7 research outputs found
The subjective determinants of job performance and job involvement in organizational context.
The job performance is conditioned by range of objective factors and subjective determinants as well. This thesis dedicates to mapping of job involvement meaning engagement, enthusiasm, commitment and work motivation. Considering to that, oganization can influence future job performance of its employee through employee development, when it tries to grow up the job interest, develops requiered skills and so potencially supports one's performance. The text tries to sum up knowledge background of subjective factors influencing job performance and job involvement and evaluates possibilites which can be used by organization to participate in the development. The end of the thesis is devoted to a project to investigate the correlation between job involvement and job satisfaction as indicators of job performance
Formation Principles of Project of Internal Valuation Military Department of Charles University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Prague
Názey diplomovĂ© práce; Zásady tvorby projektu internĂ evaluace VO UK FTVS Praho Formotion Principles of Project of Interno! Voluotion Militory Department of Charles Uni- versity, Foculty of Physicol Educotion ond Sport, Progue CĂle práce; CĂlem práce je shromáždit dostupnĂ© relevantnĂ zdroje informacĂ k danĂ© problematice, jejichĹľ vhodnĂ˝m zpracovánĂm pĹ™i respektovánĂ pravidel vÄ›deckĂ© práce bude vytvoĹ™en pĹ™edpoklad k podánĂ srozumitelnĂ©ho obrazu tĂ©matu o s ohledem no specifiko VO UK FTVS bude moĹľnĂ© definovat zásady tvorby projektu outoevoluoce v jeho zcela konkrĂ©tnĂ podobÄ›. Metogg: Práce bylo pojato jako pĹ™ehledová studie problĂ©mu no bázi heuristickĂ©ho vĂ˝zkumu o s respektovánĂm pravidel práce s literaturou. TĂ©ma bylo zpracováno za pouĹľitĂ pĹ™ede všĂm tÄ›chto metod; analĂ˝zo dokumentĹŻ, deduktivnĂ, induktivnĂ, retrospektivnĂ, progresivnĂ, komparativnĂ o modelová analĂ˝zo. KlĂÄŤgvg slovo: Kvalito; systĂ©m celkovĂ©ho Ĺ™ĂzenĂ kvality; strategickĂ© plánovánĂ kvality; evaluace; Vojen- skĂ˝ obor pĹ™i UK FTVS Praho