107 research outputs found

    Situación y perspectivas socioeconómicas del corregimiento de Bonda, distrito de Santa Marta (Magdalena)

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    El presente estudio se llevó a cabo durante los meses de Junio a Septiembre del ario 1995 en la cabecera del corregimiento de Bonda, perteneciente al Distrito Turístico, Cultural e Histórico de Santa Marta (Magdalena) y se estructuró teniendo como núcleo central la caracterización de la situación socioeconómica de la cabecera corregimental de Bonda de acuerdo con los criterios establecidos por la Metodología SISBEN (Sistema de Selección de Beneficiarios para Programas Sociales) y con la percepción que la misma comunidad tiene de su problemática y sus posibles soluciones, con el propósito de sentar unas sólidas bases de información para la elaboración del Plan de Desarrollo del mencionado corregimiento. En consecuencia, el capítulo sobre diagnóstico pretende dar una visión global de las condiciones de vida de la comunidad objeto de estudio. En tal sentido se consideraron como fundamentales los aspectos relacionados con salud, educación, vivienda y familia, ingresos, servicios públicos, medio ambiente y organización comunitaria. Una vez expuestos los resultados del diagnóstico se procedió a hacer un análisis del mismo con un enfoque tanto cualitativo como cuantitativo basado en cruces de variables y en una categorización socioeconómica creada para tal efecto, con lo cual se obtuvo información sobre algunos indicadores que permitieron evidenciar la situación de pobreza y miseria que padece la comunidad de Bonda. Con fundamento en el análisis anterior y en la priorización de necesidades establecida por la misma comunidad se procedió a formular unas recomendaciones en términos de programas y proyectos que se proponen como un aporte del Programa de Especialización en Planificación Territorial de la Universidad del Magdalena, puesto al servicio de los intereses de la Región Caribe. Consideramos pertinente presentar también unas consideraciones finales acerca de la pobreza desde un punto de vista teórico, pero sin perder de vista la realidad concreta sobre la cual se elaboró este documento. El objetivo general de la presente investigación es Llevar a cabo un diagnóstico de las condiciones socioeconómicas y demográficas del corregimiento de Bonda y a partir de él definir unos programas y proyectos que se inserten dentro del Plan de Desarrollo y viabilicen la consecución de recursos para el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de su población

    An Analysis of the Early Regeneration of Mangrove Forests using Landsat Time Series in the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia

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    Time series of satellite sensor data have been used to quantify mangrove cover changes at regional and global levels. Although mangrove forests have been monitored using remote sensing techniques, the use of time series to quantify the regeneration of these forests still remains limited. In this study, we focus on the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve (MMFR) located in Peninsular Malaysia, which has been under silvicultural management since 1902 and provided the opportunity to investigate the use of Landsat annual time series (1988-2015) for (i) detecting clear-felling events that take place in the reserve as part of the local management, and (ii) tracing back and quantifying the early regeneration of mangrove forest patches after clear-felling. Clear-felling events were detected for each year using the Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI) derived from single date (cloud-free) or multi-date composites of Landsat sensor data. From this series, we found that the average period for the NDMI to recover to values observed prior to the clear-felling event between 1988 and 2015 was 5.9 ± 2.7 years. The maps created in this study can be used to guide the replantation strategies, the clear-felling planning, and the management and monitoring activities of the MMFR.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Spatial analysis of early mangrove regeneration in the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia, using geomatics

