401 research outputs found

    Early Precambrian crustal evolution in Eastern India: The ages of the Singhbhum granite and included remnants of older gneiss

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    Geochronology of samples from the Indian Shield was discussed. New Sm-Nd data was given for the Singhbhum granite, which give model ages (T sub DM of 3.36 to 3.40 Ga, essentially equivalent to ages of included gneissic remnants of the older metamorphic group (OMG) (T sub DM = 3.35 to 3.41 Ga). Lead-lead and Rb-Sr ages of the granite and OMG range between 3.28 to 3.38 Ga. These results are considerably younger than the 3775 + or - 89 Ma Sm-Nd isochron of Basu et al., which Taylor and colleagues interpret as an artifact caused by regressing two suites of unrelated rock samples

    New age data on the geological evolution of Southern India

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    The Peninsular Gneisses of Southern India developed over a period of several hundred Ma in the middle-to-late Archaean. Gneisses in the Gorur-Hassan area of southern Karnataka are the oldest recognized constituents: Beckinsale et al. reported a preliminary Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age of 33558 + or - 66 Ma, but further Rb-Sr and Pb/Pb whole-rock isochron determinations indicate a slightly younger, though more precise age of ca 3305 Ma (R. D. Beckinsale, Pers. Comm.). It is well established that the Peninsular Gneisses constitute basement on which the Dharwar schist belts were deposited. Well-documented exposures of unconformities, with basal quartz pebble conglomerates of the Dharwar Supergroup overlying Peninsular Gneisses, have been reported from the Chikmagalur and Chitradurga areas, and basement gneisses in these two areas have been dated by Rb-Sr and Pb/Pb whole-rock isochron methods at ca 3150 Ma and ca 3000 Ma respectively. Dharwar supracrustal rocks of the Chitradurga schist belt are intruded by the Chitradurga Granite, dated by a Pb/Pb whole-rock isochron at 2605 + or - 18 Ma. These results indicate that the Dharwar Supergroup in the Chitradurga belt was deposited between 3000 Ma and 2600 Ma

    U‐Pb dating of a remagnetized Paleozoic limestone

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/95119/1/grl5536.pd

    Rock geochemistry induces stress and starvation responses in the bacterial proteome

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    Interactions between microorganisms and rocks play an important role in Earth system processes. However, little is known about the molecular capabilities microorganisms require to live in rocky environments. Using a quantitative label-free proteomics approach, we show that a model bacterium (Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34) can use volcanic rock to satisfy some elemental requirements, resulting in increased rates of cell division in both magnesium- and iron-limited media. However, the rocks also introduced multiple new stresses via chemical changes associated with pH, elemental leaching and surface adsorption of nutrients that were reflected in the proteome. For example, the loss of bioavailable phosphorus was observed and resulted in the upregulation of diverse phosphate limitation proteins, which facilitate increase phosphate uptake and scavenging within the cell. Our results revealed that despite the provision of essential elements, rock chemistry drives complex metabolic reorganization within rock-dwelling organisms, requiring tight regulation of cellular processes at the protein level. This study advances our ability to identify key microbial responses that enable life to persist in rock environments

    Nature of the Earth's earliest crust from hafnium isotopes in single detrital zircons

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    Continental crust forms from, and thus chemically depletes, the Earth's mantle. Evidence that the Earth's mantle was already chemically depleted by melting before the formation of today's oldest surviving crust has been presented in the form of Sm-Nd isotope studies of 3.8-4.0 billion years old rocks from Greenland(1-5) and Canada(5-7). But this interpretation has been questioned because of the possibility that subsequent perturbations may have re-equilibrated the neodymium-isotope compositions of these rocks(8). Independent and more robust evidence for the origin of the earliest crust and depletion of the Archaean mantle can potentially be provided by hafnium-isotope compositions of zircon, a mineral whose age can be precisely determined by U-Pb dating, and which can survive metamorphisms(4). But the amounts of hafnium in single zircon grains are too small for the isotopic composition to be precisely analysed by conventional methods. Here we report hafnium-isotope data, obtained using the new technique of multiple-collector plasma-source mass spectrometry(9), for 37 individual grains of the oldest known terrestrial zircons (from the Narryer Gneiss Complex, Australia, with U-Pb ages of up to 4.14 Gyr (refs 10-13)). We find that none of the grains has a depleted mantle signature, but that many were derived from a source with a hafnium-isotope composition similar to that of chondritic meteorites. Furthermore, more than half of the analysed grains seem to have formed by remelting of significantly older crust, indicating that crustal preservation and subsequent reworking might have been important processes from earliest times.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62681/1/399252a0.pd

