148 research outputs found

    Identification of irregularities and allocation suggestion of relative file system permissions

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    It is well established that file system permissions in large, multi-user environments can be audited to identify vulnerabilities with respect to what is regarded as standard practice. For example, identifying that a user has an elevated level of access to a system directory which is unnecessary and introduces a vulnerability. Similarly, the allocation of new file system permissions can be assigned following the same standard practices. On the contrary, and less well established, is the identification of potential vulnerabilities as well as the implementation of new permissions with respect to a system's current access control implementation. Such tasks are heavily reliant on expert interpretation. For example, the assigned relationship between users and groups, directories and their parents, and the allocation of permissions on file system resources all need to be carefully considered. This paper presents the novel use of statistical analysis to establish independence and homogeneity in allocated file system permissions. This independence can be interpreted as potential anomalies in a system's implementation of access control. The paper then presents the use of instance-based learning to suggest the allocation of new permissions conforming to a system's current implementation structure. Following this, both of the presented techniques are then included in a tool for interacting with Microsoft's New Technology File System (NTFS) permissions. This involves experimental analysis on six different NTFS directory structures within different organisations. The effectiveness of the developed technique is then established through analysing the true positive and true negative values. The presented results demonstrate the potential of the proposed techniques for overcoming complexities with real-world file system administratio

    Genetics and identification of markers linked to multiflorous spikelet in hexaploid oat

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    The formation of naked grains is directly associated with the formation of multiflorous spikelets in oats. The objectives of this study were to determine the genetics of multiflorous spikelet and to identify molecular markers linked to this character in hexaploid oat. Genetic analysis for multiflorous spikelet was performed in the F5 and F6 generations of two oat populations. DNA extracted from F5:6 plants were assayed with 6,000 genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers using a genotyping platform developed for oat. Genetic analysis indicated the presence of a major gene controlling multiflorous spikelet in the UFRGS 01B7114-1-3 x UFRGS 006013-1 population. The SNP marker GMI_ES17_c5923_221 showed strong association with the multiflorous spikelet phenotype. These results suggest that the marker GMI_ES17_c5923_221 should be linked to a gene controlling multiflorous spikelet in the oat lines evaluated in this study

    Dementia Caregiver Burden: A Research Update and Critical Analysis

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    Purpose of Review: This article provides an updated review of the determinants of caregiver burden and depression, with a focus on care demands and especially the differential effects of various neuropsychiatric symptoms or symptom clusters. Moreover, studies on caregivers for frontotemporal and Lewy body dementias were referred to in order to identify differences and similarities with the mainstream literature based largely on Alzheimer caregivers. Recent Findings: As a group, neuropsychiatric symptoms are most predictive of caregiver burden and depression regardless of dementia diagnosis, but the effects appear to be driven primarily by disruptive behaviors (e.g., agitation, aggression, disinhibition), followed by delusions and mood disturbance. Disruptive behaviors are more disturbing partly because of the adverse impact on the emotional connection between the caregiver and the care-recipient and partly because they exacerbate difficulties in other domains (e.g., caring for activities of daily living). In behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, not only are these disruptive behaviors more prominent but they are also more disturbing due to the care-recipient’s insensitivity to others’ feelings. In Lewy body dementia, visual hallucinations also appear to be distressing. Summary: The disturbing nature of disruptive behaviors cuts across dementia conditions, but the roles played by symptoms that are unique or particularly serious in a certain condition need to be explored further

    Contemporary genetic technologies and female reproduction

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    BACKGROUNDThe Fifth Evian Annual Reproduction (EVAR) Workshop Meeting discussed knowledge regarding contemporary genetics in female reproduction.METHODSSpecialist reproductive medicine clinicians and geneticists delivered presentations based on published literature and current research. The content of this report is based on the expert presentations and subsequent group discussions that took place during this Workshop.RESULTSNumerous ovarian genes with a role in infertility have been identified. Future challenges for genetic screening of patients, such as those with polycystic ovary syndrome, primary ovarian insufficiency or endometriosis, include the identification of high-throughput strategies and how to apply these findings to infertile patients. The identification of high-quality embryos in IVF using objective technologies remains a high priority in order to facilitate single-embryo transfer. Gene expression profiling of cumulus cells surrounding the oocyte, and proteomic and metabolomic approaches in embryo culture media may significantly improve non-invasive embryo quality assessment.CONCLUSIONSThe way forward in advancing the knowledge of genes involved in reproduction was considered to be through genome-wide association studies involving large numbers of patients. Establishing international collaboration is required to enable the application of such technologies in sufficient numbers of patients

    Electrospinning as a route to advanced carbon fibre materials for selected low-temperature electrochemical devices: a review

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    Electrospinning has been proven as a highly versatile fabrication method for producing nano-structured fibres with controllable morphology, of both the fibres themselves and the void structure of the mats. Additionally, it is possible to use heteroatom doped polymers or to include catalytic precursors in the electrospinning solution to control the surface properties of the fibres. These factors make it an ideal method for the production of electrodes and flow media for a variety of electrochemical devices, enabling reduction in mass transport and activation overpotentials and therefore increasing efficiency. Moreover, the use of biomass as a polymer source has recently gained attention for the ability to embed sustainable principles in the materials of electrochemical devices, complementing their ability to allow an increase in the use of renewable electricity via their application. In this review, the historical and recent developments of electrospun materials for application in redox flow batteries, fuel cells, metal air batteries and supercapacitors are thoroughly reviewed, including an overview of the electrospinning process and a guide to best practice. Finally, we provide an outlook for the emerging use of this process in the field of electrochemical energy devices with the hope that the combination of tailored microstructure, surface functionality and computer modelling will herald a new era of bespoke functional materials that can significantly improve the performance of the devices in which they are used

    Front Physiol

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    Blood flow produces mechanical frictional forces, parallel to the blood flow exerted on the endothelial wall of the vessel, the so-called wall shear stress (WSS). WSS sensing is associated with several vascular pathologies, but it is first a physiological phenomenon. Endothelial cell sensitivity to WSS is involved in several developmental and physiological vascular processes such as angiogenesis and vascular morphogenesis, vascular remodeling, and vascular tone. Local conditions of blood flow determine the characteristics of WSS, i.e., intensity, direction, pulsatility, sensed by the endothelial cells that, through their effect of the vascular network, impact WSS. All these processes generate a local-global retroactive loop that determines the ability of the vascular system to ensure the perfusion of the tissues. In order to account for the physiological role of WSS, the so-called shear stress set point theory has been proposed, according to which WSS sensing acts locally on vessel remodeling so that WSS is maintained close to a set point value, with local and distant effects of vascular blood flow. The aim of this article is (1) to review the existing literature on WSS sensing involvement on the behavior of endothelial cells and its short-term (vasoreactivity) and long-term (vascular morphogenesis and remodeling) effects on vascular functioning in physiological condition; (2) to present the various hypotheses about WSS sensors and analyze the conceptual background of these representations, in particular the concept of tensional prestress or biotensegrity; and (3) to analyze the relevance, explanatory value, and limitations of the WSS set point theory, that should be viewed as dynamical, and not algorithmic, processes, acting in a self-organized way. We conclude that this dynamic set point theory and the biotensegrity concept provide a relevant explanatory framework to analyze the physiological mechanisms of WSS sensing and their possible shift toward pathological situations