76 research outputs found

    Czytając T.S. Eliota: ekokrytyczna analiza z perspektywy zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    T.S. Eliot’s writings have always been an essential point of discussion among critics and scholars due to its di-verse range of themes and his focus on the major concerns of the modern period. Eliot was a keen observer of the great transformations which the environment has endured. The present paper is an attempt towards an ecocritical reading of Eliot’s poems. His works depict the major environmental challenges such as pollution, population, water scarcity, deforestation, and therefore could be interpreted as his step towards sustainable development. Though the concept of sustainable development has evolved recently, the need to create awareness towards the environment was felt at the time when Eliot’s writings were in progress. Hence, an eco-critical reading of Eliot’s works helps in understanding his consciousness towards the degradation of the environment and his move towards creating awareness among others.Świat przeszedł wielkie przemiany w ciągu ostatnich kilku dekad. Pomimo wynalezienia wspaniałych technologii, które ułatwiają ludzkie życie, dzisiejszy świat zmaga się z poważnymi problemami środowiskowymi, takimi jak zanieczyszczenie, przeludnienie, niedobór wody, zagrożenia dla zdrowia, wylesianie, ubóstwo i zanik bioróżnorodności. Rosnący zakres tych problemów był przyczyną sformułowania koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju. Ma on na celu pozostawienie zasobów naturalnych dla przyszłych pokoleń bez uszczerbku dla obecnych potrzeb. Chociaż idea ta została opracowana niedawno, potrzeba kreowania świadomości ekologicznej pojawiła się już w czasie rewolucji przemysłowej i dwóch wojen światowych. Jako pisarz okresu powojennego prace T.S. Eliota ukazują główne wyzwania środowiskowe i mogą być również interpretowane jako krok w kierunku zrównoważonego rozwoju. W tym świetle niniejszy artykuł jest próbą ekokrytycznej lektury wierszy tego autora

    A comparative study of parasympathetic function tests during different phases of menstrual cycle in young healthy females

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    Background: The hormonal fluctuations that occur during normal menstrual cycle has profound influence on autonomic functions. This influence on autonomic nervous system may affect cardiovagal control. The aim of the study is to find out the variation of Parasympathetic function tests during different phases of menstrual cycle in young healthy females.Methods: The present study was carried out on 50 healthy female subjects with normal menstrual cycles between the ages of 18 to 25 years. Various non-invasive parasympathetic function tests during different phases of menstrual cycle were performed that include Resting heart rate (RHR), Heart rate variation during deep breathing (E:I Ratio), Heart rate response to standing (30:15 Ratio), Heart rate response to Valsalva maneuver (Valsalva Ratio). The results were analysed using ANOVA and student’s paired-t tests.Results: During the menstrual cycle, we found varied heart rate response with higher values towards the luteal phase, when compared to the follicular phase and the menstrual phase. There was a statistically significant difference in the heart rate parameters like resting heart rate, 30:15 ratio, valsalva ratio and E:I ratio during the three phases of menstrual cycle.Conclusions: The study concludes that there was statistically significant heart rate variability during three phases of the menstrual cycle, as observed by the increased sympathetic discharge in the luteal phase compared to the increased parasympathetic discharge in the follicular phase. The results of our study have emphasized the complexity of the relationship between ovarian steroids and various hemodynamic regulatory systems

    Clinal study of Pippalyadya Lau in the management of Tamaka Shwasa

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    Our lifestyles have been driven to another level with introduction of new gadgets and science and technological interferences in living in one way or the other. The major cause of poor health conditions are diseases, improper and unhealthy dietary habits, injury, incremented mental stress levels, lack of hygiene, unhealthy lifestyle, etc. The true meaning of being healthy is apposite balance of mental, physical and a spiritual state of a being. Shwasa Roga is classified into 5 categories in Ayurveda. Tamaka Shwasa is one of the categories of Shwasa Roga. In modern Asthma is known as reactive airway disease. This hyper responsiveness manifests itself as broncho constriction following exercise, on natural exposure to strong as irritant fumes such as sulphur dioxide, tobacco smoke, etc. The present study deals with clinical Study of Pippalyadya Lauh on Tamaka Shwasa. In this study total 60 patients of Tamaka Shvasa were registered. Patients were randomly divided under three groups. Results of study reveals that all preparations of Pippalyadi Loha has shown significant results on Tamaka Shwasa patients and Pippalyadi Loha No I and considered to be the best among three different preparations and safe for use


