276 research outputs found

    Vesicle shrinkage in hydrous phonolitic melt during cooling

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    The ascent of hydrous magma prior to volcanic eruptions is largely driven by the formation of H2O vesicles and their subsequent growth upon further decompression. Porosity controls buoyancy as well as vesicle coalescence and percolation, and is important when identifying the differences between equilibrium or disequilibrium degassing from textural analysis of eruptive products. Decompression experiments are routinely used to simulate magma ascent. Samples exposed to high temperature (T) and pressure (P) are decompressed and rapidly cooled to ambient T for analysis. During cooling, fluid vesicles may shrink due to decrease of the molar volume of H2O and by resorption of H2O back into the melt driven by solubility increase with decreasing T at P < 300 MPa. Here, we quantify the extent to which vesicles shrink during cooling, using a series of decompression experiments with hydrous phonolitic melt (5.3–3.3 wt% H2O, T between 1323 and 1373 K, decompressed from 200 to 110–20 MPa). Most samples degassed at near-equilibrium conditions during decompression. However, the porosities of quenched samples are significantly lower than expected equilibrium porosities prior to cooling. At a cooling rate of 44 K·s−1, the fictive temperature Tf, where vesicle shrinkage stops, is up to 200 K above the glass transition temperature (Tg), Furthermore, decreasing cooling rate enhances vesicles shrinkage. We assess the implications of these findings on previous experimental degassing studies using phonolitic melt, and highlight the importance of correctly interpreting experimental porosity data, before any comparison to natural volcanic ejecta can be attempted

    The Evolution of Paleo-Porosity in Basalts: Reversing Pore-Filling Mechanisms Using X-Ray Computed Tomography

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    Often carrying a high-volume fraction of vesicles, basaltic rocks can be an important reservoir horizon in petroleum systems, and are considered an excellent candidate for CO2 storage by in situ mineral trapping. The frequency of amygdaloidal basalts in many sequences highlights the prevalence of mineralisation, but when the vesicle network has been filled, the basalts can act as impermeable seals and traps. Characterising the spatial and temporal evolution of the porosity and permeability is critical to understanding the petro-physical properties and CO2 storage potential of basalts. We exploit X-ray computed tomography (XCT) to investigate the precipitation history of an amygdaloidal basalt containing a pore-connecting micro fracture network now partially filled by calcite as an analogue for CO2 mineral trapping in a vesicular basalt. The fracture network likely represents a preferential pathway for CO2-rich fluids during mineralisation. We investigate and quantify the evolution of basalt porosity and permeability during pore-filling calcite precipitation by applying novel numerical erosion techniques to “back-strip” the calcite from the amygdales and fracture networks. We provide a semi-quantitative technique for defining reservoir potential and quality through time and understanding sub-surface flow and storage. We found that permeability evolution is dependent on the precipitation mechanism and rates, as well as on the presence of micro fracture networks, and that once the precipitation is sufficient to close off all pores, permeability reaches values that are controlled by the micro fracture network. These results prompt further studies to determine CO2 mineral trapping mechanisms in amygdaloidal basalts as analogues for CO2 injections in basalt formations

    Seismo‐Mechanical Response of Anisotropic Rocks Under Hydraulic Fracture Conditions: New Experimental Insights

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    Unconventional hydrocarbon resources found across the world are driving a renewed interest in mudrock hydraulic fracturing methods. However, given the difficulty in safely measuring the various controlling factors in a natural environment, considerable challenges remain in understanding the fracture process. To investigate, we report a new laboratory study that simulates hydraulic fracturing using a conventional triaxial apparatus. We show that fracture orientation is primarily controlled by external stress conditions and the inherent rock anisotropy and fabric are critical in governing fracture initiation, propagation, and geometry. We use anisotropic Nash Point Shale (NPS) from the early Jurassic with high elastic P wave anisotropy (56%) and mechanical tensile anisotropy (60%), and highly anisotropic (cemented) Crab Orchard Sandstone with P wave/tensile anisotropies of 12% and 14%, respectively. Initiation of tensile fracture requires 36 MPa for NPS at 1‐km simulated depth and 32 MPa for Crab Orchard Sandstone, in both cases with cross‐bedding favorable orientated. When unfavorably orientated, this increases to 58 MPa for NPS at 800‐m simulated depth, far higher as fractures must now traverse cross‐bedding. We record a swarm of acoustic emission activity, which exhibits spectral power peaks at 600 and 100 kHz suggesting primary fracture and fluid‐rock resonance, respectively. The onset of the acoustic emission data precedes the dynamic instability of the fracture by 0.02 s, which scales to ~20 s for ~100‐m size fractures. We conclude that a monitoring system could become not only a forecasting tool but also a means to control the fracking process to prevent avoidable seismic events

    A systematic study of element mobilisation from gas shales during hydraulic fracturing

