69 research outputs found

    Open Access to Papyrus Collections and the Future of Editing Papyri

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    This contribution aims to answer the question «what measures can we take to secure the future of editing papyri?». The main suggestion is to find ways to secure in the long term the survival, updating, and function of already existing and extremely useful traditional research aids, either printed or online

    Rotoli gemelli o elaborazioni successive? La relazione tra le due copie del terzo libro Sulla Retorica di Filodemo di Gadara

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    One of the two copies of Philodemus On rhetoric book III is qualified in the booktitle as 'hypomnematikon'. The same term returns in one of the two copies of book II and in the one extant copy of book I. While it was generally believed to indicate unifinished versions, David Blank took it as a generic term. But textvariants in book III confirm that the second bookroll copies the text of the 'hypomnematikon' with some changes due to Philodemus himself

    Warum Simonides den Artemidorpapyrus nicht hĂ€tte fĂ€lschen können: Eine seltene Schreibung fĂŒr Tausender in Inschriften und Papyri

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    Der Stadiasmos der spanischen Küste im neuen Artemidorpapyrus enthĂ€lt ein seltenes, aus hellenistischen Papyri und Inschriften bekanntes Zahlzeichen für Tausender, das so genannte παραÎșύϊcΌα. Die von L. Canfora formulierte These, dass der sptestens 1890 verstorbene Konstantinos Simonides den Papyrus geflscht habe, würde somit die Annahme erfordern, dass dem FĂ€lscher diese seltene Zahlenschreibung bekannt war. Der vorliegende Beitrag weist nach, dass die fragliche Zahlenschreibung erst durch 1896 zutage getretene Inschriften erkannt und verstanden werden konnte. Daraus resultiert zum einen die Gewissheit, dass Simonides den Artemidorpapyrus nicht hĂ€tte fĂ€lschen können, zum anderen die Neulesung von I.Priene 118, 5+17 und I.Brit.Mus. 897, 6.The stadiasmos of the Spanish coast in the new Artemidoros papyrus contains a rare numeric sign for thousands, known from Hellenistic papyri and inscriptions, the so-called παραÎșύϊcΌα. The hypothesis brought forth by L. Canfora that Konstantinos Simonides, who died no later than 1890, may have forged the papyrus would require the assumption that this rare numeral was known to him. The present article proves that the numeral in question could be identified and understood only by inscriptions which came to light in 1896. Hence, one can be sure that Simonides would not have been able to forge the Artemidoros papyrus. In addition we provide a reinterpretation of I.Priene 118, 5+17 and I.Brit.Mus. 897, 6.Le Stadiasmos de la cĂŽte hispanique, dans le nouveau papyrus d’ArtĂ©midore, contient un signe rare mais connu dans les papyri hellĂ©nistiques et les inscriptions, pour indiquer les milliers, ce que l’on appelle παραÎșύϊcΌα. La thĂšse formulĂ©e par L. Canfora, selon qui Constantin SimonidĂšs, dĂ©cĂ©dĂ© au plus tard en 1890, aurait falsifiĂ© le papyrus, aboutirait Ă  admettre que le falsificateur connaissait ce signe de comptabilitĂ© rarement attestĂ©. Cette contribution montre que le signe en question n’a pu ĂȘtre connu et compris qu’à travers des inscriptions mises au jour en 1896. Il en rĂ©sulte par consĂ©quent que SimonidĂšs n’a en aucun cas pu ĂȘtre en mesure de falsifier le papyrus d’ArtĂ©midore; par ailleurs, on propose aussi une nouvelle lecture d’I.Priene 118, 5+17 et de I.Brit.Mus. 897, 6

    XRF Ink Analysis of Selected Fragments from the Herculaneum Collection of the Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli

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    The most commonly used ink in antiquity was carbon-based, and the main element of carbonized papyrus is carbon, making conventional computed tomography (CT-scanning) of Herculaneum scrolls difficult. However, Roman and Greek inks containing metals have recently been identified in some papyri from Egypt, changing our understanding of ink technology in antiquity. This raises hope that some rolls can be virtually unrolled by CT-scanning. Here we present the results of a preliminary analysis, aimed at identifying scrolls whose ink contains metals

