195 research outputs found

    Measurement of three-jet differential cross sections d sigma-3jet / d M-3jet in p anti-p collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV

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    We present the first measurement of the inclusive three-jet differential cross section as a function of the invariant mass of the three jets with the largest transverse momenta in an event in p anti-p collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV. The measurement is made in different rapidity regions and for different jet transverse momentum requirements and is based on a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 0.7 fb^{-1} collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The results are used to test the three-jet matrix elements in perturbative QCD calculations at next-to-leading order in the strong coupling constant. The data allow discrimination between parametrizations of the parton distribution functions of the proton.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Phys. Lett. B, corrected chi2 values for NNPD

    Measurement of the dijet invariant mass cross section in proton anti-proton collisions at sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV

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    The inclusive dijet production double differential cross section as a function of the dijet invariant mass and of the largest absolute rapidity of the two jets with the largest transverse momentum in an event is measured in proton anti-proton collisions at sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV using 0.7 fb^{-1} integrated luminosity collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The measurement is performed in six rapidity regions up to a maximum rapidity of 2.4. Next-to-leading order perturbative QCD predictions are found to be in agreement with the data.Comment: Published in Phys. Lett. B, 693, (2010), 531-538, 8 pages, 2 figures, 6 table

    Measurement of angular correlations of jets at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV and determination of the strong coupling at high momentum transfers

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    We present a measurement of the average value of a new observable at hadron colliders that is sensitive to QCD dynamics and to the strong coupling constant, while being only weakly sensitive to parton distribution functions. The observable measures the angular correlations of jets and is defined as the number of neighboring jets above a given transverse momentum threshold which accompany a given jet within a given distance Delta-R in the plane of rapidity and azimuthal angle. The ensemble average over all jets in an inclusive jet sample is measured and the results are presented as a function of transverse momentum of the inclusive jets, in different regions of Delta-R and for different transverse momentum requirements for the neighboring jets. The measurement is based on a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 0.7 fb-1 collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in pp-bar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 The results are well described by a perturbative QCD calculation in next-to-leading order in the strong coupling constant, corrected for non-perturbative effects. From these results, we extract the strong coupling and test the QCD predictions for its running over a range of momentum transfers of 50-400 GeV.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables; v2 as published in Phys. Lett.

    ϒ production in p–Pb collisions at √sNN=8.16 TeV

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    ϒ production in p–Pb interactions is studied at the centre-of-mass energy per nucleon–nucleon collision √sNN = 8.16 TeV with the ALICE detector at the CERN LHC. The measurement is performed reconstructing bottomonium resonances via their dimuon decay channel, in the centre-of-mass rapidity intervals 2.03 < ycms < 3.53 and −4.46 < ycms < −2.96, down to zero transverse momentum. In this work, results on the ϒ(1S) production cross section as a function of rapidity and transverse momentum are presented. The corresponding nuclear modification factor shows a suppression of the ϒ(1S) yields with respect to pp collisions, both at forward and backward rapidity. This suppression is stronger in the low transverse momentum region and shows no significant dependence on the centrality of the interactions. Furthermore, the ϒ(2S) nuclear modification factor is evaluated, suggesting a suppression similar to that of the ϒ(1S). A first measurement of the ϒ(3S) has also been performed. Finally, results are compared with previous ALICE measurements in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV and with theoretical calculations.publishedVersio

    (Anti-)deuteron production in pp collisions at 1as=13TeV

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    The study of (anti-)deuteron production in pp collisions has proven to be a powerful tool to investigate the formation mechanism of loosely bound states in high-energy hadronic collisions. In this paper the production of (anti-)deuterons is studied as a function of the charged particle multiplicity in inelastic pp collisions at s=13 TeV using the ALICE experiment. Thanks to the large number of accumulated minimum bias events, it has been possible to measure (anti-)deuteron production in pp collisions up to the same charged particle multiplicity (d Nch/ d \u3b7 3c 26) as measured in p\u2013Pb collisions at similar centre-of-mass energies. Within the uncertainties, the deuteron yield in pp collisions resembles the one in p\u2013Pb interactions, suggesting a common formation mechanism behind the production of light nuclei in hadronic interactions. In this context the measurements are compared with the expectations of coalescence and statistical hadronisation models (SHM)

    Multiplicity dependence of inclusive J/psi production at midrapidity in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    Measurements of the inclusive J/psi yield as a function of charged-particle pseudorapidity density dN(ch)/d eta in pp collisions at root s = 13 TeV with ALICE at the LHC are reported. The J/psi meson yield is measured at midrapidity (vertical bar y vertical bar <0.9) in the dielectron channel, for events selected based on the charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity (vertical bar eta vertical bar <1) and at forward rapidity (-3.7 <eta <-1.7 and 2.8 <eta <5.1); both observables are normalized to their corresponding averages in minimum bias events. The increase of the normalized J/psi yield with normalized dN(ch)/d eta is significantly stronger than linear and dependent on the transverse momentum. The data are compared to theoretical predictions, which describe the observed trends well, albeit not always quantitatively. (C) 2020 European Organization for Nuclear Research. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    J/psi production as a function of charged-particle pseudorapidity density in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV

