50 research outputs found

    A New Method for the Isolation and Purification of Trigonelline as Hydrochloride from Trigonella foenum-graecum L.

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    بذور نبات الحلبه تحتوي على العديد من المواد الفعاله كالزيوت الثابته, القلويدات (أهمها الترايكونللين), المواد الصابونية , ومواد اخرى. ان فصل مادة الترايكونللين وهو الرئيسي في نبات الحلبة يعتبر معقدا وذلك لاحتواء نبات الحلبة على العديد من المواد الاخرى كمادة الكولين, والمادة الهلامية, والستيرويد الصابوني ومواد اخرى. تهدف هذه الدراسة الى عزل مادة الترايكونللين عن بقية المواد, والكولين من بذور الحلبة واللذان يشتركان في صفات فيزياوية وكيميائية متقاربة وبطريقة محورة عن الطريقة التقليدية. تم عزل المواد الدهنيه ( الزيوت الثابته) من بذور الحلبه باستعمال مذيب لاقطبي وبعدها تم استخلاص المواد الفعاله الأخرى من البذور عن طريق استخدام مذيبات مختلفة القطبيه تم عزل الترايكونللين بخطوات متعاقبة من التنقية قبل تنقيتها بشكل نهائي بواسطة تقنية الكروماتوغرافيا (غشاء الطبقة السميكة) والتعرف عليه من خلال كاشف دراجندروف و ماير, بالاضافه الى استخدام اجهزه مثل جهاز استشراب سائل عالي الأداء و مطيافية الأشعة تحت الحمراء وجهاز قياس درجة الانصهار. هذه الطريقة سريعة وملائمة للحصول على مادة ملح الترايكونيللين من بذور الحلبة.Separation of Trigonelline, the major alkaloid in fenugreek seeds, is difficult because the extract of these seeds usually contains Trigonelline, choline, mucilage, and steroidal saponins, in addition to some other substances. This study amis to isolate the quaternary ammonium alkaloid (Trigonelline) and choline from fenugreek seeds (Trigonella-foenum graecum L.) which have similar physiochemical properties by modifying of the classical method. Seeds were defatted and then extracted with methanol. The presence of alkaloids was detected by using Mayer's and Dragendorff's reagents. In this work, trigonilline was isolated with traces of choline by subsequent processes of purification using analytical and preparative TLC techniques. Further identification was done by using HPLC, IR and MP. Pure Trigonelline was isolated from the seeds of Trigonella-foenum graecum excluding other alkaloid like choline. In this study, a new, fast and convenient method for isolation and purification of Trigonelline from fenugreek seeds has been established. Unlike other methods, this one excludes all the non-alkaloidal components from the fenugreek seeds extract

    The Cytotoxic Effect of the Extract of Anchusa strigosa (Him Him) Grown in Jordan Against Different Cancer Cell Lines

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    إن نبات لسان الثور المزغّب او الحمحم من عائلة البوراجينيسي، هو نبات شوكي معمّر، طوله واحد متر تقريباً، له شعيرات شوكية صلبة، أوراقه مستطيلة إلى سنيّة الشكل، مكتظة عند القاعدة، شديدة الخشونة وشوكية. يتراوح وقت الإزهار بين شهر شباط إلى شهر حزيران.  تنمو على جوانب الطريق وفي الحقول. إن الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو اختبار التأثير السمّي لمستخلص لسان الثور المزغّب  / الجذور والأوراق وأجزائهم ضد خطوط الخلايا السرطانية المختلفة. حيث تمّ استخلاص كل من جذور وأوراق نبات لسان الثور المزغّب بواسطة طرق استخلاص مختلفة والتي تشمل طريقة النقع البارد، وجهاز السوكسليت مع استخدام نطاق واسع من المذيبات ذات القطبيات المختلفة: (كلوروفورم، ميثانول، إيثانول، بتروليوم إيثر، إلخ...)، إلى جانب ذلك لقد تم فصل مكوّنات النبات عن طريق الفصل الكروماتوغرافي ا ، ومن ثمّ تحديدها بواسطة الفصل الكروماتوغرافي والكواشف الكيميائية. لقد تم إيجاد الأثر السمّي لمستخلص نبات لسان الثور المزغّب وأجزائه ضد خطوط الخلايا السرطانية المختلفة مثل: ( سرطان الثدي، سرطان القولون والمستقيم) بواسطة فحص التحليل اللوني لمادة السلفرهودامين، حيث أشارت النتائج أنه وفي جميع الحالات كانت النسبة المئوية لتكاثر الخلايا أكثر من 50%.كما و بينت النتائج  أن فاعلية  مستخلص أوراق النبات  كانت أفضل من حيث التقليل من نسبة تكاثر الخلايا السرطانية من مستخلص جذور النبات ذاته.Anchusa strigosa - prickly alkanet from Boraginaceae grows in roadsides, and fields of a broad range of habitats from mediterranean woodlands, to steppe vegetation, to true desert. It is commonly known as" him him" or "lisan al thawr". Anchusa can withstand hard weather conditions and hence is widely cultivated. The color of its flowers can range from pure white to deep cobalt blue. Various parts of A. strigosa are used in traditional medicine for treating several diseases or symptoms, such as abdominal pain, bronchitis, cough, and diarrhea. The goal of this study was to examine the cytotoxic effect of the crude extract of A. strigosa roots and leaves and their fractions against various tumor cell lines: adenocarcinoma MCF-7, human breast ductal carcinoma T-47D; human breast carcinoma MDA-MB-231; and colorectal carcinomas Caco-2. In conclusion the antiproliferative effect was assessed by SRB assay where it showed that the phytochemical constituents in the leaf part of the plant (A. strigosa) do have more potential in depressing the proliferation rate of the cell lines than the root part