    The lithosphere and asthenosphere of the Iceland hotspot from surface waves

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    1-D models were calculated for the velocity of shear waves, polarized vertically (SV) and horizontally (SH) from dispersed Rayleigh and Love surface waves. These had been recorded in Iceland by the ICEMELT broad-band seismic network, with about half of the waves coming from near-distance earthquakes (≤1000 km). The analysis included unusually short periods, as brief as 5.0 s, and periods ranging up to 93 s. The Icelandic crust was revealed to have two basic layers: first, the upper and middle crust, which were largely detected as one layer, and second the layer of the lower crust. The half of Iceland surveyed had a weighted average crustal thickness of 25–26 km, less than previously estimated. It is under East and East Central Iceland that the crust is thickest, averaging 29–32 ± 3 km, and under the western margin of the West Fjords, 29 ± 2 km. The thinnest parts of the crust lie in West Central Iceland, 19 ± 1 km, and in the West Volcanic (or Rift) Zone, 19[+6/−1] km. This study examined how thicker crust away from the rift zone can be fitted with dynamic crust formation models. Possible explanations for different thicknesses include both crustal squeezing flow and imbalances between widths of the volcanic accretion and extensional stretching zones. The crust has highly anisotropic zones, with differences of up to 20 per cent between SV and SH velocities. Under rift zones, the lower crust is characterized by low velocities and, at depths of 8–18 km, by a channel with yet lower velocities. The lowest shear velocity in this channel is 5–9 per cent less than in the standard Icelandic velocity model. The thinnest lithosphere, 20 ± 2 km, lies under the East Central and North Volcanic Zones, where it extends up into the crust, while the thickest lithosphere is under East Iceland and the east shelf, nowhere less than 100 ± 20 km. This substantial contrast in lithosphere thickness of some 80 km occurs within a lateral distance of 100–150 km, implying an age unconformity at depth of several tens of millions of years. The thick East Iceland lithosphere may reduce or obstruct any eastward flow of the plume head. On the opposite side of the plume head, in Northwest Iceland and the West Fjords, the lithosphere is estimated to be 60 ± 10 km thick. Excepting the West Fjords and East Iceland, shear wave velocities are low in the island's subcrustal mantle, up to 7–9 per cent below the world average according to the PREM model. This indicates a warm, partially molten mantle under much of Central Iceland and the active rift zones. There is a lateral difference of 10–12 per cent in shear velocity between the shallowest mantle asthenosphere under Central Iceland and under the mantle lid to each side, that is, under the West Fjords and East Iceland. In the shallowest Central Iceland mantle, Vp/Vs-ratios suggest near solidus temperatures and a partial melt of 2–3 per cent. This paper describes structural variations in the asthenosphere down to 75–200 km. The low-velocity zone found 100–125 km below Central Iceland and the major part of western Iceland is interpreted as the onset of mantle plume melting. Mantle anisotropy is pronounced beneath Iceland, with SH and SV velocities differing by up to 10 per cent. The anisotropy structure is 3-D and normally reaches higher values in the asthenosphere than in the mantle lid. The main factor determining the asthenosphere's generally azimuthal anisotropy may be the lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) induced by flow. Based on this interpretation and the observed anisotropy, it follows that the plume head is flowing westwards at a depth of 60–110 km. The deeper, more pervasive North Atlantic flow is towards the northwest, leading to differential shearing. However, LPO anisotropy alone would perhaps remain under 8per cent, without the contributing factor of systematic melt distribution.Financial support by National Science Foundation (USA) (grants EAR-9316137, OCE-9402991) the Icelandic Research Center (RANNIS), the University of Iceland research fund and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    First Steps in Eukaryogenesis: Physical phenomena in the origin and evolution of chromosome structure

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    Our present understanding of the origin and evolution of chromosomes differs considerably from current understanding of the origin and evolution of the cell itself. Chromosome origins have been less prominent in research, as the emphasis has not shifted so far appreciably from the phenomenon of primeval nucleic acid encapsulation to that of the origin of gene organization, expression, and regulation. In this work we discuss some reasons why preliminary steps in this direction are being taken. We have been led to examine properties that have contributed to raise the ancestral prokaryotic programmes to a level where we can appreciate in eukaryotes a clear departure from earlier themes in the evolution of the cell from the last common ancestor. We shift our point of view from the evolution of cell morphology to the point of view of the genes. In particular, we focus attention on possible physical bases for the way transmission of information has evolved in eukaryotes, namely, the inactivation of whole chromosomes. The special case of the inactivation of the X chromosome in mammals is discussed, paying particular attention to the physical process of the spread of X inactivation in monotremes (platypus and echidna). When experimental data is unavailable some theoretical analysis is possible based on the idea that in certain cases collective phenomena in genetics, rather than chemical detail, are better correlates of complex chemical processes

