84 research outputs found

    Especies de peces con potencial como bioindicadoras de genotoxicidad en el lago La Alberca, Michoacán, México

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    The presence of spontaneous micronuclei in peripheral blood erythrocytes from 10 fish species in Lake La Alberca, Michoacan (Mexico), was evaluated as a possible biological indicator of genotoxic agents. The peripheral blood samples from each of 56 fishes were analyzed by fluorescence microscopy (100X) to determine frequency of micronucleated erythrocytes (EMN) in 10,000 cells, and polychromatic erythrocytes in 1,000 cells (EPC). The cytoplasm-nucleus ratio in erythrocytes (RC/N) also was calculated. The sampled species and their results were: Xenotoca melanosoma (3.7±1.6 EMN, 29.5±15 EPC, 1.7:1 RC/N), Oreochromis aureus (2.0±1.0 EMN, 21.0±14 EPC, 2.6:1 RC/N), Chirostoma consocium (1.5±0.7 EMN, 19.8±14 EPC, 1.4:1 RC/N), Chirostoma lucius (1.2±1.3 EMN, 34.2±19 EPC, 1.8:1 RC/N), Lepomis macrochirus (1.2±1.6 EMN, 10.3±19 EPC, 2.2:1 RC/N), Alloophorus robustus (1.0±1.5 EMN, 31.1±23 EPC, 1.9:1 RC/N), Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis (0.8±1.2 EMN, 23.8±6.3 EPC, 1.6:1 RC/N), Chapalichthys encaustus (0.7±1.0 EMN, 44.6±28 EPC, 1.9:1 RC/N), Poeciliopsis infans (0.7±0.8 EMN, 12.4±4.4 EPC, 1.8:1 RC/N) and Goodea atripinnis (0.6±1.1 EMN, 11.7±5.7 EPC, 1.7:1 RC/N). The frequency of spontaneous EMN found in Xenotoca melanosoma and Oreochromis aureus suggests that these species can be considered as potential biological indicators of genotoxic agents.Se evaluó la presencia espontánea de micronúcleos en sangre periférica de 10 especies de peces que habitan el lago La Alberca, Michoacán (México), para proponerlas como posibles bioindicadoras de agentes genotóxicos. Se colectaron muestras de sangre periférica de 56 organismos de 10 especies diferentes las cuales se analizaron con microscopía de fluorescencia (100X) para registrar: la cantidad de eritrocitos micronucleados (EMN) espontáneos en 10,000 eritrocitos, la proporción de eritrocitos policromáticos (EPC) en 1,000 eritrocitos y la relación citoplasmanúcleo (RC/N) de los eritrocitos. Las especies muestreadas fueron: Xenotoca melanosoma (3.7±1.6 EMN, 29.5±15 EPC, 1.7:1 RC/N), Oreochromis aureus (2.0±1.0 EMN, 21.0±14 EPC, 2.6:1 RC/N), Chirostoma consocium (1.5±0.7 EMN, 19.8±14 EPC, 1.4:1 RC/N), Chirostoma lucius (1.2±1.3 EMN, 34.2±19 EPC, 1.8:1 RC/N), Lepomis macrochirus (1.2±1.6 EMN, 10.3±19 EPC, 2.2:1 RC/N), Alloophorus robustus (1.0±1.5 EMN, 31.1±23 EPC, 1.9:1 RC/N), Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis (0.8±1.2 EMN, 23.8±6.3 EPC, 1.6:1 RC/N), Chapalichthys encaustus (0.7±1.0 EMN, 44.6±28 EPC, 1.9:1 RC/N), Poeciliopsis infans (0.7±0.8 EMN, 12.4±4.4 EPC, 1.8:1 RC/N) y Goodea atripinnis (0.6±1.1 EMN, 11.7±5.7 EPC, 1.7:1 RC/N). Por el número de EMN espontáneos y la RC/N que se encontró en Xenotoca melanosoma y Oreochromis aureus se sugiere que estas especies son potenciales indicadoras biológicas de agentes genotóxicos