    Linear and Nonlinear Noise Characterisation of Dual Stage Broadband Discrete Raman Amplifiers

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    We characterise the linear and nonlinear noise of dual stage broadband discrete Raman amplifiers (DRAs) based on conventional Raman gain fibres. Also, we propose an optimised dual stage DRA setup that lowers the impact of nonlinear noise (generated in the amplifier) on the performance of a transmission link (with 100-km amplifier spacing). We numerically analyse the design of a backward pumped cascaded dual stage 100-nm DRA with high gain (∼20 dB) and high saturated output power (>23 dBm). We show that the noise figure (NF) of the dual stage DRA is mainly dominated by the first stage irrespective of the type of gain fibre chosen in the second stage, and we also demonstrate that optimising the length and the type of Raman gain fibre can have significant impact on the size of inter/intrasignal nonlinearities generated. Here, we report a theoretical model to calculate the nonlinear noise power generated in transmission spans with dual stage DRAs considering piecewise signal power evolution through the Raman gain fibres. The predicted signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) performances are calculated from the combined contributions from NF and nonlinear product power obtained using the proposed analytical model for transmission systems deployed with 100-km transmission span compensated by different dual stage DRAs. Finally, an optimised IDF 6 km-SMF 10 km dual stage configuration has been identified using the theoretical model, which allows maximum SNR of 14.6 dB at 1000 km for 1 THz Nyquist wavelength division multiplexed signal and maximum transmission reach of 3400 km at optimum launch power assuming 8.5 dB HD-FEC limit of the Nyquist PM-QPSK signal

    Nonlinear Noise of Low Transmission Penalty Dual-Stage Discrete Raman Amplifier

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    We experimentally characterise the linear and nonlinear performance of a >70nm, dual-stage, 19.5dB average net gain discrete Raman amplifier using different nonlinear fibres in the second stage. We propose an architecture built with a combination of IDF and SMF, and compare its performance with amplifiers built with conventionally used nonlinear fibre types (IDF-IDF, IDF-DCF). The measured FWM product power shows the IDF-SMF architecture to generate less nonlinear interference when compared to other schemes. We test the amplifiers with 5x120Gb/s DP-QPSK WDM signals in a recirculating loop at 10 recirculations of 93.4km SMF fibre, where the power sweep shows up to 2dB optimum launch power difference, with the maximum Q2 factor varying by up to 1.6dB. Using the optimum transmission point we measure a Q2=8.8dB at 35 recirculations of 93.4km transmission (3269km) with the proposed IDF-SMF scheme, which is >460km further than the other tested architectures. All characterised schemes performed similarly in the linear noise regime

    Characterisation of Linear and Nonlinear Noise of a Dual-Stage Broadband Discrete Raman Amplifier

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    The linear and nonlinear noise performance of a 70nm, dual-stage, ∼20dB-gain discrete Raman amplifier is characterised experimentally using different second-stage fibres. An advantageous IDF-SMF configuration is identified with an improvement in the nonlinear performance by >1dBQ 2 compared with IDF-DCF configurations