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    The present study focuses on identifying the features and parameters of Raman spectroscopy for the diagnosis of cancer in human breast surgical samples. Thirty-five clinically unprocessed, fresh human breast tissue specimens (20 cancerous and 15 normal tissues) were obtained under a bioethical protocol approved by the institution’s ethical committee. Confocal spontaneous Raman spectroscopy in reflection mode was performed using an incident excitation laser monochromatic beam of 532 nm. The differences observed among Raman profiles of cancerous tissues are more prominent compared with normal breast tissues. Notable spectral differences were present in both the absolute and relative intensities of the Raman peaks in the spectral profile. In the present study, three ratios of Raman intensities 1587 cm-1/ 1637 cm-1, 1587 cm-1/ 1000 cm-1 and 1587 cm-1/ 1375 cm-1 with statistically reliable differences are reported in the present study. It is found to be sensitive enough to differentiate between normal and cancerous breast tissues

    Unraveling Binding Effects of Cobalt(II) Sepulchrate with the Monooxygenase P450 BM-3 Heme Domain Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    One of the major limitations to exploit enzymes in industrial processes is their dependence on expensive reduction equivalents like NADPH to drive their catalytic cycle. Soluble electron transfer (ET) mediators like Cobalt(II)Sepulchrate have been proposed as a cost-effective alternative to shuttle electrons between an inexpensive electron source and enzyme redox center. The interactions of these molecules with enzymes are not elucidated at molecular level yet. Herein, molecular dynamics simulations are performed to understand the binding and ET mechanism of the Cobalt(II)Sepulchrate with the heme domain of cytochrome P450BM-3. The study provides a detailed map of ET mediator binding sites on protein surface that resulted prevalently composed by Asp and Glu amino acids. The Cobalt(II)Sepulchrate do not show a preferential binding to these sites. However, among the observed binding sites, only few of them provide efficient ET pathways to heme iron. The results of this study can be used to improve the ET mediator efficiency of the enzyme for possible biotechnological applications

    Assessing the Unaccounted Environmental Pressure Caused by Endogenous Fires on the Rock Dumps of Kuzbass Overburden Rocks

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    A statistical data analysis is carried out to investigate the pollutant emissions in the largest cities of Kuzbass. The study found that gases such as methane, carbon oxide and hydrogen are the main pollutants. It has been explained that endogenous fires of coal producers mainly release the gases. The amount of releasing gases from the surface of the rock dump over the endogenous fire has been analyzed. Unaccounted environmental pressure caused by endogenous fires on the rock dumps of Kuzbass overburden rocks has been identified

    Bioactive compounds of edible fruits with their anti-aging properties: a comprehensive review to prolong human life

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    Aging is a complicated biological process in which functional and structural alterations in a living organism take place over time. Reactive oxygen species is one of the main factors responsible for aging and is associated with several chronic pathologies. The relationship between aging and diet is quite interesting and has attained worldwide attention. Healthy food, in addition to dietary antioxidants, are required to delay the process of aging and improve the quality of life. Many healthy foods such as fruits are a good source of dietary nutrients and natural bioactive compounds which have antioxidant properties and are involved in preventing aging and other age-related disorders. Health benefits linked with healthy consumption of fruit have drawn increased interest. A significant number of studies have documented the advantages of fruit intake, as it suppresses free-radical development that further reduces the oxidative stress created in the body and protects against several types of diseases such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, inflammatory disorders, and other cardiovascular diseases that ultimately prevent aging. In addition, fruits have numerous other properties like anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous, anti-diabetic, neuroprotective, and have health-promoting effects. Mechanisms of various bioactive compounds that aids in preventing various diseases and increases longevity are also described. This manuscript provides a summary of various bioactive components present in fruits along with their health-promoting and antiaging properties

    Mapping local patterns of childhood overweight and wasting in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2017