    Galen, divination, and the status of medicine

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    Galen's stories about his successes in predicting the development of an illness belong to the best-known anecdotes drawn from his writings. Brilliant pieces of self-presentation, they set Galen apart from his peers, who tried to cover up their ignorance by levelling accusations of magic and divination against their superior colleague. These accusations are usually interpreted as very real threats, as Roman law punished illicit magic and divination. Pointing out that Galen sometimes likes to present himself as a mantis and a prophet, others have suggested that the accusations against Galen and his own self-presentation indicate that the border line between medicine and religion was still fluid. Both approaches correctly draw attention to the social reality that the accusations betray: they suggest that Galen belongs to a group of healers of dubious standing that populated the empire and thus show that medicine did not have a monopoly on healing. Yet such a socio-historical approach may not be sufficient. For one thing, both explanations have their limitations. Regarding the former, it can be said that Augustus' prohibition of divination aimed at controlling prediction about the emperor and one can doubt that a widespread clampdown of all forms of divination ever was intended. A possible objection to the second view is that throughout his oeuvre Galen emphasizes his medicine as a rational undertaking, even as a science (episteme). If one takes his self-presentation as a mantis to be more than metaphorical and to indicate the not yet fully crystallized identity of medicine as a separate scientific discipline, then Galen's usual way of understanding his own craft as a science' is in need of explanation. Besides such possible objections, a different set of questions still needs to be asked: why precisely were accusations of practising magic and divination levelled against Galen and why do they recur so frequently in his writings? Why divination and not, say, poisoning

    Morphomata. Kulturelle Figurationen: Genese, Dynamik und MedialitÀt

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    Das griechische Wort mĂłrphoma bezeichnet den Prozess der Gestaltwerdung und Gestaltgebung. Morphomata ist seit 2009 der Name eines KĂ€the Hamburger Kollegs in Köln, das als Internationales Kolleg fĂŒr geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung mit Fellows aus aller Welt die Differenz von Kulturen in ihren kĂŒnstlerischen Gestaltungen, in Artefakten, aufzuspĂŒren versucht. »Freiraum fĂŒr die Geisteswissenschaften« heißt die Initiative des Bundesministeriums fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung, der sich die Entstehung des Kollegs Morphomata verdankt. Der Freiraum gebĂŒhrt zuallererst den Fellows, die sich in ihren Forschungen im theoretischen Rahmen des Kollegs bewegen können. Das gilt im Besonderen fĂŒr die erste Fellow-Generation, die an der allmĂ€hlichen Verfertigung des Morphomkonzepts wĂ€hrend der Aufbauphase beteiligt war und deren Ergebnis der erste Band der neuen Reihe Morphomata darstellt. Als wissenschaftlicher Terminus ist mĂłrphoma neu. In drei Teilen gibt dieser Band eine Definition, eröffnet theoretische Perspektiven des Ansatzes und erschließt in Fallstudien die praktische Bedeutung fĂŒr ein VerstĂ€ndnis konkreter Formen und der Nachhaltigkeit kultureller Figurationen

    Cy Twombly. Bild, Text, Paratext

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    Die Bildwerke des US-amerikanischen KĂŒnstlers Cy Twombly (1928–2011) gelten als hermetisch und schwer zugĂ€nglich. Bleistiftgekritzel, Farbballungen, taumelnde Linien, einander ĂŒberlagernde Farbschichten und Einschreibungen, geometrische Figuren, Zahlen, Zahlenreihen, Wörter, Zitatfragmente und rĂ€tselhafte Bildtitel stellen Forscher wie Betrachter vor ganz besondere Herausforderungen. GemĂ€ĂŸ der interdisziplinĂ€r-transkulturellen Forschungsmethode des Internationalen Kollegs Morphomata an der UniversitĂ€t zu Köln versammelte im Juni 2012 ein Kongress neben Kunsthistorikern auch namhafte Fachleute aus den Bereichen Ägyptologie, ArchĂ€ologie, Germanistik, GrĂ€zistik, Anglistik, Japanologie und Romanistik, d.h. all jenen Fachgebieten und Kulturkreisen, die eine Inspirationsquelle fĂŒr das OEuvre Cy Twomblys darstellten. Befragen diese den Bezug zwischen Werktitel, Werk und eingeschriebenen Zitaten, so legen fĂŒhrende Vertreter der Twomblyforschung den Fokus auf Bildsprache und Schriftbildlichkeit bei Cy Twombly. Durch umfassende Deutungen berĂŒhmter Einzelwerke und Werkgruppen in sĂ€mtlichen von Twombly angewandten kĂŒnstlerischen Medien erschließt der Band in einem fĂ€cherĂŒbergreifenden Blick einen Zugang zur assoziativ-referentiellen Bildsprache Cy Twomblys

