209 research outputs found

    The ArathEULS3 lectin ends up in stress granules and can follow an unconventional route for secretion

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    Stress granules are cytoplasmic compartments, which serve as mRNA storage units during stress, therefore regulating translation. The Arabidopsis thaliana lectin ArathEULS3 has been widely described as a stress inducible gene. This study aimed to examine in detail the localization of ArathEULS3 lectin in normal and stressed cells. Colocalization experiments revealed that the nucleo-cytoplasmic lectin ArathEULS3 relocates to stress granules after stress. The ArathEULS3 sequence encodes a protein with a EUL lectin domain and an N-terminal domain with unknown structure and function. Bioinformatics analyses showed that the N-terminal domain sequence contains intrinsically disordered regions and likely does not exhibit a stable protein fold. Plasmolysis experiments indicated that ArathEULS3 also localizes to the apoplast, suggesting that this protein might follow an unconventional route for secretion. As part of our efforts we also investigated the interactome of ArathEULS3 and identified several putative interaction partners important for the protein translation process

    Universal baleen whale microsatellite panel for individual identification and power to detect parentage

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    Highly polymorphic single tandem repeat loci (STR, also known as microsatellite loci) remain a familiar, cost efficient class of markers for genetic analyses in ecology, behavior and conservation. We characterize a new universal set of ten STR loci (from 28 potential candidate loci) in seven baleen whale species, which are optimized for PCR amplification in two multiplex reactions along with a Y chromosome marker for sex determination. The optimized, universal set of STR loci provides an ideal starting point for new studies in baleen whales aimed at individual-based and population genetic studies, and facilitates data sharing among research groups. Data from the new STR loci were combined with genotypes from other published STR loci to assess the power to assign parentage (paternity) using exclusion in four species: fin whales, humpback whales, blue whales and bowhead whales. We argue that parentage studies should present a power analysis to demonstrate that the specific data are sufficiently informative to assign parentage with statistical rigor

    Histone modifications underlie monocyte dysregulation in patients with systemic sclerosis, underlining the treatment potential of epigenetic targeting.

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    Background and objective S ystemic sclerosis (SSc) is a severe autoimmune disease, in which the pathogenesis is dependent on both genetic and epigenetic factors. Altered gene expression in SSc monocytes, particularly of interferon (IFN)-responsive genes, suggests their involvement in SSc development. We investigated the correlation between epigenetic histone marks and gene expression in SSc monocytes. Methods C hromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIPseq) for histone marks H3K4me3 and H3K27ac was performed on monocytes of nine healthy controls and 14 patients with SSc. RNA sequencing was performed in parallel to identify aberrantly expressed genes and their correlation with the levels of H3K4me3 and H3K27ac located nearby their transcription start sites. ChIP-qPCR assays were used to verify the role of bromodomain proteins, H3K27ac and STATs on IFNresponsive gene expression. Results 1046 and 534 genomic loci showed aberrant H3K4me3 and H3K27ac marks, respectively, in SSc monocytes. The expression of 381 genes was directly and significantly proportional to the levels of such chromatin marks present near their transcription start site. Genes correlated to altered histone marks were enriched for immune, IFN and antiviral pathways and presented with recurrent binding sites for IRF and STAT transcription factors at their promoters. IFN\u3b1 induced the binding of STAT1 and STAT2 at the promoter of two of these genes, while blocking acetylation readers using the bromodomain BET family inhibitor JQ1 suppressed their expression. Conclusion SS c monocytes have altered chromatin marks correlating with their IFN signature. Enzymes modulating these reversible marks may provide interesting therapeutic targets to restore monocyte homeostasis to treat or even prevent SSc

    Photosynthetic quantum efficiency in south‐eastern Amazonian trees may be already affected by climate change

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    Tropical forests are experiencing unprecedented high‐temperature conditions due to climate change that could limit their photosynthetic functions. We studied the high‐temperature sensitivity of photosynthesis in a rainforest site in southern Amazonia, where some of the highest temperatures and most rapid warming in the Tropics have been recorded. The quantum yield (F v /F m ) of photosystem II was measured in seven dominant tree species using leaf discs exposed to varying levels of heat stress. T 50 was calculated as the temperature at which F v /F m was half the maximum value. T 5 is defined as the breakpoint temperature, at which F v /F m decline was initiated. Leaf thermotolerance in the rapidly warming southern Amazonia was the highest recorded for forest tree species globally. T 50 and T 5 varied between species, with one mid‐storey species, Amaioua guianensis , exhibiting particularly high T 50 and T 5 values. While the T 50 values of the species sampled were several degrees above the maximum air temperatures experienced in southern Amazonia, the T 5 values of several species are now exceeded under present‐day maximum air temperatures

