55 research outputs found

    Simultaneous EUV and X-ray variability of NGC 4051

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    We present a flux variability study of simultaneous RXTE and EUVE observations of the highly variable Seyfert galaxy NGC4051. We find a strong correlation between variability in the EUV and medium energy X-ray bands,indicating that both are sampling the same power-law continuum. The lag between the two bands is less than 20 ks and, depending on model assumptions, may be <1 ks. We examine the consequences of such a small lag in the context of simple Comptonisation models for the production of the power-law continuum. A lag of <1 ks implies that the size of the Comptonising region is less than 20 Schwarzschild radii for a black hole of mass >1E6 solar masses.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A possible feature of thermal matter in relativistic jets of radio-loud quasars

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    It has been suggested that relativistic jets in quasars may contain a considerable amount of thermal matter. In this paper, we explore the possibility that the K-alpha line from the thermal matter may appear at tens of keV due to a high Doppler blue-shift. In the jet comoving frame, the energy density of photons originally emitted by the accretion disk and reflected off the broad line region clouds dominates over that of photons of other origin. We discuss the photoionization states of the thermal matter and find that the irons elements are neutral. The high metallicity in quasars enhances the possibility to detect the thermal matter in the relativistic jet in some radio-loud quasars. A highly Doppler blue-shifted K-alpha line may be detected. We make a rediction for 3C 273, in which the K-alpha line luminosity might be of the order 3.0×10443.0\times 10^{44} erg/s with an equivalent width of 2.4 keV. Such a line could be detected in a future mission.Comment: 4 pages, 1 Figur

    The luminosities of backsplash galaxies in constrained simulations of the Local Group

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    We study the differences and similarities in the luminosities of bound, infalling and the so-called backsplash (Gill et al. 2005) galaxies of the Milky Way and M31 using a hydrodynamical simulation performed within the Constrained Local UniversE Simulation (CLUES) project. The simulation models the formation of the Local Group within a self-consistent cosmological framework. We find that even though backsplash galaxies passed through the virial radius of their host halo and hence may have lost a (significant) fraction of their mass, their stellar populations are hardly affected. This leaves us with comparable luminosity functions for infalling and backsplash galaxies and hence little hope to decipher their past (and different) formation and evolutionary histories by luminosity measurements alone. Nevertheless, due to the tidal stripping of dark matter we find that the mass-to-light ratios have changed when comparing the various populations against each other: they are highest for the infalling galaxies and lowest for the bound satellites with the backsplash galaxies in-between.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Measuring the Sources of the Intergalactic Ionizing Flux

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    We use a wide-field (0.9 square degree) X-ray sample with optical and GALEX ultraviolet observations to measure the contribution of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) to the ionizing flux as a function of redshift. Our analysis shows that the AGN contribution to the metagalactic ionizing background peaks around z=2. The measured values of the ionizing background from the AGNs are lower than previous estimates and confirm that ionization from AGNs is insufficient to maintain the observed ionization of the intergalactic medium (IGM) at z>3. We show that only sources with broad lines in their optical spectra have detectable ionizing flux and that the ionizing flux seen in an AGN is not correlated with its X-ray color. We also use the GALEX observations of the GOODS-N region to place a 2-sigma upper limit of 0.008 on the average ionization fraction fnu(700 A)/fnu(1500 A) for 626 UV selected galaxies in the redshift range z=0.9-1.4. We then use this limit to estimate an upper bound to the galaxy contribution in the redshift range z=0-5. If the z~1.15 ionization fraction is appropriate for higher redshift galaxies, then contributions from the galaxy population are also too low to account for the IGM ionization at the highest redshifts (z>4).Comment: 15 pages, Accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    Measurements of the UV background at 4.6 < z < 6.4 using the quasar proximity effect

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    We present measurements of the ionising ultraviolet background (UVB) at z ~ 5-6 using the quasar proximity effect. The fifteen quasars in our sample cover the range 4.6 < z_q < 6.4, enabling the first proximity effect measurements of the UVB at z > 5. The metagalactic hydrogen ionisation rate, Gamma_bkg, was determined by modelling the combined ionisation field from the quasar and the UVB in the proximity zone on a pixel-by-pixel basis. The optical depths in the spectra were corrected for the expected effect of the quasar until the mean flux in the proximity region equalled that in the average Ly-alpha forest, and from this we make a measurement of Gamma_bkg. A number of systematic effects were tested using synthetic spectra. Noise in the flux was found to be the largest source of bias at z ~ 5, while uncertainties in the mean transmitted Ly-alpha flux are responsible for the largest bias at z ~ 6. The impacts of large-scale overdensities and Lyman limit systems on Gamma_bkg were also investigated, but found to be small at z > 5. We find a decline in Gamma_bkg with redshift, from log(Gamma_bkg) = -12.15 ±\pm 0.16 at z ~ 5 to log(Gamma_bkg) = -12.84 ±\pm 0.18 at z ~ 6 (1 sigma errors). Compared to UVB measurements at lower redshifts, our measurements suggest a drop of a factor of five in the HI photoionisation rate between z ~ 4 and z ~ 6. The decline of Gamma_bkg appears to be gradual, and we find no evidence for a sudden change in the UVB at any redshift that would indicate a rapid change in the attenuation length of ionising photons. Combined with recent measurements of the evolution of the mean free path of ionising photons, our results imply decline in the emissivity of ionising photons by roughly a factor of two from z ~ 5 to 6, albeit with significant uncertainty due to the measurement errors in both Gamma_bkg and the mean free path.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, 5 tables; accepted for publication in MNRA