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    The large quantities of wastewater produced throughout the lifetime of a shale gas well can contain heavy metals and other regulated potentially toxic elements. These can be mobilised from the target formation by some of the additives present in the hydraulic fracturing fluids (HFF). High levels of inorganic geogenic chemicals may pose a hazard to the environment through accidental releases such as spills of untreated wastewater. The concentration of mobilised elements and the hazard they pose is uncertain and is likely dependant on the chemical agents used in HFF, groundwater composition and the trace element content of targeted shale gas formation. Laboratory protocols were developed to investigate the release of inorganic contaminants of potential concern (e.g. As, Co, Cu, Pb, Se) from shale gas formations around the world. Powdered rock samples were leached for up to 360 hours at elevated temperature (80°C) and a range of pressures (1-200 bar), with synthetic HFF and synthetic groundwater (SGW). Elemental concentrations released into solution were generally much higher in the HFF leachates than in the SGW treatments, indicating that the chemical additives in the HFF influenced element mobilisation. SEM and EDX images show substantial mineral etching and precipitation of secondary phases on shale chips leached for 360 hours with HFF at 80°C and ~180 bar when compared to the SGW experiment. Time-series data also show evidence of mineral dissolution and subsequent precipitation of new phases, which resulted in sequestration of a number of trace elements that were initially mobilised into the solution. We also observed that the carbonate content of the unreacted shale sample had a strong control on the final pH of the HFF leachates. This study shows that additives can enhance the release of geogenic chemicals, but also that subsequent precipitation within the fracture system could limit ultimate release to surface

    Feeding a city – Leicester as a case study of the importance of allotments for horticultural production in the UK

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    The process of urbanization has detached a large proportion of the global population from involvement with food production. However, there has been a resurgence in interest in urban agriculture and there is widespread recognition by policy-makers of its potential contribution to food security. Despite this, there is little data on urban agricultural production by non-commercial small-scale growers. We combine citizen science data for self-provisioning crop yields with field-mapping and GIS-based analysis of allotments in Leicester, UK, to provide an estimate of allotment fruit and vegetable production at a city-scale. In addition, we examine city-scale changes in allotment land provision on potential crop production over the past century. The average area of individual allotment plots used to grow crops was 52%. Per unit area yields for the majority of crops grown in allotments were similar to those of UK commercial horticulture. We estimate city-wide allotment production of >1200 t of fruit and vegetables and 200 t of potatoes per annum, equivalent to feeding >8500 people. If the 13% of plots that are completely uncultivated were used this could increase production to >1400 t per annum, feeding ~10,000 people, however this production may not be located in areas where there is greatest need for increased access to fresh fruits and vegetables. The citywide contribution of allotment cultivation peaked in the 1950s when 475 ha of land was allotments, compared to 97 ha currently. This suggests a decline from >45,000 to <10,000 of people fed per annum. We demonstrate that urban allotments make a small but important contribution to the fruit and vegetable diet of a UK city. However, further urban population expansion will exert increasing development pressure on allotment land. Policy-makers should both protect allotments within cities, and embed urban agricultural land within future developments to improve local food security

    Multi-scale quantification of leaching performance using X-ray tomography

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    The performance of heap leaching is dictated by a large number of processes acting at a wide range of length scales. One important scale is that of the individual particles, where the interaction between the rate kinetics at the surfaces of the individual mineral grains and the mass transport through the particle combine to give the overall apparent particle scale kinetics. It has been recognised for a long time that variability in the mineralogy, size and spatial distribution of the mineral grains within the particle are likely to have a large effect on the leach performance and its variability and thus, ultimately, the performance of the heap. In this paper a new method for quantifying this behaviour and its variability at scales from the particle through to the grain and down to the surface kinetics is presented. This method is based on the use of a series of XMT (also called micro-CT) images of a column taken at regular intervals over 168 days of leaching. The key development in the analysis of this data is an algorithm that has allowed every single one of the hundreds of thousands of mineral grains within the column to be individually tracked across all the time points as they undergo dissolution. This has allowed the dependency of the mineral grain leach rate on its size and position in the particle to be decoupled from one another. It also meant that the variability in the surface kinetics of the grains could be assessed, with mineralogical variability being the key source of this variability. We demonstrate that understanding and quantifying this underlying kinetic variability is important as it has a major impact on the time evolution of the average kinetics of the leaching

    Vesiculation and Quenching During Surtseyan Eruptions at Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcano, Tonga

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    Surtseyan eruptions are shallow to emergent subaqueous explosive eruptions that owe much of their characteristic behavior to the interaction of magma with water. The difference in thermal properties between water and air affects the cooling and postfragmentation vesiculation processes in magma erupted into the water column. Here we study the vesiculation and cooling processes during the 2009 and 2014–2015 Surtseyan eruptions of Hunga Tonga‐Hunga Ha'apai volcano by combining 2‐D and 3‐D vesicle‐scale analyses of lapilli and bombs and numerical thermal modeling. Most of the lapilli and bombs show gradual textural variations from rim to core. The vesicle connectivity in the lapilli and bombs increases with vesicularity from fully isolated to completely connected and also increases from rim to core in transitional clasts. We interpret the gradual textural variations and the connectivity‐vesicularity relationships as the result of postfragmentation bubble growth and coalescence interrupted at different stages by quenching in water. The measured vesicle size distributions are bimodal with a population of small and large vesicles. We interpret this bimodality as the result of two nucleation events, one prefragmentation with the nucleation and growth of large bubbles and one postfragmentation with nucleation of small vesicles. We link the thermal model with the textural variations in the clasts—showing a dependence on particle size, Leidenfrost effect, and initial melt temperature. In particular, the cooling profiles in the bombs are consistent with the gradual textural variations from rim to core in the clasts, likely caused by variations in time available for vesiculation before quenching