    <i>Gaia</i> Data Release 1. Summary of the astrometric, photometric, and survey properties

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    Context. At about 1000 days after the launch of Gaia we present the first Gaia data release, Gaia DR1, consisting of astrometry and photometry for over 1 billion sources brighter than magnitude 20.7. Aims. A summary of Gaia DR1 is presented along with illustrations of the scientific quality of the data, followed by a discussion of the limitations due to the preliminary nature of this release. Methods. The raw data collected by Gaia during the first 14 months of the mission have been processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) and turned into an astrometric and photometric catalogue. Results. Gaia DR1 consists of three components: a primary astrometric data set which contains the positions, parallaxes, and mean proper motions for about 2 million of the brightest stars in common with the HIPPARCOS and Tycho-2 catalogues – a realisation of the Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution (TGAS) – and a secondary astrometric data set containing the positions for an additional 1.1 billion sources. The second component is the photometric data set, consisting of mean G-band magnitudes for all sources. The G-band light curves and the characteristics of ∼3000 Cepheid and RR-Lyrae stars, observed at high cadence around the south ecliptic pole, form the third component. For the primary astrometric data set the typical uncertainty is about 0.3 mas for the positions and parallaxes, and about 1 mas yr−1 for the proper motions. A systematic component of ∼0.3 mas should be added to the parallax uncertainties. For the subset of ∼94 000 HIPPARCOS stars in the primary data set, the proper motions are much more precise at about 0.06 mas yr−1. For the secondary astrometric data set, the typical uncertainty of the positions is ∼10 mas. The median uncertainties on the mean G-band magnitudes range from the mmag level to ∼0.03 mag over the magnitude range 5 to 20.7. Conclusions. Gaia DR1 is an important milestone ahead of the next Gaia data release, which will feature five-parameter astrometry for all sources. Extensive validation shows that Gaia DR1 represents a major advance in the mapping of the heavens and the availability of basic stellar data that underpin observational astrophysics. Nevertheless, the very preliminary nature of this first Gaia data release does lead to a number of important limitations to the data quality which should be carefully considered before drawing conclusions from the data

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of healthcare workers:study protocol for the COVID-19 HEalth caRe wOrkErS (HEROES) study

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    BACKGROUND: Preliminary country-specific reports suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic has a negative impact on the mental health of the healthcare workforce. In this paper, we summarize the protocol of the COVID-19 HEalth caRe wOrkErS (HEROES) study, an ongoing, global initiative, aimed to describe and track longitudinal trajectories of mental health symptoms and disorders among health care workers at different phases of the pandemic across a wide range of countries in Latin America, Europe, Africa, Middle-East, and Asia. METHODS: Participants from various settings, including primary care clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, and mental health facilities, are being enrolled. In 26 countries, we are using a similar study design with harmonized measures to capture data on COVID-19 related exposures and variables of interest during two years of follow-up. Exposures include potential stressors related to working in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as sociodemographic and clinical factors. Primary outcomes of interest include mental health variables such as psychological distress, depressive symptoms, and posttraumatic stress disorders. Other domains of interest include potentially mediating or moderating influences such as workplace conditions, trust in the government, and the country’s income level. RESULTS: As of August 2021, ~ 34,000 health workers have been recruited. A general characterization of the recruited samples by sociodemographic and workplace variables is presented. Most participating countries have identified several health facilities where they can identify denominators and attain acceptable response rates. Of the 26 countries, 22 are collecting data and 2 plan to start shortly. CONCLUSIONS: This is one of the most extensive global studies on the mental health of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, including a variety of countries with diverse economic realities and different levels of severity of pandemic and management. Moreover, unlike most previous studies, we included workers (clinical and non-clinical staff) in a wide range of settings. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00127-021-02211-9

    Ambiguidade do cuidado na vivência do consumidor de drogas

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    RESUMO Objetivo Compreender a percepção de usuários de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial sobre o cuidado no contexto do consumo de drogas. Métodos Estudo fundamentado na Fenomenologia de Maurice Merleau-Ponty, desenvolvido no segundo semestre do ano de 2015. Foram realizados dois encontros de Grupo Focal, com dez usuários de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e outras Drogas. Os dados foram submetidos à técnica Analítica da Ambiguidade. Resultados O consumo de drogas ora proporciona ao consumidor sensações de prazer, ora contribui para a ocorrência de prejuízos biopsicossociais e/ou novas possibilidades de relação com a droga. Conclusões O consumo de drogas constitui-se em um processo ambíguo, que corresponde à percepção de diferentes perfis de cuidado na relação do consumidor com a droga. Cabe aos profissionais de saúde reconhecer as diversas possibilidades de cuidado e favorecer a construção de projetos terapêuticos baseados na escuta e respeito às necessidades dos consumidores de drogas