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    We report measurements of the inclusive J/ψ yield and average transverse momentum as a function of charged-particle pseudorapidity density dNch/dη in p–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02TeV with ALICE at the LHC. The observables are normalised to their corresponding averages in non-single diffractive events. An increase of the normalised J/ψ yield with normalised dNch/dη, measured at mid-rapidity, is observed at mid-rapidity and backward rapidity. At forward rapidity, a saturation of the relative yield is observed for high charged-particle multiplicities. The normalised average transverse momentum at forward and backward rapidities increases with multiplicity at low multiplicities and saturates beyond moderate multiplicities. In addition, the forward-to-backward nuclear modification factor ratio is also reported, showing an increasing suppression of J/ψ production at forward rapidity with respect to backward rapidity for increasing charged-particle multiplicity

    Multiplicity dependence of (anti-)deuteron production in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV

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    none1019siIn this letter, the production of deuterons and anti-deuterons in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV is studied as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity density at mid-rapidity with the ALICE detector at the LHC. Production yields are measured at mid-rapidity in five multiplicity classes and as a function of the deuteron transverse momentum (p(T)). The measurements are discussed in the context of hadron-coalescence models. The coalescence parameter B-2, extracted from the measured spectra of (anti-)deuteronsand primary (anti-)protons, exhibits no significant p(T)-dependence for p(T) < 3 GeV/c, in agreement with the expectations of a simple coalescence picture. At fixed transverse momentum per nucleon, the B-2 parameter is found to decrease smoothly from low multiplicity pp to Pb-Pb collisions, in qualitative agreement with more elaborate coalescence models. The measured mean transverse momentum of (anti-)deuterons in pp is not reproduced by the Blast-Wave model calculations that simultaneously describe pion, kaon and proton spectra, in contrast to central Pb-Pb collisions. The ratio between the p(T)-integrated yield of deuterons to protons, d/p, is found to increase with the charged-particle multiplicity, as observed in inelastic pp collisions at different centre-of-mass energies. The d/p ratios are reported in a wide range, from the lowest to the highest multiplicity values measured in pp collisions at the LHC. (C) 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.VnoneAcharya, S.; Acosta, F. T.; Adamova, D.; Adhya, S. P.; Adler, A.; Adolfsson, J.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Rinella, G. Aglieri; Agnello, M.; Ahammed, Z.; Ahmad, S.; Ahn, S. U.; Aiola, S.; Akindinov, A.; Al-Turany, M.; Alam, S. N.; Albuquerque, D. S. D.; Aleksandrov, D.; Alessandro, B.; Alfanda, H. M.; Alfaro Molina, R.; Ali, B.; Ali, Y.; Alici, A.; Alkin, A.; Alme, J.; Alt, T.; Altenkamper, L.; Altsybeev, I; Anaam, M. N.; Andrei, C.; Andreou, D.; Andrews, H. A.; Andronic, A.; Angeletti, M.; Anguelov, V; Anson, C.; Anticic, T.; Antinori, F.; Antonioli, P.; Anwar, R.; Apadula, N.; Aphecetche, L.; Appelshaeuser, H.; Arcelli, S.; Arnaldi, R.; Arratia, M.; Arsene, I. C.; Arslandok, M.; Augustinus, A.; Averbeck, R.; Azmi, M. D.; Badala, A.; Baek, Y. W.; Bagnasco, S.; Bailhache, R.; Bala, R.; Baldisseri, A.; Ball, M.; Baral, R. C.; Barbera, R.; Barioglio, L.; Barnafoldi, G. G.; Barnby, L. S.; Barret, V; Bartalini, P.; Barth, K.; Bartsch, E.; Bastid, N.; Basu, S.; Batigne, G.; Batyunya, B.; Batzing, P. C.; Bauri, D.; Bazo