78 research outputs found

    Alkyne-Functionalized Cyclooctyne on Si(001): Reactivity Studies and Surface Bonding from an Energy Decomposition Analysis Perspective

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    The reactivity and bonding of an ethinyl-functionalized cyclooctyne on Si(001) is studied by means of density functional theory. This system is promising for the organic functionalization of semiconductors. Singly bonded adsorption structures are obtained by [2 + 2] cycloaddition reactions of the cyclooctyne or ethinyl group with the Si(001) surface. A thermodynamic preference for adsorption with the cyclooctyne group in the on-top position is found and traced back to minimal structural deformation of the adsorbate and surface with the help of energy decomposition analysis for extended systems (pEDA). Starting from singly bonded structures, a plethora of reaction paths describing conformer changes and consecutive reactions with the surface are discussed. Strongly exothermic and exergonic reactions to doubly bonded structures are presented, while small reaction barriers highlight the high reactivity of the studied organic molecule on the Si(001) surface. Dynamic aspects of the competitive bonding of the functional groups are addressed by ab initio molecular dynamics calculations. Several trajectories for the doubly bonded structures are obtained in agreement with calculations using the nudged elastic band approach. However, our findings disagree with the experimental observations of selective adsorption by the cyclooctyne moiety, which is critically discussed

    Causes and Consequences of Coronavirus Spike Protein Variability

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    Coronaviruses are a large family of enveloped RNA viruses found in numerous animal species. They are well known for their ability to cross species barriers and have been transmitted from bats or intermediate hosts to humans on several occasions. Four of the seven human coronaviruses (hCoVs) are responsible for approximately 20% of common colds (hCoV-229E, -NL63, -OC43, -HKU1). Two others (SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV) cause severe and frequently lethal respiratory syndromes but have only spread to very limited extents in the human population. In contrast the most recent human hCoV, SARS-CoV-2, while exhibiting intermediate pathogenicity, has a profound impact on public health due to its enormous spread. In this review, we discuss which initial features of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein and subsequent adaptations to the new human host may have helped this pathogen to cause the COVID-19 pandemic. Our focus is on host forces driving changes in the Spike protein and their consequences for virus infectivity, pathogenicity, immune evasion and resistance to preventive or therapeutic agents. In addition, we briefly address the significance and perspectives of broad-spectrum therapeutics and vaccines

    Determinants of Spike infectivity, processing, and neutralization in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants BA.1 and BA.2

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    SARS-CoV-2 Omicron rapidly outcompeted other variants and currently dominates the COVID-19 pandemic. Its enhanced transmission and immune evasion are thought to be driven by numerous mutations in the Omicron Spike protein. Here, we systematically introduced BA.1 and/or BA.2 Omicron Spike mutations into the ancestral Spike protein and examined the impacts on Spike function, processing, and susceptibility to neutralization. Individual mutations of S371F/L, S375F, and T376A in the ACE2-receptor-binding domain as well as Q954H and N969K in the hinge region 1 impaired infectivity, while changes to G339D, D614G, N764K, and L981F moderately enhanced it. Most mutations in the N-terminal region and receptor-binding domain reduced the sensitivity of the Spike protein to neutralization by sera from individuals vaccinated with the BNT162b2 vaccine and by therapeutic antibodies. Our results represent a systematic functional analysis of Omicron Spike adaptations that have allowed this SARS-CoV-2 variant to dominate the current pandemic

    Validated imaging biomarkers as decision-making tools in clinical trials and routine practice: current status and recommendations from the EIBALL* subcommittee of the European Society of Radiology (ESR)

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    Abstract: Observer-driven pattern recognition is the standard for interpretation of medical images. To achieve global parity in interpretation, semi-quantitative scoring systems have been developed based on observer assessments; these are widely used in scoring coronary artery disease, the arthritides and neurological conditions and for indicating the likelihood of malignancy. However, in an era of machine learning and artificial intelligence, it is increasingly desirable that we extract quantitative biomarkers from medical images that inform on disease detection, characterisation, monitoring and assessment of response to treatment. Quantitation has the potential to provide objective decision-support tools in the management pathway of patients. Despite this, the quantitative potential of imaging remains under-exploited because of variability of the measurement, lack of harmonised systems for data acquisition and analysis, and crucially, a paucity of evidence on how such quantitation potentially affects clinical decision-making and patient outcome. This article reviews the current evidence for the use of semi-quantitative and quantitative biomarkers in clinical settings at various stages of the disease pathway including diagnosis, staging and prognosis, as well as predicting and detecting treatment response. It critically appraises current practice and sets out recommendations for using imaging objectively to drive patient management decisions

