14,912 research outputs found

    The Secessionist Movement and the Peace Process in the Philippines and Indonesia: The Case of Mindanao and Aceh

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    In this paper, the possibilities for creating a peaceful society amidst an on-going conflict between the state and ethno-based secessionist movement are explored. The cases of the Philippines and Indonesia, specifically the Moros and Acehnese respectively, are discussed and analyzed against the backdrop of identity politics, modalities of peace building and conflict resolution, and nation-state building. Towards the end of the paper, lessons from the peace process engaged by both the state and secessionist movement are derived on the wish that they may serve as guideposts in future peace and conflict mitigation endeavors

    The GRP-MILF Peace Talks: Quo Vadis?

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    Effect Of Import Tariff Implementation Policy On Refined Sugar Product Competitiveness In Indonesia

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    This research is intent to determining: (a) the effect of welfare distribution with applied import tariff of the government revenue, consumer expenditures, producer revenues, and efficiency losses (in production, in consumption and net effect), and (b) the level of competitiveness of cane sugar in Indonesia by calculating the Domestic Resource Cost (DRC). The research using libraries research method, that is collecting data from the related preceding researches and other references such as magazines, journals, bulletins and the like. The research result showed that : (a) the government revenue, change of consumer surplus, producer surplus, economic net loss in production and consumption and exchange gain economization, are influenced by the import tariff and elasticity price toward supply and demand, so that the welfare distribution value will be bigger; (b) sugar product competitiveness in Indonesia by knowing cane field calculation in East Java both wet and dry field is higher than the same product from other countries as it is shown by the value of DRC<1.Sugar, Welfare Distribution, Domestic Resource Cost (DRC), and Import tariff, Agribusiness,

    TENDING RELATIONSHIP QUALITY OF YOUNG MIDDLE CLASS An Empirical Study on My Starbucks Reward Members In Semarang

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    This study aims to examine the effect of perceived benefit in My Starbucks Reward loyalty program in Semarang. Research design used for this study is a modification of previous research about effect of loyalty program in France which was conducted by Mimouni-Chaabane and Volle (2010). The model consists of four independent variables which are monetary benefit, exploratory benefit, social benefit, and ego pleasure. This research also used perceived relationship investment as intervening variable, whereas relationship quality is used as dependent variable. Primary data were collected by using online questionnaire from 60 respondents whom were members of My Starbucks Card and had used the card as payment method in their patron to Starbucks Semarang store. Path analysis method to aalyze the model. The result shows that all independent variables, except Monetary Benefit, have influence upon Perceived Investment Variable. Perceived. Variable Perceived Relationship Investment is found to have positive influence upon relationship quality and to have role as intervening variable

    Elongational-flow-induced scission of DNA nanotubes in laminar flow

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    The length distributions of polymer fragments subjected to an elongational-flow-induced scission are profoundly affected by the fluid flow and the polymer bond strengths. In this paper, laminar elongational flow was used to induce chain scission of a series of circumference-programmed DNA nanotubes. The DNA nanotubes served as a model system for semiflexible polymers with tunable bond strength and cross-sectional geometry. The expected length distribution of fragmented DNA nanotubes was calculated from first principles by modeling the interplay between continuum hydrodynamic elongational flow and the molecular forces required to overstretch multiple DNA double helices. Our model has no-free parameters; the only inferred parameter is obtained from DNA mechanics literature, namely, the critical tension required to break a DNA duplex into two single-stranded DNA strands via the overstretching B-S DNA transition. The nanotube fragments were assayed with fluorescence microscopy at the single-molecule level and their lengths are in agreement with the scission theory


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    Todays information and communication technology is going rapaidly, one of the fields are so wudely used is the SPK. SPK is used in this as a decision support tool with multi condition criterion. SPK is used in this receiver for selecting candidates scholarship by using AHP method.Test results show that these application decesive candidates scholarchip on the values of the principal criteria for each candidate

    PERAN JENDERAL SOEDIRMAN DALAM PERANG GRILIYA (Studi Historis Masa Agresi Militer Belanda II Tahun 1948-1949 Di Jawa Tengah)

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    Pasca Indonesia memproklamirkan kemerdekaannya, Belanda berusaha kembali menguasi koloni yang telah dijajah. Untuk menguasi kembali Belanda menggunakan kekuatan militer. Di sisi lain, bagi Indonesia kemerdekaan merupakan harga mati sehingga perjuangan perlawaan harus digerakkan. Perlawanan Indonesia dipimpin oleh Jenderal Soedirman. Ia menggunakan strategi griliya dalam perlawanannya melawan kolonial Belanda. Alasan inilah menjadikan peneliti untuk mengkaji sejauh mana peran Jenderal Soedirman dalam perang griliya. Untuk mengetahui jawaban dari permasalahan tersebut digunakan metode penelitian sejarah dengan langkah-langkahnya yaitu heuristik, merupakan langkah mencari sumber sejarah baik primer maupun skunder. selanjutnya verifikasi merupakan upaya mengkritisi data yang telah diperoleh, kemudian interpretasi data menafsirkan data yang diperoleh agar tersusun dengan baik. Langkah akhirnya yaitu historiografi menyusun data yang ada menjadi sebuah narasi yang dapat diterima. Dengan penggunaan metode historis di atas dapat disimpulkan penelitian yaitu awal mula dilakukan perang griliya disebabkan oleh dilanggarnya Perjanjian Renvile oleh Belanda sehingga melahirkan perang. Selanjutnya untuk menghadapi Belanda Jenderal Soedirman menggunakan strategi griliya dengan memanfaatkan alam yang ada. Dengan adanya strategi perang griliya membuktikan kepada dunia Internasional bahwa pemerintahan Indonesia masih ada

    Ascaris Lumbricoides Eggs and Human-Intestinal Protozoan Cysts Found in River Water of Angke River, Jakarta

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    Fecal contamination is a serious environmental problem at Angke River Jakarta. A cross-sectional study was conducted during April-June 2007 and the aim of the study is to assess the water quality of Angke River by detection of Ascaris lumbricoides eggs and the protozoan cysts. A total 24 L water of Angke River was collected from 8 sampling locations consisted of Kembangan/Duri Kosambi (upper reaches of river), Pesing Polgar (lower reaches of river), Teluk Gong (lower reaches of river), Pantai Indah Kapuk (estuary), River Mouth, left side of River Mouth, right side of River Mouth, and outer side of River Mouth. The water specimen was examined microscopically for A. lumbricoides eggs and protozoan cysts using a concentrated technique. Of 8 locations, 4 locations (50 %, 4/8), Kembangan/Duri Kosambi, Teluk Gong, Pantai Indah Kapuk and left side of river mouth were positive for A. lumbricoides eggs and 2 locations (25%, 2/8), Kembangan/Duri Kosambi and Pesing Polgar positive for Entamoeba histolytica cysts. Overall, 60 A. lumbricoides eggs and 2 E. histolytica cysts were found in 24 L water specimens. Among sampling locations, the most number of A. lumbricoides eggs were found at eastuary. The water of Angke River, Jakarta, has been contaminated by human feces contained A. lumbricoides eggs and E. histolytica cysts. The water was unsafe for drinking water