26 research outputs found

    Post-translational modifications and mass spectrometry detection

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    In this review, we provide a comprehensive bibliographic overview of the role of mass spectrometry and the recent technical developments in the detection of post-translational modifications (PTMs). We briefly describe the principles of mass spectrometry for detecting PTMs and the protein and peptide enrichment strategies for PTM analysis, including phosphorylation, acetylation and oxidation. This review presents a bibliographic overview of the scientific achievements and the recent technical development in the detection of PTMs is provided. In order to ascertain the state of the art in mass spectrometry and proteomics methodologies for the study of PTMs, we analyzed all the PTM data introduced in the Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) and the literature published in the last three years. The evolution of curated data in UniProt for proteins annotated as being post-translationally modified is also analyzed. Additionally, we have undertaken a careful analysis of the research articles published in the years 2010 to 2012 reporting the detection of PTMs in biological samples by mass spectrometry. © 2013 Elsevier Inc

    Sequencing technologies and genome sequencing

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    The high-throughput - next generation sequencing (HT-NGS) technologies are currently the hottest topic in the field of human and animals genomics researches, which can produce over 100 times more data compared to the most sophisticated capillary sequencers based on the Sanger method. With the ongoing developments of high throughput sequencing machines and advancement of modern bioinformatics tools at unprecedented pace, the target goal of sequencing individual genomes of living organism at a cost of $1,000 each is seemed to be realistically feasible in the near future. In the relatively short time frame since 2005, the HT-NGS technologies are revolutionizing the human and animal genome researches by analysis of chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to DNA microarray (ChIP-chip) or sequencing (ChIP-seq), RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), whole genome genotyping, genome wide structural variation, de novo assembling and re-assembling of genome, mutation detection and carrier screening, detection of inherited disorders and complex human diseases, DNA library preparation, paired ends and genomic captures, sequencing of mitochondrial genome and personal genomics. In this review, we addressed the important features of HT-NGS like, first generation DNA sequencers, birth of HT-NGS, second generation HT-NGS platforms, third generation HT-NGS platforms: including single molecule Heliscopeâ„¢, SMRTâ„¢ and RNAP sequencers, Nanopore, Archon Genomics X PRIZE foundation, comparison of second and third HT-NGS platforms, applications, advances and future perspectives of sequencing technologies on human and animal genome research

    Development of novel mass spectrometric methods for identifying HOCl-induced modifications to proteins

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    Protein oxidation is thought to contribute to a number of inflammatory diseases, hence the development of sensitive and specific analytical techniques to detect oxidative PTMs (oxPTMs) in biological samples is highly desirable. Precursor ion scanning for fragment ions of oxidized amino acid residues was investigated as a label-free MS approach to mapping specific oxPTMs in a complex mixture of proteins. Using HOCl-oxidized lysozyme as a model system, it was found that the immonium ions of oxidized tyrosine and tryptophan formed in MS2 analysis could not be used as diagnostic ions, owing to the occurrence of isobaric fragment ions from unmodified peptides. Using a double quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer, precursor ion scanning was combined with detection of MS3 fragment ions from the immonium ions and collisionally-activated decomposition peptide sequencing to achieve selectivity for the oxPTMs. For chlorotyrosine, the immonium ion at 170.1 m/z fragmented to yield diagnostic ions at 153.1, 134.1, and 125.1 m/z, and the hydroxytyrosine immonium ion at 152.1 m/z gave diagnostic ions at 135.1 and 107.1 m/z. Selective MS3 fragment ions were also identified for 2-hydroxytryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptophan. The method was used successfully to map these oxPTMs in a mixture of nine proteins that had been treated with HOCl, thereby demonstrating its potential for application to complex biological samples