42 research outputs found

    Measurement, modelling, and closed-loop control of crystal shape distribution: Literature review and future perspectives

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    Crystal morphology is known to be of great importance to the end-use properties of crystal products, and to affect down-stream processing such as filtration and drying. However, it has been previously regarded as too challenging to achieve automatic closed-loop control. Previous work has focused on controlling the crystal size distribution, where the size of a crystal is often defined as the diameter of a sphere that has the same volume as the crystal. This paper reviews the new advances in morphological population balance models for modelling and simulating the crystal shape distribution (CShD), measuring and estimating crystal facet growth kinetics, and two- and three-dimensional imaging for on-line characterisation of the crystal morphology and CShD. A framework is presented that integrates the various components to achieve the ultimate objective of model-based closed-loop control of the CShD. The knowledge gaps and challenges that require further research are also identified

    Population balance modelling of polydispersed particles in reactive flows

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    Deep Learning Based Focus lnterpolation for Whole Slide Images

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    Whole slide imaging is a crucial component of digital pathology, which emulates conventional microscopy by scanning the entire microscope slide. It results in a large digital image that can be examined by a cytopathologist or used in further computer-assisted image analysis. However, due to the optical limitations of the imaging system, only a thin slice of the three-dimensional sample is in focus in the captured image. Consequently, the cytopathologist looses the possibility to smoothly adjust the focus and get a feel for the shape of the sample at different depths. A common solution to this problem is to capture multiple images of the same slide at different heights, i.e., a so called z-stack (or focus stack). However, it still allows to inspect only a limited number of discretely positioned slices of the sample, and it dramatically increases the imaging time and captured data volume. This project proposes a focus interpolation method that allows to take only a few manually acquired images and interpolate the rest on demand. The proposed method relies on a convolutional neural network based on the U-Net architecture, which takes two different focus images as inputs and outputs an image corresponding to the intermediate focus level. The proposed method shows better results than no interpolation or linear interpolation and can be generalized to different datasets

    Reflexive Content Analysis: An Approach to Qualitative Data Analysis, Reduction, and Description

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    Content analysis, initially a quantitative technique for identifying patterns in qualitative data, has evolved into a widely used qualitative method. However, this evolution has resulted in a confusing array of differing qualitative content analysis approaches that lack clear distinction from other methods. To address these issues, this paper introduces reflexive content analysis, a transtheoretical and flexible researcher-oriented method for the description and reduction of manifest qualitative data. RCA is used to identify patterns in the overt surface meanings of qualitative data through the use of a hierarchical structure of quantifiable analytical strata called codes, subcategories, and categories. Each stratum exists on a continuum of abstraction with codes being the closest to the original data and categories being the most abstract. During each stage of the RCA process, reflexivity is regarded as a valuable analytical resource that is crucial for ensuring adequate description of the data. RCA is intended to be used as method for data analysis, not a methodology, and therefore can be integrated with various methodological and epistemological approaches. This paper provides an introductory guide to conducting RCA. It first presents an overview of existing challenges in qualitative content analysis methods, followed by a rationale for the development of RCA. Then, the foundational principles of RCA and key concepts that support this method are discussed. The paper culminates by outlining the process for conducting an inductive RCA within a qualitative framework, using a previous application of this method as a reference point

    Deep Learning Based Focus lnterpolation for Whole Slide Images

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    Whole slide imaging is a crucial component of digital pathology, which emulates conventional microscopy by scanning the entire microscope slide. It results in a large digital image that can be examined by a cytopathologist or used in further computer-assisted image analysis. However, due to the optical limitations of the imaging system, only a thin slice of the three-dimensional sample is in focus in the captured image. Consequently, the cytopathologist looses the possibility to smoothly adjust the focus and get a feel for the shape of the sample at different depths. A common solution to this problem is to capture multiple images of the same slide at different heights, i.e., a so called z-stack (or focus stack). However, it still allows to inspect only a limited number of discretely positioned slices of the sample, and it dramatically increases the imaging time and captured data volume. This project proposes a focus interpolation method that allows to take only a few manually acquired images and interpolate the rest on demand. The proposed method relies on a convolutional neural network based on the U-Net architecture, which takes two different focus images as inputs and outputs an image corresponding to the intermediate focus level. The proposed method shows better results than no interpolation or linear interpolation and can be generalized to different datasets

