9 research outputs found
Verification of an alternative sludge treatment process for pathogen reduction at two wastewater treatment plants in Victoria, Australia
- Author
- A. Surapaneni
- APHA: American Public Health Association
- Bennamoun
- BOM: (Australian Government) Bureaux of Meterology
- Bowman
- D. Smith
- EPA Victoria: Environmental Protection Authority Victoria
- EPA Victoria: Environmental Protection Authority Victoria
- Gerba
- Grant
- H. Rigby
- Heim
- J. Schmidt
- Jiang
- Karkashan
- Koivunen
- Lang
- Majumder
- Mondal
- NRMMC EPC, AHMC: Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, Environment Protection and Heritage Council, Australian Health Ministers Conference
- R. Irwin
- Rouch
- Rouch
- S. R. Smith
- Song
- Standards Australia
- Standards Australia
- Tchobanoglous
- US EPA: US Environmental Protection Agency
- WHO: World Health Organization
- WHO: World Health Organization
- Zaleski
- Publication venue
- 'IWA Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Incorporating perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAA) into a geochemical index for improved delineation of legacy landfill impacts on groundwater
- Author
- APHA (American Public Health Association)
- Appelo
- Baun
- Benskin
- Bhalla
- Bjerg
- Bolton
- BOM (Bureau of Meteorology)
- CendĂłn
- Christensen
- Cozzarelli
- Dames and Moore
- DELWP (Department of Environment Land, Water and Planning)
- EPA (Environment Protection Authority) Victoria
- EPA (Environment Protection Authority) Victoria
- Eschauzier
- Fuertes
- Gallen
- Gallen
- Golder Associates
- Hamer
- Hamid
- Han
- Han
- Hepburn
- Hepburn
- Holdgate
- ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
- Kjeldsen
- Kjeldsen
- Kotval
- Lane Consulting
- Lee
- Lema
- Masoner
- Mukherjee
- Mulvey
- Naveen
- Neilson
- Peng
- Porowska
- Regadio
- Reimann
- Samadder
- Siegel
- Tadros
- UN (United Nations)
- USEPA (United States Environment Protection Agency)
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Delineation of contaminant sources and denitrification using isotopes of nitrate near a wastewater treatment plant in peri-urban settings
- Author
- Aravena
- Balestrini
- Changkakoti
- Choi
- Currell
- Durka
- Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria
- Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria
- Esmaeili
- Fernández
- Fukada
- Graham
- Grant
- Gutierrez
- Han
- Heaton
- Holdgate
- Iqbal
- Irwin
- Jensen
- Kaown
- Karr
- Kaushal
- Keeler
- Kellman
- Kendall
- Kendall
- Komor
- Kuypers
- Leonard
- Panno
- Rao
- Reimann
- Rivett
- Robertson
- Sanchez
- Santos
- Scanlon
- Seiler
- Seo
- Smil
- Stewart
- Valiente
- Vystavna
- Wang
- Wells
- Widory
- WMIS (Water Measurement Information System) of the Department of Environment Land, Water and Planning, Victorian Government
- Wong
- Wu
- Xue
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Environmental reporting in Australia: current practices and issues for the future
- Author
- Australian Business
- Australian National Audit Office (ANAO)
- Australian National Audit Office (ANAO)
- Bubna-Litic
- Burritt
- Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth of Australia
- Commonwealth of Australia
- Frost
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
- New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (NSW EPA)
- Schaltegger
- Victoria Public Accounts and Estimates Committee
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2002
- Field of study
Waste management and co-product recovery in red and white meat processing
- Author
- Aguilar
- Aharoni
- Alves
- Apple
- Avery
- Belkot
- Bisson
- Bonafacci
- Bref
- Cabeza
- Casani
- Chang
- Clark
- Cornell Waste Management Institute
- Daigle
- Dailloux
- Duarte
- El
- El-Sayed
- Epa (Environment Protection Authority) Victoria
- European Commission
- Fernandez-Gines
- Frost & Sullivan
- Frost & Sullivan
- Frost & Sullivan
- Garcia
- Gomez-Juarez
- Hellgren
- James
- Jarmoluk
- Jeng
- Kalac
- Katayama
- Kikuchi
- Klemesrud
- Knaus
- Korhonen
- Kuroda
- Lee
- Liang
- Linder
- Liu
- Mandal
- Marggrander
- Mavrov
- Mcneil
- Melendo
- Miller
- Ohba
- Osburn
- Osburn
- Park
- Pizl
- Prabhu
- Rangel
- Ritter
- Rodas
- Rogov
- Salminen
- Sharma
- Silva
- Teschemacher
- UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)
- Vymazal
- Wang
- World Bank Group
- Xiong
- Yamamoto
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
A review of Australian approaches for monitoring, assessing and reporting estuarine condition: I. International context and evaluation criteria
- Author
