77 research outputs found

    Searching online for health-related information by people suffering from respiratory allergy and asthma: the results of a survey study

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      INTRODUCTION: The objective of the study was to compare online behaviour in groups of persons suffering from respiratory allergy and/or asthma and in the reference group. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Comparative analysis of two independent questionnaire studies. Study A was carried out in the Masovian Voivodeship, Poland in 2013. As many as 1,728 questionnaires were collected and 51 respondents were selected for analysis (study A, reference group). Study B was carried out in 2014 in a group of 59 patients of the outpatient allergy clinic. RESULTS: More than 92% of the general population (study A) declared that they used the Internet to search for health-related information, health protection, while in the group of patients (study B) the same was declared by 97%. Both studies showed that more than 74% of respondents looked for online information on a specific disease (p > 0.05). Information on how other persons cope with similar health issues was searched by 20% (study A) and 33% (study B) of respondents. Advice on different methods of treatment of a given disease was sought by 40% and 51% of respondents, respectively. Nearly 51% of respondents in study A and 56% of subjects in study B searched online for health information when they did not feel well or were sick. CONCLUSIONS: Both in the group of chronically ill persons and in the reference group, it is common to search online for health- -related information. Persons suffering from respiratory allergy and/or asthma verified the physician’s diagnosis on the Internet much more often than did the reference group.

    Korzystanie z dostępnych w Internecie informacji z zakresu zdrowia i choroby przez osoby chore na alergię dróg oddechowych i astmę: wyniki badania ankietowego

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    WSTĘP: Celem badania była analiza porównawcza zachowań zdrowotnych w sieci pomiędzy osobami chorymi na astmę i/lub alergię górnych dróg oddechowych a grupą referencyjną. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Dokonano analizy porównawczej dwóch niezależnych badań kwestionariuszowych, przeprowadzonych przy zastosowaniu tego samego narzędzia badawczego. Badanie A przeprowadzono w 2013 roku na obszarze województwa mazowieckiego. Grupę docelową stanowiły osoby w wieku 20–44 lat (średnia wieku: 28,14 roku, mediana: 26 lat). Zebrano 1728 ankiet. Do analizy wylosowano 51 respondentów, odpowiadających liczebnością, wiekiem, płcią, wykształceniem i sytuacją materialną profilowi respondentów z badania B przeprowadzonego w 2014 roku w grupie 59 pacjentów chorych na astmę i alergie górnych dróg oddechowych (do analizy włączono 51 respondentów). WYNIKI: W grupie referencyjnej (badanie A) ponad 92% respondentów deklarowało że, korzystało z Internetu przy wyszukiwaniu informacji na temat swojego zdrowia, ochrony zdrowia lub usług medycznych, natomiast w grupie chorych na astmę i/lub alergie górnych dróg oddechowych (badanie B) odsetek był wyższy i wyniósł 97% (p > 0,05). W obydwu badaniach wykazano, że ponad 74% respondentów poszukiwało w sieci informacji o konkretnej chorobie (p > 0,05). Informacji o tym, jak inni ludzie radzą sobie z podobnymi problemami zdrowotnymi, poszukiwało 20% (badanie A) i 33% (badanie B) respondentów (p > 0,05). Informacji dotyczących różnych metod leczenia danej jednostki chorobowej poszukiwało w sieci odpowiednio 40% i 51% respondentów (p > 0,05). Prawie 51% respondentów w badaniu A i 56% w badaniu B poszukiwało w Internecie informacji zdrowotnej, kiedy nie czuli się dobrze lub byli chorzy (p > 0,05). WNIOSKI: Liczba osób korzystających z Internetu w celach zdrowotnych jest bardzo duża, zarówno w grupie referencyjnej, jak i w grupie pacjentów chorych na alergie dróg oddechowych i/lub astmę. Osoby chorujące długotrwale weryfikowały w Internecie diagnozę postawioną przez lekarza znacznie częściej niż grupa referencyjna.WSTĘP: Celem badania była analiza porównawcza zachowań zdrowotnych w sieci pomiędzy osobami chorymi na astmę i/lub alergię górnych dróg oddechowych a grupą referencyjną. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Dokonano analizy porównawczej dwóch niezależnych badań kwestionariuszowych, przeprowadzonych przy zastosowaniu tego samego narzędzia badawczego. Badanie A przeprowadzono w 2013 roku na obszarze województwa mazowieckiego. Grupę docelową stanowiły osoby w wieku 20–44 lat (średnia wieku: 28,14 roku, mediana: 26 lat). Zebrano 1728 ankiet. Do analizy wylosowano 51 respondentów, odpowiadających liczebnością, wiekiem, płcią, wykształceniem i sytuacją materialną profilowi respondentów z badania B przeprowadzonego w 2014 roku w grupie 59 pacjentów chorych na astmę i alergie górnych dróg oddechowych (do analizy włączono 51 respondentów). WYNIKI: W grupie referencyjnej (badanie A) ponad 92% respondentów deklarowało że, korzystało z Internetu przy wyszukiwaniu informacji na temat swojego zdrowia, ochrony zdrowia lub usług medycznych, natomiast w grupie chorych na astmę i/lub alergie górnych dróg oddechowych (badanie B) odsetek był wyższy i wyniósł 97% (p > 0,05). W obydwu badaniach wykazano, że ponad 74% respondentów poszukiwało w sieci informacji o konkretnej chorobie (p > 0,05). Informacji o tym, jak inni ludzie radzą sobie z podobnymi problemami zdrowotnymi, poszukiwało 20% (badanie A) i 33% (badanie B) respondentów (p > 0,05). Informacji dotyczących różnych metod leczenia danej jednostki chorobowej poszukiwało w sieci odpowiednio 40% i 51% respondentów (p > 0,05). Prawie 51% respondentów w badaniu A i 56% w badaniu B poszukiwało w Internecie informacji zdrowotnej, kiedy nie czuli się dobrze lub byli chorzy (p > 0,05). WNIOSKI: Liczba osób korzystających z Internetu w celach zdrowotnych jest bardzo duża, zarówno w grupie referencyjnej, jak i w grupie pacjentów chorych na alergie dróg oddechowych i/lub astmę. Osoby chorujące długotrwale weryfikowały w Internecie diagnozę postawioną przez lekarza znacznie częściej niż grupa referencyjna

