683 research outputs found

    Modular Green Roofs in Urban Ecospace

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    This chapter essentially starts with green roof systems in an overview of the green building industry. Various green roof systems, traditional green roof structures, and innovative modular green roofs are also examined. The advantages of these systems are delineated. Likewise, the most important green roof technologies, the factors that impact the decision to choose roofing system, which are recommended for adoption, are discussed. The greatest value of installing modular green roof systems as a successful solution for urban ecospaces is also explained here. Green roof benefits and values are considered as well as important advance on sustainable development of landscape planning and design of the environment, including modern green infrastructure elements. This study analyses both traditional green roof structures, co-called green roof “pie,” and innovative modular green roof systems. Finally, the influence and impact of green features on green building development and standard documents required and related issues are examined

    Prospects for detection of detached double white dwarf binaries with Gaia, LSST and LISA

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    Double white dwarf (DWD) binaries are expected to be very common in the Milky Way, but their intrinsic faintness challenges the detection of these systems. Currently, only a few tens of detached DWDs are know. Such systems offer the best chance of extracting the physical properties that would allow us to address a wealth of outstanding questions ranging from the nature of white dwarfs, over stellar and binary evolution to mapping the Galaxy. In this paper we explore the prospects for detections of ultra-compact (with binary separations of a few solar radii or less) detached DWDs in: 1) optical radiation with Gaia and the LSST and 2) gravitational wave radiation with LISA. We show that Gaia, LSST and LISA have the potential to detect respectively around a few hundreds, a thousand, and 25 thousand DWD systems. Moreover, Gaia and LSST data will extend by respectively a factor of two and seven the guaranteed sample of binaries detected in electromagnetic and gravitational wave radiation, opening the era of multi-messenger astronomy for these sources.Comment: submitted to MNRA

    The Large Magellanic Cloud Revealed in Gravitational Waves with LISA

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    The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will unveil the non-transient gravitational wave sky full of inspiralling stellar-mass compact binaries within the Local Universe. The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is expected to be prominent on the LISA sky due to its proximity and its large population of double white dwarfs (DWD). Here we present the first dedicated study of the LMC with gravitational wave sources. We assemble three LMC models based on: (1) the density distribution and star formation history from optical wavelength observations, (2) a detailed hydrodynamic simulation, and (3) combining the two. Our models yield a hundred to several hundred detectable DWDs: indeed, the LMC will be a resolved galaxy in the LISA sky. Importantly, amongst these we forecast a few tens to a hundred double degenerate supernovae type Ia progenitors, a class of binaries which have never been unambiguously observed. The range in the number of detections is primarily due to differences in the LMC total stellar mass and recent star formation in our models. Our results suggest that the total number, periods, and chirp masses of LISA sources may provide independent constraints on both LMC stellar mass and recent star formation by comparing LISA observations with the models, although such constraints will be highly model-dependent. Our publicly available model populations may be used in future studies of the LMC, including its structure and contribution to LISA confusion noise.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS. Adapted from M. A. Keim's MSc Thesis. Catalogues available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.691808

    Check of stress values in reinforcement and joints of wall panels

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    The exterior walls of buildings are subjected to not only forces but also thermal shrinkage effects. These effects are particularly significant for buildings constructed using single-layer and three-layer panels. Temperature forces and deformations occur both within the plane of the outer walls and outside of it. As a result, it is necessary to conduct calculations to ensure that the design solutions for exterior walls made of single-layer and laminated panels are both strong and deformable. These calculations are necessary for frameless buildings with a regular structural scheme. By conducting these calculations, it is possible to verify that the design solutions for exterior walls can withstand the forces and deformations that they will experience during their lifetime

    Application of the computing environment maple To the calculation of the dynamics of the electromagnets in the complicated systems of forced control