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    Successful mangrove tree regeneration is required to maintain the provision of wood for silviculturally managed mangrove forest areas and to ensure mangrove rehabilitation in disturbed areas. Successful natural regeneration of mangroves after disturbance depends on the dispersal, establishment, early growth and survival of propagules. Focusing on the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve (MMFR) in Peninsular Malaysia, we investigated how the location of a mangrove forest patch might influence the early regeneration of mangroves after clear-felling events that regularly take place on an approximately 30-year rotation as part of local management. We used Landsat-derived Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI) annual time series from 1988 to 2015 to indicate the recovery of canopy cover during early regeneration, which was determined as the average time (in years) for the NDMI to recover to values associated with the mature forests prior to their clear felling. We found that clear-felled mangrove patches closer to water and/or to already established patches of Rhizophora regenerated more rapidly than those farther away. In contrast, patches located closer to dryland forests regenerated slower compared to patches that were farther away. The study concludes that knowledge of the distribution of water, hydro-period and vegetation communities across the landscape can indicate the likely regeneration of mangrove forests through natural processes and identify areas where active planting is needed. Furthermore, time-series comparisons of the NDMI during the early years of regeneration can assist monitoring of mangrove establishment and regeneration, inform on the success of replanting, and facilitate higher productivity within the MMFR.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Monitoring Matang's Mangroves in Peninsular Malaysia through Earth Observations: A Globally Relevant Approach

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    Expansion of rotational timber harvesting of mangroves is set to increase, particularly given greater recognition of the economic, societal and environmental benefits. Generic and standardized procedures for monitoring mangroves are, therefore, needed to ensure their long-term sustainable utilisation. Focusing on the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve (MMFR), Perak State, Peninsular Malaysia, thematic and continuous environmental descriptors with defined codes or units, including lifeform, forest age (years), canopy cover (%), above-ground biomass (Mg ha−1) and relative amounts of woody debris (%), were retrieved from time-series data from spaceborne optical and single/dual polarimetric and interferometric RADAR. These were then combined for multiple points in time to generate land cover and evidence-based change maps according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) and using the framework of the Earth Observation Data for Ecosystem Monitoring (EODESM). Change maps were based on a pre-defined taxonomy, with focus on clear cutting and regrowth. Uncertainties surrounding the land cover and change maps were based on those determined for the environmental descriptors used for their generation and through comparison with independent retrieval from other EO data sources. For the MMFR and also for other mangroves worldwide where harvesting is occurring or being considered, a new approach and opportunity for supporting management of mangroves is presented, which has application for future planning of mangrove resources.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Structural characterisation of mangrove forests achieved through combining multiple sources of remote sensing data

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    Temporal information on mangrove extent, age, structure and biomass provides an important contribution towards understanding the role of these ecosystems in terms of the services they provide (e.g. in relation to storage of carbon, conservation biodiversity), particularly given the diversity of influences of human activity and natural events and processes. Focusing on the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve (MMFR) in Perak Province, Peninsular Malaysia, this study aimed to retrieve comprehensive information on the biophysical properties of mangroves from spaceborne optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to support better understanding of their dynamics in a managed setting. For the period 1988 to 2016 (29 years), forest age was estimated on at least an annual basis by combining time-series of Landsat-derived Normalised Difference Moisture Index (NDMI) and Japanese L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. The NDMI was further used to retrieve canopy cover (%). Interferometric Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) X/C-band (2000), TanDEM-X-band (2010–2016) and stereo WorldView-2 stereo (2016) data were evaluated for their role in estimating canopy height (CH), from which above ground biomass (AGB, Mg ha−1) was derived using pre-established allometry. Whilst both L-band HH and HV data increased with AGB after about 8–10 years of growth, retrieval was compromised by mixed scattering from varying amounts of dead woody debris following clearing and wood material within regenerating forests, thinning of trees at ~15 and 20 years, and saturation of L-band SAR data after approximately 20 years of growth. Reference was made to stereo Phantom-3 DJI stereo imagery to support estimation of canopy cover (CC) and validation of satellite-derived CH. AGB estimates were compared with ground-based measurements. Using relationships with forest age, both CH and AGB were estimated for each date of Landsat or L-band SAR observation and the temporal trends in L-band SAR were shown to effectively track the sequences of clearing and regeneration. From these, four stages of the harvesting cycle were defined. The study provided new information on the biophysical properties and growth dynamics of mangrove forests in the MMFR, inputs for future monitoring activities, and methods for facilitating better characterisation and mapping of mangrove areas worldwide.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Evaluación del sistema de fertirrigación superficial y sub superficial en el Cultivo de Caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum) en un Mollisol del departamento del Valle del