Alba, J. L.; Bearden, I. G.; Bedda, C.; Behera, N. K.; Belikov, I; Bellini, F.; Bello Martinez, H.; Bellwied, R.; Beltran, L. G. E.; Belyaev, V; Bencedi, G.; Beole, S.; Bercuci, A.; Berdnikov, Y.; Berenyi, D.; Bertens, R. A.; Berzano, D.; Betev, L.; Bhasin, A.; Bhat, I. R.; Bhatt, H.; Bhattacharjee, B.; Bianchi, A.; Bianchi, L.; Bianchi, N.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Bilandzic, A.; Biro, G.; Biswas, R.; Biswas, S.; Blair, J. T.; Blau, D.; Blume, C.; Boca, G.; Bock, F.; Bogdanov, A.; Boldizsar, L.; Bolozdynya, A.; Bombara, M.; Bonomi, G.; Bonora, M.; Borel, H.; Borissov, A.; Borri, M.; Botta, E.; Bourjau, C.; Bratrud, L.; Braun-Munzinger, P.; Bregant, M.; Broker, T. A.; Broz, M.; Brucken, E. J.; Bruna, E.; Bruno, G. E.; Buckland, M. D.; Budnikov, D.; Buesching, H.; Bufalino, S.; Buhler, P.; Buncic, P.; Busch, O.; Buthelezi, Z.; Butt, J. B.; Buxton, J. T.; Caffarri, D.; Caines, H.; Caliva, A.; Calvo Villar, E.; Camacho, R. S.; Camerini, P.; Capon, A. A.; Carnesecchi, F.; Castellanos, J. Castillo; Castro, A. J.; Casula, E. A. R.; Sanchez, C. Ceballos; Chakraborty, P.; Chandra, S.; Chang, B.; Chang, W.; Chapeland, S.; Chartier, M.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chauvin, A.; Cheshkov, C.; Cheynis, B.; Barroso, V. Chibante; Chinellato, D. D.; Cho, S.; Chochula, P.; Chowdhury, T.; Christakoglou, P.; Christensen, C. H.; Christiansen, P.; Chujo, T.; Cicalo, C.; Cifarelli, L.; Cindolo, F.; Cleymans, J.; Colamaria, F.; Colella, D.; Collu, A.; Colocci, M.; Concas, M.; Balbastre, G. Conesa; del Valle, Z. Conesa; Contin, G.; Contreras, J. G.; Cormier, T. M.; Morales, Y. Corrales; Cortese, P.; Cosentino, M. R.; Costa, F.; Costanza, S.; Crkovska, J.; Crochet, P.; Cuautle, E.; Cunqueiro, L.; Dabrowski, D.; Dahms, T.; Dainese, A.; Damas, F. P. A.; Dani, S.; Danisch, M. C.; Danu, A.; Das, D.; Das, I; Das, S.; Dash, A.; Dash, S.; Dashi, A.; De, S.; De Caro, A.; de Cataldo, G.; de Conti, C.; de Cuveland, J.; De Falco, A.; De Gruttola, D.; De Marco, N.; De Pasquale, S.; De Souza, R. D.; Degenhardt, H. F.; Deisting, A.; Deloff, A.; Delsanto, S.; Dhankher, P.; Di Bari, D.; Di Mauro, A.; Diaz, R. A.; Dietel, T.; Dillenseger, P.; Ding, Y.; Divia, R.; Djuvsland, O.; Dobrin, A.; Domenicis Gimenez, D.; Doenigus, B.; Dordic, O.; Dubey, A. K.; Dubla, A.; Dudi, S.; Duggal, A. K.; Dukhishyam, M.; Dupieux, P.; Ehlers, R. J.; Elia, D.; Engel, H.; Epple, E.; Erazmus, B.; Erhardt, F.; Erokhin, A.; Ersdal, M. R.; Espagnon, B.; Eulisse, G.; Eum, J.; Evans, D.; Evdokimov, S.; Fabbietti, L.; Faggin, M.; Faivre, J.; Fantoni, A.; Fasel, M.; Feldkamp, L.; Feliciello, A.; Feofilov, G.; Fernandez Tellez, A.; Ferrero, A.; Ferretti, A.; Festanti, A.; Feuillard, V. J. G.; Figiel, J.; Filchagin, S.; Finogeev, D.; Fionda, F. M.; Fiorenza, G.; Flor, F.; Floris, M.; Foertsch, S.; Foka, P.; Fokin, S.; Fragiacomo, E.; Francisco, A.; Frankenfeld, U.; Fronze, G. G.; Fuchs, U.; Furget, C.; Furs, A.; Girard, M. Fusco; Gaardhoje, J. J.; Gagliardi, M.; Gago, A. M.; Gajdosova, K.; Galvan, C. D.; Ganoti, P.; Garabatos, C.; Garcia-Solis, E.; Garg, K.; Gargiulo, C.; Garner, K.; Gasik, P.; Gauger, E. F.; Gay Ducati, M. B.; Germain, M.; Ghosh, J.; Ghosh, P.; Ghosh, S. K.; Gianotti, P.; Giubellino, P.; Giubilato, P.; Glaessel, P.; Gomez Coral, D. M.; Ramirez, A. Gomez; Gonzalez, V; Gonzalez-Zamora, P.; Gorbunov, S.; Gorlich, L.; Gotovac, S.; Grabski, V; Graczykowski, L. K.; Graham, K. L.; Greiner, L.; Grelli, A.; Grigoras, C.; Grigoriev, V; Grigoryan, A.; Grigoryan, S.; Gronefeld, J. M.; Grosa, F.; Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.; Grosso, R.; Guernane, R.; Guerzoni, B.; Guittiere, M.