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    The authors propose a technique for calculating the dynamics of electromagnets operating in complex forced systems. Such forced electromagnets are widely used in electromechanical switching devices, in particular in vacuum contactors, to reduce their size, energy consumption and to increase speed, which indicates the relevance of this topic. A mathematical model of the dynamics of a forced electromagnetic system, which takes into account the peculiarities of behavior in transients of its individual elements – the mechanical system, the magnetic and electrical circuits, taking into account the interaction of the electromagnet with a control device when the apparatus is activated, contains certain signs of scientific novelty and is the purpose of the paper. The technique of calculating the dynamics of forced electromagnets uses the computing environment Maple. The calculation is based on a mathematical model, which is a system of nonlinear differentialequations of the magnetic and electric circuits, supplemented by the equations of motion of the elements of a mechanical system. The use of the computing environment Maple, applied here to automatically perform the mathematical transformations, allowsavoiding the complicated processes of choosing the numerical integration method, programming of complex and cumbersome equations and numerical integration procedures, to obtain results of calculations in convenient tabular and/or graphic form. This specifically indicates the practical significanceof this work. The results of the comparison of calculations with previously published experimental data presented in the paper indicate the high efficiencyof the proposed models and techniques.Розглядається запропонована авторами методика розрахунку динаміки електромагнітів, що працюють у складних форсованих системах. Подібні форсовані електромагніти широко застосовуються в електромеханічних комутаційних апаратах, зокрема у вакуумних контакторах, для зменшення їх розмірів, споживання енергії та для підвищення швидкодії, що свідчить про актуальність даної теми. Математична модель динаміки форсованої електромагнітної системи, що враховує особливості поведінки у нестаціонарних процесах її окремих елементів – механічної системи, магнітного та електричного кіл з урахуванням взаємодії електромагніта з пристроєм керування під час спрацьовування апарата, містить певні ознаки наукової новизни і є метою статті. Методика розрахунку динаміки форсованих електромагнітів застосовує математичний пакет Maple. В основу розрахунку покладено математичну модель, яка представляє собою систему нелінійних диференційних рівнянь магнітного і електричного кіл, доповнених рівняннями руху елементів механічної системи. Застосування пакетуMaple, який багато в чому бере на себе складнощі математичного опису різних процесів, автоматично здійснюючи дуже складні і громіздкі математичні перетворення, дозволяє, уникаючи складних процесів вибору способу чисельного інтегрування, програмування складних й громіздких рівнянь та процедур їх чисельного інтегрування, отримувати результати розрахунків у зручній табличній та/або графічній формі, що свідчить про практичну значущість даної роботи. Наведені у статті результати зіставлення розрахунків з опублікованими раніше експериментальними даними, свідчать про високу ефективність запропонованих моделей та методи

    Modular greening technologies for buildings

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    In this research we provide the analysis of the modern green wall technologies. The modular greening technology for the buildings is universal invention with respect to the purpose of the building and it is applicable for greening buildings intended for any spheres of «going into nature» aims. The complexity of installation work of this modular constructive greening system is quite low, which is one of the main advantages of the invention. Due to the fact that the system can be installed both vertically and horizontally, a single coating system of modules is formed. These modules can optimally fill the facades of the building due to the fact that their dimensions can vary. The constructive weight of the system is not large; for this, the technological process is optimized. This system is the most environmentally and technically efficient for the green buildings