    Application of non-HDL cholesterol for population-based cardiovascular risk stratification: results from the Multinational Cardiovascular Risk Consortium.

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    BACKGROUND: The relevance of blood lipid concentrations to long-term incidence of cardiovascular disease and the relevance of lipid-lowering therapy for cardiovascular disease outcomes is unclear. We investigated the cardiovascular disease risk associated with the full spectrum of bloodstream non-HDL cholesterol concentrations. We also created an easy-to-use tool to estimate the long-term probabilities for a cardiovascular disease event associated with non-HDL cholesterol and modelled its risk reduction by lipid-lowering treatment. METHODS: In this risk-evaluation and risk-modelling study, we used Multinational Cardiovascular Risk Consortium data from 19 countries across Europe, Australia, and North America. Individuals without prevalent cardiovascular disease at baseline and with robust available data on cardiovascular disease outcomes were included. The primary composite endpoint of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease was defined as the occurrence of the coronary heart disease event or ischaemic stroke. Sex-specific multivariable analyses were computed using non-HDL cholesterol categories according to the European guideline thresholds, adjusted for age, sex, cohort, and classical modifiable cardiovascular risk factors. In a derivation and validation design, we created a tool to estimate the probabilities of a cardiovascular disease event by the age of 75 years, dependent on age, sex, and risk factors, and the associated modelled risk reduction, assuming a 50% reduction of non-HDL cholesterol. FINDINGS: Of the 524 444 individuals in the 44 cohorts in the Consortium database, we identified 398 846 individuals belonging to 38 cohorts (184 055 [48·7%] women; median age 51·0 years [IQR 40·7-59·7]). 199 415 individuals were included in the derivation cohort (91 786 [48·4%] women) and 199 431 (92 269 [49·1%] women) in the validation cohort. During a maximum follow-up of 43·6 years (median 13·5 years, IQR 7·0-20·1), 54 542 cardiovascular endpoints occurred. Incidence curve analyses showed progressively higher 30-year cardiovascular disease event-rates for increasing non-HDL cholesterol categories (from 7·7% for non-HDL cholesterol <2·6 mmol/L to 33·7% for ≄5·7 mmol/L in women and from 12·8% to 43·6% in men; p<0·0001). Multivariable adjusted Cox models with non-HDL cholesterol lower than 2·6 mmol/L as reference showed an increase in the association between non-HDL cholesterol concentration and cardiovascular disease for both sexes (from hazard ratio 1·1, 95% CI 1·0-1·3 for non-HDL cholesterol 2·6 to <3·7 mmol/L to 1·9, 1·6-2·2 for ≄5·7 mmol/L in women and from 1·1, 1·0-1·3 to 2·3, 2·0-2·5 in men). The derived tool allowed the estimation of cardiovascular disease event probabilities specific for non-HDL cholesterol with high comparability between the derivation and validation cohorts as reflected by smooth calibration curves analyses and a root mean square error lower than 1% for the estimated probabilities of cardiovascular disease. A 50% reduction of non-HDL cholesterol concentrations was associated with reduced risk of a cardiovascular disease event by the age of 75 years, and this risk reduction was greater the earlier cholesterol concentrations were reduced. INTERPRETATION: Non-HDL cholesterol concentrations in blood are strongly associated with long-term risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. We provide a simple tool for individual long-term risk assessment and the potential benefit of early lipid-lowering intervention. These data could be useful for physician-patient communication about primary prevention strategies. FUNDING: EU Framework Programme, UK Medical Research Council, and German Centre for Cardiovascular Research

    Search for displaced vertices arising from decays of new heavy particles in 7 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS

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    We present the results of a search for new, heavy particles that decay at a significant distance from their production point into a final state containing charged hadrons in association with a high-momentum muon. The search is conducted in a pp-collision data sample with a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and an integrated luminosity of 33 pb^-1 collected in 2010 by the ATLAS detector operating at the Large Hadron Collider. Production of such particles is expected in various scenarios of physics beyond the standard model. We observe no signal and place limits on the production cross-section of supersymmetric particles in an R-parity-violating scenario as a function of the neutralino lifetime. Limits are presented for different squark and neutralino masses, enabling extension of the limits to a variety of other models.Comment: 8 pages plus author list (20 pages total), 8 figures, 1 table, final version to appear in Physics Letters