    Super-heavy fermion material as metallic refrigerant for adiabatic demagnetization cooling

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    Low-temperature refrigeration is of crucial importance in fundamental research of condensed matter physics, as the investigations of fascinating quantum phenomena, such as superconductivity, superfluidity and quantum criticality, often require refrigeration down to very low temperatures. Currently, cryogenic refrigerators with 3^3He gas are widely used for cooling below 1 Kelvin. However, usage of the gas is being increasingly difficult due to the current world-wide shortage. Therefore, it is important to consider alternative methods of refrigeration. Here, we show that a new type of refrigerant, super-heavy electron metal, YbCo2_2Zn20_{20}, can be used for adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration, which does not require 3He gas. A number of advantages includes much better metallic thermal conductivity compared to the conventional insulating refrigerants. We also demonstrate that the cooling performance is optimized in Yb1−x_{1-x}Scx_xCo2_2Zn20_{20} by partial Sc substitution with x∌x\sim0.19. The substitution induces chemical pressure which drives the materials close to a zero-field quantum critical point. This leads to an additional enhancement of the magnetocaloric effect in low fields and low temperatures enabling final temperatures well below 100 mK. Such performance has up to now been restricted to insulators. Since nearly a century the same principle of using local magnetic moments has been applied for adiabatic demagnetization cooling. This study opens new possibilities of using itinerant magnetic moments for the cryogen-free refrigeration

    Cy Twombly. Image, Text, Paratext

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    The artworks of the US artist Cy Twombly (1928–2011) are considered to be hermetic and inaccessible. Pencil scribblings, explosions of paint, tumbling lines, overlapping layers of color, and inscriptions, geometrical figures, numerals, rows of numbers, words, fragments of quotations, and enigmatic work-titles present very special challenges to both researchers and viewers. In the interdisciplinary and transcultural research method of the Morphomata International Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Cologne, a conference was held in June 2012 that brought art historians together with renowned scholars of Egyptology, Archaeology, German, Greek, English, Japanese, and the Romance languages, i.e. all the fields and cultural spheres that were a source of inspiration for the Ɠuvre of Cy Twombly. While these scholars inquire into the relation between title, work, and inscribed quotations, leading representatives of research on Twombly focus on the visual language and scriptural-imagistic quality of Cy Twombly’s work. Through comprehensive interpretations of famous single works and groups in all the artistic media employed by Twombly, the volume’s cross-disciplinary view opens up a route into the associative-referential visual language of Cy Twombly

    Geographische Kenntnisse und ihre konkreten Ausformungen

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    Der Tagungsband untersucht anhand der drei fĂŒr das Internationale Kolleg Morphomata programmatischen Schwerpunkte »Genese«, »Dynamik« und »MedialitĂ€t« die Frage, wie sich epistemische Konzepte von geographischem Wissen in verschiedenen Kulturen und Epochen, in unterschiedlichen Medien und MaterialitĂ€ten konkretisieren. Das Spektrum der BeitrĂ€ge reicht von der jungsteinzeitlichen Wandmalerei (Çatal HöyĂŒk, TĂŒrkei) ĂŒber Homers berĂŒhmten Schiffskatalog und antike Straßenverzeichnisse bis zu Allegorien der vier Erdteile in der Kunst der Neuzeit – schließt aber auch den neuentdeckten »Grazer Paravent« mit der Darstellung Ôsakas vom Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts ein