- Adams
- Ali
- Arundel
- Atkins
- Aubry
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Barbier
- Barnard
- Barrett
- Barton
- Beeton
- Birk
- Birk
- Borja
- Borja
- Borja
- Borja
- Borja
- Borja
- Borja
- Borja
- Borja
- Borja
- Borja
- Bricker
- Bricker
- Carstensen
- CES VIC—Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Victoria
- Chris S. Hallett
- Cilliers
- CRMSW—Coastal Research and Monitoring Strategy Workgroup
- Dale
- de Jonge
- Dennison
- Devlin
- DWAF—Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
- DĂaz
- EEA—European Environment Agency
- Elliott
- Elliott
- Elliott
- Elliott
- EPA WA—Environmental Protection Authority Western Australia
- Ferreira
- Fiona Valesini
- Gibson
- Gillanders
- Hajkowicz
- Hallett
- Hallett
- Harrison
- Harrison
- Heap
- Heiskanen
- Hering
- Hirst
- Hobday
- Imperial
- Irvine
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jordan
- Karr
- Kennish
- Kopf
- LCREP—Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership
- Lepage
- Lindenmayer
- Lotze
- Lough
- Lovett
- McLusky
- McLusky
- Mee
- Mike Elliott
- Moss
- Moss
- Mount
- Murray
- NLWRA—National Land and Water Resources Audit
- NLWRA—National Land and Water Resources Audit
- NLWRA—National Land and Water Resources Audit
- NRMMC—Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council
- NRMMC—Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council
- NSW EPA—New South Wales Environment Protection Authority
- Pantus
- Perissinotto
- Poikane
- Potter
- PĂ©rez-DomĂnguez
- Rapport
- Rapport
- Reyjol
- Sheaves
- Silberstein
- State of the Environment Committee
- Statham
- Teixera
- Tett
- Uriarte
- US EPA—United States Environmental Protection Agency
- Van Niekerk
- Ward
- Weisberg
- Williams
- Wolanski
- Wolanski
- Worm
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Potential for using municipal solid waste as a resource for bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS)
- Author
- Aaron
- Abu-Zahra
- Adaptation of the Paris agreement
- Afval Energie Bedrijf
- Alie
- Amoo
- Analyses E.E
- Australian Department of The Environment and Energy
- Australian Department of the Environment and Energy
- AVR: Driven
- Barlaz
- Bogner
- Bosmans
- Bracmort
- Chum
- Clean Energy Council
- Department of Climate Change
- Department of Industry Innovation, Climate Change, Science Research and Tertiary Education
- Edenhofer
- Environment Protection Authority
- Finley
- Fisher
- Forbes
- Gasser
- Global CCS Institute
- Goedkoop
- Gollakota
- Granatstein
- Grant
- Held
- Hooper
- Hooper
- Hooper
- Hoornweg
- Huang
- International Energy Agency (IEA)
- IRP Technical advisory committee
- Kemper
- Kemper
- Kolstad
- Koornneef
- Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP)
- Leung
- Li
- Lin
- Lin
- Liu
- Lorel
- McGlashan
- Metz
- Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
- Morin
- Municipal engineering foundation of Victoria: ISWA Congress Rome
- Nasim Pour
- Niskanen
- Paul A. Webley
- Peter J. Cook
- Pipatti
- Pour
- Powell
- Randell
- Renouf
- Roth
- Salvatore
- Sawin
- Smith
- Soltani
- Stocker
- Stucley
- Svensson
- The World Bank
- The World Bank - ESMAP
- U.S. Environmental Protecion Agency
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- US Energy Information Administration
- Van Kolken Banister
- Vassilev
- Weidema
- Wilson
- Wong
- World Energy Council
- Yassin
- Youcai
- Zhao
- Zoelle
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A cleaner production-pollution prevention based framework for construction site induced water pollution
- Author
- Ab Rahman
- Ahmad
- Aird
- Akay
- Al-Ani
- Amaratunga
- Apipattanavis
- Arulmozhi
- Auckland Regional Council
- Barrett
- Basri
- Basu
- Beighley
- Belayutham
- Bowen
- Brown
- Bröchner
- Burton
- CerdĂ
- Chen
- Chen
- Cheung
- Chou
- Claytor
- Cleveland
- Co
- Cole
- Cole
- Davis
- Department of Environmental Resources
- Department of Irrigation and Drainage
- Dharmappa
- Ding
- Dong
- Eisakhani
- Elo
- Environment Protection Authority
- EPA Division
- EPA Victoria
- Faucette
- Fernie
- Fernández
- Figueiredo Gallardo
- Freeman
- Fuertes
- Gangolells
- Gangolells
- Glass
- GlaviÄŤ
- Goodemote
- Harbor
- Hare
- Hendrickson
- Hilson
- Hinman
- Houser
- Ismail
- Jabareen
- Jia
- Kaufman
- Ke
- King
- Kohtala
- Kucukvar
- Laufer
- Lavers
- LID Centre
- Maniquiz
- Marshal
- Marzouk
- McNeill
- Metzler
- Millet
- Petticrew
- Pudasaini
- Randrup
- Ren
- Shaver
- Sheila Belayutham
- Shen
- Shen
- Sloat
- Song
- Stechemesser
- Tak Wing Yiu
- Tam
- Torraco
- Toy
- Trenouth
- Tsai
- Van Berkel
