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    Väetamise ja modifitseeritud atmosfääris säilitamise mõju aedmustika (Vaccinium spp) viljade kvaliteedile

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    A thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture.Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks põllumajanduse erialal.There are few cultivated plants that grow well on acidic peat fields. However, blueberries (Vaccinium spp) are calcifuges that thrive in low pH and have lower Ca requirements compared to other temperate fruit crops. As a result, they are suitable for revegetating abandoned peatlands. The increase in production and consumption of organic food is one of the current trends, driven in part by consumers’ perception of organic food as being more sustainable and healthier than conventional. Since previous studies on blueberry cultivation in abandoned peatlands primarily focused on synthetic mineral fertilizers, it is important to study sustainable fertilizer strategies for organic blueberry cultivation. Revegetating abandoned peatlands with blueberries could also reduce the negative impacts of environmentally sensitive peatland areas. Blueberries are marketed as health promoting food, therefore maintaining fruit quality during postharvest storage is equally important to prolonging postharvest storage period. Extending the blueberry postharvest life through modified atmosphere storage and preserving their sensory and nutritional quality could be an option to add value to organically grown blueberries. However, there are very few postharvest studies concerning organically grown blueberries. The aims of the research were to find out the effect of: 1) different organic fertilizers on the plant growth, yield and biochemical parameters of fruits of half-highbush blueberry ‘Northblue’ under peatland conditions; 2) modified atmosphere packages on the external quality and the nutritional value of the fruits of organically grown lowbush blueberry and half–highbush blueberry ’Northblue’. Based on the results of fertilization experiments conducted on an abandoned peat field with half–highbush blueberry ‘Northblue’, the seaweed–based low nutrient fertilizer Biolan 4–1–2 could be recommended for organic production in peatland areas. It demonstrates more stable yield performance and has a lower impact on peat pH. Algomin fertilizer, which is based on marine algae Lithothamnium calcareum, increased the soil pH up to 5.2 and suppressed the plant growth during the juvenile growth stage. Organic fertilizers containing chicken manure resulted in comparable vegetative growth and yield as the plants receiving mineral fertilizer. The yearly variation in weather conditions was more important in determining fruit biochemical content than the type of fertilizer used. The application of seaweed–based organic fertilizer Biolan 4–1–2 resulted in similar total polyphenol content in fruits as observed in the mineral fertilizer treatment. The postharvest storage experiment with lowbush and half–highbush blueberry ‘Northblue’ demonstrated that the Xtend® modified atmosphere package prolonged the postharvest life of lowbush blueberries by 15 days and half-highbush blueberries by 9 days. The LDPE modified atmosphere package did not prolong the postharvest life of lowbush blueberries, but extended the postharvest life of ‘Northblue’ by 9 days. The CO2 content was significantly higher in Xtend® package compared to the LDPE at the end of the storage period. Both modified atmosphere packages had an effect on the taste–related properties of blueberries irrespectively of the taxa. By the end of the storage period, the SSC:TA ratio of the blueberries in the modified atmosphere decreased compared to both the initial value and the berries stored in a regular atmosphere. The content of anthocyanins significantly increased under all storage conditions, regardless of the taxa. The genetic