114 research outputs found

    UM CONSTANTE PROCESSO DE EXPANSÃO [A Constant Process of Expansion]

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    This article considers the possible uses of the technique developed by the Russian theatre practitioner Michael Chekhov during the crisis that the world currently faces in the light of the current Covid-19 pandemic. It opens with a consideration of what Foucault (1977) would term Chekhov’s affective history and considers why this might be pertinent to a use of his techniques in the current pandemic. The article then critically discusses a selection of Chekhov’s methods and principles in dialogue with Freire’s (1966) ideas about the politics of love, the work of play theorists (Henricks 2015, Hopkins 2019, Sutton-Smith 2008) and applied practitioners (McAvinchey, 2020), and the notion of a possible third space (Bhabha, 2004). I argue that these techniques and related principles can facilitate an engagement with embodied imagination and play which can improve the wellbeing of actors and non-actors in both performance and everyday contexts. The article goes on to suggest that these methods and ideas may also hold the potential to connect us more fully to the communities we live amongst in this time of crisis and to imagine and bring about personal and socio-political change in the post-pandemic world


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    Este artigo considera os usos possíveis da técnica desenvolvida pelo teatrólogo russo Michael Chekhov durante a crise que o mundo atualmente enfrenta à luz da atual pandemia do Covid-19. Inicia com uma consideração do que Foucault (1977) chamaria de história afetiva de Chekov e reflete sobre porque isto pode ser pertinente para uso desta técnica na pandemia atual. O artigo então discute criticamente uma seleção dos métodos e princípios de Chekov em um diálogo com as ideias de Freire (1966) sobre a política do amor, o trabalho dos teóricos do jogo (Henricks 2015, Hopkins 2019, Sutton-Smith 2008) e profissionais de outras áreas (McAvinchey, 2020), e a noção de um possível terceiro espaço (Bhabha, 2004). Eu argumento que estas técnicas e princípios a ela relacionados podem facilitar um engajamento com imaginação incorporada e jogo que podem melhorar o bem-estar de atores e não-atores tanto em contextos de performance quanto do cotidiano. Este artigo ainda sugere que estes métodos e ideias também podem possuir o potencial de nos conectar mais integralmente às comunidades entre as quais vivemos neste tempo de crise e a imaginar e provocar mudança pessoal e sócio-política no mundo pós-pandêmico


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    Este artigo considera os usos possí­veis da técnica desenvolvida pelo teatrólogo russoMichael Chekhov durante a crise que o mundo atualmente enfrenta à luz da atual pandemia doCovid-19. Inicia com uma consideração do que Foucault (1977) chamaria de história afetiva deChekov e reflete sobre porque isto pode ser pertinente para uso desta técnica na pandemia atual. Oartigo então discute criticamente uma seleção dos métodos e princí­pios de Chekov em um diálogocom as ideias de Freire (1966) sobre a polí­tica do amor, o trabalho dos teóricos do jogo (Henricks2015, Hopkins 2019, Sutton-Smith 2008) e profissionais de outras áreas (McAvinchey, 2020), e anoção de um possí­vel terceiro espaço (Bhabha, 2004). Eu argumento que estas técnicas e princí­piosa ela relacionados podem facilitar um engajamento com imaginação incorporada e jogo que podemmelhorar o bem-estar de atores e não-atores tanto em contextos de performance quanto docotidiano. Este artigo ainda sugere que estes métodos e ideias também podem possuir o potencialde nos conectar mais integralmente às comunidades entre as quais vivemos neste tempo de crise ea imaginar e provocar mudança pessoal e sócio-polí­tica no mundo pós-pandêmico

    Why and When Beliefs Change

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    Why people do or do not change their beliefs has been a long-standing puzzle. Sometimes people hold onto false beliefs despite ample contradictory evidence; sometimes they change their beliefs without sufficient reason. Here, we propose that the utility of a belief is derived from the potential outcomes associated with holding it. Outcomes can be internal (e.g., positive/negative feelings) or external (e.g., material gain/loss), and only some are dependent on belief accuracy. Belief change can then be understood as an economic transaction in which the multidimensional utility of the old belief is compared against that of the new belief. Change will occur when potential outcomes alter across attributes, for example because of changing environments or when certain outcomes are made more or less salient

    Climate social science—Any future for ‘blue sky research’ in management studies?

