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    The Ursinus Weekly, February 24, 1930

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    Dr. Leich presents impressive chapel talk • Juniata captures debate on Kellogg Pact question • Impressive Color Day ceremony by WSGA • Men debaters achieve win over Susquehanna • Ursinus wrestling team loses to Temple matmen • Male students fight dormitory fire Thursday • Temple defeats Ursinus in dual basketball game • Literary Club features originality at its meeting • Frosh and varsity teams lose to Villanova quintets • Lenten prayer services planned by Brotherhood • Senior musical revue whipping into shape • Ursinus sextette wins over Cedar Crest girls • Junior class elections • Brotherhood of St. Paul meets in Trinity Church • Credit plus religion subject of YMCA talk • Independent team leads fraternity league • Men\u27s Debating Club meeting held on Wednesday • Dr. Broome speaks at annual alumni dinner • Oregon type of debate to be held with Asbury • Juniors defeat seniors in basketball game 17-5 • Report of John Fertig \u2730 at Physics Club meetinghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2142/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, September 30, 1929

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    Opening council dance ends first football week-end • Dickinson recovers blocked punt to gain 6-6 tie in Ursinus opener • Men\u27s booster committee headed by McGarvey \u2730 • Frosh-soph tug-of-war victory goes to frosh • New student council busy with opening activities • Y.M.C.A. membership drive shows splendid results • Stanley Omwake chosen president of junior class • Doctor Isenberg speaks at opening YM meeting • Girls\u27 hockey team shows promise of good season • Fine material turns out for cross country team • Women\u27s athletic council makes important changes • Brotherhood of St. Paul holds opening meeting • Initial pep meeting shows plenty of school spirit • Sophomore class elections interestingly contested • Literary club elects Paul Mattis \u2730 as president • Freshman class elects Frick first president • Frosh-soph fight • Editorial comment: Freshmen and the Weekly; Wrestling at Ursinus; Improving the group system • Bears will face green Haverford team Saturday • Schell\u27s little bears play Perkiomen schoolhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2125/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, June 3, 1929

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    Debating Club banquet held at Schwenksville • Reading alumni elect new officers at dinner • Schwenkfeldian exiles hold interesting meeting • Student council officers elected Tuesday, May 28 • Atwater Kent contest won by Wm. Saalman \u2729 • Summary shows Young \u2730 at head of batting list • Annual banquet of track men held Monday, May 27 • President Omwake speaks at dinner to Dr. Haas • Randolph Helffrich \u2729 announces engagement • Oratorical contest to be well contested • Debating Club elections • Phi Beta Kappa honors President G. L. Omwake • Portrait of president to be given to Ursinus • Our colleges twenty-five years ago • The growth of the memorial trees • Ursinus students to attend Eagles Mere summer conference, June 12-22 • Junior girls entertain seniors at breakfast • Piano students give annual recital Monday, May 27 • Girls\u27 tennis team has very successful seasonhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2187/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 24, 1930

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    Rev. E. H. Bonsall speaker at annual week of prayer • Rev. E. M. Sando \u2704 heads York alumni association • Spring sports starting on difficult schedules • Characters for Zwing play chosen • 1930 Ruby makes early appearance on campus • Ursinus reporter gets scoop of the year • May queen and attendants chosen for May pageant • Girls\u27 debating teams divide with Cedar Crest • Recent graduates united in marriage Saturday • Ursinus women defeat Swarthmore debating team • Student council dance features quiet week-end • Ursinus Woman\u27s Club to present entertainment • Cast chosen for junior play, The 13th Chair • Executives plan liberal arts college movement • Rosemont girls defeat Ursinus team 35-12 • Ursinus girls beaten by Beaver sextette • Survey shows alumni favor their alma mater • I.N.A. conference to be held at Bucknell University • Music Club meeting • Literary Club meeting • Physics Journal Club • Late novel discussed at English Club meetinghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2146/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 28, 1929

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    Ursinus beats Muhlenberg 9-7: Fourth quarter run by Sterner brings bears victory over Mules • First chapel speaker to be Rev. Frederick Lynch, D. D. • Amateur boxing matches feature YMCA smoker • Old timers will find November 16 interesting day • Girls\u27 hockey team wins opener team with Philadelphia Normal • Novel Halloween dance to have Pennsylvania Night Hawks • Webster forensic club starts active season • Cross-country team loses track cup to Dickinson • Bears are eager to face Rutgers eleven Saturday • International Relations Club outlines program • Doctor Price honored at medical convention • Sophomores discuss ring at class meeting Thursday • A standard ring at Ursinus • President Omwake reviews work of education commission • Y.W.C.A. meetinghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2129/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, January 13, 1930

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    Montgomery County dance concludes Xmas vacation • Annual Christmas party held before holidays • Recreation hall scene of first social hour • Annual banquets held preceding Xmas party • Ursinus quintet loses two games during week • Young high scorer in Ursinus-F. & M. contest • Rose Maiden presented by college chorus • Mrs. Omwake hostess at girls\u27 Xmas party • Annual football banquet held at Highland Tuesday • Hockey letters awarded at annual banquet Friday • Basketball squad guests at home of Dr. Jordan • Engagement of prominent alumna announced December 28 • Sophomores defeat junior girls in interclass tilt • Parent education letter prepared by alumnus • W. D. Reimert \u2724 chosen editor of Allentown paper • Xmas communion held • Fogel \u2794 edits proverbs • Frosh quintet loses to F. & M. yearlings 44-20https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2138/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 6, 1929

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    Annual spring news conference held Saturday • Vocational consultant here Tuesday for girls • Annual YMCA officers\u27 conference at Gettysburg • Madrigal singers present enjoyable concert Thursday • Montgomery County schools hold annual May festival • Varsity trackmen lose two meets during week • Grizzlies lose close game with valley team • Ursinus netmen win and tie match this week • Freshman girls entertain upperclass women is gym • Final preparations being made for May Day • Student council dance to climax May Day week • Harvey Marburger secured • Girls\u27 tennis team ties with Beaver coeds, Thursday • Frosh track team wins second dual meet, 65-35 • Van Davies \u2730 elected • Juniors engage Harvey Marburger\u27s orchestra • Cast chosen for junior play to be given May 18https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2183/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 25, 1929

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    I.N.A. fall convention meets at Washington • Interesting papers read at Biology Club meeting • Prep and Pep offered by women\u27s dorm committee • 1929-30 basketball schedule announced • Waiters and Derr Hall boys battle to 0-0 tie • Freshman football team ends impressive season • Faculty representatives attend Harrisburg conference • Board of control debates Christmas entertainment • Large cast for Schaff play selected Tuesday • Bears getting ready for Albright Lions Thursday • Varsity hockey holds Beaver team to 1-1 tie • Persia described for International Relations Club • Y.M.C.A. to hold smoker and Albright pep meeting • Frosh-soph hockey tilt ends 5 to 1 for sophs • Editorial comment: Water fighting, the why and the why not • The selection of college students in high schools • Bi-monthly meeting of English Club held Monday • Music Club elects new members at meeting, Thursday • Recreation committee discusses radio drive • Ruby photographs takenhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2133/thumbnail.jp

    1931 Ruby Yearbook

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    A digitized copy of the 1931 Ruby, the Ursinus College yearbook.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/ruby/1033/thumbnail.jp

    “Only Man Is Vile”

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