differences were more important concerning fruit firmness, shrivelling, and decay. Both modified atmosphere packages had an impact on the firmness and the shrivelling, but the fruits of the half–highbush blueberry ‘Northblue’ were firmer and less shrivelled compared to the lowbush. Based on results, the Xtend® modified atmosphere package can be recommended for blueberry postharvest storage. However further studies are needed to find the metabolic differences of blueberry taxa and to match the respiration rates of the product with the permeation rates of the packages. Additionally, the use of biodegradable films should be considered in order to ensure sustainability.Aedmustikad (Vaccinium spp) kasvavad happelisel mullal ja seetõttu on mustikakasvatus üheks võimaluseks vähendada turbatootmisest mahajäetud turbaalade negatiivseid keskkonnamõjusid. Mahetoidu tootmine ja tarbimine on nüüdisaja üks tõusvamaid trende. Eelnevad katsed aedmustikaga freesturbaväljadel on läbi viidud mineraalväetistega, mistõttu on oluline leida maheväetised, mis sobivad aedmustika kasvatamiseks ja on alternatiiviks mineraalväetistele. Mustikate turustamisel on oluline kvaliteedi säilitamine ja samuti säilitusaja pikendamine. Modifitseeritud atmosfääriga pakendite abil vilja sensoorsete ja biokeemiliste omaduste säilitamine on üheks võimaluseks mahedalt kasvatatud aedmustikale lisaväärtuse andmiseks. Doktoritöö eesmärk oli välja selgitada järgmist: 1) erinevate orgaaniliste väetiste mõju poolkõrge mustika ‘Northblue’ kasvule, saagikusele ja saagi biokeemilisele koostisele mahajäetud freesturbavälja tingimustes; 2) modifitseeritud atmosfääriga pakendite mõju mahedalt kasvatatud ahtalehise ja poolkõrge mustika ‘Northblue’ saagi välisele kvaliteedile ja biokeemilisele koostisele. Katse tulemused poolkõrge mustika sordiga ’Northblue’ näitasid, et mereadru sisaldav väetis Biolan 4–1–2 tagas aastate lõikes stabiilsema saagi ja ei mõjutanud oluliselt mulla pH-d ja seetõttu saab seda tüüpi väetist soovitada alternatiivina mineraalväetiste asemel. Maheväetis Algomin, mis põhineb merevetikal Lithothamnium calcareum, tõstis mulla pH–d kuni 5.2-ni ja pidurdas taimede kasvu juveniilses kasvufaasis, mistõttu ei sobi aedmustika väetamiseks. Kanasõnnikut sisaldavad väetised tagasid sarnase vegetatiivse kasvu ja saagi võrreldes mineraalväetisega. Võrreldes väetamisega, oli kasvuaastate ilmastikul olulisem mõju mustikate biokeemilisele koostisele. Orgaanilistest väetistest tagas mereadrul põhinev Biolan 4–1–2 mustikates sarnase polüfenoolide sisalduse võrreldes mineraalväetisega. Säilituskatse tulemustest selgus, et modifitseeritud atmosfääriga pakend Xtend® pikendas ahtalehise mustika säilivust 15 päeva võrra ja poolkõrge mustika saagi säilivust 9 päeva võrra võrreldes tavaõhus säilitamisega. Modifitseeritud atmosfääriga pakend LDPE ei pikendanud säilivust ahtalehise mustika puhul, kuid poolkõrge mustika saak säilis 9 päeva võrra kauem. CO2 oli katse lõpuks kõrgem Xtend® pakendis võrreldes LDPE pakendiga. Sõltumata genotüübist mõjusid mõlemad modifitseeritud atmosfääriga pakendid maitseomadustele. Marjad muutusid hapumaks, mida näitas mahla kuivaine ja tiitritavate hapete suhtarv, mis vähenes katse lõpuks mõlemas modifitseeritud atmosfääriga pakendis võrreldes tavaõhus säilitamisega. Antotsüaanide sisaldus suurenes säilitamise jooksul kõikides katsevariantides. Genotüüpide erinevus tuli välja saagi väliste kvaliteedi näitajate puhul, kus poolkõrge mustika viljad olid võrreldes ahtalehise mustikaga vähem närtsinud ja tugevama viljalihaga. Tulemuste põhjal võib aedmustikate säilitamiseks soovitada Xtend® pakendit, kuna see aitas pikendada mõlema genotüübi mustikate säilivust. Keskkonna jätkusuutlikku majandamist arvestades on oluline uurida plastikpakendite asendamiseks võimalikke biolagunevaid alternatiive ning arvestada sealjuures genotüüblisi eripärasid pakendite valikul.Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences

    11th International Shallow Lakes Conference Estonia 11-16 June 2023 : [opening presentation]

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    The presentation took place at the 11th International Shallow Lakes Conference.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951963.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951963

    Place attachment after COVID -19

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    Master’s thesis Curriculum in Landscape ArchitectureThis study focuses on the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on the staff and students of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The paper goes through the effect of doing home office during the pandemic time and how the home office lifestyle has changed their mindset towards going back again at the office. After experiencing remote work and office work, now some changes at the workplace need to be made to make it more comfortable and embrace the feeling of belonging to the area. To achieve accurate results, an online survey had been done. The survey was published among the staff as well as students, so both of the university users can comment and share their ideas about the university environment to lead to the result that what changes should be done to make it more pleasant to study and work.See uuring keskendub COVID-19 pandeemia mõjule Eesti Maaülikooli töötajatele ja üliõpilastele. Artiklis käsitletakse kodukontori tegemise mõju pandeemia ajal ja seda, kuidas kodukontori elustiil on muutnud nende mõtteviisi kontorisse naasmise suunas. Peale kaugtöö ja kontoritöö kogemist on nüüd töökohal mõned muudatused, mida tuleb teha, et muuta see mugavamaks ja omaks piirkonda kuuluvustunnet. Täpse tulemuse saavutamiseks viidi läbi veebiküsitlus. Küsitlus avaldati nii töötajate kui ka üliõpilaste seas, nii et mõlemad ülikooli kasutajad saavad kommenteerida ja jagada oma ideid ülikoolikeskkonna kohta, et jõuda tulemuseni, milliseid muudatusi tuleks teha, et õppida ja töötada oleks meeldivam

    Toores lihas toimuvate protsesside jaotus perioodideks ATP laguproduktide sisalduse muutumise alusel : [esitlus]

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    Konverentsi "Terve loom ja tervislik toit 2023" slaidiesitlus.Täname: Koostööpartnereid Tartu Teaduspargist AS Ldiamon, kaastöölisi EMÜ veterinaarmeditsiini ja loomakasvatuse instituudist toiduhügieeni ja –ohutuse üksusest eelkõige oma juhendajat Piret Raudseppa ja kolleegi Dea Antonit. Teadustöö elluviimist toetasid Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond ja Eesti Teadusagentuur läbi projekti ResTA14 ning Eesti Teadusagentuur läbi projekti PRG 1441.Täname: Koostööpartnereid Tartu Teaduspargist AS Ldiamon, kaastöölisi EMÜ veterinaarmeditsiini ja loomakasvatuse instituudist toiduhügieeni ja –ohutuse üksusest eelkõige oma juhendajat Piret Raudseppa ja kolleegi Dea Antonit. Teadustöö elluviimist toetasid Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond ja Eesti Teadusagentuur läbi projekti ResTA14 ning Eesti Teadusagentuur läbi projekti PRG 1441

    Impact of changing weather on the crops yield stability in different cropping systems

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    Received: January 31st, 2023 ; Accepted: July 14th, 2023 ; Published: September 1st, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] in weather conditions make it possible to change the schedule of agricultural works and introduce new crops and crop rotations in Northern Europe. It is important that the yield of the crops in the rotation are stable under highly variable weather conditions, which would ensure a high total yield for the rotation. One of the goals of this long-term field experiment (2008–2022) was to study the effect of weather conditions on the total yield and stability in the crop rotation; crops of the given crop rotation were grown in organic and conventional cropping systems. Compared to the pre-experimental period 1964‒2007, the annual average air temperature of the test period 2008‒2022 was higher by 1.1 degrees, whereas the increase in the annual average temperature was primarily due to the increase in winter and June–July temperatures. In the 3rd cropping cycle (2018–2022) the total yield of crop rotation as an average of fertilizer variants and experimental years was 21% and 24% lower than in the 1st (2008–2012) and 2nd (2013–2017) cropping cycles, respectively, which was mainly caused by the decrease in field pea yield. The effect of weather on yield stability was greatest for field pea. Fertilization with mineral fertilizers improved the stability of the total yield in the conventional cropping system. Correlation, factorial analyses of variance (ANOVA) and two-factor ANOVA were used to test the effect of cropping systems and climatic conditions on total and average DM yield of crop rotation, also each crop’s DM yield. Despite the negative impact of the weather, most of the yield loss can be prevented or the damage can be eased by careful planning and detailed knowledge about the influence of different weather factors. Further investigation is required to determine the change in growing season length, sowing dates and harvesting to provide farmers more detailed tools to predict and plan their actions