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gunji, T.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, R.; Guzman, I. B.; Haake, R.; Habib, M. K.; Hadjidakis, C.; Hamagaki, H.; Hamar, G.; Hamid, M.; Hamon, J. C.; Hannigan, R.; Haque, M. R.; Harlenderova, A.; Harris, J. W.; Harton, A.; Hassan, H.; Hatzifotiadou, D.; Hauer, P.; Hayashi, S.; Heckel, S. T.; Hellbaer, E.; Helstrup, H.; Herghelegiu, A.; Hernandez, E. G.; Herrera Corral, G.; Herrmann, F.; Hetland, K. F.; Hilden, T. E.; Hillemanns, H.; Hills, C.; Hippolyte, B.; Hohlweger, B.; Horak, D.; Hornung, S.; Hosokawa, R.; Hota, J.; Hristov, P.; Huang, C.; Hughes, C.; Huhn, P.; Humanic, T. J.; Hushnud, H.; Husova, L. A.; Hussain, N.; Hussain, T.; Hutter, D.; Hwang, D. S.; Iddon, J. P.; Ilkaev, R.; Inaba, M.; Ippolitov, M.; Islam, M. S.; Ivanov, M.; Ivanov, V; Izucheev, V; Jacak, B.; Jacazio, N.; Jacobs, P. M.; Jadhav, M. B.; Jadlovska, S.; Jadlovsky, J.; Jaelani, S.; Jahnke, C.; Jakubowska, M. J.; Janik, M. A.; Jercic, M.; Jevons, O.; Bustamante, R. T. Jimenez; Jin, M.; Jones, P. G.; Jusko, A.; Kalinak, P.; Kalweit, A.; Kang, J. H.; Kaplin, V; Kar, S.; Uysal, A. Karasu; Karavichev, O.; Karavicheva, T.; Karczmarczyk, P.; Karpechev, E.; Kebschull, U.; Keidel, R.; Keil, M.; Ketzer, B.; Khabanova, Z.; Khan, A. M.; Khan, S.; Khan, S. A.; Khanzadeev, A.; Kharlov, Y.; Khatun, A.; Khuntia, A.; Kielbowicz, M. M.; Kileng, B.; Kim, B.; Kim, D.; Kim, D. J.; Kim, E. J.; Kim, H.; Kim, J. S.; Kim, J.; Kim, M.; Kim, S.; Kim, T.; Kindra, K.; Kirsch, S.; Kisel, I; Kiselev, S.; Kisiel, A.; Klay, J. L.; Klein, C.; Klein, J.; Klein, S.; Klein-Boesing, C.; Klewin, S.; Kluge, A.; Knichel, M. L.; Knospe, A. G.; Kobdaj, C.; Kofarago, M.; Koehler, M. K.; Kollegger, T.; Kondratyeva, N.; Kondratyuk, E.; Konopka, P. J.; Konyushikhin, M.; Koska, L.; Kovalenko, O.; Kovalenko, V; Kowalski, M.; Kralik, I; Kravcakova, A.; Kreis, L.; Krivda, M.; Krizek, F.; Krueger, M.; Kryshen, E.; Krzewicki, M.; Kubera, A. M.; Kucera, V; Kuhn, C.; Kuijer, P. G.; Kumar, L.; Kumar, S.; Kundu, S.; Kurashvili, P.; Kurepin, A.; Kurepin, A. B.; Kushpil, S.; Kvapil, J.; Kweon, M. J.; Kwon, Y.; La Pointe, S. L.; La Rocca, P.; Lai, Y. S.; Langoy, R.; Lapidus, K.; Lardeux, A.; Larionov, P.; Laudi, E.; Lavicka, R.; Lazareva, T.; Lea, R.; Leardini, L.; Lee, S.; Lehas, F.; Lehner, S.; Lehrbach, J.; Lemmon, R. C.; Leon Monzon, I; Levai, P.; Li, X.; Li, X. L.; Lien, J.; Lietava, R.; Lim, B.; Lindal, S.; Lindenstruth, V; Lindsay, S. W.; Lippmann, C.; Lisa, M. A.; Litichevskyi, V; Liu, A.; Ljunggren, H. M.; Llope, W. J.; Lodato, D. F.; Loginov, V; Loizides, C.; Loncar, P.; Lopez, X.; Lopez Torres, E.; Luettig, P.; Luhder, J. R.; Lunardon, M.; Luparello, G.; Lupi, M.; Maevskaya, A.; Mager, M.; Mahmood, S. M.; Mahmoud, T.; Maire, A.; Majka, R. D.; Malaev, M.; Malik, Q. W.; Malinina, L.; Mal'Kevich, D.; Malzacher, P.; Mamonov, A.; Manko, V; Manso, F.; Manzari, V; Mao, Y.; Marchisone, M.; Mares, J.; Margagliotti, G., V; Margotti, A.; Margutti, J.; Marin, A.; Markert, C.; Marquard, M.; Martin, N. A.; Martinengo, P.; Martinez, J. L.; Martinez, M., I; Garcia, G. Martinez; Pedreira, M. Martinez; Masciocchi, S.; Masera, M.; Masoni, A.; Massacrier, L.; Masson, E.; Mastroserio, A.; Mathis, A. M.; Matuoka, P. F. T.; Matyja, A.; Mayer, C.; Mazzilli, M.; Mazzoni, M. A.; Meddi, F.; Melikyan, Y.; Menchaca-Rocha, A.; Meninno, E.; Meres, M.; Mhlanga, S.; Miake, Y.; Micheletti, L.; Mieskolainen, M. M.; Mihaylov, D. L.; Mikhaylov, K.; Mischke, A.; Mishra, A. N.; Miskowiec, D.; Mitra, J.; Mitu, C. M.; Mohammadi, N.; Mohanty, A. P.; Mohanty, B.; Khan, M. Mohisin; Mondal, M. M.; Mordasini, C.; De