28 research outputs found

    Access to Asylum in Melilla Analysing ‘What’s the problem represented to be’ in the Screening Proposal of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum

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    This thesis deals with the ways in which the Screening Proposal in the new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum might affect the access to asylum at the EU’s external border in Melilla. To this end, the analysis is divided into two main parts. Firstly, as a general framework, the thesis starts by mapping out the Screening Proposal presented by the European Commission in 2020, and how this can be understood as an extension of the hotspots system presented by the European Commission in 2015. Bacchi’s problematisation approach will then be used to investigate hidden silences and make visible taken-for-granted truths in the EU asylum policies. Secondly and most particularly, attention is directed at how the proposed screening regulations may impact the access to the asylum system in Melilla. For this specific purpose, the thesis draws on the experiences and knowledge of experts working to assist asylum seekers along the border between the Spanish enclave of Melilla and the city of Nador in Morocco, collected through semi-structured qualitative interviews. The thesis explains that the aim of the Screening Proposal in the Pact is not to strengthen the protection mechanism for asylum seekers, but to maintain the securitisation of the EU’s borders and control arrivals to the EU through a legally binding agreement. In this sense, Melilla is a clear example, where security and migration control prevail over access to asylum, and the proposed screening regulations may affect access to asylum even further

    New logistics solution related to the closure of the Vilhelmina sawmill

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    Den hĂ„rda konkurrensen pĂ„ trĂ€varumarknaden har tillsammans med en tuff valutasituation gjort att svenska sĂ„gverk drabbats mycket hĂ„rt. SCA har tvingats stĂ€nga sina sĂ„gverk i Vilhelmina och Holmsund bland annat pĂ„ grund av valutasituationen. Enligt Jonas MĂ„rtensson (VD pĂ„ SCA Timber) befinner sig svensk sĂ„gverksindustri i den vĂ€rsta situationen pĂ„ fyrtio Ă„r. Huvudsyftet med examensarbetet var att jĂ€mföra olika logistiklösningar för att pĂ„ ett kostnadseffektivt sĂ€tt transportera frigjorda grantimmervolymer i samband med nedlĂ€ggningen av Vilhelminas sĂ„gverk. Problemet löstes i tre faser: ‱ Kalkyler uppdaterades och skapades för de ingĂ„ende kostnadsparametrar som behövdes för att rĂ€kna ut hanterings- och transportkostnad av skogsrĂ„varan frĂ„n frĂ€mst Vilhelminatrakten. ‱ En linjĂ€r optimeringsmodell skapades för att destinera rĂ„varan kostnadseffektivt ‱ Resultaten analyserades och den mest kostnadseffektiva logistiklösningen utsĂ„gs Optimeringsmodellen har valt förhĂ„llandevis liknande flöden för de tolv logistiklösningarna eftersom analysen visade att direktkörningsgrĂ€ns/optimalt medeltransportavstĂ„nd för lastbilstransporter och val av transportslag förĂ€ndras lite mellan logistiklösningarna. Det krĂ€vs större förĂ€ndringar i kostnader för att optimeringsmodellen ska vĂ€lja andra flödesriktningar, t.ex. högre drivmedelspriser eller högre terminalkostnader. Det billigaste transportsĂ€ttet var jĂ€rnvĂ€g trots att terminalkostnad inklusive omlastningskostnad tillkommer. Resultatet visar ocksĂ„ att det transporteras för lite volymer för att ett terminalsystem med fyra virkesterminaler ska vara ekonomiskt försvarbart. Modellen har istĂ€llet valt att köra pĂ„ ett terminalsystem dĂ€r tre av de fyra möjliga virkesterminalerna anvĂ€nds. Sammanfattningsvis bör: ‱ ett terminalsystem innehĂ„llande tre terminaler anvĂ€ndas ‱ Vilhelminas virkesterminal rustas upp och anvĂ€ndas istĂ€llet för virkesterminalen i Vinlidsberg eftersom Vilhelminas virkesterminal ligger bĂ€ttre till geografiskt ‱ GĂ€llö försörjas med de granvolymer som tidigare transporterades till Vilhelminas sĂ„gverk ‱ HĂ€nsyn bör alltid tas till den fasta terminalkostnaden för att fĂ„ en riktig skattning av var direktkörningsgrĂ€nsen gĂ„r samt hur det optimala terminalsystemet bör se ut.The fierce competition in the timber market, together with a tough currency situation led to a hard situation for Swedish sawmills. Because of that SCA had to close their sawmills in Vilhelmina and Holmsund. The main purpose of this study was to analyze transport options for the freed spruce timber volumes, when closing the Vilhelmina sawmill, using truck and railway as cost effective as possible. This was done by comparing different logistics solution in cost-efficiency. The problem was solved in three phases: ‱ Calculations were updated and created for the input cost parameters needed to calculate the handling and transportation cost of wood raw material, primarily from Vilhelmina region. ‱ A linear optimization model was created for destination of raw material as cost efficient as possible ‱ The results were analyzed and the most cost effective logistics solution was designated The optimization model has chosen relatively similar flows for the twelve logistics solutions since the analysis showed that the direct driving limit/optimal medium transport distances for trucking and choice of transport mode changes little between logistics solutions. For the optimization model to choose different wood flow directions it requires major changes e.g. higher fuel prices and higher terminal costs. The cheapest mode of transportation was by railway despite the terminal cost including transshipment charges. The result also shows that it circulate too little timber volume in the actual area to be economically justified with a four-timber-terminal system. The model has instead chosen a three-timber-terminal system. In summary: ‱ use three-timber-terminal system ‱ renovate and use Vilhelmina timber terminal instead of the timber terminal in Vinlidsberg because of the better geographic site ‱ GĂ€llö should be supplied with the spruce volumes that previously were transported to Vilhelmina sawmills ‱ consideration should be given to the fixed terminal cost to get a real estimate of the direct driving limit and how the optimal-timber-terminal system should be designed