    Näituse "Veterinaarmeditsiin 175" plakat

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    Näitus "Veterinaarmeditsiin 175" oli Eesti Maaülikooli raamatukogus avatud 2.-27. oktoobrini 2023

    Agronomic and physiological response of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids to plant density in the dry and wet Middleveld of Eswatini

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    Received: June 27th, 2022 ; Accepted: December 1st, 2022 ; Published: December 8th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] of the factors limiting yield of maize in Eswatini is use of non-optimum plant density for the different maturity group of maize hybrids in different agro-ecologies. Thus, an experiment was conducted at Malkerns (wet Middleveld) and Luve (dry Middleveld) in Eswatini to determine the effects of plant density on growth, yield components and grain yield of maize hybrids. Factorial combinations of three maize hybrids [SC 403 (early maturing), SC 621 (medium maturing), SC 719 (late maturing)] and five plant densities (41,667; 44,444; 47,619; 50,000, and 57,143 plants ha-1 ) were evaluated in Randomised Complete Block Design in three replications. The results showed that Malkerns had significantly higher crop growth rate (CGR) between V12 and R6 growth stages, relative growth rate (RGR) between V6 and V12 growth stages, mass of thousand kernels (395.60 g), aboveground dry biomass (22.71 t ha-1 ) and grain yield (7.67 t ha-1 ). Among maize hybrids, SC 719 produced significantly the highest CGR (18.37 g m-2 per day) between V12 and R6, aboveground dry biomass (23.05 t ha-1 ), number of kernels per m2 (2074), and grain yield (7.49 ha-1 ). Moreover, SC 719 grown at Malkerns recorded significantly the highest leaf area index (LAI) at V6, and the highest CGR (31.35 g m-2 per day) between V6 and V12 and the tallest plants. The highest density of 57,143 plants ha-1 produced the highest LAI, aboveground dry biomass (21.53 t ha-1 ) and grain yield (7.17 t ha-1 ). Thus, late maturing maize hybrid SC 719 and plant density of 57,143 plants ha-1 (70 cm × 25 cm) can be used to enhance the productivity of maize in the Middleveld of Eswatini