Godoy, D. A. Moreira; Moreno, L. A. P.; Moretto, S.; Morreale, A.; Morsch, A.; Mrnjavac, T.; Muccifora, V; Mudnic, E.; Muehlheim, D.; Muhuri, S.; Mukherjee, M.; Mulligan, J. D.; Munhoz, M. G.; Muenning, K.; Munzer, R. H.; Murakami, H.; Murray, S.; Musa, L.; Musinsky, J.; Myers, C. J.; Myrcha, J. W.; Naik, B.; Nair, R.; Nandi, B. K.; Nania, R.; Nappi, E.; Naru, M. U.; Nassirpour, A. F.; Natal da Luz, H.; Nattrass, C.; Navarro, S. R.; Nayak, K.; Nayak, R.; Nayak, T. K.; Nazarenko, S.; De Oliveira, R. A. Negrao; Nellen, L.; Nesbo, S., V; Neskovic, G.; Ng, F.; Nielsen, B. S.; Nikolaev, S.; Nikulin, S.; Nikulin, V; Noferini, F.; Nomokonov, P.; Nooren, G.; Noris, J. C. C.; Norman, J.; Nyanin, A.; Nystrand, J.; Ogino, M.; Ohlson, A.; Oleniacz, J.; Oliveira Da Silva, A. C.; Oliver, M. H.; Onderwaater, J.; Oppedisano, C.; Orava, R.; Ortiz Velasquez, A.; Oskarsson, A.; Otwinowski, J.; Oyama, K.; Pachmayer, Y.; Pacik, V; Pagano, D.; Paic, G.; Palni, P.; Pan, J.; Pandey, A. K.; Panebianco, S.; Papikyan, V; Pareek, P.; Park, J.; Parkkila, J. E.; Parmar, S.; Passfeld, A.; Pathak, S. P.; Patra, R. N.; Paul, B.; Pei, H.; Peitzmann, T.; Peng, X.; Pereira, L. G.; Da Costa, H. Pereira; Peresunko, D.; Perez, G. M.; Lezama, E. Perez; Peskov, V; Pestov, Y.; Petracek, V; Petrovici, M.; Pezzi, R. P.; Piano, S.; Pikna, M.; Pillot, P.; Pimentel, L. O. D. L.; Pinazza, O.; Pinsky, L.; Pisano, S.; Piyarathna, D. B.; Ploskon, M.; Planinic, M.; Pliquett, F.; Pluta, J.; Pochybova, S.; Podesta-Lerma, P. L. M.; Poghosyan, M. G.; Polichtchouk, B.; Poljak, N.; Poonsawat, W.; Pop, A.; Poppenborg, H.; Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.; Pozdniakov, V; Prasad, S. K.; Preghenella, R.; Prino, F.; Pruneau, C. A.; Pshenichnov, I; Puccio, M.; Punin, V; Puranapanda, K.; Putschke, J.; Quishpe, R. E.; Ragoni, S.; Raha, S.; Rajput, S.; Rak, J.; Rakotozafindrabe, A.; Ramello, L.; Rami, F.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Rasanen, S. S.; Rascanu, B. T.; Rath, R.; Ratza, V; Ravasenga, I; Read, K. F.; Redlich, K.; Rehman, A.; Reichelt, P.; Reidt, F.; Ren, X.; Renfordt, R.; Reshetin, A.; Revol, J-P; Reygers, K.; Riabov, V; Richert, T.; Richter, M.; Riedler, P.; Riegler, W.; Riggi, F.; Ristea, C.; Rode, S. P.; Rodriguez Cahuantzi, M.; Roed, K.; Rogalev, R.; Rogochaya, E.; Rohr, D.; Rohrich, D.; Rokita, P. S.; Ronchetti, F.; Rosas, E. D.; Roslon, K.; Rosnet, P.; Rossi, A.; Rotondi, A.; Roukoutakis, F.; Roy, A.; Roy, P.; Rueda, O., V; Rui, R.; Rumyantsev, B.; Rustamov, A.; Ryabinkin, E.; Ryabov, Y.; Rybicki, A.; Saarinen, S.; Sadhu, S.; Sadovsky, S.; Safarik, K.; Saha, S. K.; Sahoo, B.; Sahoo, P.; Sahoo, R.; Sahoo, S.; Sahu, P. K.; Saini, J.; Sakai, S.; Sambyal, S.; Samsonov, V; Sandoval, A.; Sarkar, A.; Sarkar, D.; Sarkar, N.; Sarma, P.; Sarti, V. M.; Sas, M. H. P.; Scapparone, E.; Schaefer, B.; Schambach, J.; Scheid, H. S.; Schiaua, C.; Schicker, R.; Schmah, A.; Schmidt, C.; Schmidt, H. R.; Schmidt, M. O.; Schmidt, M.; Schmidt, N., V; Schmier, A. R.; Schukraft, J.; Schutz, Y.; Schwarz, K.; Schweda, K.; Scioli, G.; Scomparin, E.; Sefcik, M.; Seger, J. E.; Sekiguchi, Y.; Sekihata, D.; Selyuzhenkov, I; Senyukov, S.; Serradilla, E.; Sett, P.; Sevcenco