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    A double burden of malnutrition occurs when individuals, household members or communities experience both undernutrition and overweight. Here, we show geospatial estimates of overweight and wasting prevalence among children under 5 years of age in 105 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) from 2000 to 2017 and aggregate these to policy-relevant administrative units. Wasting decreased overall across LMICs between 2000 and 2017, from 8.4% (62.3 (55.1–70.8) million) to 6.4% (58.3 (47.6–70.7) million), but is predicted to remain above the World Health Organization’s Global Nutrition Target of <5% in over half of LMICs by 2025. Prevalence of overweight increased from 5.2% (30 (22.8–38.5) million) in 2000 to 6.0% (55.5 (44.8–67.9) million) children aged under 5 years in 2017. Areas most affected by double burden of malnutrition were located in Indonesia, Thailand, southeastern China, Botswana, Cameroon and central Nigeria. Our estimates provide a new perspective to researchers, policy makers and public health agencies in their efforts to address this global childhood syndemic

    Czytając T.S. Eliota: ekokrytyczna analiza z perspektywy zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    T.S. Eliot’s writings have always been an essential point of discussion among critics and scholars due to its di-verse range of themes and his focus on the major concerns of the modern period. Eliot was a keen observer of the great transformations which the environment has endured. The present paper is an attempt towards an ecocritical reading of Eliot’s poems. His works depict the major environmental challenges such as pollution, population, water scarcity, deforestation, and therefore could be interpreted as his step towards sustainable development. Though the concept of sustainable development has evolved recently, the need to create awareness towards the environment was felt at the time when Eliot’s writings were in progress. Hence, an eco-critical reading of Eliot’s works helps in understanding his consciousness towards the degradation of the environment and his move towards creating awareness among others.Świat przeszedł wielkie przemiany w ciągu ostatnich kilku dekad. Pomimo wynalezienia wspaniałych technologii, które ułatwiają ludzkie życie, dzisiejszy świat zmaga się z poważnymi problemami środowiskowymi, takimi jak zanieczyszczenie, przeludnienie, niedobór wody, zagrożenia dla zdrowia, wylesianie, ubóstwo i zanik bioróżnorodności. Rosnący zakres tych problemów był przyczyną sformułowania koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju. Ma on na celu pozostawienie zasobów naturalnych dla przyszłych pokoleń bez uszczerbku dla obecnych potrzeb. Chociaż idea ta została opracowana niedawno, potrzeba kreowania świadomości ekologicznej pojawiła się już w czasie rewolucji przemysłowej i dwóch wojen światowych. Jako pisarz okresu powojennego prace T.S. Eliota ukazują główne wyzwania środowiskowe i mogą być również interpretowane jako krok w kierunku zrównoważonego rozwoju. W tym świetle niniejszy artykuł jest próbą ekokrytycznej lektury wierszy tego autora

    In Silico Studies of Small Molecule Interactions with Enzymes Reveal Aspects of Catalytic Function

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    Small molecules, such as solvent, substrate, and cofactor molecules, are key players in enzyme catalysis. Computational methods are powerful tools for exploring the dynamics and thermodynamics of these small molecules as they participate in or contribute to enzymatic processes. In-depth knowledge of how small molecule interactions and dynamics influence protein conformational dynamics and function is critical for progress in the field of enzyme catalysis. Although numerous computational studies have focused on enzyme–substrate complexes to gain insight into catalytic mechanisms, transition states and reaction rates, the dynamics of solvents, substrates, and cofactors are generally less well studied. Also, solvent dynamics within the biomolecular solvation layer play an important part in enzyme catalysis, but a full understanding of its role is hampered by its complexity. Moreover, passive substrate transport has been identified in certain enzymes, and the underlying principles of molecular recognition are an area of active investigation. Enzymes are highly dynamic entities that undergo different conformational changes, which range from side chain rearrangement of a residue to larger-scale conformational dynamics involving domains. These events may happen nearby or far away from the catalytic site, and may occur on different time scales, yet many are related to biological and catalytic function. Computational studies, primarily molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, provide atomistic-level insight and site-specific information on small molecule interactions, and their role in conformational pre-reorganization and dynamics in enzyme catalysis. The review is focused on MD simulation studies of small molecule interactions and dynamics to characterize and comprehend protein dynamics and function in catalyzed reactions. Experimental and theoretical methods available to complement and expand insight from MD simulations are discussed briefly