209 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Relationship of Sleep Pattern and Sleep Quality with Eating Behaviour among University Students

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    This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between sleeping habits and quality of eating habits of students. The study was conducted on 248 (135 female, 113 male) healthy individuals, aged 18-32 years, who were educated at Hasan Kalyoncu University Health Sciences High School between November 2015 and March 2016. Individual characteristics of the individual, food consumption and nutrition habits, anthropometric measurements and physical activities were questioned with a questionnaire. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was used to determine the duration and quality of sleep of individuals. The mean age of women participating in the study was 20.33 +/- 2.16 years, the mean age of male subjects was 21.39 +/- 2.31 years, the mean BMI of female subjects was 22.3 +/- 3.5 kg / m(2) and the mean BMI of male subjects was 24.8 +/- 3.7 kg / m(2). The mean duration of sleep of the female subjects was found to be 7.11 +/- 1.42 hours and the mean duration of sleep of the male subjects was 7.09 +/- 1.42 hours. 38.5% of the female subjects had a Pittsburgh score of less than 5 and 5, good sleep quality, 61.5% had a Pittsburgh score of 6 or more, and poor sleep quality. 42.5% of male subjects had a Pittsburgh score of less than 5 and 5, good sleep quality, 57.5% had a Pittsburgh score of 6 or more, and poor sleep quality. The mean energy intake of female subjects on a one-day diet was 1333.30 +/- 524.19 kcal, and the mean energy intake of male subjects on a one-day diet was found to be 2010.1 +/- 824.70 kcal. There was a high statistically significant difference in energy consumption among individuals compared to gender (P = 0.001). There was a very weak significant correlation between negative fat saturated fatty acids and sleep duration (r = -0.129, P = 0.042). The mean PAL value of female subjects was 1.87 +/- 0.35, and the mean PAL value of male subjects was 1.98 +/- 0.18. There was a very high statistically significant difference between PAL values (P = 0.002). As a result, sleep duration and quality are indispensable for healthy nutrition and healthy living. It is seen that shortening the sleeping period and decreasing the sleep quality causes many health problems such as obesity, hypertension and insulin resistance. It is aimed to improve the sleep duration and quality of the students, to live a healthier life with optimal nutrition and thus to minimize the risk of diseases

    Challenges and needs of students in the EMI (English as a medium of instruction) classroom

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    Although English as a medium of instruction (EMI) has grown exponentially in recent years, many perceived needs and challenges remain unaddressed. The present study investigated what kinds of challenges students experience when trying to study in an EMI context, and how they view their needs, gathering qualitative data from open-ended questions. The participants were attending one private, and two state universities in Turkey. The students (N=83, from 5 different departments, studying from freshman to senior levels) described various challenges and needs in their responses, including challenges with understanding technical vocabulary, lecturers’ inadequate use of English, code switching, the English preparatory-year curriculum, English language skills and lack of language support in EMI programmes. The results are discussed, suggestions made for further research, and implications for the teaching and learning context are suggested

    Challenges and needs of students in the EMI (English as a medium of instruction) classroom

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    Although English as a medium of instruction (EMI) has grown exponentially in recent years, many perceived needs and challenges remain unaddressed. The present study investigated what kinds of challenges students experience when trying to study in an EMI context, and how they view their needs, gathering qualitative data from open-ended questions. The participants were attending one private, and two state universities in Turkey. The students (N=83, from 5 different departments, studying from freshman to senior levels) described various challenges and needs in their responses, including challenges with understanding technical vocabulary, lecturers’ inadequate use of English, code switching, the English preparatory-year curriculum, English language skills and lack of language support in EMI programmes. The results are discussed, suggestions made for further research, and implications for the teaching and learning context are suggested

    The Relationship Between Attitudes Towards Healthy Nutrition, Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Blood Parameters in Adults

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    Objective:This study was carried out to evaluate the relationship of adult individuals attitudes towards healthy nutrition and adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) with blood biochemical parameters [fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, triglyceride, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and creatinine] and anthropometric measurements [body weight, height, body mass index (BMI), waist/height ratio, body fat weight and percentage].Methods:The study was conducted with 120 volunteers (30 men, 90 women) aged 20-64 who were admitted to Gaziosmanpaşa Municipality Barrier-Free Life and Solidarity Center for dietitian service between 15 December 2021-15 June 2022. Questionnaire with 48 questions examining sociodemographic characteristics, eating habits, meal order and frequency, Attitude Scale for Healthy Nutrition (ASHN) consisting of 21 questions, MD Assessment Tool (MDAT) consisting of 14 questions, and Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) were applied to the individuals participating in the study by face to face interview method.Results:In the study, as the adherence to the MD increased in male individuals, the body fat percentage and weight, waist/height ratio, triglyceride, total and LDL-cholesterol, AST and ALT levels decreased significantly, HDL-cholesterol level statistically significantly increased (p<0.05). As the adherence to the MD increased in female individuals, the BMI, body fat percentage and waist/length ratio and body fat weight values, and triglyceride, total and LDL-cholesterol levels decreased significantly (p<0.05).Conclusion:As a result, a nutritional model suitable with the MD has a positive effect on anthropometric measurements and blood biochemical parameters in adults. The MDcan be considered as a protective nutrition model in the prevention of various diseases