, A.; Shabanov, A.; Shabetai, A.; Shahoyan, R.; Shaikh, W.; Shangaraev, A.; Sharma, A.; Sharma, M.; Sharma, N.; Sheikh, A., I; Shigaki, K.; Shimomura, M.; Shirinkin, S.; Shou, Q.; Sibiriak, Y.; Siddhanta, S.; Siemiarczuk, T.; Silvermyr, D.; Simatovic, G.; Simonetti, G.; Singh, R.; Singhal, V; Sinha, T.; Sitar, B.; Sitta, M.; Skaali, T. B.; Slupecki, M.; Smirnov, N.; Snellings, R. J. M.; Snellman, T. W.; Sochan, J.; Soncco, C.; Song, J.; Songmoolnak, A.; Soramel, F.; Sorensen, S.; Sozzi, F.; Sputowska, I; Stachel, J.; Stan, I; Stankus, P.; Stenlund, E.; Stocco, D.; Storetvedt, M. M.; Strmen, P.; Suaide, A. A. P.; Sugitate, T.; Suire, C.; Suleymanov, M.; Suljic, M.; Sultanov, R.; Sumbera, M.; Sumowidagdo, S.; Suzuki, K.; Swain, S.; Szabo, A.; Szarka, I; Tabassam, U.; Takahashi, J.; Tambave, G. J.; Tanaka, N.; Tarhini, M.; Tarzila, M. G.; Tauro, A.; Tejeda Munoz, G.; Telesca, A.; Terrevoli, C.; Thakur, D.; Thakur, S.; Thomas, D.; Thoresen, F.; Tieulent, R.; Tikhonov, A.; Timmins, A. R.; Toia, A.; Topilskaya, N.; Toppi, M.; Torres, S. R.; Tripathy, S.; Tripathy, T.; Trogolo, S.; Trombetta, G.; Tropp, L.; Trubnikov, V; Trzaska, W. H.; Trzcinski, T. P.; Trzeciak, B. A.; Tsuji, T.; Tumkin, A.; Turrisi, R.; Tveter, T. S.; Ullaland, K.; Umaka, E. N.; Uras, A.; Usai, G. L.; Utrobicic, A.; Vala, M.; Valencia Palomo, L.; Valle, N.; van der Kolk, N.; van Doremalen, L. V. R.; Van Hoorne, J. W.; van Leeuwen, M.; Vande Vyvre, P.; Varga, D.; Vargas, A.; Vargyas, M.; Varma, R.; Vasileiou, M.; Vasiliev, A.; Doce, O. Vazquez; Vechernin, V.; Veen, A. M.; Vercellin, E.; Vergara Limon, S.; Vermunt, L.; Vernet, R.; Vertesi, R.; Vickovic, L.; Viinikainen, J.; Vilakazi, Z.; Baillie, O. Villalobos; Villatoro Tello, A.; Vino, G.; Vinogradov, A.; Virgili, T.; Vislavicius, V.; Vodopyanov, A.; Volkel, B.; Voelkl, M. A.; Voloshin, K.; Voloshin, S. A.; Volpe, G.; von Haller, B.; Vorobyev, I; Voscek, D.; Vrlakova, J.; Wagner, B.; Wang, M.; Watanabe, Y.; Weber, M.; Weber, S. G.; Wegrzynek, A.; Weiser, D. F.; Wenzel, S. C.; Wessels, J. P.; Westerhoff, U.; Whitehead, A. M.; Widmann, E.; Wiechula, J.; Wikne, J.; Wilk, G.; Wilkinson, J.; Willems, G. A.; Willsher, E.; Windelband, B.; Witt, W. E.; Wu, Y.; Xu, R.; Yalcin, S.; Yamakawa, K.; Yano, S.; Yin, Z.; Yokoyama, H.; Yoo, I-K; Yoon, J. H.; Yuan, S.; Yurchenko, V; Zaccolo, V; Zaman, A.; Zampolli, C.; Zanoli, H. J. C.; Zardoshti, N.; Zarochentsev, A.; Zavada, P.; Zaviyalov, N.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zhalov, M.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Zhao, C.; Zherebchevskii, V; Zhigareva, N.; Zhou, D.; Zhou, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Zhu, H.; Zhu, J.; Zhu, Y.; Zichichi, A.; Zimmermann, M. B.; Zinovjev, G.; Zurlo, N.Acharya, S.; Acosta, F. T.; Adamova, D.; Adhya, S. P.; Adler, A.; Adolfsson, J.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Rinella, G. Aglieri; Agnello, M.; Ahammed, Z.; Ahmad, S.; Ahn, S. U.; Aiola, S.; Akindinov, A.; Al-Turany, M.; Alam, S. N.; Albuquerque, D. S. D.; Aleksandrov, D.; Alessandro, B.; Alfanda, H. M.; Alfaro Molina, R.; Ali, B.; Ali, Y.; Alici, A.; Alkin, A.; Alme, J.; Alt, T.; Altenkamper, L.; Altsybeev, I; Anaam, M. N.; Andrei, C.; Andreou, D.; Andrews, H. A.; Andronic, A.; Angeletti, M.; Anguelov, V; Anson, C.; Anticic, T.; Antinori, F.; Antonioli, P.; Anwar, R.; Apadula, N.; Aphecetche, L.; Appelshaeuser, H.; Arcelli, S.; Arnaldi, R.; Arratia, M.; Arsene, I. C.; Arslandok, M.; Augustinus, A.; Averbeck, R.; Azmi, M. D.; Badala, A.; Baek, Y. W.; Bagnasco, S.; Bailhache, R.; Bala, R.; Baldisseri, A.; Ball, M.; Baral, R. C.; Barbera, R.; Barioglio, L.; Barnafoldi, G. G.; Barnby, L. S.; Barret, V; Bartalini, P.; Barth, K.; Bartsch, E.; Bastid, N.; Basu, S.; Batigne, G.; Batyunya, B.; Batzing, P. C.; Bauri, D.; Bazo