37 research outputs found

    A novel strategy based on genomics and specific PCR reveals how a multidrug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain became prevalent in Equatorial Guinea 15 years after its emergence.

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    OBJECTIVE: Molecular epidemiology techniques in tuberculosis (TB) can identify high-risk strains that are actively transmitted. We aimed to implement a novel strategy to optimize the identification and control of multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB in a specific population. METHODS: We developed a strain-specific PCR tailored from whole genome sequencing (WGS) data to track a specific MDR prevalent strain in Equatorial Guinea (EG-MDR). RESULTS: The PCR was applied prospectively on remnants of GeneXpert reaction mixtures owing to the lack of culture facilities in Equatorial Guinea. In 147 (93%) of 158 cases, we were able to differentiate between infection by the EG-MDR strain or by any other strain and found that 44% of all rifampicin-resistant TB cases were infected by EG-MDR. We also analysed 93 isolates obtained from Equatorial Guinea 15 years ago, before MDR-TB had become the problem it is today. We found that two of the scarce historical MDR cases were infected by EG-MDR. WGS revealed low variability-six single nucleotide polymorphisms acquired by this strain over 15 years-likely because of the lack in the country of a specific program to treat MDR-TB. CONCLUSIONS: Our novel strategy, which integrated WGS analysis and strain-specific PCRs, represents a low-cost, rapid and transferable strategy that allowed a prospective efficient survey and fast historical analysis of MDR-TB in a population

    Point of care diagnostics for tuberculosis

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    The goals of the End TB strategy, which aims to achieve a 90% reduction in tuberculosis (TB) incidence and a 95% reduction in TB mortality by 2035, will not be achieved without new tools to fight TB. These include improved point of care (POC) diagnostic tests that are meant to be delivered at the most decentralised levels of care where the patients make the initial contact with the health system, as well as within the community. These tests should be able to be performed on an easily accessible sample and provide results in a timely manner, allowing a quick treatment turnaround time of a few minutes or hours (in a single clinical encounter), hence avoiding patient loss-to-follow-up. There have been exciting developments in recent years, including the WHO endorsement of Xpert MTB/RIF, Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (TB-LAMP) and lateral flow lipoarabinomannan (LAM). However, these tests have limitations that must be overcome before they can be optimally applied at the POC. Furthermore, worrying short- to medium-term gaps exist in the POC diagnostic test development pipeline. Thus, not only is better implementation of existing tools and algorithms needed, but new research is required to develop new POC tests that allow the TB community to truly make an impact and find the ‘‘missed TB cases’’

    Improved detection and management of advanced HIV disease through a community adult TB‐contact tracing intervention with same‐day provision of the WHO‐recommended package of care including ART initiation in a rural district of Mozambique

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    Introduction: AIDS-mortality remains unacceptably high in sub-Saharan Africa, largely driven by advanced HIV disease (AHD). We nested a study in an existing tuberculosis (TB) contact-tracing intervention (Xpatial-TB). The aim was to assess the burden of AHD among high-risk people living with HIV (PLHIV) identified and to evaluate the provision of the WHO-recommended package of care to this population. Methods: All PLHIV ≥14 years old identified between June and December 2018 in Manhiça District by Xpatial-TB were offered to participate in the study if ART naïve or had suboptimal ART adherence. Consenting individuals were screened for AHD. Patients with AHD (CD4 < 200 cells/μL or WHO stage 3 or 4) were offered a package of interventions in a single visit, including testing for cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) and TB-lipoarabinomannan (TB-LAM), prophylaxis and treatment for opportunistic infections, adherence support or accelerated ART initiation. We collected information on follow-up visits carried out under routine programmatic conditions for six months. Results: A total of 2881 adults were identified in the Xpatial TB-contact intervention. Overall, 23% (673/2881) were HIV positive, including 351 TB index (64.2%) and 322 TB contacts (13.8%). Overall, 159/673 PLHIV (24%) were ART naïve or had suboptimal ART adherence, of whom 155 (97%, 124 TB index and 31 TB-contacts) consented to the study and were screened for AHD. Seventy percent of TB index-patients (87/124) and 16% of TB contacts (5/31) had CD4 < 200 cells/µL. Four (13%) of the TB contacts had TB, giving an overall AHD prevalence among TB contacts of 29% (9/31). Serum-CrAg was positive in 4.6% (4/87) of TB-index patients and in zero TB contacts. All ART naïve TB contacts without TB initiated ART within 48 hours of HIV diagnosis. Among TB cases, ART timing was tailored to the presence of TB and cryptococcosis. Six-month mortality was 21% among TB-index cases and zero in TB contacts. Conclusions: A TB contact-tracing outreach intervention identified undiagnosed HIV and AHD in TB patients and their contacts, undiagnosed cryptococcosis among TB patients, and resulted in an adequate provision of the WHO-recommended package of care in this rural Mozambican population. Same-day and accelerated ART initiation was feasible and safe in this population including among those with AHD

    The Gothic in Victorian Poetry

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    From Romantic Gothic to Victorian Medievalism: 1817 and 1877

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    &quot;The Cambridge History of the Gothic was conceived in 2015, when Linda Bree, then Editorial Director at Cambridge University Press, first suggested the idea to us

    La vegetación glerícola del Macizo de Peña Trevinca

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    Murbekiello boryi-Sperguletum paunetii, Fernández Prieto 1983, corr. Izco & Ortiz

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    Luzulo (carpetanae)-Juncetum ellmanii, Rivas-Martínez 1963, nombre inválido según el CNF

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    Las orlas forestales fruticosas orensano-sanabrienses: dos nuevas asociaciones del Valle del Sil

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    Ortiz, S., Amigo, J. & Izco, J. Las orlas forestales fruticosas orensano-sanbrienses: dos nuevas asociaciones del Valle del Sil. Lazaroa 12:303-315 (1991). Las orlas arbustivas de los encinares acidófilos y melojares mediterráneos gallegos corresponden a dos nuevas asociaciones. Erico scopariae-Arbuletum unedonis y Genisto falcatae-Ericetum arboreae, de óptimo mesomediterráneo y supramediterráneo respectivamente. Las propuestas se sostienen con 16 y 29 inventarios; además, una catena del macizo de Trevinca sitúa ambas comunidades en el geosigmetum

    Indice de la Sección de Nomenclatura Fitosociológica de Lazaroa (1989-1997)

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    Izco, J., Sardinero, S. & Fernández-González, F. Indice de la Sección de Nomenclatura Fitosociológica de Lazaroa (1989-1997). Lazaroa 19: 133-159 (1998). Se presenta un índice nomenclatural de los artículos publicados en la Sección de Nomenclatura Fitosociológica desde 1989 hasta 1997. Se adjunta una relación completa de los sintáxones citados en la Sección, con la referencia de la página de la revista en que se han tratado: la relación incluye autoría de los nombres, situación nomenclatural, artículos del CPN aplicados e indicación de las referencias bibliográficas de la diagnosis original o de las informaciones sobre tipificación aportadas. Se incluyen también tres apéndices con las relaciones de los trabajos publicados, de los autores de los mismos y de los artículos del CPN aludidos en cada trabajo, respectivamente. Asimismo, se ha realizado un análisis de la información nomenclatural publicada en la Sección del que se desprenden algunas recomendaciones para su desarrollo futuro