10 research outputs found

    Real-Time Characterization of Neutron-Induced SEUs in Fusion Experiments at WEST Tokamak during D-D Plasma Operation

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    International audienceWe conducted a real-time soft-error rate characterization of CMOS bulk 65 nm SRAMs subjected to fusion neutrons during deuterium-deuterium (D-D) plasma operation at WEST tokamak. The test equipment, installed in the experimental hall at several locations of the tokamak, was irradiated during machine shots by a flux of particles dominated by primary 2.45 MeV neutrons. Real-time neutron metrology, neutron spectrometry, complementary characterization with monoenergetic neutrons and Monte Carlo numerical simulations at both material and circuit levels have been also performed to analyze experimental data. Our results suggest that higher energy neutrons, simultaneously produced by deuterium-tritium (D-T) reactions due to triton burn up in the D-D plasma, play a significant role in the radiation response of the SRAMs for which multiple cell upsets are detected and cannot be attributed to D-D neutrons

    Initial Results from Boron Powder Injection Experiments in WEST Lower Single Null L-mode Plasmas

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    Using a recently installed impurity powder dropper (IPD), boron powder (< 150 ÎŒm) was injected into lower single null (LSN) L-mode discharges in WEST. IPDs possibly enable real-time wall conditioning of the plasma-facing components and may help to facilitate H-mode access in the full-tungsten environment of WEST. The discharges in this experiment featured Ip = 0.5 MA, BT = 3.7 T, q95 = 4.3, tpulse = 12–30 s, ne,0 ~ 4×1019 m-2, and PLHCD ~ 4.5 MW. Estimates of the deuterium and impurity particle fluxes, derived from a combination of visible spectroscopy measurements and their corresponding S/XB coefficients, showed decreases of ~ 50% in O+, N+, and C+ populations during powder injection and a moderate reduction of these low-Z impurities (~ 50%) and W (~ 10%) in the discharges that followed powder injection. Along with the improved wall conditions, WEST discharges with B powder injection observed improved confinement, as the stored energy WMHD, neutron rate, and electron temperature Te increased significantly (10–25% for WMHD and 60–200% for the neutron rate) at constant input power. These increases in confinement scale up with the powder drop rate and are likely due to the suppression of ion temperature gradient (ITG) turbulence from changes in Zeff and/or modifications to the electron density profile.README.txt should be consulted for table of contents information

    Preliminary Study of Electronics Reliability in ITER Neutron Environment

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    International audienceWe validated a method for predicting the Soft Error Rate (SER) in the WEST tokamak operated with deuterium plasmas, and we applied it to predict the SER in the ITER tokamak operated with deuterium-tritium plasmas

    Preliminary Study of Electronics Reliability in ITER Neutron Environment

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    International audienceWe validated a method for predicting the Soft Error Rate (SER) in the WEST tokamak operated with deuterium plasmas, and we applied it to predict the SER in the ITER tokamak operated with deuterium-tritium plasmas

    Preliminary Study of Electronics Reliability in ITER Neutron Environment

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    International audienceWe validated a method for predicting the Soft Error Rate (SER) in the WEST tokamak operated with deuterium plasmas, and we applied it to predict the SER in the ITER tokamak operated with deuterium-tritium plasmas

    Fusion Neutron-Induced Soft Errors During Long Pulse D-D Plasma Discharges in the WEST Tokamak

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    International audienceWe conducted real-time SER measurements on bulk 65 nm SRAMs in the WEST tokamak during long pulse deuterium-deuterium plasma discharges (~60 s), evidencing bursts of SEUs during the most efficient shots and 12% of MCU events

    Fusion Neutron-Induced Soft Errors During Long Pulse D-D Plasma Discharges in the WEST Tokamak

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    International audienceWe conducted real-time SER measurements on bulk 65 nm SRAMs in the WEST tokamak during long pulse deuterium-deuterium plasma discharges (~60 s), evidencing bursts of SEUs during the most efficient shots and 12% of MCU events

    Fusion Neutron-Induced Soft Errors During Long Pulse D-D Plasma Discharges in the WEST Tokamak

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    International audienceWe have performed real-time soft error rate (RT-SER) measurements on bulk 65-nm static random access memories (SRAMs) during deuterium–deuterium (D-D) plasma operation at W–tungsten–Environment in Steady-state Tokamak (WEST). The present measurement campaign was characterized by the production of several tens of long pulse discharges (∌60 s) and by a total neutron fluence (at the level of the circuits under test) up to ∌10 9 n·cm−2, improving the error statistics by a factor of more than 6 with respect to the first measurements obtained in 2020. The experimental results demonstrate the occurrence of bursts of single-event upsets (SEUs) during the most efficient shots and 12% of multiple cell upset (MCU) events. Time-resolved data also show that MCUs are preferentially detected in the last part of these long pulses, providing further evidence that higher energy neutrons, initiated by deuterium–tritium (D-T) reactions due to triton burn-up in the D-D plasma, may play a role in the production of MCUs that cannot be attributed in such large proportions to “low-energy” neutrons produced in D-D reactions

    Les traditions économiques françaises

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    Les annĂ©es 1848-1939 correspondent Ă  une Ă©poque que l’on a pu caractĂ©riser par «l’essor des sciences sociales ». Les Ă©conomistes français d’alors, et plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement les Ă©conomistes francophones, tiennent dans ce mouvement une place importante. On observe un foisonnement d’idĂ©es, d’observations, de thĂ©ories, tout un riche tissu intellectuel sur des thĂšmes tels que les crises, la monnaie, les marchĂ©s, l’équilibre, l’économie sociale, les questions de mĂ©thode, le socialisme ou le libĂ©ralisme. Un des intĂ©rĂȘts de l’ouvrage est de mieux faire connaĂźtre ces travaux, y compris ceux d’auteurs considĂ©rĂ©s, Ă  tort, comme mineurs. Les Ă©conomistes français sont imprĂ©gnĂ©s par les traditions Ă©conomiques nationales. Traditions en ce qui concerne les thĂ©ories de la valeur axĂ©e sur l’utilitĂ©, le rĂŽle donnĂ© aux mathĂ©matiques sociales, l’importance des sciences de l’ingĂ©nieur, l’intĂ©rĂȘt pour une Ă©conomie qui ne soit pas dĂ©shumanisĂ©e, le dĂ©bat entre un libĂ©ralisme et un socialisme chacun eux-mĂȘmes originaux. L’ouvrage permet de montrer l’importance des relations de l’économie avec d’autres disciplines comme le droit, la psychologie, la sociologie, l’histoire. Il met Ă©galement l’accent sur les relations entre l’histoire de la pensĂ©e et celle des faits, entre les Ă©conomistes français et ceux du reste du monde

    D. Die einzelnen romanischen Sprachen und Literaturen.

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