312 research outputs found

    Clashing Consciousness: A Cure for Modern Medicine's Epistemic Privilege

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    In this paper, I consider practical strategies for resolving the epistemic injustice that ill persons face when seeking medical treatment. My arguments will expand upon those initially made by Havi Carel and Ian James Kidd in “Epistemic Injustice in Healthcare: A Philosophical Analysis.” My approach to this problem is twofold. First, I will demonstrate how the phenomenological toolkit, as it currently stands, emphasizes the patient’s experience and leaves the doctor’s experience unadjusted. After this, I will explain how the toolkit can be improved to include the doctor’s perspective

    Ultrahigh-temperature osumilite gneisses in southern Madagascar record combined heat advection and high rates of radiogenic heat production in a long-lived high-T orogen

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    We report the discovery of osumilite in ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) metapelites of the Anosyen domain, southern Madagascar. The gneisses equilibrated at ~930°C/0.6 GPa. Monazite and zircon U–Pb dates record 80 Ma of metamorphism. Monazite compositional trends reflect the transition from prograde to retrograde metamorphism at 550 Ma. Eu anomalies in monazite reflect changes in fO_2 relative to quartz–fayalite–magnetite related to the growth and breakdown of spinel. The ratio Gd/Yb in monazite records the growth and breakdown of garnet. High rates of radiogenic heat production were the primary control on metamorphic grade at the regional scale. The short duration of prograde metamorphism in the osumilite gneisses (<29 ± 8 Ma) suggests that a thin mantle lithosphere (<80 km) or advective heating may have also been important in the formation of this high‐T, low‐P terrane

    Toward Intelligent Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryNational Science Foundation / NSF IST-85-11170Office of Naval Research / N00014-82-K-0186Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency / N00014-87-K-0874Texas Instruments, Inc

    Focused radiogenic heating of middle crust caused ultrahigh temperatures in southern Madagascar

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    Internal heating can cause melting, metamorphism, and crustal weakening in convergent orogens. This study evaluates the role of radiogenic heat production (RHP) in a Neoproterozoic ultrahigh-temperature metamorphic (UHTM) terrane exposed in southern Madagascar. Monazite and zircon geochronology indicates that the Paleoproterozoic Androyen and Anosyen domains (i) collided with the oceanic Vohibory Arc at ~630 Ma, (ii) became incorporated into the Gondwanan collisional orogen by ~580 Ma, and (iii) were exhumed during crustal thinning at 525–510 Ma. Ti-in-quartz and Zr-in-rutile thermometry reveals that UHTM occurred over >20,000 km^2, mostly within the Anosyen domain. Assuming that U, Th, and K contents of samples from the field area are representative of the middle to lower crust during orogenesis, RHP was high enough—locally >5 ΌW/m^3—to cause regional UHTM in <60 Myr. We conclude that, due in large part to the stability and insolubility of monazite at high crustal temperatures, RHP was the principal heat source responsible for UHTM, obviating the need to evoke external heat sources. Focused RHP probably thermally weakened portions of the middle crust, gravitationally destabilizing the orogen and facilitating thinning via lateral extrusion of hot crustal sections

    Progress on the development of a single line of sight x-ray framing camera

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    High-speed micro-strip micro-channel plate (MCP) x-ray framing cameras are a well established diagnostic for laser plasma experiments. Each frame acquired with these devices requires a separate image, and with most reasonable x-ray optics, a separate line of sight, causing potential parallax problems. Gated image tubes have a single line of sight capability, but the conventional designs have not been effectively extended to the short gating times of the micro-strip-line MCP camera. A hybrid camera combining image tube and micro-strip-line MCP technology has been under development at LLNL in collaboration with UR/LLE, and KENTECH Instruments. The key feature of this single line of sight (SLOS) hybrid image tube is a deflection assembly that continuously divides the electrons from a single photocathode x-ray image into a set of four electron images. Temporal gating of these images is carried out using a microstripline microchannel plate framing camera module positioned at the image plane of the electron tube. Characterization measurements performed using both X-rays from a Manson source and from laser generated plasmas, will be presented. Some implementation improvements will be discussed. The results will be compared to simulations carried out using the charged particle optics code SIMION. Various dissector designs were simulated in an effort to improve the image quality of the system

    Ultrahigh-temperature osumilite gneisses in southern Madagascar record combined heat advection and high rates of radiogenic heat production in a long-lived high-T orogen

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    We report the discovery of osumilite in ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) metapelites of the Anosyen domain, southern Madagascar. The gneisses equilibrated at ~930°C/0.6 GPa. Monazite and zircon U–Pb dates record 80 Ma of metamorphism. Monazite compositional trends reflect the transition from prograde to retrograde metamorphism at 550 Ma. Eu anomalies in monazite reflect changes in fO_2 relative to quartz–fayalite–magnetite related to the growth and breakdown of spinel. The ratio Gd/Yb in monazite records the growth and breakdown of garnet. High rates of radiogenic heat production were the primary control on metamorphic grade at the regional scale. The short duration of prograde metamorphism in the osumilite gneisses (<29 ± 8 Ma) suggests that a thin mantle lithosphere (<80 km) or advective heating may have also been important in the formation of this high‐T, low‐P terrane

    Estimating Luminosity Function Constraints from High-Redshift Galaxy Surveys

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    The installation of the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) will revolutionize the study of high-redshift galaxy populations. Initial observations of the HST Ultra Deep Field (UDF) have yielded multiple z>~7 dropout candidates. Supplemented by the Great Observatory Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) Early Release Science (ERS) and further UDF pointings, these data will provide crucial information about the most distant known galaxies. However, achieving tight constraints on the z~7 galaxy luminosity function (LF) will require even more ambitious photometric surveys. Using a Fisher matrix approach to fully account for Poisson and cosmic sample variance, as well as covariances in the data, we estimate the uncertainties on LF parameters achieved by surveys of a given area and depth. Applying this method to WFC3 z~7 dropout galaxy samples, we forecast the LF parameter uncertainties for a variety of model surveys. We demonstrate that performing a wide area (~1 deg^2) survey to H_AB~27 depth or increasing the UDF depth to H_AB~30 provides excellent constraints on the high-z LF when combined with the existing UDF GO and GOODS ERS data. We also show that the shape of the matter power spectrum may limit the possible gain of splitting wide area (>~0.5 deg^2) high-redshift surveys into multiple fields to probe statistically independent regions; the increased root-mean-squared density fluctuations in smaller volumes mostly offset the improved variance gained from independent samples.Comment: Version accepted by ApJ

    Operational Research in Education

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    Operational Research (OR) techniques have been applied, from the early stages of the discipline, to a wide variety of issues in education. At the government level, these include questions of what resources should be allocated to education as a whole and how these should be divided amongst the individual sectors of education and the institutions within the sectors. Another pertinent issue concerns the efficient operation of institutions, how to measure it, and whether resource allocation can be used to incentivise efficiency savings. Local governments, as well as being concerned with issues of resource allocation, may also need to make decisions regarding, for example, the creation and location of new institutions or closure of existing ones, as well as the day-to-day logistics of getting pupils to schools. Issues of concern for managers within schools and colleges include allocating the budgets, scheduling lessons and the assignment of students to courses. This survey provides an overview of the diverse problems faced by government, managers and consumers of education, and the OR techniques which have typically been applied in an effort to improve operations and provide solutions