    Diseño estratégico de vanguardia

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    La integración del diseño con la vanguardia se observa natural, esto es, el diseño es una disciplina abductiva y la vanguardia persigue fines prospectivos, es decir, en ambos casos se trata de objetivos de posibilidad futura. De tal suerte, este libro, emanado de una parte de las ponencias rigurosamente arbitradas del Coloquio Internacional de Diseño 2016, está dividido en tres secciones o capítulos, a saber, el capítulo uno relacionado con la teoría y metodología para proyectos de diseño de vanguardia, el segundo sobre la tecnología, la innovación y la sostenibilidad de vanguardia de dichos proyectos, y finalmente el último capítulo, vinculado con la gestión estratégica de proyectos de vanguardia.La historia se forja de hechos e interpretaciones, de pasados construidos y de presentes en procesos constantes, estudiados en forma estricta por las ciencias. Por su parte, el futuro ostenta la posibilidad de ser indefinidamente planeado con base en las variopintas aproximaciones teóricas y empíricas que dan fundamento a este tipo de ciencia; éstas son denominadas prospectivas y sus bases vanguardias. Resulta importante señalar, que estas posibilidades sólo permiten tener una idea hipotética de lo que será la realidad y el mundo de vida de los seres vivos y su contexto, no obstante, se trata de la única manera racional que tiene el ser humano de prever ese futuro posible. Las distintas ciencias y disciplinas nos permiten construir históricamente estas posibilidades partiendo de datos, hechos, significados y un sinfín de informaciones que le dan cuerpo y sentido a tales posibilidades. En este sentido, la vanguardia, como base del conocimiento prospectivo, observa la necesidad de ser escrita, leída y discutida en los términos más estrictos con el fin de volver las predicciones más precisas. El diseño por su parte, es definido de manera sucinta como la disciplina proyectual estratégica y sistémica de la posibilidad, dirigida a procesos de significación utilitaria y simbólica para la comprensión –o interpretación– y modificación –o proyectación– de niveles de realidad (referentes y sujetos) desde diversos aparatos teóricos y empíricos –perspectivas disciplinarias–

    A multilayered post-GWAS assessment on genetic susceptibility to pancreatic cancer

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    Funder: Fundación Científica Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (ES)Funder: Cancer Focus Northern Ireland and Department for Employment and LearningFunder: Intramural Research Program of the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, USAAbstract: Background: Pancreatic cancer (PC) is a complex disease in which both non-genetic and genetic factors interplay. To date, 40 GWAS hits have been associated with PC risk in individuals of European descent, explaining 4.1% of the phenotypic variance. Methods: We complemented a new conventional PC GWAS (1D) with genome spatial autocorrelation analysis (2D) permitting to prioritize low frequency variants not detected by GWAS. These were further expanded via Hi-C map (3D) interactions to gain additional insight into the inherited basis of PC. In silico functional analysis of public genomic information allowed prioritization of potentially relevant candidate variants. Results: We identified several new variants located in genes for which there is experimental evidence of their implication in the biology and function of pancreatic acinar cells. Among them is a novel independent variant in NR5A2 (rs3790840) with a meta-analysis p value = 5.91E−06 in 1D approach and a Local Moran’s Index (LMI) = 7.76 in 2D approach. We also identified a multi-hit region in CASC8—a lncRNA associated with pancreatic carcinogenesis—with a lowest p value = 6.91E−05. Importantly, two new PC loci were identified both by 2D and 3D approaches: SIAH3 (LMI = 18.24), CTRB2/BCAR1 (LMI = 6.03), in addition to a chromatin interacting region in XBP1—a major regulator of the ER stress and unfolded protein responses in acinar cells—identified by 3D; all of them with a strong in silico functional support. Conclusions: This multi-step strategy, combined with an in-depth in silico functional analysis, offers a comprehensive approach to advance the study of PC genetic susceptibility and could be applied to other diseases

    Centrality evolution of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density over a broad pseudorapidity range in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76TeV

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    La estigmatización en el discurso mediático: los "otros" como criminales y víctimas

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    La información sobre los inmigrantes transmitida por la televisión de España tras los atentados del 11-M expone algunas de las principales características que despliega la representación de la alteridad cultural en los discursos mediáticos. Un estudio comparativo de los relatos difundidos antes y después de este acontecimiento permite distinguir una construcción de los inmigrantes según dos modelos principales, que se alternan: el de la criminalización y el de la victimización de los colectivos. En un contexto de sociedad globalizada y multicultural, esas imágenes nos enfrentan a la problemática de cómo articular una convivencia democrática basada en el reconocimiento y la integración igualitaria de los �otros� en el espacio público nacional