- Veal
- Viana
- Vicente A. González
- Weese
- Whetten
- White
- Wilson
- Wing
- Witheridge
- Wolff
- Wu
- Yao
- Yates
- Yi
- Yin
- Zhang
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Aguilera
- Air Resource Board California Environmental Projection Agency
- Altshuler
- Asia-Pacific Region Environmental Committee
- Asian Development Bank
- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation
- Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
- Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO)
- Babisch
- Bala
- Barbosa
- Becin
- Berlin
- Berlin
- Berlin
- Berlin
- Berlin Senate
- Berlin Senate
- Berlin Senate Ministry for Agriculture, Environment and Spatial Planning of Brandenburg
- Berlin Statistical Office
- Berlin Statistical Office
- Beutler
- Binnenbruck
- Birk
- BMV (Ministry of Transport)
- Bonsall
- Bose
- Bose
- Bovy
- Breinessl
- Britton
- Brog
- Brown
- Buchanan
- Bureau of Public Roads Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
- Bureau of Transport Economics (BTE)
- Bureau of Transportation Statistics
- Bureau of Transportation Statistics
- Business Age
- BUWAL (Federal Agency for Environment Forests and Landscape)
- Carson
- Center of Pollution Research and Measures
- Central environment Council
- Central Environment Council
- Central Statistical Office Budapest and Pest County Directorate
- Cervero
- Cervero
- Chen
- City of Nagoya Transport Bureau
- City of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire County Council
- City of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire County Council
- Clean Energy Nepal
- Commission of the European Communities (CEC)
- Comune di Roma
- Comune di Roma
- Comune di Roma Dipartimento Politiche Ambientali e Agricole
- Comune di Roma Dipartimento VII Politiche della MobilitĂ
- Contaldi
- Coombe
- Corporate Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center
- Curtis
- Cusset
- Cusset
- Cusset
- Cusset
- Dalian Environment Protection Bureau
- Dalian Statistic Bureau
- Dargay
- Dargay
- Dargay
- Dargay
- Daugherty
- de Bruyn
- Department for Transport
- Department of Land Transport
- Department of Land Transport
- Dodgson
- Dunn
- DuPont
- Edmundo
- Ehrhart
- Emberger
- Emberger
- Energy Conservation Centre
- Energy Information Administration
- Engineering and Safety Department Road Transport Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
- Environment Agency of Japan
- European Commission
- European Commission
- European Commission
- European Commission
- European Environmental Agency (EEA)
- European Environmental Agency (EEA)
- Fabian
- Faiz
- Faiz
- Finegold
- Fitzroy
- Flavin
- Gakenheimer
- Gallez
- Garcia
- Gerçek
- Gerçek
- Gillespie
- Giuliano
- Giuliano
- Giuliano
- Giuliano
- Giuliano
- Gomez-Ibanez
- Goodwin
- Goodwin
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Graham
- Graham
- Greater London Council (GLC)
- Grieco
- Grieving
- Grubb
- Gwilliam
- Hai
- Hai
- Hepworth
- Hervick
- Hidalgo
- Hillman
- Holland
- Hunt
- Huzayyin
- Huzayyin
- Huzayyin
- Ingram
- Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITPD)
- Institute for Transportation Engineers (ITE)
- Institute for Transportation Engineers (ITE)
- Institution of Highways and Transportation (IHT)
- Institution of Highways and Transportation (IHT)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- International Energy Agency (IEA)
- International Energy Agency (IEA)
- International Road Federation
- International Road Federation
- Ising
- Iwai
- IWW/ifeu/KuP PĂ–U and PTV
- Jackson
- Jacobson
- Janicke
- Jansen
- Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- Japan Society for Air Pollution
- Japan Transport Cooperation Agency and Ministry of Transport
- Japan Transport Economics Center
- Jopson
- Jraiw
- Kapp
- Kato
- Kimura
- Kloas
- Kojima
- Korver
- Kutter
- Kuznets
- Land Transportation Office
- Larssen
- Larssen
- Lathrop
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Leibenstein
- Lents
- Lepeltier
- Lorenz
- Lyons
- Maschke
- Maschke
- May
- May
- May
- May
- May
- May
- McCormick
- Menon
- Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)
- Metschies
- Midgley
- Mikasa
- Mikasa
- Ministero dell'Ambiente
- Ministry of Construction and Transport
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Environment (MOE)
- Ministry of Environment (MOE)
- Ministry of Environment (MOE)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT)
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT)
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport Government of Japan (MLIT)
