The Ursinus Weekly, January 13, 1930


Montgomery County dance concludes Xmas vacation • Annual Christmas party held before holidays • Recreation hall scene of first social hour • Annual banquets held preceding Xmas party • Ursinus quintet loses two games during week • Young high scorer in Ursinus-F. & M. contest • Rose Maiden presented by college chorus • Mrs. Omwake hostess at girls\u27 Xmas party • Annual football banquet held at Highland Tuesday • Hockey letters awarded at annual banquet Friday • Basketball squad guests at home of Dr. Jordan • Engagement of prominent alumna announced December 28 • Sophomores defeat junior girls in interclass tilt • Parent education letter prepared by alumnus • W. D. Reimert \u2724 chosen editor of Allentown paper • Xmas communion held • Fogel \u2794 edits proverbs • Frosh quintet loses to F. & M. yearlings 44-20

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