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    El sector azucarero se encuentra principalmente ubicado en el departamento del valle geográfico del rio cauca, cuenta con un total de 225.560 hectáreas en donde el 25 % es de los ingenios azucareros y el 75% pertenecen a más de 2.750 cultivadores de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum), estos son los que abastecen a los 13 ingenios que son con los que cuenta la región. La caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum) en el valle geográfico del rio cauca establece el segundo renglón de la economía, a nivel nacional, genera 2.5 millones de empleos que dependen directa o indirectamente del cultivo de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum) en Colombia, el valle geográfico del rio cauca cuenta con 188 mil empleos directos o indirectos en 42 municipios. Actualmente hay un déficit en el proceso de la fertiirrigación que se realiza por el sistema de riego por goteo teniendo como problema la perdida de los productos por volatilización y lavado de nutrientes por erosión hídrica dejando como consecuencia mal desarrollo fisiológico de las plantas y pérdidas económicas, debido a esto se establece un proyecto que pretende evaluar el proceso de fertirrigación en el sistema de riego por goteo con cinta superficial y cinta subsuperficial con productos sólidos y líquidos. (Cenicaña Colombia, n.d.). En este ingenio el sistema de riego por goteo esta siendo muy influyente debido a los escases de agua por lo cual es muy importante ya que es un sistema que ayuda a optimizar el recurso hídrico aplicando la cantidad necesaria de forma uniforme y en el momento oportuno en el que la planta lo requiere. Por otro lado, la fertilización se realiza de forma mecánica con agricultura de precisión cuyo índice de aplicación se encuentra entre un 90 a 95% de eficiencia, pero se ha encontrado que algunos productos no son aprovechados eficazmente por la planta debido a su volatilidad y que el suelo en algunos casos no cumple con los requisitos para una buena absorción de los nutrientes por parte de la planta. Teniendo en cuenta la importancia del recurso hídrico y la fertilización en el cultivo de la caña de azúcar el ingenio ha decidido implementar el sistema de fertiirrigación para un mejor aprovechamiento de los nutrientes por parte de la planta.The sugar sector is mainly located in the department of the geographic valley of the Rio Cauca, it has a total of 225,560 hectares where 25% are from sugar mills and 75% belong to more than 2,750 sugar cane growers (Saccharum officinarum), these are the ones that supply the 13 mills that the region has. Sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) in the geographic valley of the Rio Cauca establishes the second line of the economy, at the national level, generates 2.5 million jobs that depend directly or indirectly on the cultivation of sugar cane in Colombia, the geographic valley of the Rio Cauca has 188 thousand direct or indirect jobs in 42 municipalities. Currently there is a deficit in the fertigation process that is carried out by the drip irrigation system, with the problem of loss of products due to volatilization and washing of nutrients due to water erosion, resulting in poor physiological development of plants and economic losses. Due to this, a project is established that aims to evaluate the fertigation process in the drip irrigation system with surface tape and subsurface tape with solid and liquid products. (Cenicaña Colombia, n.d.). In this mill, the drip irrigation system is being very influential due to the scarcity of water, which is why it is very important since it is a system that helps to optimize the water resource by applying the necessary amount uniformly and at the right time in the one that the plant requires. On the other hand, fertilization is carried out mechanically with precision agriculture whose application rate is between 90 to 95% efficient, but it has been found that some products are not used effectively by the plant due to their volatility and that the soil in some cases does not meet the requirements for a good absorption of nutrients by the plant. Taking into account the importance of water resources and fertilization in the cultivation of sugar cane, the mill has decided to implement the fertigation system for a better use of nutrients by the plant