    Anxiety, depression and tobacco abstinence

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    There is evidence of the relationship between mental illness and smoking and increased risk of depressive episodes after quitting smoking, even with specific treatments for abstinence. Objective: To assess the influence of a cessation program on the emotional state of patients by measuring levels of anxiety / depression and differences depending on the presence of psychiatric history. Method: A prospective observational study of patients taking part in a combined program (pharmacological and cognitive-behavioral) for giving up smoking. Anxiety (A) and depression (D) were measured using the HADS questionnaire at baseline, first and third month of abstinence. Results: Anxiety and depression showed significant and progressive improvement during treatment (A: baseline 9.2 ± 4.5, 5.9 ± 3.6 1 month, 3 months 4.5 ± 3.1, p <0 05 / D: baseline 5.5 ± 4.1; 1 month 3 ± 3; 3 months 2.3 ± 2.1, p <0.05), in psychiatry population (A: baseline 11.3 ± 4 , 5; 1 month 7.1 ± 3.7, 5.3 ± 3.5 3 months, p <0.05 / D: baseline 7.4 ± 4.8, 4.2 ± 3.6 one month; 3 months 3 ± 2.9, p <0.05), regardless of treatment. Abstinence rate: 58.5%, unaffected by baseline levels of anxiety and depression. No significant neuropsychiatric side effects were detected. Conclusions: Anxiety and depression levels evolved favourably during the program, achieving good results regardless of the presence of psychiatric pathology.This research project was financed by Fundación Neumosur 7/2008.YesExiste evidencia de la relación entre patología mental y tabaquismo y del mayor riesgo de sufrir un episodio depresivo al dejar de fumar, incluso con tratamientos específicos para la abstinencia. Objetivo: valorar la influencia de un programa de abandono del tabaco en el estado emocional de los pacientes mediante la medición de los niveles de ansiedad/depresión y las posibles diferencias en función de la presencia de antecedentes psiquiátricos. Método: estudio de cohortes observacional y prospectivo de pacientes que acudieron a dejar de fumar mediante programa combinado (farmacológico y cognitivoconductual). Se midió ansiedad (A) y depresión (D) utilizando el cuestionario HADS al inicio, primer y tercer mes de abstinencia. Resultados: la ansiedad y la depresión presentaron mejoría significativa y progresiva a lo largo del tratamiento (A: basal 9,2±4,6; 1 mes 5,9±3,6; 3 meses 4,5±3,1; p<0,05 / D: basal 5,5±4,1; 1 mes 3±3; 3 meses 2,3±2,1; p<0,05), en la población psiquiátrica (A: basal 11,3±4,5; 1 mes 7,1±3,7; 3 meses 5,3±3,5; p<0,05 / D: basal 7,4±4,8; 1 mes 4,2±3,6; 3 meses 3±2,9; p<0,05), e independientemente del tratamiento. Tasa de abstinencia: 58,5%, no se vio afectada por los niveles basales de ansiedad y depresión. No se detectaron efectos secundarios neuropsiquiátricos relevantes. Conclusiones: los niveles de ansiedad y depresión evolucionan favorablemente durante el programa, alcanzándose buenos resultados, independientemente de la presencia de patología psiquiátric

    Molecular surveillance of potential SARS-CoV-2 reservoir hosts in wildlife rehabilitation centers

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    AbstractBackground The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection, has become the most devastating zoonotic event in recent times, with negative impacts on both human and animal welfare as well as on the global economy. Although SARS-CoV-2 is considered a human virus, it likely emerged from animals, and it can infect both domestic and wild animals. This constitutes a risk for human and animal health including wildlife with evidence of SARS-CoV-2 horizontal transmission back and forth between humans and wild animals.Aim Molecular surveillance in different wildlife rehabilitation centers and wildlife associated institutions in Chile, which are critical points of animal-human interaction and wildlife conservation, especially since the aim of wildlife rehabilitation centers is to reintroduce animals to their original habitat.Materials and Methods The survey was conducted in six WRCs and three wildlife associated institutions. A total of 185 samples were obtained from 83 individuals belonging to 15 different species, including vulnerable and endangered species. Each specimen was sampled with two different swabs: one oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal according to the nostril diameter, and/or a second rectal sample. RNA was extracted from the samples and two different molecular assays were performed: first, a conventional RT-PCR with pan-coronavirus primers and a second SARS-CoV-2 qPCR targeting the N and S genes.Results All 185 samples were negative for SARS-CoV-2.Clinical relevance This study constitutes the first report on the surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 from wildlife treated in rehabilitation centers in Chile, and supports the biosafety procedures adopted in those centers

    A faecal microbiota signature with high specificity for pancreatic cancer

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    Recent evidence suggests a role for the microbiome in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) aetiology and progression. To explore the faecal and salivary microbiota as potential diagnostic biomarkers. We applied shotgun metagenomic and 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing to samples from a Spanish case-control study (n=136), including 57 cases, 50 controls, and 29 patients with chronic pancreatitis in the discovery phase, and from a German case-control study (n=76), in the validation phase. Faecal metagenomic classifiers performed much better than saliva-based classifiers and identified patients with PDAC with an accuracy of up to 0.84 area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) based on a set of 27 microbial species, with consistent accuracy across early and late disease stages. Performance further improved to up to 0.94 AUROC when we combined our microbiome-based predictions with serum levels of carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19-9, the only current non-invasive, Food and Drug Administration approved, low specificity PDAC diagnostic biomarker. Furthermore, a microbiota-based classification model confined to PDAC-enriched species was highly disease-specific when validated against 25 publicly available metagenomic study populations for various health conditions (n=5792). Both microbiome-based models had a high prediction accuracy on a German validation population (n=76). Several faecal PDAC marker species were detectable in pancreatic tumour and non-tumour tissue using 16S rRNA sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridisation. Taken together, our results indicate that non-invasive, robust and specific faecal microbiota-based screening for the early detection of PDAC is feasible