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    Background: Camellia sinensis is the source of tea leaves and it is an economic crop now grown around the World. Tea seed oil has been used for cooking in China and other Asian countries for more than a thousand years. Tea is the most widely consumed beverages after water in the world. It is mainly produced in Asia, central Africa, and exported throughout the World. Some engineering properties (size dimensions, sphericity, volume, bulk and true densities, friction coefficient, colour characteristics and mechanical behaviour as rupture force of shelled and kernel tea (Camellia sinensis) seeds were determined in this study. Materials and Methods: This research was carried out for shelled and kernel tea seeds. The shelled tea seeds used in this study were obtained from East-Black Sea Tea Cooperative Institution in Rize city of Turkey. Shelled and kernel tea seeds were characterized as large and small sizes. Results: The average geometric mean diameter and seed mass of the shelled tea seeds were 15.8 mm, 10.7 mm (large size); 1.47 g, 0.49 g (small size); while the average geometric mean diameter and seed mass of the kernel tea seeds were 11.8 mm, 8 mm for large size; 0.97 g, 0.31 g for small size, respectively. The sphericity, surface area and volume values were found to be higher in a larger size than small size for the shelled and kernel tea samples. The shelled tea seed’s colour intensity (Chroma) were found between 59.31 and 64.22 for large size, while the kernel tea seed’s chroma values were found between 56.04 68.34 for large size, respectively. The rupture force values of kernel tea seeds were higher than shelled tea seeds for the large size along X axis; whereas, the rupture force values of along X axis were higher than Y axis for large size of shelled tea seeds. The static coefficients of friction of shelled and kernel tea seeds for the large and small sizes higher values for rubber than the other friction surfaces. Conclusion: Some engineering properties, such as geometric mean diameter, sphericity, volume, bulk and true densities, the coefficient of friction, L*, a*, b* colour characteristics and rupture force of shelled and kernel tea (Camellia sinensis) seeds will serve to design the equipment used in postharvest treatments

    The Fragility of Turkish Economy from the Perspective of Oil Dependency

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    In an emerging economy, energy is a crucial input. Turkey as an oil dependent country, the volatility of oil price might affect more than thought. In this study, the impact of oil price changes in Turkish macroeconomy has been examined. A VAR model is built by using quarterly data from the first quarter of 2003 to the first quarter of 2013. Variables used in the model are Brent oil price, gross fixed capital formation, interest rate, us GDP and inflation. We believe that the analysis has demonstrated the fragility of Turkish economy to oil price volatility with its significant results in the relationship between oil price and main macroeconomic indicators. This study also shows the incredible need of sustainable energy policies to make a country’s economy stable