    IntensivvÄrds- och anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vÄrda organdonator : Empirisk studie med kvalitativ ansats

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    Bakgrund. IntensivvĂ„rds- och anestesisjuksköterskor har en viktig roll vid organdonation. OmvĂ„rdnadssituationen vid vĂ„rd av donator utmanar deras professionella kompetens och pĂ„verkar dem kĂ€nslomĂ€ssigt vilket inverkar pĂ„ upplevelser av att vĂ„rda organdonatorer. Tidigare studier visade att specialistsjuksköterskors attityder och förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till organdonation pĂ„verkar donationsviljan hos befolkningen.  Syfte. Syftet var att beskriva intensivvĂ„rds- och anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vĂ„rda en donator pĂ„ intensivvĂ„rds- och operationsavdelning.  Metod. Studien hade en deskriptiv design med en kvalitativ ansats. Fem intensivvĂ„rdssjuksköterskor och fem anestesisjuksköterskor frĂ„n ett sjukhus i Mellansverige, med erfarenhet av organdonation, inkluderades. Data samlades in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Intervjutexterna analyserades med kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys.  Huvudresultat. UtifrĂ„n det insamlade materialet framtrĂ€dde tre huvudkategorier och sju underkategorier. Huvudkategorierna var Professionell omvĂ„rdnad, Relationer till anhöriga och Samarbete mellan professioner. Specialistsjuksköterskor beskrev vĂ„rdandet av donator som en professionell utmaning dĂ€r de behövde förhĂ„lla sig till att donatorn var dödförklarad samtidigt som kroppen behandlades med livsuppehĂ„llande insatser. Möten med anhöriga var utmanande och kĂ€nslomĂ€ssigt pĂ„frestande. Att vĂ„rda yngre donatorer beskrevs som sĂ€rskilt anstrĂ€ngande. Samarbetet mellan avdelningarna och med operationsteamet upplevdes som positivt och givande. Återkoppling frĂ„n det nationella donationscentrumet gjorde att arbetet med donationer kĂ€ndes meningsfullt. Slutsats. Kommunikation med fokus pĂ„ teamarbete och samarbete mellan professioner var en viktig faktor för professionellt vĂ„rdande. Kontinuerlig kunskap- och kompetensutveckling kring organdonation var av vikt för specialistsjuksköterskors professionella förhĂ„llningssĂ€t

    Public opinion modeling using sentiment analysis

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    Ć Ä« darba mērÄ·is ir izveidot sentimenta analÄ«zes risinājumu, kuru paredzēts izmantot informācijas ieguves sistēmas koncepta izstrādē. Sentimenta analÄ«ze tiks veikta sociālo tÄ«klu ziƆām. Darba izstrādes sākumā tika veikta esoĆĄo sentimenta analÄ«zes risinājumu izpēte un to rezultātu salÄ«dzināƥana. Tālāk tika veikta publiski pieejamo treniƆdatu korpusu ievākĆĄana. Papildus iegĆ«tajiem datiem, tika izveidots latvieĆĄu valodai paredzēts sentimenta analÄ«zes treniƆdatu korpuss. Korpusa izveidoĆĄanas procesā tika veikta informācijas ieguves sistēmas koncepta izveide. Pēc nepiecieĆĄamo treniƆdatu savākĆĄanas, tika veikta ilgās Ä«stermiƆa atmiƆas rekurentā neirona tÄ«kla izveidoĆĄana un optimizēơana. Darba rezultātā tika iegĆ«ts latvieĆĄu valodas Twitter ziƆu sentimenta korpuss un uz mākslÄ«gajiem neironu tÄ«kliem bāzēts sentimenta analÄ«zes risinājums, kas sasniedza 82,37% precizitāti, 81,86% pārklājumu un 81,86% F1 mēru.The objective of this paper is to create a solution for sentiment analysis which will be used in the proof of concept development for information extraction system. Sentiment analysis will be performed on social network posts. At the beginning of the research author compared existing methods and their results. Subsequently, publicly available training data were gathered. In addition to that, author also created training data corpus for Latvian sentiment analysis. In the process of the corpus development, the proof of concept for information extraction system was created. Finally, a long short-term memory recurrent neural network was created and optimized. Research results consists of a new corpus of hand classified Latvian language Twitter posts and a neural network based sentiment analysis solution, which achieved 82,37% accuracy, 81,86% recall and 81,86% F1 score