    Prevalence and clinical characteristics of rheumatoid arthritis in Poland : a nationwide study

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    Introduction: There are no reliable data regarding the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Poland. Material and methods: The first stage was a face-to-face survey on a nationwide representative sample of 3000 people, which identified respondents with a physician-confirmed diagnosis of RA. The second stage was a survey of RA patients, which characterized the disease course and treatment. It was evaluated by analysis of a representative group of 1957 RA patients in routine clinical practice. Results: The overall RA prevalence in Poland was 0.9% (95% CI: 0.6–1.2%), 1.06% for women, 0.74% for men. Seventy-eight percent were female, mean age was 56 and mean disease duration 7 years. Younger patients (< 50) remained professionally active in 90% of cases. Thirty percent of patients were diagnosed within 3 months of the first RA symptoms, while for 17% it took more than 1 year. Fifty-six percent of newly diagnosed patients were characterized by high disease activity (DAS-28 > 5.1). Presently, low disease activity (DAS-28 < 3.2) was found in 38.5% of patients. In Poland, 94% of patients have been treated with non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, almost 80% with glucocorticoids. Meanwhile, methotrexate, as an anchor drug in Poland, has been used by 80% of patients, biological agents by 2.94% of patients. Conclusions: This is the first cross-sectional population-based epidemiological study regarding prevalence of RA in the adult Polish population. The results demonstrate a high prevalence, falling within the upper boundary estimates for Europe. Despite ongoing treatment, the majority still have moderate to high disease activity, and the use of biological therapies is low

    Persons with allergy symptoms use alternative medicine more often

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      INTRODUCTION: The aim of the study is to indicate the relation between the use of alternative medicine and the occurrence of allergic diseases in the Polish population of adults in the age of 20−44 years. Moreover the additional aim of the study is to define the relation between the sex, age and place of living and the use of alternative medicine. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The data from the project Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP) has been used for analysis. This project was a continuation of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. The questions on alternative medicine were asked to the group of 4671 respondents in the age of 20−44 years. Additionally outpatient tests were performed in order to confirm the diagnosis of allergic diseases. RESULTS: The total of 22.2% of respondents that participated in the study have ever used alternative medicine (n = 4621). A statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine and declaration of allergic diseases and asthma symptoms has been demonstrated (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.001). No statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine by persons diagnosed by a doctor with any form of asthma or seasonal allergic rhinitis (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; 0.05) has been demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of allergic diseases and asthma influences the frequency of alternative medicine use. However the frequency of alternative medicine use does not depend on allergic disease or asthma being confirmed by a doctor.  Introduction: The aim of the study is to indicate the relation between the use of alternative medicine and the occurrence of allergic diseases in the Polish population of adults in the age of 20−44 years. Moreover the additional aim of the study is to define the relation between the sex, age and place of living and the use of alternative medicine. Material and methods: The data from the project Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP) has been used for analysis. This project was a continuation of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. The questions on alternative medicine were asked to the group of 4671 respondents in the age of 20−44 years. Additionally outpatient tests were performed in order to confirm the diagnosis of allergic diseases. Results: The total of 22.2% of respondents that participated in the study have ever used alternative medicine (n = 4621). A statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine and declaration of allergic diseases and asthma symptoms has been demonstrated (p &lt; 0.001). No statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine by persons diagnosed by a doctor with any form of asthma or seasonal allergic rhinitis (p &gt; 0.05) has been demonstrated. Conclusions: The occurrence of allergic diseases and asthma influences the frequency of alternative medicine use. However the frequency of alternative medicine use does not depend on allergic disease or asthma being confirmed by a doctor