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    Dergimizin 2023 yılı Aralık sayısı, değerli okuyucularımızı altı farklı yazıyla buluşturmaktadır. Bu sayıda, biri Ortadoğu biri de Asya kıtasına odaklanan iki araştırma makalesi, ikisi de Türkiye’nin ve aslında dünyanın en önemli gündem maddelerinden olan Ukrayna Savaşı ve Çin’in Kuşak Yok Girişimi’nin Orta Asya’ya etkisi üzerine odaklanan iki görüş yazısı ve iki yayın değerlendirmesi yer almaktadır. Yazarı Gülenay Göksenin Eren olan ilk araştırma makalesi, mezhepçi anlatıları ve onun stratejik değişimleri ekseninde 2006 yılı Lübnan-İsrail Savaşı sonrası İran-İsrail ilişkileri üzerine derinlemesine bir araştırmayı konu almaktadır. Ortadoğu’daki bölgesel güç dengesinin şekillenmesinde önemli bir rol oynayan mezhepsel ayrılıkların bölgedeki jeopolitik meselelerin nasıl şekillendiğini ortaya koymuştur. Özellikle 2006-2015 yılı arasındaki siyasi atmosferin İran-İsrail ilişkilerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Hindistan ve Pakistan’ın Güney Asya Bölgesel İşbirliği Birliği (SAARC) ve Şanghay İşbirliği Örgütü (ŞİÖ) içerisinde sergiledikleri davranışları karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alan yazarlarımız Mohmad Maqbool Waggy ve Dr. Khalid Wasim Hassan, bu sayımızın ikinci araştırma makalesini kaleme almıştır. 2019'dan bu yana SAARC içinde birbirleriyle etkileşime girme konusunda isteksizlik gösteren bu iki devletin davranışları mahkum ikilemi kullanılarak analiz edilmeye çalışılmıştır.  Yazarı Samet İşbilen’e ait olan ilk görüş yazısı Ukrayna Savaşı’nı referans göstererek Moldova’yı ele almaktadır. Moldava’nın bir sonraki Ukrayna olup olmayacağı sorunsalına ışık tutmayı amaçlayan İşbilen Rusya bölge politikaları üzerine bir inceleme sunmuştur. İkinci görüş yazısı ise Fatma Bilgin’ e aittir. Çin’in Kuşak Yol Girişimi’ni Kırgızistan ekseninde ele alan Bilgin, Çin’in Orta Asya politikalarını ortaya koyarken bölgedeki jeopolitik dengelerin ekonomik boyutuna da ışık tutmaktadır. Yayın değerlendirmesi bölümündeki ilk değerlendirme Büşra Nur Adaş’a aittir. Adaş, Orhan Gafarlı’ya ait olan 2022 yılı Nika Yayınevi basımı olan “Rusya’nın Batı’dan Kopuşu” kitabının kapsamlı bir incelemesini yapmıştır. İkinci değerlendirme ise Fatma Kıyak’a ait olup Tasav Yayınevi’nden 2022 basımlı Ufuk Tok’un kaleme aldığı “Afganistandaki Gelişmeler: Uluslarası Aktörler ve Türkiye’nin Tutumu” kitabıdır.  Dergimizin bu sayısına çalışmalarını göndererek katkıda bulunmuş tüm yazarlara, bu eserlerin değerlendirme sürecinde emek harcayan tüm hakemlere teşekkürü borç bilir; ulusal ve uluslararası akademik camiadan dergimize yönelik süregelen ilginin devamını ümit ederiz

    Heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP), pentraxin-3 (PTX-3) and thrombomodulin in bovine traumatic pericarditis

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the biomarkers of cardiac damage such as heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP), pentraxin-3 (PTX-3), and thrombomodulin (TM) for the detection and prognosis of bovine traumatic pericarditis (TP). Spontaneous TP was diagnosed on the basis of history, clinical signs, complete blood count, glutaraldehyde test, ultrasonography, and pericardiocentesis findings. H-FABP, PTX-3 and TM levels in serum were compared between 25 Holstein cows diagnosed with spontaneous TP and 10 healthy control cows using bovine-specific ELISA kits. Serum H-FABP in cattle with TP was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than in the control group and positively correlated with cardiac troponin-I (cTnI), creatine kinase myocardial band (CK-MB), PTX-3 and TM (r = 0.683, 0.342, 0.448 and 0.424, respectively; P < 0.05). The serum levels of PTX-3 (P < 0.05) and TM (P < 0.05) in cattle with TP were significantly higher than in the control group. Cardiac damage biomarkers H-FABP, PTX-3 and TM may be useful in the diagnosis of bovine TP

    Survival and Stage in Lung Cancer

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    Purpose: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Although the 5-year survival rates of for non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) ranges from 20% to 70%. The present study investigates the rates of early recurrence in a total of 83 patients operated for NSCLC and presents the related findings in reference to the data available in the literature. Materials and Methods: Patients who underwent lung resection for malignancy between March 2019 and September 2021 were retrospectively examined. The patient data, including age, gender, presence of preoperative chemotherapy administration, opera-tions performed, operation dates, pathology results, postoperative staging, survival, and relapses, were documented. Results: A total of 83 patients who underwent lung resection for malignancy between March 2019 and September 2021 were examined. The patients had a median age of 62 years. Of the total number of patients four patients developed recurrence and 79 continued their follow-up without any recurrence. Of the patients who underwent lung resection, eight (9.6%) patients died within the first postoperative 2-year period. The mean survival period of these eight patients was 14.6 months (7–20 months). Conclusion: Although various parameters, such as age, gender, pathological type, and location of the tumor are examined and compared, according to the available data on the long-term survival of surgical patients, it is known that the only parameter that affects survival is the pathological stage of the patient