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    The development of the modern world community is closely related to advances in computing resources and cyberspace. The formation and expansion of the range of services is based on the achievements of mankind in the field of high technologies. However, the rapid growth of computing resources, the emergence of a full-scale quantum computer tightens the requirements for security systems not only for information and communication systems, but also for cyber-physical systems and technologies. The methodological foundations of building security systems for critical infrastructure facilities based on modeling the processes of behavior of antagonistic agents in security systems are discussed in the first chapter. The concept of information security in social networks, based on mathematical models of data protection, taking into account the influence of specific parameters of the social network, the effects on the network are proposed in second chapter. The nonlinear relationships of the parameters of the defense system, attacks, social networks, as well as the influence of individual characteristics of users and the nature of the relationships between them, takes into account. In the third section, practical aspects of the methodology for constructing post-quantum algorithms for asymmetric McEliece and Niederreiter cryptosystems on algebraic codes (elliptic and modified elliptic codes), their mathematical models and practical algorithms are considered. Hybrid crypto-code constructions of McEliece and Niederreiter on defective codes are proposed. They can significantly reduce the energy costs for implementation, while ensuring the required level of cryptographic strength of the system as a whole. The concept of security of corporate information and educational systems based on the construction of an adaptive information security system is proposed. ISBN 978-617-7319-31-2 (on-line)ISBN 978-617-7319-32-9 (print) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to Cite: Yevseiev, S., Ponomarenko, V., Laptiev, O., Milov, O., Korol, O., Milevskyi, S. et. al.; Yevseiev, S., Ponomarenko, V., Laptiev, O., Milov, O. (Eds.) (2021). Synergy of building cybersecurity systems. Kharkiv: РС ТЕСHNOLOGY СЕNTЕR, 188. doi: http://doi.org/10.15587/978-617-7319-31-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Indexing:                    Розвиток сучасної світової спільноти тісно пов’язаний з досягненнями в області обчислювальних ресурсів і кіберпростору. Формування та розширення асортименту послуг базується на досягненнях людства у галузі високих технологій. Однак стрімке зростання обчислювальних ресурсів, поява повномасштабного квантового комп’ютера посилює вимоги до систем безпеки не тільки інформаційно-комунікаційних, але і до кіберфізичних систем і технологій. У першому розділі обговорюються методологічні основи побудови систем безпеки для об'єктів критичної інфраструктури на основі моделювання процесів поведінки антагоністичних агентів у систем безпеки. У другому розділі пропонується концепція інформаційної безпеки в соціальних мережах, яка заснована на математичних моделях захисту даних, з урахуванням впливу конкретних параметрів соціальної мережі та наслідків для неї. Враховуються нелінійні взаємозв'язки параметрів системи захисту, атак, соціальних мереж, а також вплив індивідуальних характеристик користувачів і характеру взаємовідносин між ними. У третьому розділі розглядаються практичні аспекти методології побудови постквантових алгоритмів для асиметричних криптосистем Мак-Еліса та Нідеррейтера на алгебраїчних кодах (еліптичних та модифікованих еліптичних кодах), їх математичні моделі та практичні алгоритми. Запропоновано гібридні конструкції криптокоду Мак-Еліса та Нідеррейтера на дефектних кодах. Вони дозволяють істотно знизити енергетичні витрати на реалізацію, забезпечуючи при цьому необхідний рівень криптографічної стійкості системи в цілому. Запропоновано концепцію безпеки корпоративних інформаційних та освітніх систем, які засновані на побудові адаптивної системи захисту інформації. ISBN 978-617-7319-31-2 (on-line)ISBN 978-617-7319-32-9 (print) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Як цитувати: Yevseiev, S., Ponomarenko, V., Laptiev, O., Milov, O., Korol, O., Milevskyi, S. et. al.; Yevseiev, S., Ponomarenko, V., Laptiev, O., Milov, O. (Eds.) (2021). Synergy of building cybersecurity systems. Kharkiv: РС ТЕСHNOLOGY СЕNTЕR, 188. doi: http://doi.org/10.15587/978-617-7319-31-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Індексація:                 &nbsp

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements

    Optimasi Portofolio Resiko Menggunakan Model Markowitz MVO Dikaitkan dengan Keterbatasan Manusia dalam Memprediksi Masa Depan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur`an

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    Risk portfolio on modern finance has become increasingly technical, requiring the use of sophisticated mathematical tools in both research and practice. Since companies cannot insure themselves completely against risk, as human incompetence in predicting the future precisely that written in Al-Quran surah Luqman verse 34, they have to manage it to yield an optimal portfolio. The objective here is to minimize the variance among all portfolios, or alternatively, to maximize expected return among all portfolios that has at least a certain expected return. Furthermore, this study focuses on optimizing risk portfolio so called Markowitz MVO (Mean-Variance Optimization). Some theoretical frameworks for analysis are arithmetic mean, geometric mean, variance, covariance, linear programming, and quadratic programming. Moreover, finding a minimum variance portfolio produces a convex quadratic programming, that is minimizing the objective function ðð¥with constraintsð ð 𥠥 ðandð´ð¥ = ð. The outcome of this research is the solution of optimal risk portofolio in some investments that could be finished smoothly using MATLAB R2007b software together with its graphic analysis