    Väike kuslapuuraamat

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    Trükis on mõeldud nii põllumajandustootjale kui ka lihtsalt aiandushuvilistele, kes plaanivad alustada sinise kuslapuu kasvatamist või juba tegelevad sellega.Marjakultuurina kasvatatav sinine kuslapuu (Lonicera caerula L), nimetatakse ka söödav kuslapuu, on olnud siiani terve maailma jaoks veel suhteliselt vähetuntud. Kuigi koduaedades kohtab teda järjest sagedamini, on suuremaid istandikke hakatud rajama alles viimasel ajal. Eestis on kuslapuud vähestes koduaedades kasvatatud rohkem kui pool sajandit. Kuslapuu kasvatamise ja sordiaretustööga tegelevad Venemaa, Ameerika Ühendriigid, Kanada, Jaapan ja Poola. Eesti Maaülikooli Polli aiandusuuringute keskuses on vanemaid vene päritolu kuslapuusorte ja aretisi katsetanud teadurid Robert Piir, Koidu Kelt ja Liina Arus üle kolmekümne aasta. Viimase aastakümne jooksul on Eestisse aga toodud rida uuemaid, mitte ainult Venemaal aretatud sorte, mis ületavad varasemaid nii saagikuse kui ka marja suuruse poolest. Üks selle liigi positiivsemaid omadusi on tema marjade väga varajane valmimine – enne maasikat – ja põõsaste ning õite märkimisväärne külmakindlus. Hooaja esimese marjana peaks kuslapuu olema võimeline tarbijates tähelepanu äratama. Tegemist on väga kasuliku ja tervisliku marjaga eelkõige seetõttu, et kuslapuu on puuviljadest ja marjadest kõige varajasem looduslik vitamiinide allikas. Teisalt on kuslapuumarjad kõrge polüfenoolide, antotsüaanide ja askorbiinhappesisaldusega, olles sellega tervislikkuse poolest võrreldavad mustika, aroonia, vaarika ja sõstarde marjadega. Kuslapuumarjad sobivad sügavkülmutami- seks ja mahlade tegemiseks. Tema marjadest tuleb väga maitsev toormoos või keedis ning see meenutab veidi mustikamoosi. Kuslapuu on väga sobiv marjakultuur maheviljeluse tingimustes kasvatamiseks, kuna tal on vähe kahjustajaid. Selle põõsa maitsvad ja Eestimaa oludes kõige varem valmivad marjad väärivad kindlasti rohkem tähelepanu. Käesolevas raamatus antakse ülevaade kuslapuust, tema kasvatamisest, uuematest sortidest, tervislikest omadustest ja kahjustustest ning kasutamisviisidest.Trükis on välja antud MAK 2014-2020 meetme 16.2. „Uute toodete, tavade, protsesside ja tehnoloogiate arendamise“ projekti „Uute puuviljakultuuride kasvatus-, koristus- ja töötlemis- tehnoloogiate arendamine“ raames, toetab Euroopa Lii

    Current State and Potential of Fishing Tourism in Estonia

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    Magistritöö Loodusturismi õppekavalKalastusturism on Eestis viimastel aastatel jõudsalt arenenud, aga ometi on antud turismiliik Eestis veel uurimata ja laiemale avalikkusele vähetuntud. Kuigi harrastuskalapüük on Eestis väga populaarne rekreatsiooni liik ja majandusharu, siis on seda propageeriv kalastusturismi sektor organiseerumata ja puudub sektori arengut toetav toimiv katuseorganisatsioon. Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk on kaardistada kalastusturismi hetkeseis Eestis ja välja tuua selle turismiliigi potentsiaal ja soovitused edasiseks arenguks. Töö eesmärkide saavutamiseks kasutati kvalitatiivset uurimisviisi. Ajavahemikul märts 2023 kuni aprill 2023 viidi läbi 15 poolstruktueeritud intervjuud kolmes sidusrühmas: kalastusgiidid, potentsiaalselt kalastusturismi sektoris tegevust alustavad isikud ja vastava sektori riigiteenistujad ning vabatahtlikud organisatsioonid. Töö tulemustest selgus, et erinevad sidusrühmad näevad kalastusturismi sektoril palju ruumi ja potentsiaali arenemiseks, aga neil puudub ühtne arusaam ja visioon sektori arengu võimalikest perspektiividest. Kalastusturismi edasist arengut takistavad killustunud sidusrühmad, kuna puudub ühtne katuseorganisatsioon, mis aitaks suunata kalastusturismi sektori arengut, pakkudes sealjuures toetust jätkusuutlikule ja loodussõbralikule turismiteenusele. Kuna nõudlus sektori paremale organiseerumisele on suur, siis on oluline algust teha sektori reguleerimise, koordineerimise ja integreerimisega piirkondlikul, riiklikul ja rahvusvahelisel tasemel.During the last years fishing tourism has had a significant development in Estonia, but there hasn’t been many studies that focus on fishing tourism in Estonia and the topic is little known to the general public. Although recreational fishing is a very popular type of recreation and an economic branch in Estonia, the fishing tourism sector is unnoticed, unorganized and there is no functioning umbrella organization supporting the development of the sector. The aim of this master's thesis is to map the current state of fishing tourism in Estonia and to bring out the potential of this type of tourism and to make recommendations for further development. A qualitative research method was used to achieve the objectives of the work. Between March 2023 and April 2023, 15 semi-structured interviews were conducted in three stakeholder groups: fishing guides, persons who potentially could be starting activities in the fishing tourism sector and national representatives and voluntary organizations. The results of the work revealed that the different stakeholders see a lot of room and potential for development in the fishing tourism sector, but they lack a unified understanding and vision of the possible perspectives of the sector's development. The further development of fishing tourism is hindered by fragmented stakeholders, as there is no single umbrella organization that would help guide the development of the fishing tourism sector, thereby providing support for a sustainable and nature-friendly tourism service. Since the demand for better organization of the sector is high, it is important to start with the regulation, coordination and integration of the sector at the regional, national and international level