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    Summary The environmental humanities call for post-disciplinary approaches to meet the vexing problem of climate change. However, scholars have not scrutinised how management and organisation studies (MOS) could contribute to such an endeavour. This research note explores common surfaces of contact between the natural and social sciences, with the goal of unravelling the legitimate positions to speak from about climate change. The findings suggest that scholars in MOS are exposed to ecological reasoning, which undergirds underdog heroism, disciplinary confusion and a debasement of political subjectivity. As a counter strategy, I suggest that we affirm a ‘blue-sky research’ approach that would support alternative research paths and a more traditional will to know—to advance ‘climate social science’

    Helminth immunomodulation in autoimmune disease

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    Helminths have evolved to become experts at subverting immune surveillance. Through potent and persistent immune tempering, helminths can remain undetected in human tissues for decades. Redirecting the immunomodulating "talents" of helminths to treat inflammatory human diseases is receiving intensive interest. Here, we review therapies using live parasitic worms, worm secretions, and worm-derived synthetic molecules to treat autoimmune disease. We review helminth therapy in both mouse models and clinical trials and discuss what is known on mechanisms of action. We also highlight current progress in characterizing promising new immunomodulatory molecules found in excretory/secretory products of helminths and their potential use as immunotherapies for acute and chronic inflammatory diseases

    ‘Orientalism is a partisan book’: applying Edward Said's insights to early modern travel writing

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    Since its publication in 1978, Edward Said's Orientalism has had a significant impact on postcolonial studies in a range of fields. This paper assesses his impact on the historiography of Anglophone travel writing concerning Ottoman Empire during the early modern period. Said's analysis of the relationship between representational power and colonial authority remains relevant to our understanding of early modern travel texts. Said's epistemology raises significant issues for historians of early modern intercultural encounters. This article summarises recent debates surrounding early modern travel narratives. It contrasts doctrinaire applications of Said's theory with more recent, particularistic studies. It provides a much-needed survey of travel writing historiography that considers the continuing impact of Said's postcolonial thought on the study of early modern travel narratives relating to the Ottoman Middle East. In so doing, it explores the lack of fit between early modern travel narratives and Said's methodology. I explore the methodological problems thrown up by conventional applications of Said's epistemology to precolonial travellers' texts. Based on a wide-ranging survey of Said's oeuvre, the article demonstrates that, more than 30 years on, Said's work remains relevant to the historiographical challenges presented by early modern English travel writing about Islam

    Particles, air quality, policy and health

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    The diversity of ambient particle size and chemical composition considerably complicates pinpointing the specific causal associations between exposure to particles and adverse human health effects, the contribution of different sources to ambient particles at different locations, and the consequent formulation of policy action to most cost-effectively reduce harm caused by airborne particles. Nevertheless, the coupling of increasingly sophisticated measurements and models of particle composition and epidemiology continue to demonstrate associations between particle components and sources (and at lower concentrations) and a wide range of adverse health outcomes. This article reviews the current approaches to source apportionment of ambient particles and the latest evidence for their health effects, and describes the current metrics, policies and legislation for the protection of public health from ambient particles. A particular focus is placed on particles in the ultrafine fraction. The review concludes with an extended evaluation of emerging challenges and future requirements in methods, metrics and policy for understanding and abating adverse health outcomes from ambient particles

    Iron Behaving Badly: Inappropriate Iron Chelation as a Major Contributor to the Aetiology of Vascular and Other Progressive Inflammatory and Degenerative Diseases

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    The production of peroxide and superoxide is an inevitable consequence of aerobic metabolism, and while these particular "reactive oxygen species" (ROSs) can exhibit a number of biological effects, they are not of themselves excessively reactive and thus they are not especially damaging at physiological concentrations. However, their reactions with poorly liganded iron species can lead to the catalytic production of the very reactive and dangerous hydroxyl radical, which is exceptionally damaging, and a major cause of chronic inflammation. We review the considerable and wide-ranging evidence for the involvement of this combination of (su)peroxide and poorly liganded iron in a large number of physiological and indeed pathological processes and inflammatory disorders, especially those involving the progressive degradation of cellular and organismal performance. These diseases share a great many similarities and thus might be considered to have a common cause (i.e. iron-catalysed free radical and especially hydroxyl radical generation). The studies reviewed include those focused on a series of cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological diseases, where iron can be found at the sites of plaques and lesions, as well as studies showing the significance of iron to aging and longevity. The effective chelation of iron by natural or synthetic ligands is thus of major physiological (and potentially therapeutic) importance. As systems properties, we need to recognise that physiological observables have multiple molecular causes, and studying them in isolation leads to inconsistent patterns of apparent causality when it is the simultaneous combination of multiple factors that is responsible. This explains, for instance, the decidedly mixed effects of antioxidants that have been observed, etc...Comment: 159 pages, including 9 Figs and 2184 reference