураном характеризовалась снижением индекса общего периферического сопротивления на 20% (p = 0,002) и САД на 13% (p = 0,004) по сравнению с исходными значениями. Умеренное снижение постнагрузки сопровождалось нормализацией сердечного и ударного индексов. Оптимизация параметров центральной гемодинамики обусловила высокие уровни линейной скорости мозгового кровотока и церебрального перфузионного давления, которые на основных этапах операции не отличались от контрольных значений. В конце операции отмечали статистически значимое незначительное увеличение внутричерепного давления (в среднем на 4 мм рт. ст. превышало данные предыдущих этапов, p = 0,014) и содержания маркеров ишемического нейронального повреждения: уровни антител к протеину S-100 увеличивались на 14% (p = 0,043), а НСЕ ‒ на 2,8 мкг/л. При ингаляционной анестезии севофлураном регистрировали наименьшее число послеоперационных неврологических и кардиальных осложнений, они развились лишь у 6 (8,6%) больных, распределившись поровну. Однако при этом методе анестезии отмечена более выраженная послеоперационная когнитивная дисфункция.Заключение. Каждый метод анестезии обеспечивал неодинаковый уровень защиты головного мозга от ишемического повреждения, что проявлялось различием в степени выраженности нарушений высших психических функций, числе и характере послеоперационных неврологических осложнений

    Anemia prevalence in women of reproductive age in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2018

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    Anemia is a globally widespread condition in women and is associated with reduced economic productivity and increased mortality worldwide. Here we map annual 2000–2018 geospatial estimates of anemia prevalence in women of reproductive age (15–49 years) across 82 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), stratify anemia by severity and aggregate results to policy-relevant administrative and national levels. Additionally, we provide subnational disparity analyses to provide a comprehensive overview of anemia prevalence inequalities within these countries and predict progress toward the World Health Organization’s Global Nutrition Target (WHO GNT) to reduce anemia by half by 2030. Our results demonstrate widespread moderate improvements in overall anemia prevalence but identify only three LMICs with a high probability of achieving the WHO GNT by 2030 at a national scale, and no LMIC is expected to achieve the target in all their subnational administrative units. Our maps show where large within-country disparities occur, as well as areas likely to fall short of the WHO GNT, offering precision public health tools so that adequate resource allocation and subsequent interventions can be targeted to the most vulnerable populations

    Место фиксированной комбинации индакатерола, гликопиррония и мометазона фуроата в терапии бронхиальной астмы. Заключение Совета экспертов Российского респираторного общества

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    Achieving the control of bronchial asthma (BA) in real clinical practice remains an unresolved problem, despite the expansion of therapeutic options in this area. Guidelines about when and for whom should a particular treatment be used continue to develop. Increasing of inhaled corticosteroid dose (ICS) in combination with a long-acting β2-agonist (LABA) does not always lead to the desired result, although a combined LABA-ICS inhaler could improve the course of asthma and increase adherence. The addition of tiotropium bromide to LABA-ICS requires the use of two inhalers. The targeted biological therapy is associated with the complexity of phenotyping and is possible only in specialized medical centers. Mometasone furoate, indacaterol acetate, and glycopyrronium bromide in fixed doses were combined in Breezhaler® inhaler for asthma maintenance therapy once per day. This way of treatment helps to realize full potential of maintenance inhalation therapy of bronchial asthma and to simplify the achievement of control over the disease in routine clinical practice.Достижение контроля над бронхиальной астмой (БА) в реальной клинической практике остается нерешенной проблемой, несмотря на существенное расширение терапевтических возможностей в этом направлении. Рекомендации о том, когда и для кого должны использоваться те или иные методы лечения, продолжают расширяться. При увеличении дозы ингаляционного глюкокортикостероида (иГКС) в комбинации с длительно действующим β2-агонистом (ДДБА) далеко не всегда достигается желаемый результат, хотя при использовании единого ингалятора иГКС / ДДБА может улучшиться течение БА и повыситься приверженность терапии. При добавлении тиотро-пия бромида к иГКС / ДДБА требуется использование 2 ингаляторов, а назначение таргетной биологической терапии связано со сложностью фенотипирования и возможно только в специализированных медицинских центрах. Мометазона фуроат, индакатерола ацетат и гликопиррония бромид объединены в фиксированную комбинацию, доставляемую с помощью ингалятора Бризхалер® 1 раз в день для поддерживающей терапии БА. Этот способ лечения помогает реализовать потенциал базисной ингаляционной терапии БА и упростить достижение контроля над заболеванием в повседневной клинической практике

