56 research outputs found

    A Novel Modelling Process in Chemistry: Merging Biological and Mathematical Perspectives to Develop Modelling Competences

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    Models are essential in science and therefore in scientific literacy. Therefore, pupils need to attain competency in the appropriate use of models. This so-called model–methodical competence distinguishes between model competence (the conceptual part) and modelling competence (the procedural part), wherefrom a definition follows a general overview of the concept of models in this article. Based on this, modelling processes enable the promotion of the modelling competence. In this context, two established approaches mainly applied in other disciplines (biology and mathematics) and a survey among chemistry teachers and employees of chemistry education departments (N = 98) form the starting point for developing a chemistry modelling process. The article concludes with a description of the developed modelling process, which by its design, provides an opportunity to develop students’ modelling competence

    A mass spectrometry imaging based approach for prognosis prediction in UICC stage I/II colon cancer

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    Simple Summary Tumor treatment is heavily dictated by the tumor progression status. However, in colon cancer, it is difficult to predict disease progression in the early stages. In this study, we have employed a proteomic analysis using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI). MALDI-MSI is a technique that measures the molecular content of (tumor) tissue. We analyzed tumor samples of 276 patients. If the patients developed distant metastasis, they were considered to have a more aggressive tumor type than the patients that did not. In this comparative study, we have developed bioinformatics methods that can predict the tendency of tumor progression and advance a couple of molecules that could be used as prognostic markers of colon cancer. The prediction of tumor progression can help to choose a more adequate treatment for each individual patient. Abstract Currently, pathological evaluation of stage I/II colon cancer, following the Union Internationale Contre Le Cancer (UICC) guidelines, is insufficient to identify patients that would benefit from adjuvant treatment. In our study, we analyzed tissue samples from 276 patients with colon cancer utilizing mass spectrometry imaging. Two distinct approaches are herein presented for data processing and analysis. In one approach, four different machine learning algorithms were applied to predict the tendency to develop metastasis, which yielded accuracies over 90% for three of the models. In the other approach, 1007 m/z features were evaluated with regards to their prognostic capabilities, yielding two m/z features as promising prognostic markers. One feature was identified as a fragment from collagen (collagen 3A1), hinting that a higher collagen content within the tumor is associated with poorer outcomes. Identification of proteins that reflect changes in the tumor and its microenvironment could give a very much-needed prediction of a patient’s prognosis, and subsequently assist in the choice of a more adequate treatment

    Die Idee dahinter ... : Aspekte zur Gestaltung lernreicher Lehre

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    Der Band umfasst zahlreiche Beispiele von Lehrenden, die ihre Veranstaltungen in mehreren Aspekten ‚lernreich(er)’ gestaltet haben. Die Konzepte wurden alle im Rahmen des Vertiefungsmoduls des Programms „Professionelle Lehrkompetenz fĂŒr die Hochschule“ des Netzwerks "hochschuldidaktik nrw" an der UniversitĂ€t Siegen entwickelt oder weiterentwickelt. Die elf BeitrĂ€ge umfassen ein breites Spektrum an Veranstaltungsformaten und FĂ€chern: Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sind ebenso vertreten wie Architektur, PĂ€dagogik, Soziale Arbeit und Literaturwissenschaft. Bei den Veranstaltungen handelt es sich um Praktika, Seminare, Übungen usw., oft mit Projektcharakter bzw. -elementen, hĂ€ufig auch mit wechselnden Lernorten, semester-begleitend oder kompakt

    A proposal for the retrospective identification and categorization of older people with functional impairments in scientific studies : recommendations of the Medication and Quality of Life in Frail Older Persons (MedQoL) research group

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    When treating older adults, a main factor to consider is physical frailty. Because specific assessments in clinical trials are frequently lacking, critical appraisal of treatment evidence with respect to functional status is challenging. Our aim was to identify and categorize assessments for functional status given in clinical trials in older adults to allow for a retrospective characterization and indirect comparison of treatment evidence from these cohorts. We conducted 4 separate systematic reviews of randomized and nonrandomized controlled clinical trials in older people with hypertension, diabetes, depression, and dementia. All assessments identified that reflected functional status were analyzed. Assessments were categorized across 4 different functional status levels. These levels span from functionally not impaired, slightly impaired, significantly impaired, to severely impaired/disabled. If available from the literature, cut-offs for these 4 functioning levels were extracted. If not, or if the existing cut-offs did not match the predefined functional levels, cut-off points were defined by an expert group composed of geriatricians, pharmacists, pharmacologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, and epidemiologists using a patient-centered approach. We identified 51 instruments that included measures of functional status. Although some of the assessments had clearly defined cut-offs across our predefined categories, many others did not. In most cases, no cut-offs existed for slightly impaired or severely impaired older adults. Missing cut-offs or values to adjust were determined by the expert group and are presented as described. The functional status assessments that were identified and operationalized across 4 functional levels could now be used for a retrospective characterization of functional status in randomized controlled trials and observational studies. Allocated categories only serve as approximations and should be validated head-to-head in future studies. Moreover, as general standard, upcoming studies involving older adults should include and explicitly report functional impairment as a baseline characteristic of all participants enrolled

    Immune Response in Moderate to Critical Breakthrough COVID-19 Infection After mRNA Vaccination

