28 research outputs found

    Revision of the dinoflagellate species composition of the Black Sea

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    Data on the diversity of dinoflagellates of the Black Sea (BS) obtained from all BS countries (Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine) from 1886 to 2018 are critically ummarized. The revised list of the BS Dinoflagellata includes 420 species (447 including infraspecific taxa) from 92 genera that belong to 47 families, 16 orders and 4 classes.Критически обобщены данные о разнообразии динофлагеллят Черного моря (ЧМ) авторов всех причерноморских стран (России, Грузии, Турции, Болгарии, Румынии и Украины) за период с 1886 по 2018 гг. Проверенный список динофлагеллят включает 420 видов (447, включая внутривидовые таксоны — ввт) из 92-х родов, которые относятся к 47 семействам, 16 порядкам и 4 классам

    Selection platforms for directed evolution in synthetic biology

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    Life on Earth is incredibly diverse. Yet, underneath that diversity, there are a number of constants and highly conserved processes: all life is based on DNA and RNA; the genetic code is universal; biology is limited to a small subset of potential chemistries. A vast amount of knowledge has been accrued through describing and characterizing enzymes, biological processes and organisms. Nevertheless, much remains to be understood about the natural world. One of the goals in Synthetic Biology is to recapitulate biological complexity from simple systems made from biological molecules – gaining a deeper understanding of life in the process. Directed evolution is a powerful tool in Synthetic Biology, able to bypass gaps in knowledge and capable of engineering even the most highly conserved biological processes. It encompasses a range of methodologies to create variation in a population and to select individual variants with the desired function – be it a ligand, enzyme, pathway or even whole organisms. Here, we present some of the basic frameworks that underpin all evolution platforms and review some of the recent contributions from directed evolution to synthetic biology, in particular methods that have been used to engineer the Central Dogma and the genetic code

    Potential of legume-based grassland - livestock systems in Europe: a review

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    European grassland-based livestock production systems face the challenge of producing more meat and milk to meet increasing world demands and to achieve this using fewer resources. Legumes offer great potential for achieving these objectives. They have numerous features that can act together at different stages in the soil-plant-animal-atmosphere system, and these are most effective in mixed swards with a legume proportion of 30-50%. The resulting benefits include reduced dependence on fossil energy and industrial N-fertilizer, lower quantities of harmful emissions to the environment (greenhouse gases and nitrate), lower production costs, higher productivity and increased protein self-sufficiency. Some legume species offer opportunities for improving animal health with less medication, due to the presence of bioactive secondary metabolites. In addition, legumes may offer an adaptation option to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations and climate change. Legumes generate these benefits at the level of the managed land-area unit and also at the level of the final product unit. However, legumes suffer from some limitations, and suggestions are made for future research to exploit more fully the opportunities that legumes can offer. In conclusion, the development of legume-based grassland-livestock systems undoubtedly constitutes one of the pillars for more sustainable and competitive ruminant production systems, and it can be expected that forage legumes will become more important in the future

    Geographical and temporal distribution of SARS-CoV-2 clades in the WHO European Region, January to June 2020

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    We show the distribution of SARS-CoV-2 genetic clades over time and between countries and outline potential genomic surveillance objectives. We applied three available genomic nomenclature systems for SARS-CoV-2 to all sequence data from the WHO European Region available during the COVID-19 pandemic until 10 July 2020. We highlight the importance of real-time sequencing and data dissemination in a pandemic situation. We provide a comparison of the nomenclatures and lay a foundation for future European genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2.Peer reviewe


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    Pathology of kidneys and urinary tracts are some of the most widespread in infancy. The «discreet» course of a number of diseases quite often results in diagnostics only at the stage of progression into chronic kidney insufficiency. It is very important to notice the changes in the condition of a child and consult the nephrologist. In this article authors cover relevant issues of diagnostics and treatment of children with pathology of kidney and urinary tract.Key words: kidney diseases, diagnostics, children


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    Pathology of kidneys and urinary tracts are some of the most widespread in infancy. The «discreet» course of a number of diseases quite often results in diagnostics only at the stage of progression into chronic kidney insufficiency. It is very important to notice the changes in the condition of a child and consult the nephrologist. In this article authors cover relevant issues of diagnostics and treatment of children with pathology of kidney and urinary tract.Key words: kidney diseases, diagnostics, children


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    Treatment of chronic cystitis should include antibacterial therapy, restoration of the bladder mucosa and prevention of recurrence of urinary tract infection. Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of 0.1% sodium hyaluronate in the treatment of chronic cystitis. Materials and methods. Women (n=34) with clinical and laboratory signs of urinary tract infection were selected for following-up. Results. We performed antibacterial therapy for all patients at the first stage of treatment. At the second stage of treatment, we have local treatment with 0.1% sodium hyaluronate (50 ml once a week up to 5 times). After such treatment of chronic cystitis in 2/3 of women pain and dysuria were stopped. Conclusions: in the methods of treatment of chronic cystitis, a significant step is the restoration of the function of the urothelium of the bladder wall.Лечение хронического цистита должно предусматривать антимикробную терапию, восстановление слизистой оболочки мочевого пузыря и профилактику рецидивов инфекции мочевыводящих путей. Цель: оценить эффективность терапии хронического цистита 0,1% гиалуронатом натрия. Материалы и методы. Для наблюдения были выбраны женщины (n=34) с клиническими и лабораторными признаками инфекции мочевыводящих путей. Результаты. На первом этапе лечения всем больным мы проводили антибактериальную терапию. На втором этапе лечения мы проводили местную терапию 0,1% гиалуронатом натрия (50 мл 1 раз в неделю, кратность применения препарата - 5 раз). После такого лечения хронического цистита болевые ощущения и явления дизурии были купированы у 2/3 пациентов. Выводы: в методах лечения хронических циститов значимым этапом является восстановление функции уротелия стенки мочевого пузыря


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