    The effects of stimulus complexity on the preattentive processing of self-generated and nonself voices: an ERP study

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    The ability to differentiate one's own voice from the voice of somebody else plays a critical role in successful verbal self-monitoring processes and in communication. However, most of the existing studies have only focused on the sensory correlates of self-generated voice processing, whereas the effects of attentional demands and stimulus complexity on self-generated voice processing remain largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the effects of stimulus complexity on the preattentive processing of self and nonself voice stimuli. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 17 healthy males who watched a silent movie while ignoring prerecorded self-generated (SGV) and nonself (NSV) voice stimuli, consisting of a vocalization (vocalization category condition: VCC) or of a disyllabic word (word category condition: WCC). All voice stimuli were presented as standard and deviant events in four distinct oddball sequences. The mismatch negativity (MMN) ERP component peaked earlier for NSV than for SGV stimuli. Moreover, when compared with SGV stimuli, the P3a amplitude was increased for NSV stimuli in the VCC only, whereas in the WCC no significant differences were found between the two voice types. These findings suggest differences in the time course of automatic detection of a change in voice identity. In addition, they suggest that stimulus complexity modulates the magnitude of the orienting response to SGV and NSV stimuli, extending previous findings on self-voice processing.This work was supported by Grant Numbers IF/00334/2012, PTDC/PSI-PCL/116626/2010, and PTDC/MHN-PCN/3606/2012, funded by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) and the Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional through the European programs Quadro de Referencia Estrategico Nacional and Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade, awarded to A.P.P., and by FCT Doctoral Grant Number SFRH/BD/77681/2011, awarded to T.C.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fluid challenges in intensive care: the FENICE study A global inception cohort study

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    Fluid challenges (FCs) are one of the most commonly used therapies in critically ill patients and represent the cornerstone of hemodynamic management in intensive care units. There are clear benefits and harms from fluid therapy. Limited data on the indication, type, amount and rate of an FC in critically ill patients exist in the literature. The primary aim was to evaluate how physicians conduct FCs in terms of type, volume, and rate of given fluid; the secondary aim was to evaluate variables used to trigger an FC and to compare the proportion of patients receiving further fluid administration based on the response to the FC.This was an observational study conducted in ICUs around the world. Each participating unit entered a maximum of 20 patients with one FC.2213 patients were enrolled and analyzed in the study. The median [interquartile range] amount of fluid given during an FC was 500 ml (500-1000). The median time was 24 min (40-60 min), and the median rate of FC was 1000 [500-1333] ml/h. The main indication for FC was hypotension in 1211 (59 %, CI 57-61 %). In 43 % (CI 41-45 %) of the cases no hemodynamic variable was used. Static markers of preload were used in 785 of 2213 cases (36 %, CI 34-37 %). Dynamic indices of preload responsiveness were used in 483 of 2213 cases (22 %, CI 20-24 %). No safety variable for the FC was used in 72 % (CI 70-74 %) of the cases. There was no statistically significant difference in the proportion of patients who received further fluids after the FC between those with a positive, with an uncertain or with a negatively judged response.The current practice and evaluation of FC in critically ill patients are highly variable. Prediction of fluid responsiveness is not used routinely, safety limits are rarely used, and information from previous failed FCs is not always taken into account

    Estimating global injuries morbidity and mortality: methods and data used in the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study

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    BACKGROUND: While there is a long history of measuring death and disability from injuries, modern research methods must account for the wide spectrum of disability that can occur in an injury, and must provide estimates with sufficient demographic, geographical and temporal detail to be useful for policy makers. The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2017 study used methods to provide highly detailed estimates of global injury burden that meet these criteria. METHODS: In this study, we report and discuss the methods used in GBD 2017 for injury morbidity and mortality burden estimation. In summary, these methods included estimating cause-specific mortality for every cause of injury, and then estimating incidence for every cause of injury. Non-fatal disability for each cause is then calculated based on the probabilities of suffering from different types of bodily injury experienced. RESULTS: GBD 2017 produced morbidity and mortality estimates for 38 causes of injury. Estimates were produced in terms of incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability, cause-specific mortality, years of life lost and disability-adjusted life-years for a 28-year period for 22 age groups, 195 countries and both sexes. CONCLUSIONS: GBD 2017 demonstrated a complex and sophisticated series of analytical steps using the largest known database of morbidity and mortality data on injuries. GBD 2017 results should be used to help inform injury prevention policy making and resource allocation. We also identify important avenues for improving injury burden estimation in the future