    Filaggrin Gene Defects Are Independent Risk Factors for Atopic Asthma in a Polish Population: A Study in ECAP Cohort

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    BACKGROUND: FLG null variants of which 2282del4 and R501X are the most frequent in Caucasians are established risk factors for atopic dermatitis (AD) with an effect probably mediated through impairment of epidermal barrier. Among subjects with AD FLG defects are also consistently associated with asthma and allergic rhinitis (AR) but it is less clear to what extent these associations are also present independently from skin disease. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of 2282del4 and R501X in predisposing to these allergic phenotypes in a Polish population. METHODOLOGY: 2282del4 and R501X were typed among 3,802 participants of the Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP) survey, a cross-sectional population-based study using ECRHS II and ISAAC questionnaires, and ambulatory examination. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The FLG null variants were associated with AD (OR = 2.01, CI: 1.20-3.36, P = 0.007), allergic rhinitis (in particular persistent form, OR = 1.69, CI:1.12-2.54, P = 0.011), and asthma (in particular atopic asthma, OR = 2.22, CI:1.24-3.96, P = 0.006). Association with atopic asthma (but not persistent allergic rhinitis) was also present in the absence of AD, (OR = 2.02, CI: 1.07-3.81, P = 0.027) as well as in the absence of AD and history of broadly defined inflammatory skin disease (OR = 2.30, CI: 1.07-4.93, P = 0.03). Association to atopic asthma would have not been found if diagnosis was made by questionnaire only (OR = 1.15, CI: 0.58-2.32, P = 0.8). We did not observe an association between FLG variants and allergic sensitizations (P = 0.8) or total IgE. (P = 0.6). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In a Polish population FLG 2282del4 and R501X carriage increases risk for development of AD and atopic asthma (also in the absence of AD or history thereof). This suggests that interventions aimed at restoring epidermal barrier may have a general role in asthma prophylaxis/treatment

    Osoby z objawami alergii częściej korzystają z medycyny alternatywnej

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      WSTĘP: Celem badania jest wskazanie, czy w polskiej populacji osób dorosłych, w wieku 20−44 lata, istnieje zależność między stosowaniem medycyny alternatywnej a występowaniem chorób alergicznych. Ponadto dodatkowym celem pracy jest określenie czy istnieje zależność między płcią, wiekiem i miejscem zamieszkania, a stosowaniem medycyny alternatywnej. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Do analizy wykorzystano część danych z projektu „Epidemiologia Chorób Alergicznych w Polsce” (ECAP). Projekt stanowił kontynuację ogólnoeuropejskiego badania European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. Pytania dotyczące medycyny alternatywnej zadano grupie 4671 respondentów w wieku 20−44 lata. Badanie zostało zrealizowane metodą kwestionariuszową. Dodatkowo przeprowadzono analizy ambulatoryjnie potwierdzające rozpoznanie chorób alergicznych. WYNIKI: Z medycyny alternatywnej kiedykolwiek korzystało łącznie 22,2% wśród wszystkich respondentów biorących udział w badaniu (n = 4621). Wykazano zależność istotną statystycznie między korzystaniem z medycyny alternatywnej a deklarowaniem objawów chorób alergicznych i astmy (p &amp;lt; 0,001). Nie wykazano zależności istotnej statystycznie między stosowaniem medycyny alternatywnej wśród osób z rozpoznaną przez lekarzy a jakąkolwiek postacią astmy lub alergicznego nieżytu nosa (p &amp;gt; 0,05). WNIOSKI: Występowanie objawów chorób alergicznych i astmy wpływa na częstość korzystania z medycyny alternatywnej. Częstość stosowania medycyny alternatywnej nie jest jednak zależna od potwierdzonej przez lekarza choroby alergicznej lub astmy.

