204 research outputs found

    A Mixed Methods Study of How Elementary Teachers Cope Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually While Teaching in a Pandemic

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    The purpose of this mixed methods study was to examine coping strategies for teachers in elementary schools who taught during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers experienced mental, physical, and spiritual challenges throughout the pandemic, and this study shared how teachers coped. Through this study, 48 teachers serving in three different elementary schools in North Carolina completed ten 4-point Likert scale response items. The survey tool\u27s validity was established using the Lawshe content validation index. Interviews were conducted, in addition to a focus group session. Resilience theory, a framework for improving a teacher\u27s ability to adapt successfully when under stress or adversity, was one of the theoretical frameworks used to investigate this topic. The second theoretical framework chosen was social-emotional learning theory. This framework provides how teachers can improve their own well-being and the social, emotional, and academic development of their students. From this research, a collection of coping strategies, trainings, support, and future planning for the benefit of teachers was established

    Systematic review of genetic variants associated with cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms in Parkinson’s disease

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    Objective:Cognitive impairment and depression are among the most prevalent and most disabling non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease (PD). The genetic factors that are associated with these symptoms remain uncertain. This systematic review aims to summarise the prevailing evidence from all genetic association studies investigating the genetic variants associated with cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms in people with PD.Method:A systematic review using five online databases: PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, EMBASE and OpenGrey (PROSPERO protocol: CRD42017067431). We completed the quality assessment using the Q-Genie tool.Results:2353 articles were screened, and 43 articles were found to be eligible to be included. A meta-analysis of studies investigating LRRK2 rs34637584 confirmed that the minor allele carriers had significantly less cognitive impairment (p = 0.015). Further meta-analyses showed that GBA variants rs76763715 (p < 0.001) and rs421016 (p = 0.001) were significantly associated with more cognitive impairment in people with PD. Minor alleles of GBA variants rs76763715, rs421016, rs387906315 and rs80356773 were associated with more depressive symptoms in PD. Moreover, APOE ϵ4 allele has been associated with more cognitive impairment in PD. BDNF (rs6265) and CRY1 (rs2287161) variants have been associated with more depressive symptoms in people with PD.Conclusions:PD carriers of GBA variants are at high risk for cognitive decline and depression. Screening for these variants may facilitate early identification and effective management of these non-motor symptoms. The molecular mechanisms underlying favourable cognitive functioning in LRRK2 rs34637584 variant carriers warrant further investigation.Summations:1.Available evidence confirms that the LRRK2 variant rs34637584 is associated with less cognitive impairment in people with PD.2.GBA variants rs76763715 and rs421016 are associated with more severe cognitive impairment in people with PD.3.The GBA variants rs76763715, rs421016, rs387906315 and rs80356773 have been significantly associated with the onset of depressive symptoms in PD.Considerations:1.This systematic review has not included studies that were not published in English. It did not include gene expression and epigenetic studies.2.Most of the included genetic association studies were small, and they were prone to type II error.3.There was substantial heterogeneity among the included studies


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    Skripsi ini mengambil judul “Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Kewirausahaan Melalui Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dalam Pembelajaran IPS (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pada Siswa Kelas VIII-A SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Bandung)”. Keadaan kelas yang gaduh, siswa yang terlampau aktif sehingga mengganggu kelas lain, bulyying, kurangnya kedisiplinan siswa, dan permasalahan lain berkaitan dengan pengembangan nilai karakter siswa kelas VIII-A SMP 6 Muhammadiyah Bandung yang harus mendapatkan perhatian yang serius. Penggunaan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek menjadi salah satu alternatif sebagai upaya menerapkan nilai atau karakter siswa menjadi lebih baik. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti merangkum 10 nilai yaitu rasa ingin tahu, mandiri, kepemimpinan, kerja keras, kreatif, disiplin, jujur, percaya diri, tanggung jawab dan komunikatif kedalam nilai-nilai kewirausahaan yang akan diterapkan melalui model pembelajaran berbasis proyek. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan di SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Bandung dengan subjek penelitian adalah kelas VIII-A yang terdiri dari 30 siswa. Pelaksanaan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek digunakan untuk menerapkan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan siswa secara bertahap. Dengan menggunakan model PTK Lewin menurut Elliot, tahapan penelitian terbagi menjadi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Pada siklus 1, dari hasil penelitian tentang penerapan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan masih perlu ditingkatkan lagi dengan perolehan rata-rata 64,4%. Siswa masih belum menunjukan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan yang mereka miliki dan masih perlu pembiasaan kembali. Pada siklus 2, terlihat bahwa ada kenaikan mengenai prerolehan rata-rata penerapan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan siswa yakni mencapai 84,10%. Kemampuan siswa dalam melaksanakan proyek juga mengalami peningkatan dari siklus pertama dan kedua sebesar 13,5%. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu pertama, merencanakan penerapan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan melalui model pembelajaran berbasis proyek dilakukan dengan memilih tema materi, RPP, serta menyusun kegiatan pada proyek beserta penilaiannya. Kedua, melaksanakan penerapan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan melalui model pembelajaran berbasis proyek. Ketiga, merefleksikan kendala yang dihadapi dan merumuskan solusi untuk mengatasinya dalam menerapkan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan melalui pembelajaran berbasis proyek. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu pembelajaran berbasis proyek dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif yang dapat guru gunakan untuk menerapkan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan siswa. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek, Nilai-Nilai Kewirausahaan This research entitled "Application of Values Through Entrepreneurship Project Based Learning Model in Social Studies Learning (Classroom Action Research Students of Class VIII-A SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Bandung)". State rowdy class, students overactive thereby disrupting other classes, bulyying, lack of discipline students, and other issues related to the development of the value of the character class VIII-A SMP Muhammadiyah Bandung 6 should receive serious attention. The use of project-based learning model into one of the alternatives in an effort to apply the value or character of students to be better. In this research, the researchers summarize 10 value is curiosity, independence, leadership, hard work, creativity, discipline, honesty, confidence, responsibility and communicative into entrepreneurial values that will be implemented through project-based learning model. This classroom action research located in SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Bandung with the research subject is class VIII-A which consists of 30 students. Implementation of project-based learning model used to apply the values of entrepreneurship students gradually. Using Lewin according to Elliot model, research stages divided into planning, implementation, observation and reflection. In cycle 1, the results of research on the application of the values of entrepreneurship needs to be improved further with the acquisition of an average of 64.4%. Students still show entrepreneurial values they have and still need habituation back. In cycle 2, it appears that there is an increase on the average prerolehan application of the values of entrepreneurship students reaching 84.10%. The student's ability in executing the project also increased from the first and second cycles of 13.5%. Results of this study is, first, planned application of the values of entrepreneurship through project-based learning model is done by choosing a theme materials, lesson plans, and to develop activities on the project along with his assessment. Second, implement the application of the values of entrepreneurship through project-based learning model. Third, reflecting constraints and formulate solutions to overcome in implementing the values of entrepreneurship through project-based learning. The conclusion of this study is project-based learning can be one alternative that teachers can use to apply the values of entrepreneurship students. Keywords: Project Based Learning, Values Entrepreneurshi

    Introduction of Fluorine and Fluorine-Containing Functional Groups

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