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport Government of Japan (MLIT)
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport Government of Japan (MLIT)
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport Government of Japan (MLIT)
- Ministry of Population and Environment (MOPE)
- Ministry of Population and Environment (MOPE)
- Ministry of Population and Environment (MOPE)
- Ministry of Public management Home affairs, Post and Telecommunications (MPHPT)
- Ministry of Transport
- Ministry of Transport (MOT)
- Monezuma
- Monheim
- Monigl
- Monigl
- Mouri
- Muller
- Musgrave
- Musso
- MĂĽller
- Nadakavukaren
- Nagoya City Government
- Nagoya City Government
- Nagoya City Government
- Nagoya City Government
- Nagoya City Government
- Nakamura
- Nash
- National Research Council
- National Research Council
- National Research Council
- Nepal Environmental and Scientific Services (NESS)
- Neus
- Newman
- Newman
- Nicolas
- Nicolas
- Nivola
- North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
- O'Flaherty
- O'Ryan
- O'Ryan
- O'Ryan
- OECD Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
- Office of Technology Assessment
- Office of Transportation Technologies
- Orski
- Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center
- Pacific Consultants International and Japan International Cooperation Agency
- Partnership for Clean Air
- Penalosa
- Phang
- Pisarsky
- Pizarro
- Planning
- Pollution Control Department
- Pollution Control Department
- Pollution Control Department
- Prospects
- Prozzi
- Prozzi
- Pucher
- Pucher
- Rabinovitch
- Rabinovitch
- Radermacher
- Richards
- Rosetti
- Routledge
- Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution
- Russam
- S.A. EPA
- S.A. Minister for Transport
- Sagawa Express Co. Ltd.
- Saitz
- Salomon
- Salon
- Samuelson
- Sapporo Convention Bureau
- Sathaye
- Sathaye
- Sato
- Schade
- Schafer
- Schafer
- Schipper
- Schipper
- Schipper
- Schneller
- Schomer
- Scientific
- SecretarĂa de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno del Distrito Federal
- SecretarĂa de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
- SecretarĂa de Tránsito y Vialidad del Gobierno del Distrito Federal
- Shell International
- Shibata
- Shiomi
- Small
- Social Exclusion Unit
- Society for the Study of Environmental Protection
- Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE)
- Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE)
- South Coast Air Quality Management District
- Sperling
- Sperling
- Stadt Umwelt Senatsverwaltung fĂĽr Stadtentwicklung
- Standing
- Standing Advisory Committee on Trunk Road Assessment (SACTRA)
- State
- Taniguchi
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Technical University of Istanbul
- Tembele
- Tiwari
- Tokyo Metropolitan Government Environmental Bureau
- Toyota Motor Corporation
- Transport
- Transport and Travel Research Ltd
- Transport for London (TfL)
- Transportation Research Board
- Transportation Research Institute Tsinghua University
- Turco
- Turok
- Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive
- U.S.
- U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE)
- U.S. Department of Energy Energy Information Administration
- U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT)
- U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT)
- U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- UK Office of National Statistics
- Union International des Transport Publics (UITP)
- Union International des Transports Publics (UITP)
- Union International des Transports Publics (UITP)
- United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
- United Nations (UN)
- United Nations (UN)
- United Nations (UN)
- United Nations (UN)
- United Nations (UN)
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
- United Nations Population Division Department of Economic and Social Affairs
- Urban Transportation Fact Book
- Vasconcellos
- Victoria Transport Policy Institute (VTPI)
- Viegas
- Villarin
- Vuchic
- Wakamatsu
- Webster
- Wegener
- Wendell Cox Consultancy
- Wenzel
- Westerman
- White
- Willoughby
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wohlgemuth
- Wold Bank
- Wolf
- World
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
- World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Resources Institute (WRI)
- World Resources Institute United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environmental Programme and World Bank
- WorldBank
- Yai
- Zahavi
- Zhou
- Zhou
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study