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    SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOCs) can trigger severe endemic waves and vaccine breakthrough infections (VBI). We analyzed the cellular and humoral immune response in 8 patients infected with the alpha variant, resulting in moderate to fatal COVID-19 disease manifestation, after double mRNA-based anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. In contrast to the uninfected vaccinated control cohort, the diseased individuals had no detectable high-avidity spike (S)-reactive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells against the alpha variant and wild type (WT) at disease onset, whereas a robust CD4+ T-cell response against the N- and M-proteins was generated. Furthermore, a delayed alpha S-reactive high-avidity CD4+ T-cell response was mounted during disease progression. Compared to the vaccinated control donors, these patients also had lower neutralizing antibody titers against the alpha variant at disease onset. The delayed development of alpha S-specific cellular and humoral immunity upon VBI indicates reduced immunogenicity against the S-protein of the alpha VOC, while there was a higher and earlier N- and M-reactive T-cell response. Our findings do not undermine the current vaccination strategies but underline a potential need for the inclusion of VBI patients in alternative vaccination strategies and additional antigenic targets in next-generation SARS-CoV-2 vaccines

    Bildung und Beruf

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    Inhalt: EinfĂŒhrung und ResĂŒmee; Entwicklung des Bildungsniveaus; BildungsertrĂ€ge; Übergang von der Schule in die Ausbildung; Übergang von der Ausbildung in den Beruf; Ausgleichsprozesse auf beruflichen TeilarbeitsmĂ€rkten; Formale Überqualifizierung; Die Bedeutung von Persönlichkeitseigenschaften fĂŒr den individuellen Arbeitsmarkterfolg; Karriere in typischen MĂ€nner- und Frauenberufen

    The Star Formation and Nuclear Accretion Histories of Normal Galaxies in the AGES Survey

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    We combine IR, optical and X-ray data from the overlapping, 9.3 square degree NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS), AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES), and XBootes Survey to measure the X-ray evolution of 6146 normal galaxies as a function of absolute optical luminosity, redshift, and spectral type over the largely unexplored redshift range 0.1 < z < 0.5. Because only the closest or brightest of the galaxies are individually detected in X-rays, we use a stacking analysis to determine the mean properties of the sample. Our results suggest that X-ray emission from spectroscopically late-type galaxies is dominated by star formation, while that from early-type galaxies is dominated by a combination of hot gas and AGN emission. We find that the mean star formation and supermassive black hole accretion rate densities evolve like (1+z)^3, in agreement with the trends found for samples of bright, individually detectable starburst galaxies and AGN. Our work also corroborates the results of many previous stacking analyses of faint source populations, with improved statistics.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Zum Zusammenhang von Geschlechterungleichheiten in Bildung, Beruf und Karriere : ein Ausblick

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    Ziel der folgenden AusfĂŒhrungen im abschliessenden Teil dieses Sammelbands zur Entwicklung und Genese von geschlechtsspezifischen Bildungsungleichheiten ist es, den Blick zu öffnen in Richtung Berufsleben. Wie sind die verbesserten Bildungsmöglichkeiten von Frauen zu interpretieren? Ist es in den letzten Jahrzehnten gelungen, eines der grundlegendsten gesellschaftlichen UngleichheitsverhĂ€ltnisse zu beseitigen? Oder beginnt sich dieses sogar zu verkehren in eine gesellschaftliche Benachteiligung der MĂ€nner? Wir gehen bei unseren Überlegungen von der These aus, dass ein Abbau von Benachteiligungen der Frauen im Bildungssystem fĂŒr sich genommen noch wenig aussagekrĂ€ftig ist, wenn wir uns mit der klassischen soziologischen Frage der Persistenz bzw. des Wandels von gesellschaftlichen Ungleichheiten befassen wollen. Erst wenn die ganze VerknĂŒpfung von Bildung und gesellschaftlicher Ungleichheit in den Blick genommen wird und sich dabei zeigt, dass Frauen ihre Bildungsgewinne auch in entsprechende Chancen im BeschĂ€ftigungssystem umsetzen können, sind ihre verbesserten Bildungschancen ein Gewinn fĂŒr die Individuen und ein Fortschritt fĂŒr die Gesellschaft – und erst dann könnten mögliche Bildungsvorteile von Frauen, wie sie in den vorliegenden AufsĂ€tzen z.T. diagnostiziert werden, gar als neue gesellschaftliche Benachteiligungen von MĂ€nnern skandalisiert werden

    Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective

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    This paper is the outcome of a community initiative to identify major unsolved scientific problems in hydrology motivated by a need for stronger harmonisation of research efforts. The procedure involved a public consultation through on-line media, followed by two workshops through which a large number of potential science questions were collated, prioritised, and synthesised. In spite of the diversity of the participants (230 scientists in total), the process revealed much about community priorities and the state of our science: a preference for continuity in research questions rather than radical departures or redirections from past and current work. Questions remain focussed on process-based understanding of hydrological variability and causality at all space and time scales. Increased attention to environmental change drives a new emphasis on understanding how change propagates across interfaces within the hydrological system and across disciplinary boundaries. In particular, the expansion of the human footprint raises a new set of questions related to human interactions with nature and water cycle feedbacks in the context of complex water management problems. We hope that this reflection and synthesis of the 23 unsolved problems in hydrology will help guide research efforts for some years to come