    Experimental demonstration of 72% reach enhancement of 3.6Tbps optical transmission system using mid-link Optical Phase Conjugation

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    We experimentally demonstrate nonlinear noise compensation in optical phase conjugation assisted 1st order Raman amplified 30x30Gbaud DP-QPSK transmission system with a spectral efficiency of 3.6b/s/Hz. We show that by optimizing the link symmetry, even with only 1st order Raman amplification a single, mid-link, optical phase conjugation compensates for 90% off the signal-signal nonlinear interference resulting in a 2.3dB performance enhancement. We show that increasing the number of optical phase conjugation s in the presence of 10% residual nonlinearity results in a reduction in the performance enhancement owing to an enhancement in the nonlinear noise generation efficiency of the system. We achieve a record 72% optical phase conjugation enabled reach enhancement of the 30x30Gbaud DP-QPSK signals

    Analysis of the nonlinear Kerr effects in optical transmission systems that deploy optical phase conjugation

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    In this work, we will derive, validate, and analyze the theoretical description of nonlinear Kerr effects resulted in various transmission system that deploy single or multiple optical phase conjugators (OPC). We will show that the nonlinear Kerr compensation can be achieved, with various efficiencies, in both lumped and distributed Raman transmission systems. The results show that first order distributed Raman systems are superior to the discretely amplified systems in terms of the nonlinear Kerr compensation efficiency that a mid-link OPC can achieve. Also, we will show that the multi-OPC approach will diminish the nonlinearity compensation efficiency in any system as it will act as periodic dispersion compensators

    4 Tb/s transmission reach enhancement using 10 × 400 Gb/s super-channels and polarization insensitive dual band optical phase conjugation

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    In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate the benefit of polarization insensitive dual-band optical phase conjugation for up to ten 400 Gb/s optical super-channels using a Raman amplified transmission link with a realistic span length of 75 km. We demonstrate that the resultant increase in transmission distance may be predicted analytically if the detrimental impacts of power asymmetry and polarization mode dispersion are taken into account

    4 Tb/s Transmission Reach Enhancement Using 10 x 400 Gb/s Super-Channels and Polarization Insensitive Dual Band Optical Phase Conjugation

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    In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate the benefit of polarization insensitive dual-band optical phase conjugation for up to ten 400 Gb/s optical super-channels using a Raman amplified transmission link with a realistic span length of 75 km. We demonstrate that the resultant increase in transmission distance may be predicted analytically if the detrimental impacts of power asymmetry and polarization mode dispersion are taken into account

    Contributions of mean and shape of blood pressure distribution to worldwide trends and variations in raised blood pressure: A pooled analysis of 1018 population-based measurement studies with 88.6 million participants

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    © The Author(s) 2018. Background: Change in the prevalence of raised blood pressure could be due to both shifts in the entire distribution of blood pressure (representing the combined effects of public health interventions and secular trends) and changes in its high-blood-pressure tail (representing successful clinical interventions to control blood pressure in the hypertensive population). Our aim was to quantify the contributions of these two phenomena to the worldwide trends in the prevalence of raised blood pressure. Methods: We pooled 1018 population-based studies with blood pressure measurements on 88.6 million participants from 1985 to 2016. We first calculated mean systolic blood pressure (SBP), mean diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and prevalence of raised blood pressure by sex and 10-year age group from 20-29 years to 70-79 years in each study, taking into account complex survey design and survey sample weights, where relevant. We used a linear mixed effect model to quantify the association between (probittransformed) prevalence of raised blood pressure and age-group- and sex-specific mean blood pressure. We calculated the contributions of change in mean SBP and DBP, and of change in the prevalence-mean association, to the change in prevalence of raised blood pressure. Results: In 2005-16, at the same level of population mean SBP and DBP, men and women in South Asia and in Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa would have the highest prevalence of raised blood pressure, and men and women in the highincome Asia Pacific and high-income Western regions would have the lowest. In most region-sex-age groups where the prevalence of raised blood pressure declined, one half or more of the decline was due to the decline in mean blood pressure. Where prevalence of raised blood pressure has increased, the change was entirely driven by increasing mean blood pressure, offset partly by the change in the prevalence-mean association. Conclusions: Change in mean blood pressure is the main driver of the worldwide change in the prevalence of raised blood pressure, but change in the high-blood-pressure tail of the distribution has also contributed to the change in prevalence, especially in older age groups