    The impact of baryonic physics on the shape and radial alignment of substructures in cosmological dark matter haloes

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    We use two simulations performed within the Constrained Local UniversE Simulation (CLUES) project to study both the shape and radial alignment of (the dark matter component of) subhaloes; one of the simulations is a dark matter only model while the other run includes all the relevant gas physics and star formation recipes. We find that the involvement of gas physics does not have a statistically significant effect on either property -- at least not for the most massive subhaloes considered in this study. However, we observe in both simulations including and excluding gasdynamics a (pronounced) evolution of the dark matter shapes of subhaloes as well as of the radial alignment signal since infall time. Further, this evolution is different when positioned in the central and outer regions of the host halo today; while subhaloes tend to become more aspherical in the central 50% of their host's virial radius, the radial alignment weakens in the central regime while strengthening in the outer parts. We confirm that this is due to tidal torquing and the fact that subhaloes at pericentre move too fast for the alignment signal to respond.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS, replaced with proof-corrected version (minor typos

    Constrained simulations of the Local Group: on the radial distribution of substructures

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    We examine the properties of satellites found in high resolution simulations of the local group. We use constrained simulations designed to reproduce the main dynamical features that characterize the local neighborhood, i.e. within tens of Mpc around the Local Group (LG). Specifically, a LG-like object is found located within the 'correct' dynamical environment and consisting of three main objects which are associated with the Milky Way, M31 and M33. By running two simulations of this LG from identical initial conditions - one with and one without baryons modeled hydrodynamically - we can quantify the effect of gas physics on the z=0z=0 population of subhaloes in an environment similar to our own. We find that above a certain mass cut, Msub>2×108h1MM_{\rm sub} > 2\times10^{8}h^{-1} M_{\odot} subhaloes in hydrodynamic simulations are more radially concentrated than those in simulations with out gas. This is caused by the collapse of baryons into stars that typically sit in the central regions of subhaloes, making them denser. The increased central density of such a subhalo, results in less mass loss due to tidal stripping than the same subhalo simulated with only dark matter. The increased mass in hydrodynamic subhaloes with respect to dark matter ones, causes dynamical friction to be more effective, dragging the subhalo towards the centre of the host. This results in these subhaloes being effectively more radially concentrated then their dark matter counterparts.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Averaging the AGN X-ray spectra from deep Chandra fields

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    The X-ray spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) carry the signatures of the emission from the central region, close to the Super Massive Black Hole (SMBH). For this reason, the study of deep X-ray spectra is a powerful instrument to investigate the origin of their emission. The emission line most often observed in the X-ray spectra of AGN is Fe K. It is known that it can be broadened and deformed by relativistic effects if emitted close enough to the central SMBH. In recent statistical studies of the X-ray spectra of AGN samples, it is found that a narrow Fe line is ubiquitous, while whether the broad features are as common is still uncertain. We present here the results of an investigation on the characteristics of the Fe line in the average X-ray spectra of AGN in deep Chandra fields. The average spectrum of the AGN is computed using Chandra spectra with more than 200 net counts from the AEGIS, Chandra Deep Field North and Chandra Deep Field South surveys. The sample spans a broader range of X-ray luminosities than other samples studied with stacking methods up to z=3.5. We analyze the average spectra of this sample using our own averaging method, checking the results against extensive simulations. Subsamples defined in terms of column density of the local absorber, luminosity and z are also investigated. We found a very significant Fe line with a narrow profile in all our samples and in almost all the subsamples that we constructed. The equivalent width (EW) of the narrow line estimated in the average spectrum of the full sample is 74 eV. The broad line component is significantly detected in the subsample of AGN with L<1.43 1E44 cgs and z<0.76, with EW=108 eV. We concluded that the narrow Fe line is an ubiquitous feature of the X-ray spectra of the AGN up to z=3.5.The broad line component is significant in the X-ray spectra of the AGN with low luminosity and low z.Comment: 17 pages, 23 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Replacements in the bibliography: Iwasawa K., Mainieri V., Brusa M., et al., 2011, arXiv:1111.2447v1 (previously: Iwasawa et al 2011, in preparation); Mateos S., Carrera F.J., Page M.J., et al., 2010, \aap, 510, A35 (previously: Mateos S., Warwick R.S., Carrera F.J., et al., 2008, \aap, 492, 51

    Too small to succeed? Lighting up massive dark matter subhaloes of the Milky Way

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    Using Constrained Local UniversE Simulations (CLUES) of the formation of the Local Group in a cosmological context we investigate the recently highlighted problem that the majority of the most massive dark subhaloes of the Milky Way are too dense to host any of its bright satellites. In particular, we examine the influence of baryonic processes and find that they leave a twofold effect on the relation between the peak of the rotation curve and its position (Vmax and Rmax). Satellites with a large baryon fraction experience adiabatic contraction thus decreasing Rmax while leaving Vmax more or less unchanged. Subhaloes with smaller baryon fractions undergo a decrease in Vmax possibly due to outflows of material. Furthermore, the situation of finding subhaloes in simulations that lie outside the confidence interval for possible hosts of the bright MW dwarf spheroidals, appears to be far more prominent in cosmologies with a high sigma8 normalisation and depends on the mass of the host. We conclude that the problem cannot be simply solved by including baryonic processes and hence demands further investigations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Accepted as MNRAS Letter 2011 July 21. Received 2011 July 20; in original form 2011 June