31 research outputs found

    L'approccio infermieristico all'emergenza pediatrica pre-ospedaliera: indagine conoscitiva in due coorti di infermieri

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    RIASSUNTO L'emergenza pediatrica ha un'incidenza relativamente bassa rispetto al totale degli interventi che vengono svolti in ambito pre-ospedaliero. Molti elementi possono migliorare la qualití  delle cure del bambino in emergenza: un'appropriata formazione in ambito extra-ospedaliero, l'acquisizione di specifiche abilití  nelle manovre rianimatorie, la disponibilití  di un equipaggiamento appropriato per le cure del bambino e l'adozione di protocolli pediatrici uniformi e condivisi. Lo scopo dello studio è la valutazione della preparazione professionale e gestionale/organizzativa percepita dagli infermieri dell'emergenza nei confronti delle emergenze pediatriche extra-ospedaliere attraverso la somministrazione di due questionari strutturati a due coorti di infermieri in servizio sui mezzi di soccorso del 118. Il campionamento dei soggetti è di tipo non probabilistico propositivo: i soggetti non hanno avuto la stessa probabilití  di essere valutati, bensí¬ sono stati selezionati con cura. Infatti il campione scelto è stato quello del personale infermieristico del 118, in quanto quotidianamente a contatto con l'emergenza territoriale. Dai risultati emersi, la coorte di infermieri intervistati sembra suggerire nell'adeguata formazione, comprensiva di didattica formale, ma anche di simulazioni di scenari di emergenza pediatrica, con particolare attenzione alla componente emotiva da affrontare, e nella completezza dell'equipaggiamento dei mezzi di soccorso, le risposte alle criticití  specifiche delle emergenze pediatriche pre-ospedaliere. Solo un infermiere che coniughi una adeguata formazione a competenze relazionali, sociali e psicologiche idonee potrí  fornire al bambino-paziente un'assistenza infermieristica in situazioni critiche efficace ed efficiente.Parole chiave: emergenza pediatrica, emergenza pre-ospedaliera, formazione, assistenza infermieristicaABSTRACTPediatric emergencies have a relatively low incidence compared to the total number of pre-hospital events. The quality of emergency care for pediatric patients can be improved by specific training, a dedicated team and uniformity of pediatric protocols. The aim of this study is to assess how nurses perceive pediatric emergencies in a non-hospital environment by means of two questionnaires issued to two cohorts of nurses working on ambulances. The results of the study show that nursing care of pediatric patients in critical situations seems to depend on adequate training, not only formal but also with simulations, paying particular attention to the emotional situation nurses have to face, and complete equipment of the ambulance and emergency personnel.Key words: pediatric emergency, pre-hospital emergency, training, nursing car

    Farmaci oppioidi e Cannabis nella terapia del dolore

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    [English]:“Opioid and Cannabis in Pain Control” is the result of studies performed by the Pharmacy Department and the “Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca in Farmacoeconomia e Farmacoutilizzazione” (CIRFF) of the University of Naples, “Federico II”. This book is aimed to those who work in a pharmacy and who, scholars, teachers or students, are interested in delve into the issue. The text analyzes different topics with an interdisciplinary approach. A large part is devoted to the chemical and pharmacological aspects related to this topic. Subsequently, the text focuses the theme, still very debated, of using opioids and Cannabis in therapy through an exhaustive analysis of the entire existing legislation: from the first laws promulgated by the Kingdom of Italy until the last ministerial circulars by Italian republic. Finally yet importantly, an important part of the book focuses on medical and therapeutic interpretation with regard to the effects on pain control, where opioids and Cannabis are not only a fruitful frontier of research, but also a consolidated and effective tool to counteract some types of pain / [Italiano]: “Farmaci oppioidi e Cannabis nella terapia del dolore” rappresenta il frutto di alcuni studi, condotti per almeno tre lustri nel Dipartimento di Farmacia e nel Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca in Farmacoeconomia e Farmacoutilizzazione (CIRFF) della Federico II, e si rivolge sia a chi presta servizio ogni giorno in una farmacia, sia a chi, studioso, docente o studente, è interessato ad approfondire l’argomento. Il testo, utilizzando un approccio interdisciplinare, si muove su piani euristici differenti. Naturalmente, ampio spazio è stato dedicato alla parte farmaceutica, analizzando tutti gli aspetti chimici e farmacologici connessi a questo tema. Un secondo punto di rilievo riguarda la problematica normativa legata alla dibattuta questione dell’utilizzo in terapia degli oppioidi e della Cannabis. In tal senso, si è cercato di offrire una prospettiva chiara ed esauriente del complesso quadro legislativo vigente: a partire dalle prime leggi promulgate dal Regno d’Italia, fino ad arrivare alle ultime circolari ministeriali in materia, è stata rivista ed esaminata l’intera normativa sulle sostanze stupefacenti, spiegandone anche i passaggi più delicati e controversi. Infine, soprattutto per ciò che concerne le ricadute sulla terapia del dolore, una parte significativa del libro si è concentrata sull’interpretazione medica e terapeutica, dove i farmaci oppioidi e la Cannabis costituiscono non solo una feconda frontiera di ricerca, ma anche un consolidato ed efficace strumento per contrastare alcune tipologie di dolore

    Patients with isolated pulmonary embolism in comparison to those with deep venous thrombosis. Differences in characteristics and clinical evolution

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    Abstract Background Patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE) often have leg deep vein thrombosis (DVT); sometimes, however, a DVT is not detected (isolated PE, I-PE). We aimed at assessing the proportion of patients with I-PE, and their characteristics and clinical evolution compared to those with DVT with/without PE (DVT/PE). Methods Among 3573 patients included in the START2-Register for a venous thromboembolic event, 2880 (80.6%) had DVT/PE, the remaining I-PE (19.4%). Results Patients with I-PE were older [(≥75 years, OR 1.4 (95%CI 1.13–1.69)], and more frequently females [OR 1.4 (1.19–1.67)]. Young females (aged ≤ 50 years) with an index event occurring during hormonal contraception (HC), were more prevalent in I-PE [OR 1.96 (1.26–3.03)]. At multivariate analysis, age > 75 years, female sex, heart failure, cancer and use of HC were risk factors significantly associated with I-PE, whereas thrombophilic alterations were associated with DVT/PE. During a follow-up of 4504 years (during anticoagulation), the rate of bleeding events was 1.1% patient/years and 1.0% patient/years in I-PE and DVT/PE, respectively. Venous thromboembolic events were equally prevalent in DVT/PE or I-PE (1.94% vs 0.86%, ns), whereas arterial complications were more prevalent in the latter group (1.01% vs 0.28%, p = 0.008). Conclusion I-PE and DVT/PE have important differences. Older age, female sex, heart failure and cancer, were risk factors for I-PE; thrombophilic alterations were associated with DVT/PE. HC use was more frequent in the I-PE group. The prevalence of arterial complications was higher in patients with I-PE. Further studies, specifically designed on this issue, are warranted

    Progetto ImmaginAzione

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    Questo è il progetto realizzato per l'hackaton 2020+20, svoltosi nell'ambito del Festival della Partecipazione di Bologna. L'obiettivo è immaginare lo scenario di un futuro desiderabile, in linea con le necessità del nostro tempo e con le necessità che crediamo saranno rilevanti nel futuro. Il progetto affronta i temi della relazione città campagna, cittadinanza e comunità, governo, istruzione, mobilità, sanità e ambiente, e prevede: 1. Analisi del contesto attuale 2. Scenario che si desidera realizzare nel 2040 3. Scenario intermedio al 2030 4. Azioni che le istituzioni e la cittadinanza devono porre in essere per passare dall’analisi del contesto attuale allo scenario 2030 5. Azioni che le istituzioni e la cittadinanza devono porre in essere per passare dallo scenario 2030 allo scenario 204

    Implementing an ict-based polypharmacy management program in Italy

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    Although there is evidence of a growing awareness of the problem, no official policy statements or regulatory guidelines on polypharmacy have been released up to date by Italian Health Authorities. Medication review, application of appropriateness criteria and computerized prescription support systems are all possible approaches in order to improve the quality of prescribing in older persons. More focused training courses on multimorbidity and polytherapy management are encouraged. Furthermore a multidisciplinary approach integrating different health care professionals (physicians, pharmacists, and nurses) may positively impact on reducing the sense of fear related to discontinue or substitute drugs prescribed by others; the fragmentation of therapy among different specialists; reducing costs; and improving adverse drug reaction detection and reporting. Aiming at achieving the individualized pharmacotherapy, a multidisciplinary approach starting with identification of patients and risk for drug-related problems, followed by medication review overtime and use of inappropriateness criteria, supported by computerized systems has been proposed

    Il farmaco: ricerca, sviluppo e applicazione in terapia

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    [Italiano]:Il farmaco: ricerca, sviluppo e applicazione in terapia si propone l’obiettivo di offrire una panoramica sul processo di Ricerca e Sviluppo che un farmaco compie a partire dal momento in cui viene progettato fino alla sua pratica utilizzazione. Quando una molecola è ritenuta potenzialmente adatta per creare un medicinale, si attiva un lungo percorso che ha come traguardo la realizzazione di un nuovo mezzo terapeutico e la sua approvazione per l’immissione in commercio. Un percorso scandito dalla rigorosa osservanza di regolamenti e leggi che si sono evoluti nel tempo di pari passo con il progresso scientifico e tecnologico, ma spesso anche a seguito di reazioni avverse o eventi dannosi irreversibili che hanno innescato processi di revisione delle norme e dei protocolli sperimentali. Questo libro parte con una densa ricognizione sulla storia della farmacologia occidentale, al fine di agevolare la comprensione del coacervo di vicende e circostanze che nel tempo hanno fatto da sfondo a tutte quelle dinamiche attraverso cui il processo di Ricerca e Sviluppo si è gradualmente affermato e consolidato. Notevole attenzione è stata poi dedicata ad alcuni risvolti divenuti oramai cruciali all’interno dell’articolato universo normativo in cui il farmaco è collocato, quali le terapie avanzate e i nuovi approcci per la ricerca clinica. Inoltre, gli autori si sono concentrati sulla prescrizione dei cosiddetti off-label e sulle tematiche di farmacoutilizzazione e farmacovigilanza che, nel giro di pochi decenni, sono assurte a sfere di conoscenza sempre più significative e influenti nelle prospettive presenti e future, non solo delle scienze farmaceutiche ma dell’intera società. Lo sforzo compiuto per redigere questo volume trova la sua ragion d’essere proprio nel voler mettere a disposizione dei lettori uno sguardo d’insieme sul farmaco e sulle complesse sfide che ancora lo attendono./ [English]:“The drug: research, development and application in therapy” is an in-depth study on the Research and Development process that a drug performs from the moment it is designed up to its practical use. When a molecule is considered suitable for a medicine, a long process is activated which has as its goal the creation of a new therapeutic tool and its approval for marketing. A path marked by the strict observance of regulations and laws that have evolved over time in step with scientific and technological progress. A path that however has often been determined also by tragic events following damaging adverse reactions that have triggered processes of revision of the norms and experimental protocols. This book starts with a summary on the history of Western pharmacology, written to allow the reader to understand the circumstances that have been the background to those dynamics through which the Research and Development process has gradually consolidated. An important part of the book is dedicated to some aspects that are crucial in the normative universe in which the drug is placed, such as the advanced therapies and new approaches for clinical research. The authors also focused on the prescriptions of off-label drugs and on the issues of pharmacoutilization and pharmacovigilance, two disciplines that, in a few years, have become increasingly influential in the present and future perspectives, not only of the pharmaceutical sciences but of the entire society

    Innovative approaches to active and healthy ageing: Campania experience to improve the adoption of innovative good practices

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    The demographic projections on the European population predict that people aged over 60 will increase by about two million/year in the next decades. Since 2012, the Campania Reference Site of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing supports the innovation of the Regional Health System, to face up demographic changes and sustainability. Campania Reference Site provides the opportunity to connect loco-regional stakeholders in social and health care services (universities, healthcare providers, social services, local communities and municipalities), with international organizations, in order to adopt and scale up innovative solutions and approaches. This paper describes the building process of Campania Reference Site and the main results achieved, that have been allowing it to become a hub for open innovation in the field of active and healthy aging at regional, national and international level

    The ARIA-MASK-air® approach

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    Funding Information: The authors thank Ms Véronique Pretschner for submitting the paper. MASK‐air has been supported by Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, EU grants (EU Structural and Development Funds Languedoc Roussillon and Region PACA; POLLAR: EIT Health; Twinning: EIP on AHA; Twinning DHE: H2020; Catalyse: Horizon Europe) and educational grants from Mylan‐Viatris, ALK, GSK, Novartis, Stallergènes‐Greer and Uriach. None for the study. ® Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Authors. Clinical and Translational Allergy published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.MASK-air®, a validated mHealth app (Medical Device regulation Class IIa) has enabled large observational implementation studies in over 58,000 people with allergic rhinitis and/or asthma. It can help to address unmet patient needs in rhinitis and asthma care. MASK-air® is a Good Practice of DG Santé on digitally-enabled, patient-centred care. It is also a candidate Good Practice of OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). MASK-air® data has enabled novel phenotype discovery and characterisation, as well as novel insights into the management of allergic rhinitis. MASK-air® data show that most rhinitis patients (i) are not adherent and do not follow guidelines, (ii) use as-needed treatment, (iii) do not take medication when they are well, (iv) increase their treatment based on symptoms and (v) do not use the recommended treatment. The data also show that control (symptoms, work productivity, educational performance) is not always improved by medications. A combined symptom-medication score (ARIA-EAACI-CSMS) has been validated for clinical practice and trials. The implications of the novel MASK-air® results should lead to change management in rhinitis and asthma.publishersversionpublishe

    ARIA digital anamorphosis : Digital transformation of health and care in airway diseases from research to practice

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    Digital anamorphosis is used to define a distorted image of health and care that may be viewed correctly using digital tools and strategies. MASK digital anamorphosis represents the process used by MASK to develop the digital transformation of health and care in rhinitis. It strengthens the ARIA change management strategy in the prevention and management of airway disease. The MASK strategy is based on validated digital tools. Using the MASK digital tool and the CARAT online enhanced clinical framework, solutions for practical steps of digital enhancement of care are proposed.Peer reviewe

    Cabbage and fermented vegetables : From death rate heterogeneity in countries to candidates for mitigation strategies of severe COVID-19

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    Large differences in COVID-19 death rates exist between countries and between regions of the same country. Some very low death rate countries such as Eastern Asia, Central Europe, or the Balkans have a common feature of eating large quantities of fermented foods. Although biases exist when examining ecological studies, fermented vegetables or cabbage have been associated with low death rates in European countries. SARS-CoV-2 binds to its receptor, the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). As a result of SARS-CoV-2 binding, ACE2 downregulation enhances the angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT(1)R) axis associated with oxidative stress. This leads to insulin resistance as well as lung and endothelial damage, two severe outcomes of COVID-19. The nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) is the most potent antioxidant in humans and can block in particular the AT(1)R axis. Cabbage contains precursors of sulforaphane, the most active natural activator of Nrf2. Fermented vegetables contain many lactobacilli, which are also potent Nrf2 activators. Three examples are: kimchi in Korea, westernized foods, and the slum paradox. It is proposed that fermented cabbage is a proof-of-concept of dietary manipulations that may enhance Nrf2-associated antioxidant effects, helpful in mitigating COVID-19 severity.Peer reviewe