    Primary and Secondary Diagnoses of Gambling Disorder and Psychiatric Comorbidity in the Swedish Health Care System—A Nationwide Register Study

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    Background: Psychiatric comorbidity is common in gambling disorder, a condition with low rates of treatment seeking. There is a paucity of documented nationwide data on gambling disorder and its co-occurring psychiatric comorbidities in the health care system.Methods: This is a nationwide register-based study of all patients aged above 18 years who were diagnosed with gambling disorder (corresponding to pathological gambling, code F63.0, in the ICD-10) in Swedish specialized out-patient health care or in-patient care, from 2005 through 2016. All psychiatric disorders co-occurring with the diagnoses were recorded, along with age, gender and the type of medical specialty.Results: A total of 2,099 patients were included (1,784 in out-patient care and 629 patients in in-patient care), among whom 77 percent were men. Treatment uptake during the study period increased significantly in out-patient care, with an increasing uptake of younger individuals, whereas in-patient treatment uptake remained stable. A co-occurring psychiatric diagnosis was registered in 73 percent of patients, more commonly in females (77 vs. 71 percent, p < 0.01). Several diagnostic subgroups were more common in women, with anxiety and affective disorders being the most common subgroups. Prevalence of substance use disorders did not differ with respect to gender.Conclusions: Despite a large gap between probable population prevalence of gambling disorder and the number of treated patients, the number of patients treated in out-patient health care with a gambling disorder diagnosis increased over time, with an increasing treatment uptake in younger individuals. Psychiatric comorbidity is common in gambling disorder patients in the health care system, with a higher prevalence in women

    Vishet frĂ„n visamhet – en fenomenologisk studie av dyadisk affektreglering och dess implikationer för psykoterapi

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    Six interviews were conducted with AEDP-therapists with the purpose of examining their experiences concerning dyadic affect regulation. The transcripts were analyzed with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and two main themes and nine sub-themes emerged. The first main theme concerns the dyad as a substantial and palpable experience, how this influenced the therapeutic endeavor, and obstacles and means of how to establish the dyadic relationship. The second main theme accounts for the various methods and approaches employed by the therapists for the purpose of affect regulation within the dyad. In summary these largely concern presence and awareness, the body as a fundamental point of departure, reliability and dependability, sensitivity and synchronization, intimacy and warmth and, finally, courage and intention to be and stay emotionally close. The results are discussed in relation to modern research in different fields such as intersubjectivity, embodiment, attachment theory and more.I denna studie intervjuades sex AEDP-terapeuter med syfte att undersöka deras erfarenheter och upplevelser rörande dyadisk affektreglering. Intervjuerna analyserades enligt Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), vilket genererade tvÄ huvudteman och nio underteman. Analysen visade att dyaden upplevs som nÄgot substantiellt och pÄtagligt, samt visade pÄ de olika sÀtt som terapeuterna jobbar med affektregleringen inom ramen för en dyadisk relation. Sammanfattningsvis handlar de olika teknikerna och förhÄllningssÀtten mycket om nÀrvaro och medvetenhet, kroppen som bÄde utgÄngspunkt och ingÄngspunkt, stabilitet och pÄlitlighet, följsamhet och synkronisering, intimitet och vÀrme samt, slutligen, mod och vilja att vara kÀnslomÀssigt nÀra. Resultaten diskuteras i relation till modern forskning inom olika fÀlt som embodiment, intersubjektiv psykoanalys och anknytningsteori

    Correlates of Nine-Month Retention following Interim Buprenorphine-Naloxone Treatment in Opioid Dependence: A Pilot Study