    Helden in der Schule. Akten der Tagung Kloster Banz 2014

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    Ausgehend von der Feststellung, dass die Integration mittelalterlicher Texte im Deutschunterricht in der Schulpraxis weitgehend ein Desiderat darstellt, präsentierten Beitragende aus Schule und Wissenschaft bei der Tagung „Helden in der Schule“ im Oktober 2014 ihre Projekte und Ideen zu und Erfahrungen mit der Implementation germanistisch-mediävistischer Inhalte im Deutschunterricht. Dabei reichen die Beiträge von allgemeinen Überlegungen zum Nutzen mittelalterlicher Literatur in der Schule über konkrete Unterrichtsentwürfe bis hin zur Umsetzung in der Waldorfschule und der Integration schulbezogener Lehrveranstaltungen in der Universität. Bei aller Verschiedenheit in den Herangehensweisen wird in allen Beiträgen eindrucksvoll deutlich gemacht, dass mittelalterliche Literatur auch im 21. Jahrhundert überaus lohnend in die Unterrichtspraxis einbezogen werden kann.Since medieval texts are not treated enough in school, lecturers working in school and university presented their projects, ideas and experiences concerning the implementation of German-mediavistic contents in German school lessons during the conference “Heroes in School” in October 2014. The topics concern general reflection about the profitability of medieval literature in school, concrete lesson plans, the implementation in Rudolf Steiner schools, the integration of seminars in university that deal with the work in school etc. All articles demonstrate that the integration of medieval literature in school worth the effort – also in the 21st century

    Dystonia Linked to EIF4A2 Haploinsufficiency: A Disorder of Protein Translation Dysfunction

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    Background: Protein synthesis is a tightly controlled process, involving a host of translation-initiation factors and microRNA-associated repressors. Variants in the translational regulator EIF2AK2 were first linked to neurodevelopmental-delay phenotypes, followed by their implication in dystonia. Recently, de novo variants in EIF4A2, encoding eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A isoform 2 (eIF4A2), have been described in pediatric cases with developmental delay and intellectual disability. Objective: We sought to characterize the role of EIF4A2 variants in dystonic conditions. Methods: We undertook an unbiased search for likely deleterious variants in mutation-constrained genes among 1100 families studied with dystonia. Independent cohorts were screened for EIF4A2 variants. Western blotting and immunocytochemical studies were performed in patient-derived fibroblasts. Results: We report the discovery of a novel heterozygous EIF4A2 frameshift deletion (c.896_897del) in seven patients from two unrelated families. The disease was characterized by adolescence- to adulthood-onset dystonia with tremor. In patient-derived fibroblasts, eIF4A2 production amounted to only 50% of the normal quantity. Reduction of eIF4A2 was associated with abnormally increased levels of IMP1, a target of Ccr4-Not, the complex that interacts with eIF4A2 to mediate microRNA-dependent translational repression. By complementing the analyses with fibroblasts bearing EIF4A2 biallelic mutations, we established a correlation between IMP1 expression alterations and eIF4A2 functional dosage. Moreover, eIF4A2 and Ccr4-Not displayed significantly diminished colocalization in dystonia patient cells. Review of international databases identified EIF4A2 deletion variants (c.470_472del, c.1144_1145del) in another two dystonia-affected pedigrees. Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate that EIF4A2 haploinsufficiency underlies a previously unrecognized dominant dystonia-tremor syndrome. The data imply that translational deregulation is more broadly linked to both early neurodevelopmental phenotypes and later-onset dystonic conditions. © 2023 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    Spike residue 403 affects binding of coronavirus spikes to human ACE2

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    The bat sarbecovirus RaTG13 is a close relative of SARS-CoV-2, the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this bat virus was most likely unable to directly infect humans since its Spike (S) protein does not interact efficiently with the human ACE2 receptor. Here, we show that a single T403R mutation increases binding of RaTG13 S to human ACE2 and allows VSV pseudoparticle infection of human lung cells and intestinal organoids. Conversely, mutation of R403T in the SARS-CoV-2 S reduces pseudoparticle infection and viral replication. The T403R RaTG13 S is neutralized by sera from individuals vaccinated against COVID-19 indicating that vaccination might protect against future zoonoses. Our data suggest that a positively charged amino acid at position 403 in the S protein is critical for efficient utilization of human ACE2 by S proteins of bat coronaviruses. This finding could help to better predict the zoonotic potential of animal coronaviruses

    A communal catalogue reveals Earth’s multiscale microbial diversity

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    Our growing awareness of the microbial world’s importance and diversity contrasts starkly with our limited understanding of its fundamental structure. Despite recent advances in DNA sequencing, a lack of standardized protocols and common analytical frameworks impedes comparisons among studies, hindering the development of global inferences about microbial life on Earth. Here we present a meta-analysis of microbial community samples collected by hundreds of researchers for the Earth Microbiome Project. Coordinated protocols and new analytical methods, particularly the use of exact sequences instead of clustered operational taxonomic units, enable bacterial and archaeal ribosomal RNA gene sequences to be followed across multiple studies and allow us to explore patterns of diversity at an unprecedented scale. The result is both a reference database giving global context to DNA sequence data and a framework for incorporating data from future studies, fostering increasingly complete characterization of Earth’s microbial diversity

    A communal catalogue reveals Earth's multiscale microbial diversity

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    Our growing awareness of the microbial world's importance and diversity contrasts starkly with our limited understanding of its fundamental structure. Despite recent advances in DNA sequencing, a lack of standardized protocols and common analytical frameworks impedes comparisons among studies, hindering the development of global inferences about microbial life on Earth. Here we present a meta-analysis of microbial community samples collected by hundreds of researchers for the Earth Microbiome Project. Coordinated protocols and new analytical methods, particularly the use of exact sequences instead of clustered operational taxonomic units, enable bacterial and archaeal ribosomal RNA gene sequences to be followed across multiple studies and allow us to explore patterns of diversity at an unprecedented scale. The result is both a reference database giving global context to DNA sequence data and a framework for incorporating data from future studies, fostering increasingly complete characterization of Earth's microbial diversity.Peer reviewe