    UCRAID (Ukrainian Citizen and refugee electronic support in Respiratory diseases, Allergy, Immunology and Dermatology) action plan.

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    Eight million Ukrainians have taken refuge in the European Union. Many have asthma and/or allergic rhinitis and/or urticaria, and around 100,000 may have a severe disease. Cultural and language barriers are a major obstacle to appropriate management. Two widely available mHealth apps, MASK-air® (Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK) for the management of rhinitis and asthma and CRUSE® (Chronic Urticaria Self Evaluation) for patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria, were updated to include Ukrainian versions that make the documented information available to treating physicians in their own language. The Ukrainian patients fill in the questionnaires and daily symptom-medication scores for asthma, rhinitis (MASK-air) or urticaria (CRUSE) in Ukrainian. Then, following the GDPR, patients grant their physician access to the app by scanning a QR code displayed on the physician's computer enabling the physician to read the app contents in his/her own language. This service is available freely. It takes less than a minute to show patient data to the physician in the physician's web browser. UCRAID-developed by ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) and UCARE (Urticaria Centers of Reference and Excellence)-is under the auspices of the Ukraine Ministry of Health as well as European (European Academy of Allergy and Clinical immunology, EAACI, European Respiratory Society, ERS, European Society of Dermatologic Research, ESDR) and national societies

    Differentiation of COVID-19 signs and symptoms from allergic rhinitis and common cold : An ARIA-EAACI-GA(2)LEN consensus

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    Background Although there are many asymptomatic patients, one of the problems of COVID-19 is early recognition of the disease. COVID-19 symptoms are polymorphic and may include upper respiratory symptoms. However, COVID-19 symptoms may be mistaken with the common cold or allergic rhinitis. An ARIA-EAACI study group attempted to differentiate upper respiratory symptoms between the three diseases. Methods A modified Delphi process was used. The ARIA members who were seeing COVID-19 patients were asked to fill in a questionnaire on the upper airway symptoms of COVID-19, common cold and allergic rhinitis. Results Among the 192 ARIA members who were invited to respond to the questionnaire, 89 responded and 87 questionnaires were analysed. The consensus was then reported. A two-way ANOVA revealed significant differences in the symptom intensity between the three diseases (p < .001). Conclusions This modified Delphi approach enabled the differentiation of upper respiratory symptoms between COVID-19, the common cold and allergic rhinitis. An electronic algorithm will be devised using the questionnaire.Peer reviewe

    The ARIA-MASK-air® approach

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    Funding Information: The authors thank Ms Véronique Pretschner for submitting the paper. MASK‐air has been supported by Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, EU grants (EU Structural and Development Funds Languedoc Roussillon and Region PACA; POLLAR: EIT Health; Twinning: EIP on AHA; Twinning DHE: H2020; Catalyse: Horizon Europe) and educational grants from Mylan‐Viatris, ALK, GSK, Novartis, Stallergènes‐Greer and Uriach. None for the study. ® Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Authors. Clinical and Translational Allergy published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.MASK-air®, a validated mHealth app (Medical Device regulation Class IIa) has enabled large observational implementation studies in over 58,000 people with allergic rhinitis and/or asthma. It can help to address unmet patient needs in rhinitis and asthma care. MASK-air® is a Good Practice of DG Santé on digitally-enabled, patient-centred care. It is also a candidate Good Practice of OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). MASK-air® data has enabled novel phenotype discovery and characterisation, as well as novel insights into the management of allergic rhinitis. MASK-air® data show that most rhinitis patients (i) are not adherent and do not follow guidelines, (ii) use as-needed treatment, (iii) do not take medication when they are well, (iv) increase their treatment based on symptoms and (v) do not use the recommended treatment. The data also show that control (symptoms, work productivity, educational performance) is not always improved by medications. A combined symptom-medication score (ARIA-EAACI-CSMS) has been validated for clinical practice and trials. The implications of the novel MASK-air® results should lead to change management in rhinitis and asthma.publishersversionpublishe

    ARIA digital anamorphosis : Digital transformation of health and care in airway diseases from research to practice

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    Digital anamorphosis is used to define a distorted image of health and care that may be viewed correctly using digital tools and strategies. MASK digital anamorphosis represents the process used by MASK to develop the digital transformation of health and care in rhinitis. It strengthens the ARIA change management strategy in the prevention and management of airway disease. The MASK strategy is based on validated digital tools. Using the MASK digital tool and the CARAT online enhanced clinical framework, solutions for practical steps of digital enhancement of care are proposed.Peer reviewe