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    Interim medication-only treatment has been suggested for the initiation of opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) in opioiddependent subjects, but this rarely has been studied using buprenorphine instead of methadone. Following a pilot trial assessing interim buprenorphine-naloxone treatment in order to facilitate transfer into OMT, we here aimed to study retention, and potential correlates of retention, in full-scale treatment. Thirty-six patients successfully referred from a waiting list through an interim treatment phase were followed for nine months in OMT. Baseline characteristics, as well as urine analyses during the interim phase and during full-scale OMT, were studied as potential correlates of retention. The nine-month retention in OMT was 83 percent ( = 30). While interim-phase urine samples positive for benzodiazepines did not significantly predict dropout from full-scale OMT ( = 0.09), urine samples positive for benzodiazepines within full-scale OMT were significantly associated with dropout ( < 0.01), in contrast to other substances and baseline characteristics. Retention remained high through nine months in this pilot study sample of patients referred through buprenorphine-naloxone interim treatment, but use of benzodiazepines is problematic, and the present data suggest that it may be associated with treatment dropout

    Psychosocial Risk Factors in Disordered Gambling: A Descriptive Systematic Overview of Vulnerable Populations

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    Background: Gambling is a behaviour engaged in by millions of people worldwide; for some, gambling can become a severely maladaptive behaviour, and previous research has identified a wide range of psychosocial risk factors that can be considered important for the development and maintenance of disordered gambling. Although risk factors have been identified, the homogeneity of risk factors across specific groups thought to be vulnerable to disordered gambling is to date, unexplored. Methods: To address this, the current review sought to conduct a systematic overview of literature relating to seven vulnerable groups: young people and adolescents, older adults, women, veterans, indigenous peoples, prisoners, and low socio-economic/income groups. Results: Multiple risk factors associated with disordered gambling were identified; some appeared consistently across most groups, including being male, co-morbid mental and physical health conditions, substance use disorders, accessibility and availability of gambling, form and mode of gambling, and experience of trauma. Further risk factors were identified that were specific to each vulnerable group. Conclusion: Within the general population, certain groups are more vulnerable to disordered gambling. Although some risk factors are consistent across groups, some risk factors appear to be group specific. It is clear that there is no homogenous pathway in to disordered gambling, and that social, developmental, environmental and demographic characteristics can all interact to influence an individual’s relationship with gambling

    HumanitÀr kommunikation och engagemangsskapande : En fallstudie av RÀdda Barnens kommunikation och innehÄll pÄ Facebook

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    Denna fallstudie avhandlar humanitär kommunikation, i syfte att förstå hur Rädda Barnen använder sig av Facebook för att engagera sin publik och driva insamling. För att kunna besvara frågan har jag genomfört en kvalitativ intervju med Saman Saidi som är sociala medier ansvarig på Rädda Barnen. Jag har även genomfört en netnografisk observation där jag har analyserat organisationens innehåll på Facebook semiotiskt och retoriskt. Mitt teoretiska ramverk har rötter i både det kommunikationsvetenskapliga, psykologiska och sociologiska fältet, och handlar om vägar till övertalning och engagemang, visuell kommunikation, trovärdighet samt social identitet. Resultatet visar att Rädda Barnen använder sig av flera strategier för att engagera sin publik och driva insamling. Akuta humanitära situationer visade sig skapa stort engagemang hos framförallt en mindre engagerad målgrupp. Vidare visar resultatet att aktualitet, trovärdighet och identifikation har inverkan på publikens engagemang, samt gemenskap vilket exemplifieras i Rädda Barnens tilltal och sätt att bygga upp en gemensam identitet med sin publik. Visuell kommunikation visar sig kunna förmedla humanitärt innehåll på ett effektivt sätt som tilltalar publiken, vilket exemplifieras av bilder och videos i studien. Slutsatserna visar sammantaget på flera sätt att engagera publiken och driva insamling. Slutsatser som har kunnat dras av resultaten pekar på etiska svårigheter att ta hänsyn till, framförallt inom humanitär kommunikation med fokus på barn. Problematiken att långvariga humanitära situationer inte engagerar publiken i samma utsträckning som akuta situationer tas upp, samt ansvaret att nyansera bilden av humanitär utveckling.

    IDQ Viewer: För enklare Visning av Databasstruktur : Viewer : För enklare Visning av Databasstruktur

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    The social community is structured around data, a lot of that data is stored in different types of databases. The meaning of this essay is to develop an interactive tool that will change the way database visualization is done, and also to research in which fields a tool of this type can be used. With the help of different methods we discovered areas where it could be of use, such as; presentation of a database, development and documentation of a database. The primary goal of the prototype was to make viewing of database structures easier, even people without prior database knowledge should be able to understand the structure. During the development we used prototypes. Their are two types of prototyping, high-fidelity and low-fidelity, both were used during the development. IDQ viewer is a prototype, which shows tables and columns in a database. One of the thoughts behind the tools functionality was that it should be platform independent, and also place independent. The tool became useful in different roles, as a learning tool, a political tool and a technical tool. As a result we can see that the usability of this tool has broadened. There exists a strong public need of tools that will generate this type of database visualization. Further research and further development of new tools are needed in the areas of database visualization