Alba, J. L.; Bearden, I. G.; Bedda, C.; Behera, N. K.; Belikov, I; Bellini, F.; Bello Martinez, H.; Bellwied, R.; Beltran, L. G. E.; Belyaev, V; Bencedi, G.; Beole, S.; Bercuci, A.; Berdnikov, Y.; Berenyi, D.; Bertens, R. A.; Berzano, D.; Betev, L.; Bhasin, A.; Bhat, I. R.; Bhatt, H.; Bhattacharjee, B.; Bianchi, A.; Bianchi, L.; Bianchi, N.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Bilandzic, A.; Biro, G.; Biswas, R.; Biswas, S.; Blair, J. T.; Blau, D.; Blume, C.; Boca, G.; Bock, F.; Bogdanov, A.; Boldizsar, L.; Bolozdynya, A.; Bombara, M.; Bonomi, G.; Bonora, M.; Borel, H.; Borissov, A.; Borri, M.; Botta, E.; Bourjau, C.; Bratrud, L.; Braun-Munzinger, P.; Bregant, M.; Broker, T. A.; Broz, M.; Brucken, E. J.; Bruna, E.; Bruno, G. E.; Buckland, M. D.; Budnikov, D.; Buesching, H.; Bufalino, S.; Buhler, P.; Buncic, P.; Busch, O.; Buthelezi, Z.; Butt, J. B.; Buxton, J. T.; Caffarri, D.; Caines, H.; Caliva, A.; Calvo Villar, E.; Camacho, R. S.; Camerini, P.; Capon, A. A.; Carnesecchi, F.; Castellanos, J. Castillo; Castro, A. J.; Casula, E. A. R.; Sanchez, C. Ceballos; Chakraborty, P.; Chandra, S.; Chang, B.; Chang, W.; Chapeland, S.; Chartier, M.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chauvin, A.; Cheshkov, C.; Cheynis, B.; Barroso, V. Chibante; Chinellato, D. D.; Cho, S.; Chochula, P.; Chowdhury, T.; Christakoglou, P.; Christensen, C. H.; Christiansen, P.; Chujo, T.; Cicalo, C.; Cifarelli, L.; Cindolo, F.; Cleymans, J.; Colamaria, F.; Colella, D.; Collu, A.; Colocci, M.; Concas, M.; Balbastre, G. Conesa; del Valle, Z. Conesa; Contin, G.; Contreras, J. G.; Cormier, T. M.; Morales, Y. Corrales; Cortese, P.; Cosentino, M. R.; Costa, F.; Costanza, S.; Crkovska, J.; Crochet, P.; Cuautle, E.; Cunqueiro, L.; Dabrowski, D.; Dahms, T.; Dainese, A.; Damas, F. P. A.; Dani, S.; Danisch, M. C.; Danu, A.; Das, D.; Das, I; Das, S.; Dash, A.; Dash, S.; Dashi, A.; De, S.; De Caro, A.; de Cataldo, G.; de Conti, C.; de Cuveland, J.; De Falco, A.; De Gruttola, D.; De Marco, N.; De Pasquale, S.; De Souza, R. D.; Degenhardt, H. F.; Deisting, A.; Deloff, A.; Delsanto, S.; Dhankher, P.; Di Bari, D.; Di Mauro, A.; Diaz, R. A.; Dietel, T.; Dillenseger, P.; Ding, Y.; Divia, R.; Djuvsland, O.; Dobrin, A.; Domenicis Gimenez, D.; Doenigus, B.; Dordic, O.; Dubey, A. K.; Dubla, A.; Dudi, S.; Duggal, A. K.; Dukhishyam, M.; Dupieux, P.; Ehlers, R. J.; Elia, D.; Engel, H.; Epple, E.; Erazmus, B.; Erhardt, F.; Erokhin, A.; Ersdal, M. R.; Espagnon, B.; Eulisse, G.; Eum, J.; Evans, D.; Evdokimov, S.; Fabbietti, L.; Faggin, M.; Faivre, J.; Fantoni, A.; Fasel, M.; Feldkamp, L.; Feliciello, A.; Feofilov, G.; Fernandez Tellez, A.; Ferrero, A.; Ferretti, A.; Festanti, A.; Feuillard, V. J. G.; Figiel, J.; Filchagin, S.; Finogeev, D.; Fionda, F. M.; Fiorenza, G.; Flor, F.; Floris, M.; Foertsch, S.; Foka, P.; Fokin, S.; Fragiacomo, E.; Francisco, A.; Frankenfeld, U.; Fronze, G. G.; Fuchs, U.; Furget, C.; Furs, A.; Girard, M. Fusco; Gaardhoje, J. J.; Gagliardi, M.; Gago, A. M.; Gajdosova, K.; Galvan, C. D.; Ganoti, P.; Garabatos, C.; Garcia-Solis, E.; Garg, K.; Gargiulo, C.; Garner, K.; Gasik, P.; Gauger, E. F.; Gay Ducati, M. B.; Germain, M.; Ghosh, J.; Ghosh, P.; Ghosh, S. K.; Gianotti, P.; Giubellino, P.; Giubilato, P.; Glaessel, P.; Gomez Coral, D. M.; Ramirez, A. Gomez; Gonzalez, V; Gonzalez-Zamora, P.; Gorbunov, S.; Gorlich, L.; Gotovac, S.; Grabski, V; Graczykowski, L. K.; Graham, K. L.; Greiner, L.; Grelli, A.; Grigoras, C.; Grigoriev, V; Grigoryan, A.; Grigoryan, S.; Gronefeld, J. M.; Grosa, F.; Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.; Grosso, R.; Guernane, R.; Guerzoni, B.; Guittiere, M.