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    Objetivo: Determinar la calidad de vida en los adultos mayores institucionalizados que habitan en el Hogar geriátrico Madre MarcelinaMateriales Y Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal en 20 adultos mayores residentes en el Hogar geriátrico Madre Marcelina. Se escogieron de manera intencionada los sujetos de estudio. Se aplicó el consentimiento informado y el cuestionario SF-36 para medir la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Los datos fueron analizados mediante el programa EpiInfo 3.5. Y se determinó las frecuencias de cada variable estudiada.Resultados: se observó una mayor proporción de personas mayores de sexo femenino, viudos, con estudios superiores, de estrato socioeconómico 4 y aseguramiento contributivo. En cuanto a la calidad de vida, la mayoría de los adultos perciben que tienen limitaciones para realizar actividades físicas y la relación entre salud física y emocional y la realización de un trabajo u otras actividades diarias. El 55% percibe dolor físico moderado y mucho. El 70% de los adultos encuestados consideran que el dolor físico interfiere en su trabajo diario.Conclusiones: la calidad de vida de los adultos mayores está relacionada con la percepción de limitaciones para realizar actividades físicas moderadas y vigorosas, como interfiere el dolor físico en la realización de actividades. ABSTRACTObjective: To determine the quality of life in institutionalized older adults living in the nursing home mother Marcelina.Materials and methods: descriptive, cross-sectional study in 20 elderly residents at the nursing home mother Marcelina. Study subjects were chosen deliberately.Informed consent and the SF-36 questionnaire was applied to measure the quality of life related to health. The data were analyzed using EpiInfo 3.5 program. and determined the frequency of each variable studied.Results: it was observed a higher proportion of seniors women, widowed, with higher education, socioeconomic level 4 and contributory insurance. In terms of the quality of life, the majority of adults perceive have limitations to perform physical activities and the relationship between physical and emotional health and the realization of a work or other daily activities. 55% perceived moderate physical pain and long. 70% of adults surveyed consider that physical pain interferes with your daily work.Conclusions: the quality of life of older adults is related to the perception of limitations to make moderate and vigorous physical activities like physical pain interferes with activities

    Continuous Multi-Parameter Heart Rate Variability Analysis Heralds Onset of Sepsis in Adults

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    BACKGROUND: Early diagnosis of sepsis enables timely resuscitation and antibiotics and prevents subsequent morbidity and mortality. Clinical approaches relying on point-in-time analysis of vital signs or lab values are often insensitive, non-specific and late diagnostic markers of sepsis. Exploring otherwise hidden information within intervals-in-time, heart rate variability (HRV) has been documented to be both altered in the presence of sepsis, and correlated with its severity. We hypothesized that by continuously tracking individual patient HRV over time in patients as they develop sepsis, we would demonstrate reduced HRV in association with the onset of sepsis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We monitored heart rate continuously in adult bone marrow transplant (BMT) patients (n = 21) beginning a day before their BMT and continuing until recovery or withdrawal (12+/-4 days). We characterized HRV continuously over time with a panel of time, frequency, complexity, and scale-invariant domain techniques. We defined baseline HRV as mean variability for the first 24 h of monitoring and studied individual and population average percentage change (from baseline) over time in diverse HRV metrics, in comparison with the time of clinical diagnosis and treatment of sepsis (defined as systemic inflammatory response syndrome along with clinically suspected infection requiring treatment). Of the 21 patients enrolled, 4 patients withdrew, leaving 17 patients who completed the study. Fourteen patients developed sepsis requiring antibiotic therapy, whereas 3 did not. On average, for 12 out of 14 infected patients, a significant (25%) reduction prior to the clinical diagnosis and treatment of sepsis was observed in standard deviation, root mean square successive difference, sample and multiscale entropy, fast Fourier transform, detrended fluctuation analysis, and wavelet variability metrics. For infected patients (n = 14), wavelet HRV demonstrated a 25% drop from baseline 35 h prior to sepsis on average. For 3 out of 3 non-infected patients, all measures, except root mean square successive difference and entropy, showed no significant reduction. Significant correlation was present amongst these HRV metrics for the entire population. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Continuous HRV monitoring is feasible in ambulatory patients, demonstrates significant HRV alteration in individual patients in association with, and prior to clinical diagnosis and treatment of sepsis, and merits further investigation as a means of providing early warning of sepsis

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements