43 research outputs found

    Distributions of bacteriohopanepolyols in lakes and coastal lagoons of the Azores Archipelago

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    Bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs) are a diverse class of lipids produced by bacteria across a wide range of environments. In this study, we aim to further identify BHPs related to ecological niches and/or specific bacteria by characterizing the distribution of BHPs in suspended particulate matter (SPM) of the water column and in sediments in a range of lakes and coastal lagoons from the Azores Archipelago, as well as in a co-culture enriched for methanotrophs. Sediment samples from Azorean lakes with low-oxygen conditions during the summer months (i.e., Azul, Verde, Funda, and Negra) contain relatively high abundances of BHPs that are typically associated with methane-oxidizing (methanotrophic) bacteria (i.e., aminotetrol, aminopentol, and methylcarbamate-aminopentol), as well as the ethenolamine-BHPs (i.e., ethenolamine-BHpentol and ethenolamine-BHhexol) and the N-formylated aminoBHPs. Both ethenolamine-BHPs and N-formylated aminoBHPs were also detected in a methanotroph–methylotroph co-culture that was enriched from a lake. In the SPM of all water columns, bacteriohopanetetrol (BHT), BHT cyclitol ether, and aminotriol are the dominant BHPs. In SPM from Lake Funda, nucleoside BHPs (i.e., Me-adenosylhopaneHG-diMe (where HG refers to head group), N1-methylinosylhopane, 2Me-N1-inosylhopane, and Me-N1-inosylhopane) are present in low abundance or absent under oxic conditions but increase in concentration near the chemocline, suggesting potential in situ production of these nucleoside BHPs rather than an allochthonous origin. In contrast, sediments from shallow, well-mixed lakes (i.e., Empadadas, São Jorge, and Lomba) contain higher abundances of adenosylhopane and N1-methylinosylhopane, which likely originate from bacteria living in nearby soils. Based on our current results we revised the existing Rsoil index, which was previously used to infer terrestrial inputs to aquatic environments, to exclude any potential nucleosides produced in the lake water column (Rsoil-lake). In the coastal lagoons, Cubres East and Cubres West, methoxylated BHTs were detected, and higher abundances of ethenolamine-BHT were observed. This study highlights the diversity of BHPs in lakes and coastal lagoons and their potential as taxonomic markers for bacteria associated with certain ecological niches, which can be preserved in sedimentary records

    Climate change facilitated the early colonization of the Azores Archipelago during medieval times

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    Humans have made such dramatic and permanent changes to Earth's landscapes that much of it is now substantially and irreversibly altered from its preanthropogenic state. Remote islands, until recently isolated from humans, offer insights into how these landscapes evolved in response to human-induced perturbations. However, little is known about when and how remote systems were colonized because archaeological data and historical records are scarce and incomplete. Here, we use a multiproxy approach to reconstruct the initial colonization and subsequent environmental impacts on the Azores Archipelago. Our reconstructions provide unambiguous evidence for widespread human disturbance of this archipelago starting between 700 -60/+50 and 850 -60/+60 Common Era (CE), ca. 700 y earlier than historical records suggest the onset of Portuguese settlement of the islands. Settlement proceeded in three phases, during which human pressure on the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems grew steadily (i.e., through livestock introductions, logging, and fire), resulting in irreversible changes. Our climate models suggest that the initial colonization at the end of the early Middle Ages (500 to 900 CE) occurred in conjunction with anomalous northeasterly winds and warmer Northern Hemisphere temperatures. These climate conditions likelyinhibited exploration from southern Europe and facilitated human settlers from the northeast Atlantic. These results are consistent with recent archaeological and genetic data suggesting that the Norse were most likely the earliest settlers on the islands

    Design, Construction and Installation of the ATLAS Hadronic Barrel Scintillator-Tile Calorimeter

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    The scintillator tile hadronic calorimeter is a sampling calorimeter using steel as the absorber structure and scintillator as the active medium. The scintillator is located in "pockets" in the steel structure and the wavelength-shifting fibers are contained in channels running radially within the absorber to photomultiplier tubes which are located in the outer support girders of the calorimeter structure. In addition, to its role as a detector for high energy particles, the tile calorimeter provides the direct support of the liquid argon electromagnetic calorimeter in the barrel region, and the liquid argon electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters in the endcap region. Through these, it indirectly supports the inner tracking system and beam pipe. The steel absorber, and in particular the support girders, provide the flux return for the solenoidal field from the central solenoid. Finally, the end surfaces of the barrel calorimeter are used to mount services, power supplies and readout crates for the inner tracking systems and the liquid argon barrel electromagnetic calorimeter

    The Production and Qualification of Scintillator Tiles for the ATLAS Hadronic Calorimeter

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    The production of the scintillator tiles for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter is presented. In addition to the manufacture and production, the properties of the tiles will be presented including light yield, uniformity and stability

    The Optical Instrumentation of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter

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    The purpose of this Note is to describe the optical assembly procedure called here Optical Instrumentation and the quality tests conducted on the assembled units. Altogether, 65 Barrel (or LB) modules were constructed - including one spare - together with 129 Extended Barrel (EB) modules (including one spare). The LB modules were mechanically assembled at JINR (Dubna, Russia) and transported to CERN, where the optical instrumentation was performed with personnel contributed by several Institutes. The modules composing one of the two Extended Barrels (known as EBA) were mechanically assembled in the USA, and instrumented in two US locations (ANL, U. of Michigan), while the modules of the other Extended barrel (EBC) were assembled in Spain and instrumented at IFAE (Barcelona). Each of the EB modules includes a subassembly known as ITC that contributes to the hermeticity of the calorimeter; all ITCs were assembled at UTA (Texas), and mounted onto the module mechanical structures at the EB mechanical assembly locations.The Tile Calorimeter, covering the central region of the ATLAS experiment up to pseudorapidities of ±1.7, is a sampling device built with scintillating tiles that alternate with iron plates. The light is collected in wave-length shifting (WLS) fibers and is read out with photomultipliers. In the characteristic geometry of this calorimeter the tiles lie in planes perpendicular to the beams, resulting in a very simple and modular mechanical and optical layout. This paper focuses on the procedures applied in the optical instrumentation of the calorimeter, which involved the assembly of about 460,000 scintillator tiles and 550,000 WLS fibers. The outcome is a hadronic calorimeter that meets the ATLAS performance requirements, as shown in this paper

    Data Descriptor : A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins

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    Under ongoing climate change and increasing anthropogenic activity, which continuously challenge ecosystem resilience, an in-depth understanding of ecological processes is urgently needed. Lakes, as providers of numerous ecosystem services, face multiple stressors that threaten their functioning. Harmful cyanobacterial blooms are a persistent problem resulting from nutrient pollution and climate-change induced stressors, like poor transparency, increased water temperature and enhanced stratification. Consistency in data collection and analysis methods is necessary to achieve fully comparable datasets and for statistical validity, avoiding issues linked to disparate data sources. The European Multi Lake Survey (EMLS) in summer 2015 was an initiative among scientists from 27 countries to collect and analyse lake physical, chemical and biological variables in a fully standardized manner. This database includes in-situ lake variables along with nutrient, pigment and cyanotoxin data of 369 lakes in Europe, which were centrally analysed in dedicated laboratories. Publishing the EMLS methods and dataset might inspire similar initiatives to study across large geographic areas that will contribute to better understanding lake responses in a changing environment.Peer reviewe