    The triggering factors of the Móafellshyrna debris slide in northern Iceland: Intense precipitation, earthquake activity and thawing of mountain permafrost

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    On the 20th September 2012, a large debris slide occurred in the Móafellshyrna Mountain in the Tröllaskagi peninsula, central north Iceland. Our work describes and discusses the relative importance of the three factors that may have contributed to the failure of the slope: intense precipitation, earthquake activity and thawing of ground ice. We use data from weather stations, seismometers, witness reports and field observations to examine these factors. The slide initiated after an unusually warm and dry summer followed by a month of heavy precipitation. Furthermore, the slide occurred after three seismic episodes, whose epicentres were located ~60km NNE of Móafellshyrna Mountain. The main source of material for the slide was ice-rich colluvium perched on a topographic bench. Blocks of ice-cemented colluvium slid and then broke off the frontal part of the talus slope, and the landslide also involved a component of debris slide, which mobilized around 312,000-480,000m(3) (as estimated from field data and aerial images of erosional morphologies). From our analysis we infer that intense precipitation and seismic activity prior to the slide are the main preparatory factors for the slide. The presence of ice-cemented blocks in the slide's deposits leads us to infer that deep thawing of ground ice was likely the final triggering factor. Ice-cemented blocks of debris have been observed in the deposits of two other recent landslides in northern Iceland, in the Torfufell Mountain and the Árnesfjall Mountain. This suggests that discontinuous mountain permafrost is degrading in Iceland, consistent with the decadal trend of increasing atmospheric temperature in Iceland. This study highlights a newly identified hazard in Iceland: landslides as a result of ground ice thaw. Knowledge of the detailed distribution of mountain permafrost in colluvium on the island is poorly constrained and should be a priority for future research in order to identify zones at risk from this hazard

    Subduction or sagduction? Ambiguity in constraining the origin of ultramafic–mafic bodies in the Archean crust of NW Scotland

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    The Lewisian Complex of NW Scotland is a fragment of the North Atlantic Craton. It comprises mostly Archean tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) orthogneisses that were variably metamorphosed and reworked in the late Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic. Within the granulite facies central region of the mainland Lewisian Complex, discontinuous belts composed of ultramafic–mafic rocks and structurally overlying garnet–biotite gneiss (brown gneiss) are spatially associated with steeply-inclined amphibolite facies shear zones that have been interpreted as terrane boundaries. Interpretation of the primary chemical composition of these rocks is complicated by partial melting and melt loss during granulite facies metamorphism, and contamination with melts derived from the adjacent migmatitic TTG host rocks. Notwithstanding, the composition of the layered ultramafic–mafic rocks is suggestive of a protolith formed by differentiation of tholeiitic magma, where the ultramafic portions of these bodies represent the metamorphosed cumulates and the mafic portions the metamorphosed fractionated liquids. Although the composition of the brown gneiss does not clearly discriminate the protolith, it most likely represents a metamorphosed sedimentary or volcano-sedimentary sequence. For Archean rocks, particularly those metamorphosed to granulite facies, the geochemical characteristics typically used for discrimination of paleotectonic environments are neither strictly appropriate nor clearly diagnostic. Many of the rocks in the Lewisian Complex have ‘arc-like’ trace element signatures. These signatures are interpreted to reflect derivation from hydrated enriched mantle and, in the case of the TTG gneisses, partial melting of amphibolite source rocks containing garnet and a Ti-rich phase, probably rutile. However, it is becoming increasingly recognised that in Archean rocks such signatures may not be unique to a subduction environment but may relate to processes such as delamination and dripping. Consequently, it is unclear whether the Lewisian ultramafic–mafic rocks and brown gneisses represent products of plate margin or intraplate magmatism. Although a subduction-related origin is possible, we propose that an intraplate origin is equally plausible. If the second alternative is correct, the ultramafic–mafic rocks and brown gneisses may represent the remnants of intracratonic greenstone belts that sank into the deep crust due to their density contrast with the underlying partially molten low viscosity TTG orthogneisses