    Bimodality and alternative equilibria do not help explain long-term patterns in shallow lake chlorophyll-a

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    Since its inception, the theory of alternative equilibria in shallow lakes has evolved and been applied to an ever wider range of ecological and socioecological systems. The theory posits the existence of two alternative stable states or equilibria, which in shallow lakes are characterised by either clear water with abundant plants or turbid water where phytoplankton dominate. Here, we used data simulations and real-world data sets from Denmark and north-eastern USA (902 lakes in total) to examine the relationship between shallow lake phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll-a) and nutrient concentrations across a range of timescales. The data simulations demonstrated that three diagnostic tests could reliably identify the presence or absence of alternative equilibria. The real-world data accorded with data simulations where alternative equilibria were absent. Crucially, it was only as the temporal scale of observation increased (>3 years) that a predictable linear relationship between nutrient concentration and chlorophyll-a was evident. Thus, when a longer term perspective is taken, the notion of alternative equilibria is not required to explain the response of chlorophyll-a to nutrient enrichment which questions the utility of the theory for explaining shallow lake response to, and recovery from, eutrophication.C.D.S. and T.A.D. would like to thank June and Derek Sayer for extraordinary support over many years. The authors of this work have been supported by a number of projects over the elephantine gestation period of this manuscript. These include support from the Poul Due Jensen Fonden, Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond Natur og Univers project GREENLAKES (No. 9040-00195B) and the UFM-funded project LTER_DK for Long Term Ecosystem Research in Denmark. In addition, support was provided by The European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmes under grant agreement No 869296—The PONDERFUL Project”, TREICLAKE under grant agreement No 951963, and the AQUACOSM project and by the European Commission EU H2020- INFRAIA-project (No. 731065) and AQUACOSMplus (No. 871081). E.J. was also supported by the TÜBITAK outstanding researcher programme2232 (project 118C250) and AnaEE, Denmark. The work of D.G. was funded by the Fourth Period of Programme-oriented Funding, Helmholtz Association of German ResearchCentres, Research Field Earth and Environment.C.D.S. and T.A.D. would like to thank June and Derek Sayer for extraordinary support over many years. The authors of this work have been supported by a number of projects over the elephantine gestation period of this manuscript. These include support from the Poul Due Jensen Fonden, Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond Natur og Univers project GREENLAKES (No. 9040-00195B) and the UFM-funded project LTER_DK for Long Term Ecosystem Research in Denmark. In addition, support was provided by The European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmes under grant agreement No 869296—The PONDERFUL Project”, TREICLAKE under grant agreement No 951963, and the AQUACOSM project and by the European Commission EU H2020- INFRAIA-project (No. 731065) and AQUACOSMplus (No. 871081). E.J. was also supported by the TÜBITAK outstanding researcher programme2232 (project 118C250) and AnaEE, Denmark. The work of D.G. was funded by the Fourth Period of Programme-oriented Funding, Helmholtz Association of German ResearchCentres, Research Field Earth and Environment


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