    Demand generation activity timeline chart

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    Kvalifikācijas darba mērÄ·is ir izstrādāt sistēmu, kas nodroĆĄina ērti pārskatāmas datu vizualizācijas izveidi vektorgrafikas formātā, kā arÄ« tās pielāgoĆĄanu drukāƥanai atbilstoƥā veidā. Datu vizualizācija tiks izmantota, kā atseviĆĄÄ·a komponente citas sistēmas ietvaros, bet kvalifikācijas darba ietvaros mērÄ·a sistēma ir veidota tā, lai nodroĆĄinātu vizualizācijas datu detalizētu apskati, kā arÄ« to pievienoĆĄanu, rediģēơanu, dzēơanu, kārtoĆĄanu un filtrēơanu.The objective of this qualification work is to develop a system which would provide creation of concise and easy to read data visualization in vector graphics format, as well as its adjusting to print appropriate format. Data visualization will be used as a seperate component within different system, but within qualification work, target system will be made to ensure detailed review of visualization data as well as ability to add, edit, delete, sort and filter the data

    Living with hiv : A literature review

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    Att leva med humant immunbristvirus kan innebÀra svÄrigheter för en individ. Det sociala nÀtverket drabbas, som kan innebÀra svÄrigheter i kontakt med anhöriga, vÀnner och vÄrden. Syftet med denna studie var att sammanstÀlla kunskap om personersupplevelse av att leva med hiv. NÀrmare har författarna valt att söka svar pÄ frÄgestÀllningar, som handlar om hur personer med hiv beskriver sin livskvalitet, anpassning till den nya livssituationen samt upplevelsen av hur de blir bemötta av andra mÀnniskor. Författarna genomförde en integrerad kunskapsöversikt och i den systematiska litteratursökningen hittades 25 artiklar som granskades och analyserades. Efter analysen kunde fyra teman beskrivas i resultatet: 1) faktorer som pÄverkar livskvalitén dÀr deltagare har beskrivit att optimism, religion och empowerment har pÄverkat deras livskvalitet, 2) hiv som vÀndpunkt i livet dÀr deltagare har berÀttat att deras vÀrderingar och prioriteringar har Àndrats efter att ha fÄtt hivdiagnosen, 3)stigmatisering och kÀnsla av utanförskap kÀnde mÄnga deltagare dÄ de upplevde att de blev exkluderade frÄn samhÀllet samtidigt som vÀnner och familj som vÀnde dem ryggen och uteblivet stöd frÄn stödorganisationer samt 4) vÄrdpersonalens bemötande som har upplevt pÄ olika sÀtt, nÄgra deltagare har upplevt att vÄrdpersonal har Àndrat sitt bemötande nÀr de kontaktat deltagaren medan andra har fÄtt bra stöd frÄn vÄrden i deras behandling. Slutsatsen var att personer som lever med hiv upplever en bÀttre livskvalitet nÀr de fÄr stöd frÄn nÀrstÄende, omgivningen och vÄrdpersonal. Föreslagen intervention var att information och utbildning om hiv ges under vÄrdpersonalens grundutbildning samt riktade interventioner gentemot befintlig vÄrdpersonal