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gunji, T.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, R.; Guzman, I. B.; Haake, R.; Habib, M. K.; Hadjidakis, C.; Hamagaki, H.; Hamar, G.; Hamid, M.; Hamon, J. C.; Hannigan, R.; Haque, M. R.; Harlenderova, A.; Harris, J. W.; Harton, A.; Hassan, H.; Hatzifotiadou, D.; Hauer, P.; Hayashi, S.; Heckel, S. T.; Hellbaer, E.; Helstrup, H.; Herghelegiu, A.; Hernandez, E. G.; Herrera Corral, G.; Herrmann, F.; Hetland, K. F.; Hilden, T. E.; Hillemanns, H.; Hills, C.; Hippolyte, B.; Hohlweger, B.; Horak, D.; Hornung, S.; Hosokawa, R.; Hota, J.; Hristov, P.; Huang, C.; Hughes, C.; Huhn, P.; Humanic, T. J.; Hushnud, H.; Husova, L. A.; Hussain, N.; Hussain, T.; Hutter, D.; Hwang, D. S.; Iddon, J. P.; Ilkaev, R.; Inaba, M.; Ippolitov, M.; Islam, M. S.; Ivanov, M.; Ivanov, V; Izucheev, V; Jacak, B.; Jacazio, N.; Jacobs, P. M.; Jadhav, M. B.; Jadlovska, S.; Jadlovsky, J.; Jaelani, S.; Jahnke, C.; Jakubowska, M. J.; Janik, M. A.; Jercic, M.; Jevons, O.; Bustamante, R. T. Jimenez; Jin, M.; Jones, P. G.; Jusko, A.; Kalinak, P.; Kalweit, A.; Kang, J. H.; Kaplin, V; Kar, S.; Uysal, A. Karasu; Karavichev, O.; Karavicheva, T.; Karczmarczyk, P.; Karpechev, E.; Kebschull, U.; Keidel, R.; Keil, M.; Ketzer, B.; Khabanova, Z.; Khan, A. M.; Khan, S.; Khan, S. A.; Khanzadeev, A.; Kharlov, Y.; Khatun, A.; Khuntia, A.; Kielbowicz, M. M.; Kileng, B.; Kim, B.; Kim, D.; Kim, D. J.; Kim, E. J.; Kim, H.; Kim, J. S.; Kim, J.; Kim, M.; Kim, S.; Kim, T.; Kindra, K.; Kirsch, S.; Kisel, I; Kiselev, S.; Kisiel, A.; Klay, J. L.; Klein, C.; Klein, J.; Klein, S.; Klein-Boesing, C.; Klewin, S.; Kluge, A.; Knichel, M. L.; Knospe, A. G.; Kobdaj, C.; Kofarago, M.; Koehler, M. K.; Kollegger, T.; Kondratyeva, N.; Kondratyuk, E.; Konopka, P. J.; Konyushikhin, M.; Koska, L.; Kovalenko, O.; Kovalenko, V; Kowalski, M.; Kralik, I; Krav

    ATLAS detector and physics performance: Technical Design Report, 1

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    Isomorphic Interpreters from Logically Reversible Abstract Machines

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    Abstract. In our previous work, we developed a reversible programming language and established that every computation in it is a (partial) isomorphism that is reversible and that preserves information. The language is founded on type isomorphisms that have a clear categorical semantics but that are awkward as a notation for writing actual programs, especially recursive ones. This paper remedies this aspect by presenting a systematic technique for developing a large and expressive class of reversible recursive programs, that of logically reversible smallstep abstract machines. In other words, this paper shows that once we have a logically reversible machine in a notation of our choice, expressing the machine as an isomorphic interpreter can be done systematically and does not present any significant conceptual difficulties. Concretely, we develop several simple interpreters over numbers and addition, move on to tree traversals, and finish with a meta-circular interpreter for our reversible language. This gives us a means of developing large reversible programs with the ease of reasoning at the level of a conventional smallstep semantics.