    Global age-sex-specific fertility, mortality, healthy life expectancy (HALE), and population estimates in 204 countries and territories, 1950-2019 : a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Background Accurate and up-to-date assessment of demographic metrics is crucial for understanding a wide range of social, economic, and public health issues that affect populations worldwide. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019 produced updated and comprehensive demographic assessments of the key indicators of fertility, mortality, migration, and population for 204 countries and territories and selected subnational locations from 1950 to 2019. Methods 8078 country-years of vital registration and sample registration data, 938 surveys, 349 censuses, and 238 other sources were identified and used to estimate age-specific fertility. Spatiotemporal Gaussian process regression (ST-GPR) was used to generate age-specific fertility rates for 5-year age groups between ages 15 and 49 years. With extensions to age groups 10-14 and 50-54 years, the total fertility rate (TFR) was then aggregated using the estimated age-specific fertility between ages 10 and 54 years. 7417 sources were used for under-5 mortality estimation and 7355 for adult mortality. ST-GPR was used to synthesise data sources after correction for known biases. Adult mortality was measured as the probability of death between ages 15 and 60 years based on vital registration, sample registration, and sibling histories, and was also estimated using ST-GPR. HIV-free life tables were then estimated using estimates of under-5 and adult mortality rates using a relational model life table system created for GBD, which closely tracks observed age-specific mortality rates from complete vital registration when available. Independent estimates of HIV-specific mortality generated by an epidemiological analysis of HIV prevalence surveys and antenatal clinic serosurveillance and other sources were incorporated into the estimates in countries with large epidemics. Annual and single-year age estimates of net migration and population for each country and territory were generated using a Bayesian hierarchical cohort component model that analysed estimated age-specific fertility and mortality rates along with 1250 censuses and 747 population registry years. We classified location-years into seven categories on the basis of the natural rate of increase in population (calculated by subtracting the crude death rate from the crude birth rate) and the net migration rate. We computed healthy life expectancy (HALE) using years lived with disability (YLDs) per capita, life tables, and standard demographic methods. Uncertainty was propagated throughout the demographic estimation process, including fertility, mortality, and population, with 1000 draw-level estimates produced for each metric. Findings The global TFR decreased from 2.72 (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 2.66-2.79) in 2000 to 2.31 (2.17-2.46) in 2019. Global annual livebirths increased from 134.5 million (131.5-137.8) in 2000 to a peak of 139.6 million (133.0-146.9) in 2016. Global livebirths then declined to 135.3 million (127.2-144.1) in 2019. Of the 204 countries and territories included in this study, in 2019, 102 had a TFR lower than 2.1, which is considered a good approximation of replacement-level fertility. All countries in sub-Saharan Africa had TFRs above replacement level in 2019 and accounted for 27.1% (95% UI 26.4-27.8) of global livebirths. Global life expectancy at birth increased from 67.2 years (95% UI 66.8-67.6) in 2000 to 73.5 years (72.8-74.3) in 2019. The total number of deaths increased from 50.7 million (49.5-51.9) in 2000 to 56.5 million (53.7-59.2) in 2019. Under-5 deaths declined from 9.6 million (9.1-10.3) in 2000 to 5.0 million (4.3-6.0) in 2019. Global population increased by 25.7%, from 6.2 billion (6.0-6.3) in 2000 to 7.7 billion (7.5-8.0) in 2019. In 2019, 34 countries had negative natural rates of increase; in 17 of these, the population declined because immigration was not sufficient to counteract the negative rate of decline. Globally, HALE increased from 58.6 years (56.1-60.8) in 2000 to 63.5 years (60.8-66.1) in 2019. HALE increased in 202 of 204 countries and territories between 2000 and 2019. Interpretation Over the past 20 years, fertility rates have been dropping steadily and life expectancy has been increasing, with few exceptions. Much of this change follows historical patterns linking social and economic determinants, such as those captured by the GBD Socio-demographic Index, with demographic outcomes. More recently, several countries have experienced a combination of low fertility and stagnating improvement in mortality rates, pushing more populations into the late stages of the demographic transition. Tracking demographic change and the emergence of new patterns will be essential for global health monitoring. Copyright (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe