91 research outputs found

    L'imaginaire urbain dans les régions ouvrières en reconversion: Le bassin stéphanois et le bassin minier du Nord Pas de Calais

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    Cette recherche est une recherche sociologique et anthropologique coordonnée par Michel Rautenberg rassemblant le Centre Max Weber de Saint-Étienne, le Centre Lillois d'études et de recherches sociologiques et économiques (sous la responsabilité du professeur Licia Valladarès) et l' Université de Sofia (sous la responsabilité du professeur Ivaylo Ditchev). Démarrée en décembre 2007 elle s'est terminée en avril 2011 et a bénéficié d'une aide de l'ANR de 180 k€ pour un montant global de 250 k€ de subventions publiques (non comprise une allocation de recherche).The general hypothesis at the origin of this research is that urban transformations do not go without social representations and the field of the imagination. It is essential for each image, word or story to be related to concrete situations that the researcher can describe. The choice of cities is thus not negligible. In this research programme, it has focussed on cities which have a had a difficult economic history characterised by brutal de-industrialization - more in people's minds than by its suddenness. This has left a traumatic effect on individual and collective memories, an urban landscape of industrial wasteland and 3 decades later it continues to strongly influence urban renovation policies. The first issue of this research, which in its second phase was extended to include Bulgarian cities thanks to the support of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, was to establish a method making it possible to describe this imagination. So researchers agreed to work on imagination "operators", that is to say means (administrative, artistic or social) used by socially identified actors : artists, associations, inhabitants, former miners, municipal authorities. The second issue was to favour the imagination of cites which cannot be measured against communication strategies but which considers the "popular" social imagination which is sufficiently autonomous to exist outside municipal institutions - without asserting that it is completely independent. The third issue was to find common features in the comparison between situations close enough in their history to justify a pertinent comparison.L'hypothèse générale à l'origine de cette recherche est que les transformations urbaines ne font pas l'économie des représentations et des imaginaires sociaux. Il est donc nécessaire que chaque image, parole ou récit recueilli soit rapporté à des situations concrètes que le chercheur peut décrire. Le choix des villes n'est alors pas anodin. Dans ce programme de recherche, il s'est porté sur des villes qui ont eu une histoire économique difficile caractérisée par une désindustrialisation brutale -dans les esprits peut-être plus que par sa soudaineté. Celle ci a laissé des traumatismes dans les mémoires individuelles et collectives, un paysage urbain de friches industrielles, et continue après 3 décennies d'influencer fortement sur les politiques de rénovation urbaine

    Biennale du livre de sciences humaines et sociales : La fabrique du travail

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    La deuxième édition de la Biennale du livre de sciences humaines et sociales s’attèle à une thématique complexe : la fabrique du travail. Ces rencontres permettent d’apporter un regard, une perspective, économique, philosophique, historique, sociologique et éthique : travailler, mais jusqu’où ? Le régime de l’intermittence est-il vraiment un modèle ? Et si, de plus en plus, on entendait : « le travail ? Non merci… ». Pour donner à réfléchir, nous avons fait appel à des chercheurs confirmés, des jeunes chercheurs - car il nous a semblé que c’était la place d’une institution que de leur donner aussi la parole - et à un écrivain

    Jean-Martin Charcot’s role in the 19th century study of music aphasia

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    Jean-Martin Charcot (1825–93) was a well-known French neurologist. Although he is widely recognized for his discovery of several neurological disorders and his research into aphasia, Charcot’s ideas about how the brain processes music are less well known. Charcot discussed the music abilities of several patients in the context of his ‘Friday Lessons’ on aphasia, which took place at the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris in 1883–84. In his most comprehensive discussion about music, Charcot described a professional trombone player who developed difficulty copying music notation and playing his instrument, thereby identifying a new isolated syndrome of music agraphia without aphasia. Because the description of this case was published only in Italian by one of his students, Domenico Miliotti, there has been considerable confusion and under-acknowledgement of Charcot’s ideas about music and the brain. In this paper, we describe Charcot’s ideas regarding music and place them within the historical context of the growing interest in the neurological underpinnings of music abilities that took place in the 1880s

    Genome-wide association study identifies six new loci influencing pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure.

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    Numerous genetic loci have been associated with systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in Europeans. We now report genome-wide association studies of pulse pressure (PP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP). In discovery (N = 74,064) and follow-up studies (N = 48,607), we identified at genome-wide significance (P = 2.7 × 10(-8) to P = 2.3 × 10(-13)) four new PP loci (at 4q12 near CHIC2, 7q22.3 near PIK3CG, 8q24.12 in NOV and 11q24.3 near ADAMTS8), two new MAP loci (3p21.31 in MAP4 and 10q25.3 near ADRB1) and one locus associated with both of these traits (2q24.3 near FIGN) that has also recently been associated with SBP in east Asians. For three of the new PP loci, the estimated effect for SBP was opposite of that for DBP, in contrast to the majority of common SBP- and DBP-associated variants, which show concordant effects on both traits. These findings suggest new genetic pathways underlying blood pressure variation, some of which may differentially influence SBP and DBP

    Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk.

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    Blood pressure is a heritable trait influenced by several biological pathways and responsive to environmental stimuli. Over one billion people worldwide have hypertension (≥140 mm Hg systolic blood pressure or  ≥90 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure). Even small increments in blood pressure are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This genome-wide association study of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which used a multi-stage design in 200,000 individuals of European descent, identified sixteen novel loci: six of these loci contain genes previously known or suspected to regulate blood pressure (GUCY1A3-GUCY1B3, NPR3-C5orf23, ADM, FURIN-FES, GOSR2, GNAS-EDN3); the other ten provide new clues to blood pressure physiology. A genetic risk score based on 29 genome-wide significant variants was associated with hypertension, left ventricular wall thickness, stroke and coronary artery disease, but not kidney disease or kidney function. We also observed associations with blood pressure in East Asian, South Asian and African ancestry individuals. Our findings provide new insights into the genetics and biology of blood pressure, and suggest potential novel therapeutic pathways for cardiovascular disease prevention

    Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for kidney function.

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    Reduced glomerular filtration rate defines chronic kidney disease and is associated with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), combining data across 133,413 individuals with replication in up to 42,166 individuals. We identify 24 new and confirm 29 previously identified loci. Of these 53 loci, 19 associate with eGFR among individuals with diabetes. Using bioinformatics, we show that identified genes at eGFR loci are enriched for expression in kidney tissues and in pathways relevant for kidney development and transmembrane transporter activity, kidney structure, and regulation of glucose metabolism. Chromatin state mapping and DNase I hypersensitivity analyses across adult tissues demonstrate preferential mapping of associated variants to regulatory regions in kidney but not extra-renal tissues. These findings suggest that genetic determinants of eGFR are mediated largely through direct effects within the kidney and highlight important cell types and biological pathways

    Le Molière d'Ariane Mnouchkine. Peut-on être un artiste d'Etat ?

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    International audienceProduit en 1978, le film qu'Ariane Mnouchkine et le théâtre du Soleil consacrent à Molière ne peut être analysé à l'aune de sa pertinence historique. Il est ici considéré comme une manière pour ces derniers de penser leur rapport à l'Etat et les conditions de l'autonomie artistique, précisément dans une période où ils sont dans une relation conflictuelle avec le ministère de Culture. Si l'Etat apparait comme une des conditions pour ne plus être soumis aux exigences de différents publics et permettre l'élaboration d'un théâtre d'art (pour reprendre une catégorie moderne), il en est aussi potentiellement un ennemi quand ses intérêts et ses logiques lui apparaissent menacés

    La pluriactivité dans une économie administrée : le théâtre public

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    Ce texte examine les formes de la pluriactivité des comédiens inscrits dans un champ de production artistique particulier : celui du théâtre public. L'inscription dans une économie administrée ainsi que les conditions sociales et économiques actuelles de l'exercice du métier de comédien impliquent que ce dernier se définisse de moins en moins par l'activité fondatrice : monter sur scène pour dire un texte. Le métier de comédien repose sur la combinaison floue, incertaine et changeante d'une diversité d'activités artistiques, sociales, éducatives, politiques. L'auteur examine ensuite les effets de la pluralité ainsi que la nécessité pour ces comédiens de lutter contre les logiques de stigmatisation reposant sur la distance croissante avec l'activité artistique "pure

    Les formes de coopération dans le théâtre public

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    International audienceLe marché du travail théâtral se caractérise par son extrême atomisation et, pour une grande majorité de professionnels de l'espace théâtral, la possibilité d'accumuler des ressources dépend de leur inscription dans des réseaux qui garantissent le partage des mêmes conventions. Mais, plus que dans d'autres espaces artistiques, l'inscription dans ces réseaux s'accompagne, pour une minorité souvent très intégrée, de la constitution de collectifs stables de production. D'une part, il existe des noyaux de professionnels fortement organisés dans des compagnies indépendantes qui assurent une activité permanente et multiforme. D'autre part, des mouvances structurent des échanges permanents entre des professionnels de quelques compagnies économiquement et esthétiquement proches

    Mobilization of Artists and Understanding of the Political Field: Struggles Around the Contract Work System

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    International audienceFor the last 20 years, many mobilizations related to the contract work system that is subsidized by the general unemployment insurance system have occurred in various French artistic fields, mainly in the performing arts. They are characterized by an intense politicization which can be explained by the role of the state in these fields. On the one hand, state intervention suspends the rules of themarket economy. On the other hand, the state is one of the main users of the unemployment insurance system which externalizes labor costs. Politicization is also based on the limited resources of the mobilized groups. Thus, these groups promote permanent media coverage of their fights in order to force the political leaders to speak out in their support. Politicization has also led these groups to try to destroy the political capital of some Ministers of Culture. In conclusion, the present work emphasizes that the artists' demand for the state, which relies on the will to increase aesthetic autonomy, may eventually lead to the opposite situation, the artists becoming dependent on political constraints they do not master